THE VALUE OF PRESENT MERCIES. II. No. We need not penetrate the wilds of countries hitherto unvisited by civilisation, to ascertain the state of man without revelation. For history has recorded the existence of empires where refinement and luxury attained to a degree not to be surpassed, the seat of arts and science, where are found the relics of elegance and taste, which we in vain emulate. But did these attainments teach men the knowledge of the true God? did they put a constraint upon their actions, or teach them to subdue the motions of the flesh? And so to the Christian, the contemplation of the unmatched advancement in all that the world calls beautiful and grand, made by a people at so early a period, and while all things around them were enveloped in barbarianism, affords him an illustration of the insufficiency of earthly wisdom; for whatever progress may be made by man in a state of nature, however his intellect may expand and unfold before him the wonders of creation around and above him, yet his reason only, and not his heart, is affected by the advance he makes. Knowledge of the head can never purify that fountain from whence "proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornication, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemies, pride, foolishness" (Mark vii. 21, 22.) But after contemplating the state of man even at the height of his intellectual attainments, after seeing that "the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty," surely the Christian must feel a lively grati VOL. VII.NO. CCI. PRICE 1d. tude to Him who alone has made him to differ, who hath graciously "sent out his light and his truth" to guide his footsteps, and "hath called him out of darkness into his marvellous light" (1 Pet. ii. 9.) The state of man is now, living as he may even in countries where the light of the Gospel shines, one of darkness, until he be regenerate and born again by the Holy Spirit; and his condition is equally lamentable and miserable with those who lived before the Christian dispensation, or who have never heard of the glad tidings of the Gospel. Even God himself, his ways, and his providence, are dark and mysterious; and in this condition, miserable indeed, he pursues his voyage on this ocean of life; but how still more miserable his state, should a storm surprise him, and add to the gloominess and blackness of midnight? Shipwreck is dreadful at all times, but how extremely awful when it arrives "when neither sun nor stars are to be seen!" What terror must at such a season fill the minds of the most intrepid, when "tossed with a tempest," and "carried" at one time "up to the heaven, and then down again to the deep," and in fear every moment "lest they should fall into the quicksands!" Such is but a faint sketch of man's condition without the light of revelation; to describe the horrors of such a state, the fears and doubts which must occupy the mind, the troubles of life without the support of the Gospel, would be indeed impossible: enough, however, has been said, in order that the contrast we may draw between the condition of others and our own, may lead us to prize more and more our mercies and privileges, and so possess an increasing gratitude for the [London: Robson, Levey, and Franklyn, 46 St. Martin's Lane.] H H will raise his drooping desires and affections; and they will generate, fructify, and mature all that is good and lovely, to the praise and glory of God. Clouds, however, are often visible on the clearest days; and so the path of the Christian may often be shadowed by adversity; but then, mark the difference be tween the clouds seen when the sun is in the firmament, and those which float at midnight. It has been remarked, that the heaviest and blackest clouds are often gilded; and so the dispensations of Providence, however they may darken the scene around, are sent to accomplish a purpose of love; and as in nature the "clouds drop fatness, and cause the dwellings of the wilderness and the hills to rejoice;" so afflictions are sent "for our profit," and will, if sanctified, produce the end designed; for tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope (Rom. v. 3, 4). The trial of faith worketh patience (James i. 3); and we find this accomplished in the afflictions endured by the Hebrews and by the Thessalonians (Heb. x. 32-34, 2 Thess. i. 4). It is useless, however, to inform persons that are blind, of the glories "light and truth" which God has "sent out" I among us. Here we may trace a resemblance in our own case to that of the children of Israel. For, as they were led by a pillar of a cloud, so also have we a guide which will conduct us safely through the perils of life; a guide which shall never fail us, for no endeavour of man, no scheme, however ingenious, shall be able to extinguish this candle which the Lord God himself hath lighted; storms may arise, and many a tempestuous blast may assail it, but we have God's own word that heaven and earth shall pass away, but that his word shall not pass away (Matt. xxiv. 35). It shall continue to guide, to cheer, and to bring "every believer to God's dwelling." And as in the case of the Israelites, the pillar was by day a cloud, and by night a "fire to give them light;" so in the passage of the Christian, the Bible will be found adapted to all his wants, qualified to meet difficulties and emergencies, and calculated for every situation and circumstance. This pillar precedes us, and therefore, however rough or circuitous the road, it must enlighten the track behind, which we, as Christians, profess to follow. Should we, how-of the sun, and of the cheerful effects he proever, mark out a path for ourselves, and deviate from the straight and narrow way, we shall assuredly meet with difficulties, dangers, and darkness. We have an instance of this in Num. xiv., when the Israelites "presumed to go up unto the hill-top to fight against the Amalekites, when neither the ark of the covenant of the Lord nor Moses departed out of the camp" the consequences of this act of disobedience terminated even as Moses had predicted. That incident was doubtless recorded for our admonition, that we may take warning from their conduct, not to undertake any scheme without being assured of possessing the sanction and presence of God; for should we presume" to act, trusting to our own strength or good resolutions, the event will make us sensible of the folly of our conduct by its sad and certain failure. 