- ONTEN CONTENTS OF VOL. VII. Taylor, bp. Jeremy, clxxxv. 205; clxxxix. 262; cxci. 287; excii. 302; cxciv. 334; excviii. 390; cc. 423. Turner, Sharon, White, rev. Thomas, clxxxi. 143. Wilberforce, rev. Samuel, Canada (Upper) Clergy Society (Journal of Mr. O'Meara), clxxv. 61. Cathedrals, Benefits of (Selwyn), cc. 421. Child of Light (by the Author of "The Student," &c.), cxc. 267. Church Extension in South Australia, clxxxviii. 245. Church, the, in the Isle of Man (Lord Teignmouth), cxcvi. 359. Church of England Mission in Jerusalem, clxxiv. 44. Church Principles, Duty of maintaining (bp. of Montreal), excvii. Drunkenness (R. Whytehead, esq.), clxxvii. 85. ECCLESIASTICAL INTELLIGENCE (see end of Volume). The New Creation (by the rev. C. Rawlings, A.B.), clxxii. 1; Missionary Exertions (by the rev. R. G. Blenkinsopp, Μ.Α.), Spiritual Influences (by the rev. Edward Young), clxxvi. 65. The Saviour's Abode with his People (by the rev. Pelham Mait- Family Worship (by the rev. J. Rawlings), clxxxi. 137. On the Atonement (by the rev. J. Spence), clxxxii. 145; con- The Knowledge of the Glory of God (by the rev. J. Fawcett), clxxxvii. 217; concluded, clxxxviii. 233. The Believer's Peace, clxxxix. 249; concluded, cxc. 265. The Christian's Law of honouring all Men (by the rev. T. Eng- Divine Revelation (by the rev. T. P. Wright, M.A., Hackney), cxcii. 290. Origin, Nature, and Object of Divine Worship (by Rev. W. G. Moore, M.A.), exciii. 305; concluded, exciv. 321. The Benefits of Church Psalmody, with Hints for its Improve- J. Mellor Browne, M.A.), clxxviii. 91. Adoration of Images (dr. Rudge), cxciv. 332. American Religious Denominations, clxxx. 124. An old Disciple, clxxix. 111. Arabia, Robbers of, clxxvii. 75. Attendance on the Services of Religion (rev. F. D. Maurice), BIOGRAPHY:- Boniface, abp. of Mayence, схс. 270. Butler, Joseph, D.C.L., bp. of Durham, clxxviii. 93. Chase, Philander, D.D., bp. of Illinois, clxxxix. 251; cc. 411. Clement, St. (bp. of Rome), excii. 296; cxciii. 310. Ferrar, Robert, bp. of St. David's, clxxiii. 22. Grahame, rev. James, cxcix. 395. Scougal, rev. Henry, exci. 283. Shute, ven. Josias, B.D, archd. of Colchester, clxxxvi. 210. Thomason, rev. T. T., clxxiv. 38; clxxv. 55. CABINET:-Short Theological Extracts from the following Au- Adam, rev. T., cxciii. 318; excv. 350; cxcvi. 360. Aitchison, Bateman, rev. J., cxcviii. 390; cc. 422. Barrow, dr. Isaac, 246. Dale, rev. Thomas, clxxxv. 205. James, bp., exc. 278. Jeremie, rev. J. A., clxxiv. 46. Lear, archd. cxc. 278. Le Bas, rev. C. W., clxxix. 118; clxxxii. Marsh, bp., clxxvi. 71; cxcii. 302. Marsh, rev. W., exc. 278. Palgrave, Sir F., excix. 407. Pascal, cxcvii. 375. Pearson, Raikes, rev. Henry, clxxxii. 157. Rawlinsen, rev. H., clxxii. 14. Sancroft, abp., clxxxvii. 230. Sandys, abp., excix. 407. Sharp, The Duty of Watchfulness (by the Rev. C. Rawlings), cxcvii. 361. The Study of Prophecy, cxcviii. 577; concluded, cxcix. 393. The Value of Present Mercies, cc. 409; concluded, cci. 425. Female Servants (rev. W. B. M'Kenzie), clxxxv. 205. Fletcher, rev. J. of Madely, cxciv. 333. France a Warning to England (rev. A. W. Brown), clxxix. 117. Gambling and its concomitant Vices:- No. I. Horse-racing, clxxvi. 67. Gifts of God in Nature and Grace (M. A. S. Barber), No. III., Idolatry (dr. Hawley), clxxx. 132. Jansenism, No. I., clxxx. 127; No. II., clxxxiv. 164; No. III., clxxxvii. 229; No. IV. clxxxix. 259. Jehovah of the Jews and the Lord Jesus Christ compared (rev. H. Woodward), cc. 420. Jesuitism, No. VIII. (conclusion), elxxiii. 