tions and new annual subscriptions; Mr. Buck, the member for North Devonshire, opening the meeting under the presidency of the venerable Archdeacon of Barnstaple. On the next morning an excellent meeting was held at Barnstaple, the bishop in the chair, supported by the Archdeacon Barnes, the two county members, Sir T. Acland and Mr. Buck, and Mr. Hodgson, the member for the city. The guildhall was thronged by a most attentive audience; 421. 16s. 8d. given and subscribed on the occasion. To-day again two meetings have been held; one at Ilfracombe this morning, where, with the vicar, Mr. Chanter, in the chair, I stated the case of the society, and an association was established, and 111. 7s. added in subscriptions and donations to the Sunday's collection: the other meeting was held this evening at Southmolton, the Archdn. Barnes presiding. Many neighbouring clergy were with us; and a new district association was begun, as well as the foundation laid for several parochial societies. The Rev. T. Bevan was appointed district secretary: F. Damer, Esq., treasurer: 81. 2s. 7 d. was collected in the room, and 67. 10s. 6d. subscribed. Such is the sketch of my proceedings hitherto. Some very important places remain to be visited. But to this time, thank God, our success has far exceeded all my expectations. Very many parishes are formed into associations; and it is delightful to see how the poor appear to feel the value of their Church when it is thus shewed them as a living spreading body, carrying out salvation to the heathen, instead of being deemed of as an empty name. Their contributions also are ready for their means. Both at Barnstaple at church, and at the meeting held at Bideford, between twenty and thirty shillings were put into the plates in the pence and halfpence of the poor. Such offerings, doubtless, are accepted of the Lord. Let me ask for the continuance of your prayers, that He may still be with me, and bless me in the work. I am, &c. now visited all the leading places in this part of Cornwall, ❘ held at Bideford, where 461. 6s. Old. was raised in donaI set out to join the Archdn. of Totness, and visit with him several towns in his own neighbourhood, whilst the bishop was continuing his confirmation along the northern part of the county. On Tuesday, the 17th, on our way to Dartington, I attended two meetings at Plympton and Toybridge; and my brother two, with the Rev. R. Luney (your Plymouth district secretary) at Yealmpton, where about 81. was collected; and at Modbury. Both at Plympton and Toybridge the greatest interest was shewn in our cause; 121. Os. 6d. was collected and subscribed at the former place (and through the zeal of the Rev. Mr. Coppard, a large number of subscribers have since put down their names); 6l. 5s. 91d. at the latter. The next morning the archdeacon took me to a meeting at Paignton, where Mr. Gee, the vicar, presided, and 171. 2s., with many subscribers, was the beginning of a new association. In the evening the archdeacon again took me to a meeting held at Totness, where my brother assisted me in making known our case, and 281. 5s. 2d. in donations and subscriptions were contributed. The next day, Thursday, the 19th, we went, under the archdeacon's guidance, to the town of Dartmouth, where an association was formed, annual subscriptions amounting to 111. 6s. contributed, and 91. 18s. 6d. collected in the room. Hence we went on to Brixham, where, with Governor Holdsworthy in the chair, and the archdeacon present, an association was established; the Rev. F. Lyte and my brother helping on our cause by excellent addresses; 91. 10s. was given in the room as annual subscriptions; 91. 4s. 31d. as donations. The day following my brother left me, and I set out with the archdeacon to meet the bishop at Launceston. At Ashburton, on our road, we held a meeting, at which (with a donation from the Dean of Westminster of 251.) 591. 17s. 6d. was added to our funds. On Sunday the 22d, I preached at Launceston in the morning, collecting 111. 178. 2d.; and at North Hill in the afternoon, collection, 81. 8s. 2d. On the 23d, I visited Camelford, where the Rev. T. Grylls, your district secretary, kindly met me from Cardynham, and at an evening meeting an association was set up, and 131. 4s. 31d. contributed. The next day the bishop took the chair at Launceston, where, after an admirable meeting, 371. 6s. 9d. was received in new annual subscriptions and donations. On the 25th, at a meeting which I next attended at Stratton, 331. 9s. 8d. (including 147. 4s. 6d. from new annual subscribers) was received. With this place closed my journey in Cornwall, which had been cheered every where by a hospitality and universal kindness, which shewed both the ordinary character of its inhabitants, and also their cordial sympathy with my endeavours. "On the 26th, the bishop visited at Oakhampton, and the next day presided at a meeting at which 181. 3s. 6d. was given and subscribed. On the 28th, after the visitation at Torrington, a meeting was held-Lord Clinton in the chair-at which 171. 