66 The Bible is not only "a light" to guide, but it is also a source of consolation. Every one knows the effect on creation which is produced by the first indication of approaching day; every thing seems to awake into fresh life and vigour, and the whole scene wears an aspect of cheerfulness and joy. And so it must be with all who read and believe the Scriptures; the sad and dreary season of nature's darkness rolls gradually away, and the higher the altitude which the Sun of Righteousness gains in the mind of the Christian, the greater will be the effect of his beams on his heart; they will enlighten and cheer his path; they will disperse the mists of doubt and fear which have gathered about his soul; they duces, for they are ignorant of "that thing called light;" and therefore, should we lead them, even at noon-day, over a road thickly strewed with precious stones, they could gain no advantage, for they would pass over and trample them under their feet. This is our situation in regard to the Bible; by nature we are blind, and are little conscious of the rich treasure, far more valuable "than thousands of gold and silver," that lies within our reach. Our constant prayer must therefore be, "Open thou mine eyes, that I may see the wondrous things of thy law" (Ps. cxix. 18); and when this is effected by the Holy Spirit, and not till then, shall we be able to see one truth, however dazzling, or to receive one promise, however consolatory. The Bible is to the carnal mind a sealed book, and Christ and the preaching of the cross foolishness. But this "light," although it is held out to all, will be found to be a guide to those only who can dismiss every other instructor, and place their implicit trust on this blessed book. And so we find that the testimony of the Lord giveth wisdom unto the simple (Ps. xix. 7). And it is to persons of the same character to whom God's word giveth "light and understanding" (Ps. cxix. 130). The blessed assurances that God will set up," "help," "guide in judgment and teach his way," are given to "the meek," and to "such as are gentle " (Ps. cxlvii. 6, cxlix. 4, xxv. 8). It is to the godly that there "ariseth up light in darkness" (Ps. cxii. 4). From such passages we may clearly perceive the 66 state of mind we must possess, if we would | darkness, therefore let us not sleep, but let benefit by God's promises here, or be par- us who are of the day be sober, putting on takers of his happiness hereafter: we must the breast-plate of faith and love, and for a "become as little children" (Matt. xviii. 3), ❘ helmet the hope of salvation" (1 Thess. v.). and follow the "light" which God has given us, without doubts and misgivings. Satan, however, who is ever busy, may endeavour to persuade us that such a light is unnecessary, and that we need nothing. "They that are well," says our Saviour, "need not a physician, but they that are sick." And who can read the history of man without at once discovering that there is not one who is not sick, even unto death? and therefore, their malady, however secretly it may work, must inevitably prove fatal. But, blessed truth, there is a Physician who is willing to save, to the uttermost, all that come unto God by him; and happy are they who feel their need and wretchedness, and who come and humbly implore assistance and recovery at the hands of God, through Christ Jesus. Let those who do not take the Bible as their rule of faith and conduct, who do not obey its commands, listen to its precepts, or take warning from its threatenings, consider seriously their condition, -let them embrace present opportunities, and at once accept the invitation, "Come ye, and walk in the light of the Lord" THOUGHTS ON HISTORICAL PASSAGES OF (Is. ii. 5); forsake the works of darkness, and abandon for ever the fire and "the sparks which ye have kindled, and by which ye walk" (Is. 1. 11); for the night will soon come, and then the door of mercy will be for ever closed. "Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation" (John ix. 4, Matt. xxv. 10, 2 Cor. 6, 2). It is indeed an awful thing to neglect the use of the means whereby we may become wise unto salvation; but let us remember that there is an equal responsibility attached to those who are acquainted with the truths contained in the Scriptures; for then they are conscious of what is required of them, and therefore they are without excuse, if they do not frame their actions by the precepts of God's word. "To whom much is given, of him will much be required;" "the true light now shineth;" and this consideration will lead us to see the irresistible obligation which rests upon us to lead a holy life, and to amend our ways and our doings. "The day," says St. Paul, "is at hand, let us therefore cast off the works of darkness" (Rom. xiii. 12). "Old things are past away, all things must now become new" (2 Cor. v. 17). " Ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of light" (Eph. v. 8). "Put on the armour of light," and " walk as in the day" (Rom. xiii. 12-13.) " Ye are children of the light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of We must "watch and pray," that our religion may not merely consist in profession without practice, or in knowledge without power. And how careful should we be, that our deeds and conversation be not of the nature of darkness; for as the defects of any object, which probably would remain unseen in the dark, are rendered visible by the introduction of light, so our imperfections are more conspicuous to men, and more hateful to God, in proportion to the profession we make of walking in the light. We must test not our actions only, but also our secret thoughts by the standard of God's word. Then, by following this pillar, illumined by the Holy Spirit, we shall at last be rendered meet for the inheritance of the saints in light, through the merits of our Saviour. "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city" (Rev. xxii. 14). S. S. THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT. No. XIII.