38. Immanuel, or God with us (Mylne), cxeviii. 378. Invocation of Saints (dr. Rudge), cxcix. 405. Khurta Bhsja (bp. of Calcutta), clxxxiv. 189. Lessons, on the reading of the (Wogan), exciil. 310. Love of God, on the (Rev. H. Woodward), exevii. 373. Mahomedan Slavery (T. F. Buxton, esq.), elxxvi. 70. Man of God (rev. H. Raikes), clxxxiii. 173. Marriage (bp. Taylor), cc. 414. Massacre on St. Bartholomew's Day at Paris, 1572, elxxx. 123; clxxxi. 138. MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS: Advantages of England (Elliot's Travels), clxxxv. 208; Air (Curtis), clxxvii. 88; Antiquity of Sabbath (rev. G. Holden), cxcvi. 360; Asiarchs, the (Scripture Gazetteer), excii. 304; Atmosphere, the (Whewell), cxciii. 320; Australia (Sydney Gazette), cxc. 280. Bellarmine (rev. B. E. Nicholls), clxxxiv. 192. Cathedral Music (Hogarth), cxcviii. 392; Church of Christ (prof. Scholefield), cxci. 288; Church of the Lateran (W. Rae Wilson, esq.), clxxx. 136; Churches or Gaols (W. Collins), cxcix. 408; Circumstantiality of the Bible (rev. W. J. Kidd), clxxxiv. 192; Cobbett's Testimony to the Church, cxcix. 408; Confirmation (rev. J. Downall), clxxvii. 88; Conver- sation of English Women (Mrs. Ellis), clxxvii. 88; Crime in Scotland (Blackwood), clxxiii. 32; Cutchees, the (Mrs. Pos- tans), cxc. 280. Demoniacal Agency (rev. C. W. Le Bas), cxciv. 336; Domestic Duties (sir T. More), clxxiii. 32; Dress (rev. R. Cecil), clxxix. 120. Egyptian Columns (W. Rae Wilson, esq.), clxxxix. 264; Egyptian Schools (Lane), elxxxvi. 216; Evils of Separation (rev. J. Baylee), clxxxiii. 176. Flies of Egypt, elxxxvii. 232; Food of Infants (Curtis), clxxiii, 32. Gambling (rev. H. G. Watkins), clxxviii. 104; Governors and their Graves at Sierra Leone (capt. Alexander), cxcil. 304; Grace before Meals, cxcv. 352; Gratitude and Ingratitude (dr. South), clxxiii. 32. Hearers and Doers (bp. Hall), clxxxix. 264; Holy Land (W. Rae Japan (Christian Observer), clxxxvii. 232; Idleness (bp. Tay- 104. Lord's Day, How to keep (Fuller), cxcvii. 376. Medical Profession (chancellor Law), clxxxviii. 248; Mis- cxciii. 320. National Church (Jortin), clxxxvi. 216; National Education Opium (rev. A. S. Thelwall), clxxv. 64. Palenque (British Gazette), clxxxix. 264; Parsees (Missionary Quietness (Hooker), cci. 430. Religious Destitution of Troops abroad, clxxii. 16; Rio de MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS (continued): Janeiro (Robertson's Letters), clxxxviii, 248. Saerifice, Origin of (Corfe), clxxix. 120; St. Etheldreda's Chapel (Ecclesiastical Gazette), cxc. 280; St. Spiridione, clxxviii. 104; Sandals (Burder), clxxiv. 48; Servant in Sickness (rev. W. B. M'Kenzie), cxcviii. 390; Silence (St. Ambrose), cxcix. 408; Sleeping-rooms (Curtis), clxxix. 120; Society, clxxix. 120; Sanderson (bp.), cxci. 288; Solitude (Cole- ridge), clxxxv. 208; South America (Robertson's Let- ters), cxciv. 336; Spanish Slavery (T. F. Buxton, esq.), clxxxiv. 192; Spears (W. Rae Wilson, esq.), clxxvi. 72; Sunday Scholar, the, cc. 424; Sunday Dress and Appearance Temperance (rev. J. M. Hiffernan), elxxxiii. 176; Time and Ventilation (Curtis), clxxxvii. 232; Vernacular Dialects (prof. 424. Wallachia (dr. Burton), clxxx. 136; William Collins (rev. W. L. Bowles), ce. 424; Wonders of Creation (Shaw), cei. 430. 260. Narrative of the Loss of the Eldon (dr. R. H. Kennedy), clxxix. National Education (by the rev. N. Smart), No. I., clxxiii. 19. Ordination of a Missionary (bp. Stewart, of Quebec), clxxiv. 34. Old Hall (by the Author of "The Student," &c.), clxxiii. 18. Parables (M. J. M'Kenzie), clxxxv. 