14s. Old. was collected. On Sunday the 29th, I preached for the society at Ilfracombe (collection, 20l. 17s. 24d.) in the morning, and to a magnificent congregation at Barnstaple at night (collection, 261.). At Linton, which I could not reach, a sermon was preached for us by the Rev. Mr. Hayes, and 121. 9s. 2d. raised. On Monday the 30th, an evening meeting was "SAMUEL WILBERFORCE." "P.S. I would add, that the clergy who have set up parochial associations have, for the most part, found them readily supported: in the town of Fowey, where but two persons heretofore subscribed, I have just heard that since our meeting seventy-eight names have been given in. The total sum raised since I wrote last to you, and of which I have now given the details, is 875l. Is. 11 d., making altogether 1,210l. 3s. 2d. SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. The thirteenth report, with the proceedings of the annual general meeting, held May 1, with the important act 5 and 6 William IV., has just been published. It contains many most interesting details; and every friend to the brute creation must rejoice that the society has been enabled to accomplish so much. "Upwards of 60,000 tracts on cruelty to animals, hand-bills, and abstracts of the acts, have been circulated during the past year in the metropolis, and in various towns throughout the country; and several letters have been received, mentioning instances of the beneficial effects resulting from their distribution." The expenditure of the society during the last year amounted to nearly 12001. Diocesan Intelligence: England and kreland. CANTERBURY. Harrow (peculiar). - Harrow School Chapel was consecrated on Tuesday, Sept. 24th, by the diocesan and visitor, Tuesday, Sept. his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. The sermon was preached by the Rev. J. W. Cunningham, vicar of the parish, and one of the governors of the school. The altarpiece was presented by Mr. Joseph Neeld, M.P., one of the governors; and a marble tablet and service-books for the communion-table by Lord Dungannon. Mr. R. Gregory, F.R.S., F.A.S., of 56 Berners Street, and county of Galway, Ireland, has, by codicil to his will, dated October 22, 1838, bequeathed to Harrow School, -1. 140 volumes of Roman classics;-2. an annual gold medal, value ten guineas;-and, 3., 100l. a-year for ever, to found an exhibition for boys educated at Harrow going to either univer sity. These bequests, together with Mr. Neeld's scholarship, founded a few months ago, are, we believe, to come into immediate operation. CHESTER. A new educational establishment is about to be founded in this town, under the title of the "Liverpool Collegiate Institution." J. Gladstone, Esq., has contributed 500l. towards its funds. Lords Francis Egerton and Sandon have likewise placed their names amongst the donors, and consented to become vice-presidents. The bishop of the diocese has accepted the office of visitor.-Liverpool Mail. Runcorn. At the October meeting of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, a letter was read from the Rev. John Davies, of Runcorn, he having removed from Worcester, where he had kindly exerted himself for the religious welfare of the boatmen and bargemen belonging to the River Severn and the Worcester and Birmingham Canal. The board agreed to grant the books required for this good object. Rural Deans. - We informed our readers in our last week's paper that the commissary of the archdeaconry of Richmond had, in his recent visit to this town, revived the office of rural dean in this district, and had appointed the Rev. J. Manby, vicar of Lancaster, and the Rev. T. Mackreth, rector of Halton, to discharge its duties, with separate and independent territorial jurisdictions. We have since been favoured with a view of the patents of appointment, which contain the same powers and authority possessed by the commissary himself. It is a subject, we think, of sincere congratulation, to find this ancient, useful, and highly honourable office of rural dean revived in many of the dioceses of the kingdom, and to observe, also, that its subsidiary importance to Church-polity is becoming duly appreciated. For three centuries, it must be confessed, has the Church been suffering in our larger dioceses for the want of these local ordinaries, and of that most useful exercise of discipline, parochial visitation, which rural deans effectually supply. Attached as we are to our Church, we cannot but rejoice at the restoration of such efficient instruments of spiritual government, and we beg to express a wish that those who are invested with the duties of the office will exert the powers of which they are indubitably possessed. The office of rural dean is a grave trust, as it carries with it the inspection of the morals and ministrations of the clergy, and the care of the church fabric and utensils-not merely sustaining, or seeing sustained, in becoming repair, the