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Heaven itself shall exclaim with admiration, that Love alone can stamp the last impress of beauty upon the soul.

The bride,dressed in simple white-fit emblem of her purity—almost seemed,in her transcendant beauty, a being of another world-the world of poets and of enthusiasts, She realized those creations of the artist's fancy, which,roaming through ideal realms, seeks to create a model which shall uuite in itself the perfections of all that his eye had ever seen or his thoughts imagined. But why those downcast eyes, where anxious sadness seems to reign? why that solemu face, that unhappy look at a time when all should be bright and happy?— and though the pensive shade of melancholy thrown over beauty's face adds much to its attractions, yet surely the bridal eve is not the time to indulge in thoughts which give it rise. She should be happy; she has the chosen one beside her, to whom she is about to pledge her life-long troth. But it may be thoughts of the important step she is about to take, that has dimmed the usual brilliance of those bright eyes; or else the affectionate yearnings of her heart after the home she is on the point of leaving for. ever, that has diffused the care-worn look over her laughing face. So perhaps thought those to whom the circumstance gave food for reflection. But there was one present upon that occasion, who had made that bride a study; who could read deep into her very soul; whom long and close observation had enabled to interpret the lights and shadows as they flitted across her brow, and to read in her eye-the mirror of the soul-the pas sing thoughts which hovered in her mind. It was my friend, and he gave a different interpretation to the troubled brow, and the anxious face.Gladly had the truth been known, would Flora have withdrawn from her place as a bride, and taken back her promises to the groom; for she now felt that she had never loved and could never love him, and bitterly repented the hasty impulse which had accepted his addresses. As she stood there, about to assume new ties and to cut asunder the associations which bound her to home and to the days of youth, the great solemnity of the step she was taking came in all its deep importance upon the mind. Well indeed might she be serions, and her countenance thoughtful: she was upon the eve of that era in woman's life, when leaving behind her the happiness and the known delights of home, she trusts her future weal to the keeping of a stranger. Important indeed is such a step, even when taken with one in whom our happiness is centred, and who possesses our full and trusting confidence; whose affection stim. ulates our hopes, and pours its healing balm into the wounds cansed by the severing of old and hallowed associations. But Flora scarcely dared jook forward to the future. She knew that she was leaving true and faithful bearts to which she had clung from childhood, exchanging them for uncertain happiness with one who already began

to seem repulsive to her. Unhappy girl! that such thoughts should crowd thy mind while the myrtle wreath binds thy brow, and at a time when thine eye should beam nought but confidence, faith and deep devotion in him with whom thy lot in life will soon be cast. Look not around the careless throng who have assembled to witness thy espousal, for consolation or for sympathy: posessing no thoughts in common with their own they know not the unspeakable agony within thy beart. The only countenance which seems to participate in thy unhappiness, is the one in yonder corner, from whence glance eyes whose deep piercing gaze is felt within thy inmost soul. And yet thou durst not seek sweet sympathy there, for that couutenance revives thoughts and recol lections which another's bride should not recall, and which add to the misery of thy heart,

The vow was spoken. The holy man raised his hands in benediction above the heads of the beautiful pair, and as he invoked the blessing of Heaven upon the future life of the wedded ones, hot tears coursed down the cheeks of the lovely bride. Unhappy tears! Her heart denied the promises which her lips had uttered: she had called upon the God of heaven to bear witness to the falsity of her vows to cherish and to love, and in the presence of sorrowing angels, whose tears

if angels weep-fell thick and fast, had involved a soul-until then unstained-in the deep dark crime of moral perjury. Rests Heaven's blessing upon a union such as this ?—


Interesting Narative

Of the Capture, Adventures, Sufferings &c., of
Major GAINES and BORLAND's party in Mexico.

We abridge the account from the New Orleans
Dilla, July 16:

There arrived yesterday in our city, by the schooner Home from Tampico, John Swigert, John Scott, W Holeman of Capt. Milam's company of Kentucky cavalry, P. Tunk, of Capt. Pennington's and W. B. Denowitz, of Captain Heady's company, all of whom belong to the command of Major Gaines, which was captured last February near Encarnacion by a large Mexican force under Gen. Minon.

From Mr. SwIGERT we learned the following particulars:

Messrs. Gaines and Borland with three companies of Kentucky and Arkansas Cavalry, were out on a scouting party. It was thought that there were small bodies of the enemy's cavalry prowling about the country, but no one had the slightest apprehension that a large force could be

so near Gen. Wool's camp.

