of his disciples. He assumed his glorified body. But his body, though glorified, though wondrously changed, and shining like lightning, was yet recognised by his followers, who never in all their amazement and confusion entertained a doubt of his identity. And so let us assume that it will be with us. "This corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality 1."-" Flesh and blood may not inherit the kingdom of God." A great and glorious change may have taken place; and yet there shall be sufficient traces of identity to declare each to the other, and to reunite those bonds of love, in the dissolution of which "the sting of death" was felt to be sharpest, and "the victory of the grave" most complete. I shall not hesitate, therefore, to apply to our own case the crowning comfort to be learned under the walls of Nain. "He that was dead sat up, and began to speak and he delivered him to his 11 Cor. xv. 53. mother." Would it not be destructive of the simple, but most pathetic eloquence of this passage, to offer one word in elucidation of it?—To attempt a delineation of the joyous ecstacies of the mother, would it not be to disparage feelings which only a mother can entertain, and only a mother so situated can appreciate? I will make no such vain attempt, my brethren. But I will entreat not only all mothers, but all those who have been weeping for the dead, to appropriate the comfort to be drawn from the scene we are now beholding. "He that was dead sat up, and began to speak." Out of the depth of your present distress, look forward, ye mourners, to that glorious day, when you shall once again hear the voice, which you now bewail as if it were silent for ever. Shall hear it-not choked with sobs, not inaudible from feebleness, not incoherent from delirium; but clear, loud, eloquent, hymning praises and hallelujahs unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Look forward to that day when the features on which you were wont to dwell with so much fondness and affection, but which are now defiled by the worm, and defaced by corruption,-shall once more glad your eyes--not pale with disease, not distorted with agony, not convulsed and contracted by the throes of death,—but calm, serene, blissful,—radiant with the beauty of angels, and crowned with the glory of the seraphim. Neither doubt ye, that ye shall receive personal gratification from their happiness, and from the renewed interchange of purified and exalted affection. "He that was dead sat up, and began to speak: and he delivered him to his mother." And so we humbly, but confidently hope, that Jesus will, in those happy mansions which he hath prepared for those that love him, deliver the child to the parent, the husband to the wife, the brother to the sister, the friend to the friend-till the whole glorified assembly, happy in themselves, happy in each other, happy in the society of the great and good of all ages and countries-but far above all, su premely happy in the immediate presence of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, shall unite with rapture in the new song,'" saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing." Yea! even so be it, Lord, from this time forth for evermore. Amen. 1 Rev. v. 12. SERMON IV. INTEREST IN LITTLE CHILDREN TURNED TO CHRISTIAN ACCOUNT. Matt. xviii. 2, 3. And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. WE may assume, perhaps, without much hesitation, that there is no individual (whose heart and affections are not utterly depraved) who does not take some interest in children. This I believe to be a feeling which is not bounded by the narrow limits of connection or relationship, but is extended, though of course in different degrees of intensity, to childhood gene |