structures consecrated to Divine worship, and preserving all things relating to the services of the altar, the desk, and the pulpit, but supporting those monuments of ancient piety in their original beauty and magnificence. These particular duties are expressly set forth in their written instructions, and implied in the act of their appointment; and the conscientious fulfilment of them is a matter of the greatest importance. If we are not presuming too much in these remarks, we would add, that the more obstructions the Church meets with in the present day, the more reason we have to make these jurisdictions useful, and to do all we can, in our several places and stations, to preserve the poor remains of Church-discipline we yet enjoy in their due life and vigour.-Lancaster Gazette. Lancaster.-G. Martin, Esq., M.P. for the borough of Lancaster, has given a piece of ground on which it is proposed to erect a new church in that town, calculated to hold from 1000 to 1200 persons. Liverpool. The amphitheatre was crowded to excess Oct. 4, being the annual meeting of the Protestant and Reformation Society. It was as numerously attended as the meeting at the Manchester theatre on the Thursday week, and more numerously than on any preceding anniversary. The interior of the theatre was elegantly fitted up and lighted for the occasion, and the boxes, pit, and gallery were completely filled. The Rev. Dr. Tattershall was called to the chair. Mr. Buddicom opened the proceedings with prayer. The resolutions were as follow: "That the events of our own times, and in our own country, bear too painful and conclusive testimony to the fact so long disputed and strenuously denied, that the system of the papal power, erroneously called religious, remains unchanged in all those features which render it dangerous to civil liberty. That the countenance and support given to the papal system by the government, under the fond but mistaken impression of that system being fundamentally altered, whether we regard that support in the direct cultivation of Romish instruction at Maynooth in Ireland, and in our various colonies, or the indirect advantage given to the Romish priests by such an arrangement of national schools as tended to exclude Protestant clergymen, are such as not only to justify, but loudly to call for the strenuous counteraction of all who design to perpetuate the peace, liberties, and religion of England." CHICHESTER. An address to the Archbishop of Canterbury has, through the Rev. H. M. Wagner, vicar, been transmitted from the Religious Ceremonies at Barnard Castle. The bishop lately visited Barnard Castle for the purpose of consecrating an additional burying-ground, and holding a confirmation; when his lordship received every possible mark of honourable consideration from the inhabitants. The right rev. prelate preached at the parish church, from Gen. 1. 13, 14, shewing the antiquity of the practice of setting apart parcels of ground for the exclusive reception of the dead, as evidenced in the example of Abraham, Jacob, and others. At the conclusion a liberal collection was made towards defraying the expense incurred in the purchase of the new burial-place. The consecration was then performed in the usual manner. GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL. The parish of St. John the Baptist, the largest within the city of Gloucester, containing an increasing population of 3,500 souls and upwards, is destitute of Sunday schoolrooms. Yet it was the rector of this parish, the Rev. T. Stock, who, in the year 1780, projected, and, in conjunction with his friend, R. Raikes, Esq., established the first Sunday-school in Great Britain. The parishioners consist, in a great proportion, of small householders, and the living itself is under 130l. per annum, and no glebe-house thereon. The present rector, being wholly unable from his own resources, or those of the parish, to raise the requisite funds, is constrained to appeal thus publicly to the friends of sound and scriptural education. He is persuaded that they will not be insensible to the wants of a parish which may justly claim the distinction of having originated the whole system of Sunday-school teaching. In aid of the object in question, a reverend incumbent, residing at Salisbury, and connected with the cathedral, has happily suggested a plan, the principle of which was immediately acted upon in his own parish, and has been adopted already in various other places, viz.:-"That a general subscription be set on foot, to which each child in every school in the United Kingdom be invited to contribute one penny." This proposal is now respectfully and anxiously submitted to the favourable consideration of every incumbent and officiating minister throughout the two countries, who are hereby earnestly intreated to bring the case of the above-mentioned parish before such of their young people, as are now sharing in the blessings of Sunday-school instruction. By this simple free-will offering an ample fund would be raised, and the Sunday schoolrooms of St. John's parish would exhibit to future generations an interesting and singular memorial of the gratitude of children for their "nurture and admonition in the Lord." LICHFIELD. The Rev. R. Scott, B.D., has presented to the Abbey Church at Shrewsbury a valuable service of communionplate. The vicar and churchwardens waited upon Mr. Scott, with a memorial, engrossed upon parchment and signed by upwards of two hundred respectable residents of the Abbey parish, expressive of their acknowledgments for the munificent gift.