Major Gaines having joined Borland at a rancho near Encarnacion, the two commands went into quarters for the night, after posting sentinels house in which they were encamped. some distance in advance and on the top of the That night, the officers, who, tired by a very long march, and laid down to sleep, were several times aroused by the alarms of the sentinel, y declared he saw an armed Mexican approac the rancho. But the sentinels on the top house declared they could see nothing, and the man who gave the alarm, wes treated a rather

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cho to the tane of the Cracovienne, and seemed, like the cat with its little victim, to be sporting with their captive before they destroyed him

nervous and dreaming individual. The officers thereupon retired again to their blankets, but had scarcely fallen asleep, when they were aroused by another alarm from the sentinel, who declared An officer with an interpreter and white flag that he had again seen an armed Mexican, and was sent to Major Gaines to demand his unconhad pulled trigger on him, but his gun being wet, ditional surrender. "Never," replied the gallant the cap did not explode. Other alarms were also American. "Then no quarters will be given," given by other sentinels picketed some distance remarked the Mexican. "Very well," exclaimed from the rancho. The night was now waning Capt. Clay; "remember the Alamo; before we fast. It was very dark and misty. The officers surrender on such terms, more than five hundred bestirred themselves, and aroused the men, pre-of your yellow-bellied scoundrels shall be left to pared to meet an attack, thinking that the enemy bleach on yonder plains." consisted of a force of four or five hundred, which Major Gaines had already been in pursuit of, and which he considered a force about equal to his


Our men were all collected on the top of that rancho, with their guns ready for action, full of courage and zeal, and warmly desirous of a handsome brush with the enemy. The morn broke slowly. The mist hung heavily around them, and although they could hear very plainly the approach of horsemen, they could see nothing. At last the light began to break through the mist, immediately in their front, and the faint outline of a strong body of armed horsemen was perceptible in the distance. And as the mist rolled and gathered into huge clouds, and gently ascended toward the neighboring heights, it revealed, with most painful distinctness, a whole regiment of splendidly equipped Mexican lancers drawn up in line of battle, and occupying a commanding position within three hundred yards of the raucho occupied by Major Gaines's party.

Undauntedly surveying and counting this strong force before them, our men prepared for action, crying out, "Oh there are only six hundred of them-it's a fair fight and we'll see it out!" But, stop! Look on the right as the mists leave that side of the rancho, there is another regiment, just as strong as that in front.

"Well," cried a stalwart Kentuckian, who kept all the while a bright eye on his long rifle, "this is coming it rather strong: the thing looks serious, most decidedly: but I reckon we can lick a thousand Greasers, and throw in two hundred for good measure." "Can't we?" was the unanimous cry of the party.

But "Oh cracky," cried the tall sergeant, "here's more of the varmints." And there sure enough on their left was another regiment about six hundred strong, whose bright helmets, flaming pennons and showy uniforms, loomed out con spicuously in the dark horizon. And there too, just a few hundred yards in their rear, was still another regiment. Thus was this small party of one hundred and twenty Americans entirely surrounded by a Mexican force of about three thousand cavalry, the finest in the country and commanded by one of their best officers.

Major Gaines ordered his bugler to blow with all his might the American charge, and directed the men to follow up the blast with three loud | cheers. The order was cheerfully and heartily obeyed. The Mexicans, who were advancing upon the raucho, were so awed by the loud yells and terrific huzzas of our boys, that they halted, and looked at our little band in mute terror an. astonishment that so small a party could make such a tremendous noise. "Give them three times three," cried out Cas ius M. Clay, and the huzzas were prolonged to the full complement until they made the welkin ring for miles around, and so frightened the Mexic ns that their Geu., to prevent his men from running away, had to order his fine brass band to strike up the Polka, and to wheel his men into column and put them on the march. In open order and with military precision the Mexicans marched around the ran

It was finally agreed that Major Gaines should have an interview with Gen. Minou. From him the Major received very courteous treament, and was assured that in surrendering himself and his party, they would be treated with all the consideration of prisoners of war.

Capt. Henrie, whose name is familiar to all who have read the stirring history of Texan warfare and adventure, was very anxious for a fight, and strongly dissuaded Maj. Gaines from surrendering. He told the men to count their bullets, and if they had one for every two Mexicans, it was a fair game, and he would go it. He also cautioned them to hit the Mexicans below their beards, that they might frighten off the others by their groans, and to give them as much misery as possible. One of the Mexican officers, recognizing him, cried out in Spanish, "I shall have the pleasure of your company to the city of Mexico, Capt. Henrie !" "Excuse me, senor I generally choose my own company," replied the cool and courtly captain.

