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noisette rose, white, with a delicate creamy tint at the heart. The face trimmings were a white lily, with velvet leaves on one side, and a cluster of snow-drops on the other, with full ruches of pure white blonde.

Large Cloaks are fast coming into vogue, and at least four inches have been added to the style of last year. Grey cloaks, trimmed with velvet, are among the most distinguished garments introduced by Molyneux Bell, 58 Canal st., whose superior styles we can heartily recommend. One of them, very generally admired, we have illustrated. A novelty has appeared in this establishment within the last month, at once dashing and elegant. It is a jacket composed of scarlet cloth, edged with black, called an Independent. A coquettish-like jacket is placed on each side the skirts, and it is worn with or without an elastic belt, as the wearer fancies. Over a muslin morning-dress this pretty garment is worn with charming effect, the color giving brilliancy to the complexion and brightness to the eyes. Other colors, such as grey, black, and brown, are used, but we prefer the warm tint.

In opera cloaks, Bell has produced marvels of beauty. A Talma of white merino, made sufficiently wide to form flowing sleeves, has been adopted by our most fashionable belles. It has a border, half a foot deep, of blue moire antique, with a heading of blue and white moss trimming. The lin

ing is of white and blue silk, delicately quilted. A charming little round hood is cut into quarters, and lined with blue satin; and the lappets thus produced are terminated with blue tassels, and directly on the back of the hood is a rich bow and streamers of blue satin ribbon, with a similar ornament in front.

We illustrated some beautiful garments of fur last month from the spacious warerooms of Backus, Osborne, & Co., 51 and 53 Maiden Lane. Since then, we have seen a superb talma, got up at this establishment, which surpasses any. thing of the kind that we have seen this season. It is intended for a carriage dress, or to serve in place of an opera cloak. The ermine is of that snowy fur of which the Emperor of Russia selects every tenth skin as the perquisite of royalty. White as snow, and as soft in its texture, it is a garment that may well suggest ideas of royal magnificence. The delicate gold tint in which the jet black pendents are embedded, disturb the whiteness of the fur, harmonizing and contrasting, makes the ermine among furs what old point is among laces, always the fashion and always beautiful. The garment in question-which was sold for eight hundred dollars, by the way-had a perfection of finish worthy of the costly material. The lining, of white enam. eled satin, was quilted in a deep border of flowers, and the cord and tassels in front, were superb. Indeed we have

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seen nothing to be compared to this ermine cape, for material and purity of taste during the season.

Mrs. Cripps, 312, formerly 63 Canal St., has favored us with the above stylish design of a bonnet in black velvet. The material is laid on the foundation plain. The crown slopes gently down to the curtain, and is ornamented by a deep fall of Chantilly lace, which is arranged with considerable fullness, and mingled with clusters of black ostrich plumes. On the right side, the plumes extend over the curtain, and are headed by a small cluster of black velvet flowers and leaves. The curtain is of velvet, enriched by a narrow band of jet. The face trimmings consist of a small cap of black blonde, interspersed with scarlet velvet flowers, velvet and crape leaves, and fine green spray, tipped with coral. Broad strings of scarlet and black velvet ribbon, divided into narrow stripes.

Coiffure from PARKER'S, 439 Broadway.

We give this month a most beautiful style for dressing the hair, composed by that inimitable artist, Barker, 439 Broadway. The back-hair is arranged in a broad, upright loop, finished in a braid at the neck. On each side are broad, flat braids, arranged in bows which, with the loops already described, form a superb cluster bow. The front hair is arranged in double bandeaux, which sweep down from the centre of the head, curving under the ear in rich waves. Between the bandeaux and the forehead are rich masses of boucle de neige, or snow curls, which cluster in graceful profusion between the bandeaux, and overshadowing the forehead; a couronne of hair, in the form of a Grecian braid, passes over the head, and is lost among the bandeaux and curls on each side. A wreath of scarlet poppies, mingled with frizzed feathers, and all gracefully between the bandeaux and back hair, dropping trails of scarlet or snow down.

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The above rich and chaste cloak was selected from the ware-rooms of Mr. Bell, 58 Canal St. The form is one of the most graceful introduced this season, being that of a large-sized shawl composed of the richest Genoa velvet. The back is rather more than a yard in depth, and the fronts are of corresponding length. The decorations are in keeping with the rich material; a row of guipure lace, six inches wide, surrounds the entire garment; the lower edge is wrought in deep scallops, enriched by light, graceful leaves, forming a wreath which encircles the entire edge; from

the scallops, descends a heavy fall of fringe, nearly as wide as the lace; a narrow border of jet forms a rich heading to the lace, and gives an air of richness to the garment. The neck is finished with a medium-sized collar, forming points in front and back, to correspond with the body of the garment; a border of lace and fringe, headed by a narrow border of jet, forms a finish to the edge. A narrow border of guipure and jet surrounds the neck, and extends down the fronts. The lining is of heavy Turk satin, quilted in a double diamond pattern.