-Worcester Guardian. The Sabbath. A resolution has been passed in the committee of the North Staffordshire Auxiliary Lord's-day Society, recommending all the clergy of North Staffordshire to use their utmost influence to prevail upon as many as possible of their parishioners to sign requests to the postmasters of their several parishes, not to deliver them their letters on the Lord's-day. This request has been signed by all the clergy, and most of the other ministers of the town of Derby, and several hundreds of its inhabitants. A similar request has been signed by two hundred persons in Bath, including all the bankers; and the same movement is proceeding in various parts of the United Kingdom.-Staffordshire Advertiser. Wolverhampton. A deputation, consisting of the Revs. H. Pountney, W. Dalton, and J. Boyle, lately waited upon the Bishop of Lichfield, at Eccleshall Castle, for the purpose of laying before his lordship the plans, &c. connected with the building of new churches in this town. They met the entire approval of the bishop. The interview, we understand, was a very gratifying one, and the bishop at the close of it munificently requested to add 501. to the building fund.-Wolverhampton Chronicle. LINCOLN. Address to the Bishop. After the consecration of Snenton Church, the clergy then assembled in the vestry of St. Mary's church, where they signed the address given below. Proceeding into the chancel, they awaited the arrival of the bishop, who was soon after introduced by Archdn. Wilkins, who led him to a chair placed within the rails which enclose the communion-table. The venerable archdeacon then read the following address, which he presented to his lordship : "To the Right Rev. Father in God, John, by divine permission Lord Bishop of Lincoln. "We, the archdeacon and undersigned clergy of the county of Nottingham, now transferred from the paternal care of our venerated late diocesan (the Abp. of York) to the jurisdiction of your lordship, avail ourselves of the occasion of your first entrance into this new portion of your diocese, to testify our sense of the high estimation in which your lordship's character as a prelate, a divine, and a scholar, has been deservedly held; and to assure your lordship of our thankfulness to the great Disposer of all things in being placed under the episcopal authority of one to whom we may look for counsel and assistance on all occasions of doubt and difficulty, and upon whom we may confidently rely, as well for the maintenance and integrity of our ecclesiastical polity, as for the development and promotion of sound Christian doctrine. We beg further to assure your lordship, that highly appreciating as we do that benevolent and Christian spirit which characterises your public and private conduct, it will be our pleasure, as well as our duty, to pay scrupulous attention to your commands, and to evince a cheerful and ready obedience to your authority. And we earnestly pray God that he may be pleased to pour upon you the graces of his Holy Spirit, that you may long and happily continue to manifest that love of his honour and service, and that devotion to the welfare of the Church, which, with so much benefit to the cause of religion and morality, your lordship has hitherto been the instrument of promoting." -[Here follow the signatures of the archdeacon and clergy.] The rev. prelate then advancing towards the clergy, delivered the following reply: "I thank you very sincerely for this testimony of your esteem and attachment. It is highly valuable to me, not only on account of the personal gratification which the assurance that I possess your favourable opinions must afford me, but on account also of the encouragement and support which I cannot fail to derive from it. Notwithstanding the complimentary terms in which your late venerable diocesan has been pleased to speak of me, I am too conscious of my own deficiencies not to feel that I am little qualified to make good to you the loss you have sustained by being removed from his mild and paternal superintendence. Still knowing that your cordial co-operation and prayers will never be wanting, I enter cheerfully on the new duties imposed upon me, in humble confidence that our endeavours to promote the common end of a ministry, the glory of God and the edification of his church, will not be altogether unavailing. One thing the experience of twenty years has taught