It was the second day after their capture that Maj. Gaines's high spirited mare showing considerable restlessness, the Major requested Capt. Henrie, who is a famous rider of the Jack Hays school, to "mount her and take off the wire edge of her spirit." The captain did so, and riding up to Capt. Clay, carelessly remarked, "Clay, 1 am going to make a burst." The Mexican commander, half suspecting his design, placed additional forces at the head and rear of the column of lancers within which the prisoners were placed, and rode himself by the side of Henrie, who would pace up and down the line, cracking jokes with the boys, and firing up the spirit of the mare by various ingenious manœuvres. At last, Henrie, seeing a favorable opportunity, plunged his spurs deep into the sides of the noble blood, and rushing against and knocking down three or four of the mustangs with their lancers, started off in full view of the whole party, at a rate of speed equal to the best time that Boston or Fashion ever made. After him rushed a dozen well mounted lancers, who, firing their escopetas at him, started off in full pursuit. But it was no race at all-the Kentucky blood was too much for the mustang. The lancers were soon distanced, and the last view they got of Henrie, he was flying up a steep mountain, waving his white handkerchief, and crying out in a voice which echoed afar off through the valley, Adios, senores-adios, senores!"

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After many narrow escapes from the enemy, and starvation, and after losing his noble mare, Henrie arrived safely at our camp, and gave the first authentic intelligence of the capture of Majors Gaines' and Borland's party.

In the rear of the Mexican army the prisoners met Capt. Riley, with his company of deserters from the American army. He had already eighty or ninety men, who constituted the main artillery for the army, and said he was picking up more every day. He made a great effort to persuade some of the prisoners to join him, promising them as much land and money as they wanted. It is unnecessary to say that the traitor's proposals

were received by our gallant volunteers with scorn and contempt. The prisoners were much gratified to hear some time afterward, in the Carcel St. Jago, that Capt. Riley's company was cut all to pieces and but twenty ever returned to the city of Mexico. This twenty, together with other American deserters, who had escaped from our army at Tampico and Vera Cruz, became so disorderly and unruly in their habits that they were ordered out of the city, and on their way, were attacked by a large Mexican force and all put to the sword.

On the first of March the prisoners arrived within nine miles of the city of Mexico, when the colonel in command of the guard received orders to retain them at the place where he was until the revolution, which was then raging in the city, had abated. But the revolution continuing longer than was expected, the prisoners were marched into the city on the night of the 5th of March, and were lodged in the secure prison fortress of San Jago, in the society of all the principal malefactors and convicts of Mexico, and a more rascally, filthy and villainous set were never before congregated.

Proposals were made by both of the parties to our prisoners to release them if they would fight on their side. The Mexicans had heard of the skill of our riflemen, and they believed that it was only necessary for the prisoners to join either party, to secure its success in the strife then going on in the city. But our boys preferred looking on, like the old woman in the fight between her husband and the bear, not caring a copper which whipped.

In the midst of the revolution the first news of the battle of Buena Vista reached the city. There was a great ringing of bells, and much rejoicing on account of the joyful tidings. Bad news travels fast, and the prisoners were soon informed by Mexicans of the total rout and capture of Gen. Taylor's whole army, the death of Gen. Butler, and several of our most distinguished officers.-Although but little disposed to rely on Mexican stories there was such an air of probability about this report that the prisoners were forced to give it some credence, and were overwhelmed with grief and mortification by the disastrous result.— But soon other stories were circulated, conflicting statements were given, all tending to throw doubt upon the story of Santa Anna's splendid triumph. At last the hurried despatch of the Mexican general was received, and the notes of rejoicing in the city subsided perceptibly. A copy of this despatch was thrown down, by means of a twine string, from the reom where the officers were confined to the main court yard, where the men were, and was eagerly and joyously perused by them. It was evident that Gen. Santa Anna had sustained a decided repulse, and the prisoners could not restrain their exulta ion, but gave it relief in three loud cheers, which startled the inmates of the prison, and brought the Governor down upon them, in the greatest terror and perturbation.

evergreens, the luscious fruit, the teeming crops, the springs of cool water, gushing from the mountain side, the myriads of richly colored and variegated birds, the delightful variety of mountains and valleys, rendered the journey of the long-imprisoned Americans one of great interest and pleasure.

They were well treated by the officer who conducted them, and generally by the people of the towns through which they passed. There are, however, some exceptions to this remark. At the large mining town of Rio del Monte, the people assaulted the prisoners with stones, and would have murdered them, if the English residents had not interfered and protected them. For this generous and humane conduct of the English the prisoners express their great gratitude and thankfulness. After a long journey of two hundred miles, the prisoners arrived at the town of Huejutla, where they were received very kindly by Gen, Garay, and were allowed twenty-five cents a day for their support.