-The Character and Conversion of Lydia. BY THE REV. JOHN EMRA, M.A. Perpetual Curate of St. Mary's, Redlynch, Somerset. In the 19th chapter of the first book of Kings we have a very remarkable account of a manifestation of the divine glory to the prophet Elijah: "The word of the Lord came to him and said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice." Thus did the Lord manifest himself to his prophet, not addressing him during the roaring of the wind, the fury of the fire, and the awful sound of the earthquake, but speaking to him in "a still small voice," after these his terrific messengers, these "ministers of his which do his pleasure," had passed away. Now, this narrative affords a striking illustration of the Lord's various modes of dealing in the conversion of sinners. "God speaketh once, yea twice," but man "too often regardeth him not." There are two striking accounts related in the 16th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, in which are very forcibly delineated these various modes of the opera tion of divine grace on the heart. Behold the two scenes here described contrasted together. Here we have an account of the conversion of two immortal souls. But how different were the instrumental causes, and the accompanying events of their conversion, although the same Holy Spirit was the agent in the conversion of both! In the case of the jailor, "the Lord was in the earthquake." The • See Acts of the Apostles, xvi. 13-15; and compare the narrative with that of the conversion of the jailor, ver. 23, &c. instrumental cause of that alarm which led to his conversion to the faith of Christ, was not the preaching of the word of salvation. The Holy Spirit made use of the jailor's natural feelings of terror in producing conviction of sin. When "there was suddenly a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and when all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed, the jailor awakening out of his sleep, and seeing the prison-doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled." Ignorant heathen as he was, he knew little about that glorious Being who can "destroy both the body and soul" of the suicide " in hell," and thus make him sensible that human disgrace and the loss of his office might well have been borne rather than the weight of eternal vengeance. "Paul cried aloud, Do thyself no harm; for we are all here. Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, and said, What must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Thus did "the Lord" manifest himself to the jailor "in the earthquake," "turning him from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God." In the case of Lydia the Lord came not in the terrors of the earthquake, but in "a still small voice." All in this narrative is calm and peaceful. The Spirit works powerfully but gently on Lydia's heart. "The dew of the divine blessing" is shed abroad in her soul as softly, yet with as fructifying an influence, as the ripple of the river, by the borders of which she was wont to pray, washed the herbs and flowers on its banks. "On the Sabbath (says the writer of this book, Paul's companion in his apostolical work), we went out of the city by a river-side, where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither." Now there is nothing so heart-stirring, so awakening in the passage of sacred history of which these words form the commencement, as in the narrative of the jailor just referred to; but let us examine it with prayerful attention, and inquire whether there may not be gathered from it many instructive reflections. "And a certain woman, named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us; whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul." Here we read of no remarkable terror and alarm (as in the case of the jailor) preceding faith and trust in Jesus as the only Saviour. All must indeed be sensible of the number and magnitude of their sins, before they can come, weary and heavy-laden, to Christ for rest; but facts, no less than Scripture, prove, that to some the way to the kingdom of heaven is a way of far less spiritual tribulation than to others. Lydia heard, and welcomed "the still small voice of the Gospel," and, with a humble hope that she rightly believed the tidings of salvation just conveyed to her, and a submissive deference to the opinion of her spiritual instructors, whether she were a believer indeed, she said, "If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house and abide there." These traits of character, her humility and distrust of herself, ought not to escape our notice, and will give rise to some further reflections in the sequel. Let us now consider, in the first place, Lydia's previous character, and then her conversion to the faith of Christ. Though we hear but little of Lydia, yet the few particulars of the narrative may lead us to no fanciful, but probably true conjectures, concerning her previous character. It was on the Sabbath-day that Paul and his companions went beyond the walls of the city of Philippi, and entered a house of prayer on the river's side; for the words "where prayer was wont to be made" probably intimate that there was here erected an oratory, or house of prayer: thus when Jesus is said (Luke vi. 12) to have "continued all night in prayer to God," the words literally mean in the oratory of God.