me, that, in order to the effectual discharge of episcopal functions, it is necessary there should subsist mutual confidence, and a frank and unreserved communication of sentiment between the clergy and the diocesan. Let me assure you, my brethren, in conclusion, that I shall gladly receive, and give my best attention to, any suggestion you may think fit to offer to me." Mr. Sergeant Wilde, M.P. for Newark, has given the sum of 100l. towards liquidating the debt incurred by the erection of Christ Church, in that borough; and although the building and endowment cost the sum of 53001., the whole of that amount has been raised (with the exception of 681., the debt now due,) by voluntary contributions.Nottingham Journal. LONDON. Welsh Church. It is in contemplation to erect a church in London for the especial use of the natives of the principality, to worship their Maker in their own language. We cordially concur in the object of the promoters of this excellent undertaking, and trust it will meet with the support of the Welsh nobility and gentry throughout the kingdom.-Cambrian. RIPON. Schools. An interesting communication was made at the October meeting of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge by the Rev. W. Morgan, of Bradford, by which it appeared, that notwithstanding the efforts of ill-disposed persons towards drawing away the children of the poor from religion and the church, and inducing them to profane the Lord's-day, much good was being done by means of scriptural instruction in that populous town. Christ Church National Week-day School, superintended by Mr. Morgan, contains about 200 boys and 200 girls, and is greatly in need of books. The Christ Church Sunday-school, which is not connected with the day-school, numbers 800 scholars. SALISBURY. The Sarum. A public meeting was held Oct. 9, at Salisbury, the Earl of Shaftesbury in the chair, of the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education. From the report it appeared that 170 parochial schools had united with the board. The board regretted that there were parishes with a population exceeding 600, with no school at all; and it appeared that there were 20,000 children in the diocese receiving only Sunday-school instruction: almost all the daily instruction to the poor was afforded by the Established Church. The meeting was addressed by Earl Grosvenor, the bishop of the diocese, &c. SODOR AND MAN. The following interesting account of the present religious state of this very interesting diocese, is from a correspondent of Mona's Herald and General Advertiser :-"I have lately been a visitor of your town, and it gave me the sincerest pleasure to mark the great improvements which have, within a very few years, taken place there. After passing the venerable tower of Braddan, and the villas, woods, and rural beauties that meet the eye, I entered the town with impressions of varied pleasure. Here I observed many changes: the New Market-the new accommodations for travellers-the widely-extended range of new habitations along the grounds of Castle Mona-the beautiful mansions which rise in such regular order, and crown the slope of Harris Terrace, peering over the spacious bay-the elegant row called Finch Road-the young plantations which attract the eye which looks onward to the quondam mansion of the late Colonel Stuart-the devious scenery which adorns that now beautiful seminary, -are attractions with which the gaze of the observer must be fascinated. But I shall cease to enlarge on these varieties: valuable as they are in their peculiar uses, and exhibiting as they do the good taste of their respective owners, they are, after all that can be said of them, merely temporary; all "houses of clay," as the frames of their builders are, and will, sooner or later, change their proprietary. Matters of greater moment invite my observation, such as pertain to the real welfare of mankind here and hereafter: I mean the charitiesthe provisions which have been made for the education of the poor, and the solace of the helpless. Such institutions are the chief ornaments of Christian communities. They are real and permanent advantages, affording the wealthy an opportunity of cultivating love to their neighbour, by doing good; and the destitute, of cherishing the sentiment of gratitude, and so of receiving good, -thus preparing both for the kingdom of heaven. The collections made of late for the various charities furnish ample proofs of the public spirit of your town, as well as the munificence of casual visitors. To say any thing of the powerful advocacy of the ministers of religion were only to say that they did their duty; for their encou ragement to which, they have the distinguished example of our amiable prelate. These public contributions have a most beneficial effect on the people. Their minds must be affected in some degree on hearing the truth and witnessing its effects; but to the few who are really reformed, converted men, it affords a most delectable