He there detained the prisoners some weeks but getting restless and impatient, several of them escaped out of the town and proceeded on their way to Tampico. The five who arrived here in the Home got safely into Tampico. Four others, who escaped before them, were retaken and carried back to Huejutla. One of the same party and two others of another party also arrived at Tampico. The five who are now in our city started from Huejutla in the night, armed with their jack-knives and one case-knife among the five. They had to travel chiefly at night, and avoided all towns and ranches. On one occasion, in attempting to go round a town of some size, they took a ravine, and suddenly found themselves in the very center of it.

They assumed, however, a very easy and indifferent carriage, and passed by the guard house where there were several soldiers lounging about. The soldier on guard cried out who goes there,' in Spanish, but the men, carelessly answering amigos, amigos,' kept on their course and got safely out of the town.

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Near Tampico they come suddedly upon a ranche, where were fifteen or twenty Mexicans, all armed with that formidable weapon, the lariat. Seeing that they were noted, the Americans walked boldly up to the Mexicans and commenced making signs to them of their friendly intentions. The Mexicans looked very threateningly, and seemed to be adjusting their lariats for immediate use, but the Americans showed their knives, and were permitted to proceed on their journey.

After many trials and sufferings, the prisoners at last arrived within sight of Tampico. The joy which filled their hearts, as they saw the noble banner of our Union, with its broad stripes and bright stars, waving from the lofty flag staff of Tampico, can be better imagined than described.

PARASOLS IN THE DRAWING-ROOM.-The introduction of gas-lights into private houses has Although the men suffered considerably from been taken advantage of by the ladies, whe under the want of exercise and bad diet, their health was protest against the glare and dazzling uncomforgenerally good, and but one man died of their tableness of such bright lights, deliberately spread whole number since they were captured. After parasol in an evening soiree, and, (incidental adthey had been in prison three months, the prison-vantage) converse under and behind the same ers were told that they had been exchanged and very agreeably. A pink parasol judiciously held would be sent to Tampico. Their officers, how-between a lady's face and a gas burner, throws a ever, were not allowed to see them, but they tender, roseate hue over the complexion, and can were told they would join them in a few days. be dexterously maneuvered, of course, to curThey were then put in charge of a colonel and tail an annoying perspective, or furnish glances twenty lancers, and proceeded on their journey in effective monopoly to the privileged. The toward Tampico. The country through which Arts do not seem to have fallen behind the Scithey passed for four or five days was beautiful, ences in the march of improvement!-Home and highly cultivated. The dark foliage of the Journal.

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Above we present to our readers an exquisite engraving, comprising the four principal views of the Great Cataract, drawn from nature by F. SOWERBY and engraved by F. P. BUTLER, a young artist recently established here. The engraving was executed for Messrs. WHITNEY, JERAULD & Co., of the celebrated CATARACT HOUSE, Niagara Falls, to whose courtesy we are indebted for its use, it being a copy-right work. The top view is a representation of the entire Falls as seen from the river's edge on the Canada side, near the Ferry. The view on the left is the " American Fall" taken from below, near the railway to the Ferry. The centre view, a most beautiful and correct one, is taken from the " Hog's Back" on Goat Island, looking down the river, showing part of the "Centre Cascade," the "American Falls," "Luna Island," etc. The view on the right will be readily recognized as taken from below" Table Rock," and shows the spot where visiters usually enter to go behind the great sheet. Together the picture presents a complete epitome

of this great wonder of nature, and reflects much credit upon the artists, as well as upon the spirit of the proprietors of the CATARACT HOUSE, who have caused this beautiful embellishment to be prepared for the adornment of their letter-sheets, bills of fare, cards, etc., thus enabling all who visit their house to carry away with them a striking and faithful memento of their visit.

One word for the CATARACT HOUSE itself.Probably there is no hotel in the country, of more extensive dimensions, better accommodations, or with more gentlemanly and obliging hosts. The house, itself, with its well ventilated corridors and elegantly furnished apartments, forms one of the objects of attraction. Its fish-ponds, cold and warm baths, splendid parlors, dining-rooms, and its admirable cuisine, all present a most agreeable aspect to the sojourner there, after a day's ramble among the romantic and sublime. The visitors the present season have far outnumbered those of any previous one, and just now the falls are fully thronged.

For the Western Literary Messenger. The Butterfly.

Do not yet depart : .

Dead times revive in thee.-WORDSWORTH.

Gay sporter in the summer air,

In careless circles flitting,

Of dancing Childhood, free from care,
An emblem how befitting!