199. Patrick, Bishop, Controversy with the Romanists 1688, elxxxiv. 182. Philip the Evangelist and the Lord High-Treasurer of Ethiopia POETRY:+- Affliction (Chas. Bayly), clxxviii. 103. Be Strong in the Lord (Miss Emra), ce. 423. Charity (rev. E. B. Were), clxxxvi. 215. •Communion with God in Solitude, exeiv. 835. Dead Sea (Croly), clxxiii. 31. Dedication of the Temple (rev. E. B. Were), clxxiv. 47. Devotedness (bp. Ken), clxxxvii. 281. Distant Church-bells (Cathedral), exeviii. 391. Elijah in the Desert, clxxxvii. 251. God's Goodness in the Seasons (rev. R. A. Scott), clxxxii. 159. Heavenly Rest, clxxxviii. 247. House of God (rev. G. Bryan), clxxxi. 144. Hymn (rev. N. Bull), elxxxv.207.1 Hymn for Harvest (Pilgrim), clxxxviii. 247. Invalid's Sabbath Song (Mrs. Bushby), exci. 287. Jerusalem (Charles Bayly), elxxv. 63. John the Baptist, elxxxviii. 247. Judgment (Herbert), cxcii. 303. HANSON, rev. E., B.A. (Thorney, Notts), God's Inspection of the Righteous and the Wicked, clxxx. 128. HARRISON, rev. W. (St. Oswald's, Chester), The Parable of HARTE, rev. W. M. (Barbadoes), The Resemblance between HEBERT, rev. C., M.A. (St. James, Clapham), The abiding City HILL, rev. John, M.A. (St. Edmund Hall, Oxford), Christ's HORNK, rev. T. H., B.D. (St. Edmund the Martyr, London), The Redemption of Time, clxxxviii. 241, JENNINGS, rev. T. F., M.A. (Bristol), The Study of Holy Scrip- KING, rev. John, M. A. (Christ Church, Hull), The Confessors LILLEY, rev. E., M.A. (Peckham), Piety, not Years, the Man- M'CAUL, rev. Alex., D.D. (London), Charity towards those MORICE, rev. R., M.A. (Cheshunt), God is Love, cxciii. 313. MUSTON, rev. C. R., M.A. (St. John's, Chelmsford), Domestic RICHARDS, rev. J. Luscombe (rector of Exeter Coll., Oxford), SANDYS, rev. John, M.A. (St. Paul's, Islington), clxxix. 112. Relapse in Religion (rev. J. Whytt), cxcv, 342. Religious Destitution of the Country (rev. H. W. Wilberforce), exev. 349. Sabbath, the, its Origin and Perpetuity Vindicated (by rev. T. Pyne, M.A.), clxxxiii. 165, and clxxxiv. 179. SACRED PHILOSOPHY:- Natural Theology of the Vegetable Kingdom (by R. DICKSON, esq., M.D.), No. IX., clxxv. 51. Sacred Poetry (by James Chambers, esq.), No. I., clxxii. 5. BISSLAND, rev. T., M.A. (Hartley, Hants), The Coming of BROWN, rev. Joseph, M.A. (Norwood, Surrey), The Love of BRYAN, rev. G. (Huttoft, Lincolnshire), The Care of the Soul, COTTON, rev. R. L., D.D. (Provost of Worc. Coll., Oxford), The EDEN, rev. R., M.A. (St. Mary's, Lambeth), Nobility of the WERE, rev. E. B., M.A. (Chipping Norton), The Choice of Shipwright's Widow (by the Author of "The Student," &c.), Sketches from a Traveller's Portfolio:- XII. The Brand Strasse, схсіх. 396. Sketches from Memory (by a Naval Officer):- Soul, the, the great Object of Ministerial Watchfulness (areid. Sunday Reflections (by Mrs. RILEY), No. XIII., clxxiii. 29. Tale of Humble Life, exc. 275. Theatre, the (rev. E. Hoare), cxci. 285. Thoughts in Solitude (by Joseph Fearn), No. I.; exc. 277. No. II., Thoughts on Historical Passages of the Old and New Testament: clxxii. 3. XII. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (by the rev. W. Tinnevelly, cxcviii. 381, and excix. 398. Trial of the Seven Bishops in 1688, cxciv. 325. Walking over the Parish Boundaries (Sunday Reader), cxciii. 317. Witch of Endor, clxxii. 7. Worship of the Serpent (by the rev. H. CHRISTMAS), No. 1V., cxcii. 297. GOLDING, rev. J. E. (Walton, Peterborough), Practical Inten- tion of the Gospel, clxxv. 57. elxxxii. 150. Zeal for God's Glory (rev. T. Griffith), clxxxviii. 234. |