* It should seem that at Philippi the Jews had no synagogue, as at many other places visited by the apostles, but an oratory only, or perhaps several of these small and secluded houses of prayer. To this retired place of worship some women were wont to resort: and to these Paul and his companions preached the Gospel. These persons, amongst whom was Lydia, were neither Jews nor were they heathen idolaters. They were worshippers of the one true God. Like Cornelius and the eunuch, they knew and adored the Jehovah of the Jewish people. Of Lydia it is said, that she "worshipped God." Thus, in the 17th chapter of this book, we read that St. Paul disputed in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons; where this expression " devout persons" means the proselytes who had abandoned heathenism for the Jewish faith. We should consider well the character of Lydia previously to her conversion to the Christian faith. She appears to have been as different in point of character and disposition to the other convert mentioned in this chapter, as any two converts to the profession of the Gospel could possibly be. She worshipped the true God; she delighted in prayer; she kept the Jewish sabbath; she met her religious companions Sabbath after Sabbath, and probably daily too, in the retired house of prayer by the water-side; and living, as there seems every reason to conclude she did, in the general tenour of her life, up to the light she had received, "what lacked she yet?" "One thing was needful"-faith in a Saviour yet unknown. Why was Cornelius, that "devout man who feared God with all his house, and prayed to God alway," commanded to send for Peter to tell him what he ought to do? Why was the eunuch (also a worshipper of the true God) to be instructed by Philip ? and why was it needful that Lydia (who "worshipped God," and worshipped him, as there is every reason to believe, "in spirit and in truth") should "attend unto the things that were spoken of Paul?" Because Peter, and Philip, and Paul, were commissioned to proclaim that glorious name of Jesus whereby alone men could be saved. Cornelius, and Lydia, and other pious persons,† "believed in God;" but they could not be saved without "believing also in Christ." They were religious and upright persons; but they were to hear and to attend to the weighty truths, that "all. have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" and that they could not be justified by the works of the law, by their prayers or their almsgivings, but that they must be "justified freely by the grace of God through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the re-1 mission of sins that are past, through the forbearancebu of God." It is not improbable that many others of these "worshippers of God," besides Lydia, were at this time converted to Christ. Lydia only, it is true, is mentioned; but when we consider that very soon the little company of Philippian believers grew into a flourishing Church, we may reasonably conclude that there were those amongst Lydia's companions who • ἐν τῇ προσευχῇ τοῦ θεοῦ. “The Jews, wherever they dwelt, usually had such places, which were open courts, commonly with trees planted near them, and often situated near seas of rivers."-PARKHURST ON προσευχή. † I might here touch upon the deep and mysterious question, the salvation of the heathen, and those who know not Christ. But I forbear. Suflice it to say, that, of the thousands who know not the Gospel, it is to be feared that a vast majority are living in sins which absolutely exclude the perpetrators of them from the kingdom of God; see 1 Cor. vi. 9-11. The context indisputably shews that "the unrighteous," i. e, all the unrighteous heathen or professed Christians, "shall not inherit the kingdom of God." How loud and powerful, then, is the call to preach the Gospel to the heathen! 1, : 1. "attended to the things spoken of Paul." If any of ❘ ness." It is said of the disciples whom Jesus met on them rejected the word of salvation sent unto them, they would do so through a spirit of self-righteousness; and if Lydia had not been influenced by the Holy Spirit, if she had sought to "establish her own righteousness," she would not have welcomed a free and unmerited salvation. She was humble, candid, and teachable; and in her case the promise was fulfilled, "If any one shall do his will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God." She worshipped God as far as she knew him; and (not because her previous good disposition merited more grace-far from us be the unscriptural notion; for what good qualities had she that she had not received from "the Giver of every good and perfect gift?" none!) God was pleased to impart more knowledge and more holiness to her, who possessed some measure of these his gifts before; and at the throne of grace she was met by a God of mercy, and thenceforth taught by his apostle to pray in that Saviour's name, which before she knew not. And do we, who from our childhood have been taught to pray in the all-prevailing name of Jesus, through whom alone our prayers can be answered, pray less frequently, less earnestly, than Cornelius or Lydia, ere they knew that "whatsoever they should ask of the Father in the Son's name should be given them?" and like Lydia and her companions, who met together, apart from the noise and distractions of the city, by the peaceful river's side, are any readers of these pages placed by Providence (for He orders "the bounds of our habitation") in situaations where He appears in an especial manner to be inviting them, and alluring them to hold communion with him, and his glorious and lovely works of creation remind them of