I gaze on thee with rapt delight,
For back in fancy carried,
While links of broken years unite,
My heart to joy is married.

The friends that formed the merry ring
In Youth's delightful measures,
To Memory's hand in fondness eling,
Like troops of laughing Pleasures.

The radiant scenes of early years,
The glorious, the enchanted,
Arise to view, mid gushing tears.
With rainbow hues still haunted.

And lost awhile to manly toils.

The Present's high beseeming, My spirit, pleased with Memory's spoils, Is mid them sweetly dreaming.

O linger long, thou sporter gay,
To nurse the golden vision;

For, tarrying here, thou lead'st the way
Still on through fields Elysian.

But thou art gone! and ab, like thee
The blissful dream has vanished;
The cherished friends of infancy,
Like exiled ones, are banished.

Like them and the, I soon depart,
Though where? to what dominions? —
O grant me, GOD! a sinless heart,
And guide and nerve my pinions.


Rural Department.

Rotation of Crops.

There is living in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, on the banks of the Lehigh, a very aged man, whose success in falling upon a system of rotation, by which he could obtain the greatest possible yield of wheat, in a given term of years, has caused it to be generally adopted in that fertile region. It is called Sheimer's system, after the discoverer, Jacob Sheimer, whom I had the curiosity to visit at his most substantial homestead some years ago, and from whom I obtained the following account:

When a young man, with a large family of children growing around him, and dependent on him for support, he plainly perceived that under rude practice then existing, he would not be able to maintain them. He had thought over his difficulties while following his plough, and at length he determined upon his plan, which followed up without faltering, has conducted him in the decline of life to ease and affluence.

When I saw him he had resigned the active duties of his farm to his son, who was following in his footsteps; after having himself practised his system of rotation for thirty-five years, with a constant improvement in the quality of his land, which indeed had the unmistakable stamp of fertility upon it.

The farm contained one hundred acres, which was divided as nearly as possible into eight fields of 12 1-2 acres; each of which was carried through an eight years rotation.

Commencing with a fallow field, he

1st year. Manured and limed ; ploughed three times, in May, June and August; harrowed and seeded one bushel and three pecks per acre of wheat, which was ploughed under.

2d. Clover seed sown on wheat in the spring, six quarts to the acre, which was pastured after harvest.

3d. Pastured clover in the spring, one bushel per acre; cut in June, and ploughed under second crop, and seeded again with wheat.

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5th. Pastured early in the season, ploughed under second crop in August, and sowed wheat. 6th. Wheat again, and rye sowed on stubble. 7th. Sowed clover seed in the spring on rye. 8th. Ploughed under the clover sod and planted corn; and next season recommenced.

It will be observed that there was every year three fields in wheat, one with rye, one with corn, two with clover, and one fallow. The produce had one season reached as high as 1,400 bushels of wheat, 600 bushels of corn, and 400 bushels of rye.-Hon. Morris Longstreth's Address.

SALT FOR HAY.--Salt is good to preserve hay, (says the Boston Cultivator,) but, if farmers are not cautions, they will use too much for this purpose for the health of their animals. We have several times shown that animals have been in. jured, and that they have died, in consequence of using hay that was salted freely in order to keep it. Some use a half bushel, and others a bushel to the ton; but a peck is too much, as no animal having constantly a full supply of salt by free access to it, would eat a peck of salt while consuming a ton of hay. Four quarts to the ton is as much as animals will generally eat consuming a ton of hay. Coarse hay and bushes may be salted at the rate of a peck to the ton, if cattle are fed on it occasionally, and in the intervals fed on hay not salted.

MASTER AND MAN.-What an important relation is that of master and man! How it pervades the world; ascending from the lowest gradation of planter and slave, through the states of master and servant, landlord and laborer, manufacturer and artisan, till it comes to the higher degrees of rule which one cultivated man has to exercise over another, in the performance of the greatest functions. See, throughout, what difficulties and temptations encumber this relation. How boundless is the field of thought which it opens to us! how infinite the duties which it contains! how complete an exercise it is for the whole faculties of man! Observe what wretchedness is caused by a misunderstanding of this relation in domestic matters. See the selfish carelessness of those around them of men not ill-intentioned, nor unkind, perhaps, in their dealing with the world in general, but lamentably unfit for the management of a house. Then observe the effects of similar mismanagement in dealing with a country.Look at the listless loiterers about a town; you would naturally say to yourself, "Surely this people have done all that there can be for them to do." You walk out of the town, and find the adjacent fields as listlesslooking and neglected as the men themselves. Think what a want there must be of masters of labor, that those hands and these weeds are not brought into closer contactThe Claim of Labor.

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