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GENERAL HARRINGTON had no power to comfort the poor creature at his feet. More deeply moved than he had been for years, the strangeness of his own feelings paralyzed his action. But the hand to which Lina

clung grew cold in her grasp, and over his face stole an expression of sadness, the more touching because so foreign to its usual apathy.

"Father-oh, my heart breaks with the word-are Entered according to Act of ongress. in the year 1856, by ANN S. STEPHENS in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the U. S., for the Southern District of New York.

you indeed my father?" cried Lina, lifting her pale face | cast upon the charity of the dear lady my birth has upward and sweeping her hair back with a desperate wronged. motion of the hand.

General Harrington arose, and advancing toward

"Poor child-poor child!" muttered the old man Lina, took her hands in his. The poor little hands compassionately. quivered like wounded birds in his clasp, and she lifted her eyes with a piteous and pleading look that no human heart could have withstood.

"What can I do? what shall I do? It will kill me! It will kill us both. Oh, Ralph, Ralph, if I had but died yesterday!" cried the poor girl, attempting to rise, but falling back again with a fresh burst of grief.

The old man stood gazing upon her, striving to harden his heart-striving to compose the unusual tremor of his nerves, but all in vain. Sorrow, regret, and something almost like remorse smote him to.the soul, for he had once been a man of strong passions, and the ice of his selfishness again broken up, the turbid waters rose and swelled in his bosom, with a power that all the force of habit could not resist. He bent down and lifted the girl from his feet, trembling slightly, and with a touch of pity in his voice.

"It is useless and foolish to take the matter in this manner, child."

"Child!" Lina shuddered at the word. She shrunk away from his hand, arising without his help, and staggered backward with a feeling of unutterable repulsion.

He saw the quiver of pain in her features, and his soul hardened once more. She had not met the feeling of tenderness, so new, and, for the moment, so exquisite to himself, and it withered away like a hot-house blos


"This is a new and strange relation to us both," he said, seating himself, and regarding her gravely. "Of course it involves many important and painful questions. Up to this day you have been to Mrs. Harrington and myself a daughter in everything but the name !"

Lina wrung her hands, wildly moaning: "That name! Oh, heavens! how can I bear that name unless he should have given it to me. Now, now-just as it sounded so sweet, it separates us for ever. This unholy name of child!"

General Harrington moved in his chair with a gesture of annoyance, but Lina, growing still more impassioned, came toward him, weaving her small hands impetuously together.

"You are my father-God forgive you! But there is yet another to curse or bless me with her claimswhere and whom is my mother? Is Mrs. Harrington indeed the parent she has always seemed to me?" The General waved his hand with a dissenting gesture.

"Do not question me upon a subject that must be painful to us both. This is no time to answer you."

"No time, when you uproot every hope of my life and present a future black with improbable things? Up to this day, that dear lady was enough. I had no desire to ask about father or mother. They told me I was an orphan, and I was content to accept an orphan's destiny, and be overlooked by all the world, if the dear ones under this roof only loved me. I had no other place on earth, and now, what am I?-an impostor,

"Ah! you are trying me? It isn't true?" she said, with a gleam of hope and a hysterical sob.

"No! it is all real, far too real Lina! Do not deceive yourself. I would not wound you thus for an aimless experiment. You are indeed my child!” "Your child, really-really your own child? Oh, I cannot understand it! Ralph-my brother, Ralph!” Lina started as if some new pang had struck her, and then drew away her hands with a gesture of passionate grief.

"Ralph, my own brother, and older than I am, for he is older-oh, this is terrible."

"You will see," said General Harrington, speaking in a composed voice, that seemed like a mockery of her passionate accents-" you will see by this how necessary it is that what I have told you should be kept secret from my wife and child. Your peculiar relations with my son rendered it imperative, and I have intrusted you with a secret of terrible importance. You can imagine what the consequences would be, were your relationship to myself made known."

"I will not tell. Oh! thank God, I need not tell!" cried Lina wildly; "but then, Ralph ?—what will he think-how will he act? Ralph, Ralph-my brother! Oh, if I had but died on the threshold of this room!"

"Be comforted," said the General, in his usual bland voice, for the scene had begun to weary him. “You will soon get used to the new position of things."

"But who will explain to Ralph? What can I say? how can I act? He will not know."

Ralph is a very young man. He will go into the world, and see more of society. This is his first fancy -I will take care that he is more occupied. The world is full of beautiful women.' 99

Lina turned deadly pale. This cruel speech struck her to the soul.

The old man saw it, but worldly philosophy made him ruthless. "I will crush the boy out of her heart," he said, inly, “to be rude here is to be merciful."

"You must forget Ralph," he said, and his voice partook of the hardness of his thoughts.

"I cannot forget," answered the girl, with a faint moan, "but I will strive to remember that—that he is my brother!"

The last words came to her lips almost in a cry. She shuddered all over, and the name of brother broke from her with a pang, as if her heart-strings snapped with the utterance.

"Can I go away?" she said at last, creeping like a a wounded fawn slowly to the door.