experience of the truth, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Every public charity is a monument of religion. It preaches to the minds of men; it reminds them of the after-state, where all is love. But the appropriation of the sums raised, the working of the system, is what pleases me; and I no sooner hear of the amount of a sermon-contribution, than I have the gratification to know it is well laid out. The free school in Atholl Street, the fruit of the pious efforts of our beloved countryman, the late Rev. Lewis Geneste, continues to be well supported; so are the infant schools, the Provisional-Aid Society, and other establishments, one of which has recently appeared, an ornament which, for its usefulness, and the air of humanity which the institution breathes, is not to be passed silently over, namely, the new House of Industry. Blessings on the head of those who designed it! The continuance and success of these establishments are owing chiefly to the benevolent exertions and good management of those whose heart is with God, and the support they receive does credit to the religious tact and moral feeling of the people. The gradual increase of the population calls for unusual exertions; and the Divine Providence, gracious in all its dispensations, occasionally raises up benevolent characters, a blessing to society, to whose zeal and judicious management are owing those utilities which advance the happiness of men; which are calculated to elevate them from that degradation of intellect to which their corruptions had reduced them, to a sincere attachment to religious faith and practice. The benefit of infant education is above all commendation. Weaned by a kindly discipline from their wayward strayings, and saved from the wrong bias which paternal ignorance has given to their tender minds, they become more susceptive of maturer intelligence, as the mind expands through childhood and youth, until it arrive at the adult period, when it will be able to appreciate these blessed aids of an enlightened economy. The kind assistance which the ladies have afforded to the advancement of these solid improvements ought not to be overlooked. Indeed it were difficult to overlook them, connected as their gentle services are with the operation of the establishments alluded to, and more particularly with that of the infant schools. How is it that when the female character becomes elevated by religion, all the energies are called forth into use? Men may invent, and plod, and plan-their reason, their judgment, and their principles may mature a system; but when it is to be carried into full and genuine effect, the affection of the female will generally be an over-match for the reason of the male. Be it as it may, the institutions of your town owe much to the ladies, and therefore this acknowledgment is NEWFOUNDLAND. in courtesy their due. I had much more to say. I had intended to express the sincere effusion of pleasing gratitude I felt to the great Governor of the universe, on beholding the blessed effects of his everlasting Gospel-the aged and the infirm so well and completely provided for in the new House of Industry; more particularly the provision made for their religious instruction, and the lessons of devout resignation and thankfulness to their Father in heaven, which I imaged to myself would occasionally be addressed to them, by those who take a part in those benevolent ministrations." Durham.-Tynemouth. Canterbury. Christ Church, Goudhurst, Sept. 12, by Viscountess Beresford. The parish of Goudhurst contains a population of 3,000 souls, and is nine miles in length: 1,000 of the inhabitants are from two and a half to five miles distant from the parish church. Lord and Lady Beresford endow the church with 75l. per annum, to which the Dean and Chapter of Rochester add 251. per annum, upon the condition of a parsonage-house being built, for which there are not sufficient funds at present. Lichfield. Walsall. Oxford. Old Windsor, by Princess Augusta, Sept. 28. Tributes of respect have recently been presented to the following Clergymen* : Brodrick, W. J., Castle Rising, Norfolk. Silver ink stand. Burton, C., All Saints, Chorlton-on-Medlock. Canonicals. Bible and Prayer-book. Dover, G., Huddersfield. A purse of fifty guineas, from parishioners. Flamank, J., late curate of St. Mary's, Wallingford, Berks. Silver tea and coffee-service, by par. Jones, D., St. Nicholas, Deptford. Silver coffee and tea-service. Jones, J., late curate of Whiteford, Flintshire. A sum of thirty-six pounds, to be applied to the purchase of books. Lutyens, W., St. Paul's, Shadwell. Silver coffee and tea-service; and pocket communion-plate. Whitfield, H. T., par. Hope Bowdler, Herefordshire. Silver inkstand. • Only tributes of respect to clergymen are inserted. COLONIAL CHURCH. The Right Rev. Dr. Aubrey Spencer, the newly-created bishop of Newfoundland, sailed for his diocese Oct. 1, in the Toronto line of packet ship, via New York. To those who have