him more forcibly than in populous cities, and though the "calm retreats, the silent shades," in which you live, "agree with prayer and praise," do you yet know nothing of the delight of holding communion with God? If you have no enjoy ment in prayer; if you praise not your God and Saviour in the secret devotions of the closet; if the heart-searching God cannot say of you, "Behold, he prayeth," you cannot be fit for the kingdom of heaven -you must be all unmeet for its eternal hallelujahs. It is not "nature" alone, and without the influence of the Holy Spirit, that can "lead us up to nature's God;" to love him and adore him, and devote ourselves to his service as the God of our salvation. No, if it were so, how do we account for the soul-engrossing thoughts of worldly pleasures which follow us into our retirement, and leave us little or no time for the solemn inquiry, Have we, by faith in Christ, and by earnest prayer, secured an interest in the "pleasures that are at God's right hand for evermore," when disease or death shall wrest these much-loved pleasures from us? It is not until thy Spirit, O God, influences our hearts, that quiet and retirement bring with them holy and heavenly thoughts: "But if thy Spirit touch the soul, their way to Emmaus, that "he opened their understandings, that they might understand the Scriptures;" and of Lydia, "that the Lord opened her heart to attend unto the things spoken of Paul." She could not have believed effectually the doctrine of salvation, but for the agency of Divine grace; and her companions, who with her heard the instructions of St. Paul, if they "put away from them the word of life," were inexcusable. Thus far, I conceive, and no farther, are we to proceed in setting forth the doctrines of grace. It is not for us to attempt fully to reconcile man's responsibility, and the constraining power of Divine influence. We must state both truths, and leave them as the Bible leaves them. Is Lydia, St. Paul's first convert at Philippi, safely landed on the shores of heaven? Surely she ascribes it then to God's distinguishing providence and grace, that the apostle ever instructed her in her house of prayer, and that she was enabled by Divine grace to attend to the truths uttered by his lips. And if Lydia's heart, touched before her Christian profession by Almighty grace-or she never could have loved prayer and communion with God-needed the further out-pouring of that sacred influence to cause her to "lay hold of eternal life" by faith in Christ, O, what an energy of Almighty power must be put forth, when the love of sin and of the world's pollutions and vanities close the heart against the reception of "the truth as it is in Jesus!" And now let us briefly note the fruits and effects of the conversion of Lydia. Among other fruits of the Spirit (for in all truly converted persons all the fruits of the Spirit are beginning to abound), we will only note two. First, remark her deep humility: when she was baptised and her household, she said, "If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house and abide there "-if ye, my appointed teachers, ye, the ambassadors of Christ, have judged me to be faithful to the Lord. Mark well her language: she wishes them to decide whether she may be considered a true believer. Imitate her humility, and inquire whether in our age there is as much of that looking up to the ministers of Christ, as there was in the early ages of the Church? Do the members of their flocks consult their ministers, as they might do, as to their spiritual state? Do they apply to them for counsel, and inquire, with Lydia's humility, whether they "judge them to be faithful to the Lord?" Do they come to their ministers, and "open their grief,"* as the Church bids them do, when they are doubtful and perplexed in mind as to attendance at the Lord's table? We mention one instance among many, in which the members of their flocks might come to their duly authorised minister for advice, and stay themselves upon his counsel. Is there not a medium between the implicit reliance of the Romanist on his teacher's assertions, and the unqualified right of private judgment contended for by many in our day? Is there sufficient attention paid to such texts as this? "The priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth." The humility and deference to ministerial authority manifested in Ly But, having briefly reviewed Lydia's previous cha-dia's language have given occasion to these reflections, facter, we must now consider her conversion to the Christian faith, "whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended to the things which were spoken of Paul." And here we are called upon to consider the doctrine of preventing grace, i. e. the grace which first brings the sinner to believe in Christ, a doctrine expressly asserted in this narrative, and echoed back by our Church's articles, prayers, and homilies. We need not pause to inquire, how the Divine grace brings men to believe and repent. Sometimes it should seem that it is exerted on the understanding; at other times, perhaps more frequently, on the heart and affections, inclining men " to receive the truth in the love of it," and thus "with the heart to believe unto righteous which might be pursued much further. But remark, secondly, another fruit of the Spirit,-love of the brethren. It appears from her constraining, earnestly entreating the apostle and his companions to abide at her house, that they had not wished to do so, on the ground of putting her to so much trouble and expense. But she was persuaded by "the mercies of God," to present to him herself and all that she had as "a living sacrifice." She administered to the wants of the apostles, loving them as the people of Christ. "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one towards another." • See first exhortation to the holy communion. |