"Not yet," answered the old man. "You must first comprehend the great necessity there is for composure and silence. Not a word of this must be breathed under my roof now or ever. My own tranquillity and

that of Mrs. Harrington are at stake, to say nothing of | be soothed; at this rate, we shall have the whole house your own. I have told you a momentous secret. Let in commotion. Lina, my child, make an effort to be it be sacred." calm. Look up, I am not angry with you!"

"Oh! the terrible burden of this secret! Must I carry it for ever? Even now I go out from your presence like a guilty thing, and yet I am not guilty."

The old man was so encased and wrapped in selflove, that he really believed his own severe words had alone dashed the strength from those young limbs, and that a little gentle encouragement would make all right again. So, stooping downward, he laid his soft, white hand upon Lina's head, as the last words were uttered; and, when this failed, made an effort to lift her from the floor. But the leaden weight of utter insensibility rendered more effort necessary, and, at

"No one was talking of guilt, I imagine," answered the General, with a slight flush of the forehead. "The whole thing is certainly an annoyance, and in one sense, a misfortune, perhaps. But guilt is an unfeminine word, and I regret that you could have used it." Lina wrung her hands in desperation. "I could not help it. This misery has found me so last really frightened, he arose and lifted the insensible unprepared." girl in his arms.

"Misery! Indeed, young lady, it seems to me that few women would consider it so great an evil to have the blood of a Harrington in her veins," said the General, stung in the inner depths of his vanity by her words, and losing all pity in his wounded self-love.

"But I am a Harrington without a name—a daughter without parent—a beggar upon the charity of one to whom my existence is an insult! Would you have me grateful for this?" cried Lina, with all the grief and fire of her young nature in arms against the coldblooded composure of the man who so quietly called her


"I would have you prudent, silent, and at all events, more lady-like in your expressions; with well-bred people, a scene is always revolting, and it pains me that a daughter of mine can be led into the intemperance of action and speech that has marked this interview.

That moment, as her pale face lay upon his bosom, and her loosened hair fell in floods over his arm, the door softly opened, and Agnes Barker looked in. "Did you ring, General? I heard a bell ring somewhere."

"No, I did not ring, young lady," answered General Harrington, sharply, "but this young lady has been over-fatigued someway, or was taken suddenly ill as I was speaking of her studies."

A faint smile crept over Agnes' lips, but she checked it in an instant, and moved forward with an air of gentle interest.

"She has studied very hard of late, no wonder her strength gave way," suggested Agnes, softly smoothing the hair back from Lina's forehead.

There seemed to be fascination in the movement of those treacherous fingers, for they had scarcely touched her brow, when Lina started to life with a shudder, as if the rattlesnake of the hill had sprung upon her unawares.

The General glanced with a look of cool criticism at the excited girl as he spoke. Her pale, tearful face, the dishevelled masses of golden hair falling upon her shoulders, and the almost crouching attitude that a sudden Casting one wild look upon the female, and another sense of shame had left her in, outraged his fastidious upon the General, she drew from his arm, with a sensataste, and the old habits of a life swept over his new-tion of loathing that made her faint again. born tenderness. Feeling, if not elegantly expressed, always shocked the old gentleman, and for the moment, shame and tears had swept Lina's beauty all away. She might have been picturesque to an artist, but General Harrington was not an artist-only a fastidious, selfish old man, whose eyes always led what little of heart he possessed. "Can I go, sir? I am faint-the room is growing poor girl stole away, to weep over her new-born dark. I wish, sir, I—I”

The poor girl attempted to move toward the door, as she uttered this broken protestation; but the sight utterly left her eyes-and, instead of the entrance, she tottered toward the General, with her hands extended as if to catch at some support, and fell forward, resting her poor white face upon the folds of his Oriental dressing gown that fell around his feet.

"This is very embarrassing," muttered the General, jerking the gorgeous folds of his gown from beneath the head of his child, and scattering her hair, in a thousand golden rays, over the floor. "What is to be done now? I suppose the religious people would call this sowing dragon's teeth with a vengeance. I wish the girl had more coolness; there is no managing events against weak nerves and hysterics-but she must

"Let me go to my room-I must be alone!" she said, with a hand pressed upon either .temple. "The air of this place drives me frantic: so close-so dreary—so— so

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She moved away, wavering in her walk, but making faint motions with her hand, as if to repel all assistance. Thus faint, pale, and almost broken-hearted, the


"She seems very ill," said Agnes, softly, "very ill!" "You have allowed her studies to prey upon her health," said General Harrington, seating himself and fixing his cold, clear eyes on the face of his questioner. "I must hereafter more directly superintend her education in person. You will have the goodness to inform Mrs. Harrington of this sudden indisposition."

Agnes changed color. The self-poise of this old man of the world, baffled even her eager curiosity. She had expected that he would desire her to keep the whole scene secret; and when he quietly told her to reveal it to his wife, and took a resenting tone, as if she had herself been the person in fault, her astonishment was extreme. The General saw his advantage, and improved upon it. After softly folding the skirts

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