the interests of the Church of England at heart, it will be gratifying to know that, in going out to his extensive and important diocese, the right rev. prelate has had his hands considerably strengthened by the societies for the Propagation of the Gospel, and for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge; and it will add to the interest of the public to know, that their generous feeling has added the sum of 500l. per annum towards the revenue of the new bishopric, increased the number of missionaries, providing 100%. for the outfit of each, and raised their stipend from 150l. to 200l. per annum. Hampshire Chron. CALCUTTA. The intelligence received from India during the past year is, on the whole, of a gratifying character. The Bishop of Calcutta prefaces his charge to his clergy, delivered in the year 1838, with an address to the bishops of Madras and Bombay, congratulating them on their happy arrival in their dioceses. By that event, the framework of the Protestant church in India, as his lordship observes, is completed, after a lapse of more than twenty-four years from the erection of the see of Calcutta; and every friend to the propagation of the Gospel will rejoice at this blessed consummation. The prospects which it opens before us need not be pointed out to any one who takes an interest in the cause of missions; but it also affords a strong argument for renewed and increasing efforts to avail ourselves of the opportunities which are offered for spreading the name of Christ over the whole peninsula of India: after the urgent and repeated applications which the society and other religious bodies have made to the British government for an increase in the Indian episcopate, it would argue a great want of zeal, and a still greater want of gratitude and of faith, were the members of the Church of England to shrink from the burden now at length imposed upon them. Each of the new dioceses erected in British India must become a centre of new missionary operations, new at least in the extent to which they are carried, as in the superintendence they will enjoy. And where ten or twenty European clergymen have hitherto been considered as the greatest number the society were required or enabled to maintain, aintain, there will be an irresistible demand upon them for three times that amount, as well as for a still larger addition to the number of native priests, catechists, and schoolmasters, and means. Report of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. MADRAS. The bishop, in a letter dated June 4, 1839, informs the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, that he has admitted Mr. Von Dadelszen and Mr. Schmitz into deacon's orders, and expresses a conviction that they will prove a valuable acquisition to the society's missionaries in his diocese. The bishop concludes his letter thus: "We have still many important stations unoccupied; and I cannot too earnestly impress upon the society the claims and necessities of southern India. Continue to send us labourers fit for the work, and I humbly hope our labour will not be in vain in the Lord." BOMBAY. The report of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel contains an urgent application from the bishop for missionaries from England; especially for the province of Goojurat, where there are a considerable number of Indo-British. The following is the concluding paragraph of the bishop's letter: "Let me, dear sir, plead for Goojurat, if you cannot send two missionaries, could you not send out one missionary and a schoolmaster? I pray that it may please God to direct the heart of some one toward us." BARBADOES. On Thursday, the 29th August, the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of the diocese of Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands consecrated the parish church of St. Joseph, in the island of Barbadoes, erected on a new site, on land given by John Briggs, Esq., for that purpose; and at the same time his lordship consecrated the burial - ground thereto belonging. The bishop preached an impressive sermon on the occasion, from Is. xix. 22. The above church completes the restoration of the seven churches destroyed by the memorable hurricane of the 11th August, 1831.The Barbadean. Printing for the Blind. Our readers are aware that Mr. Alston has already completed the printing of the New Testament, and many other works, in raised Roman letters, for the use of the blind. Some time ago, he commenced the arduous task of printing the Old Testament; and having finished the book of Genesis, he proceeded on a tour of all the institutions for the blind in England and Scotland, in order to ascertain the extent to which they were willing to aid him in this important work. With the exception of one, the directors of all the institutions expressed their readiness to assist him, by taking a proportion of the different volumes in their progress through the press. From this fact, it will be seen, that Mr. Alston's enterprise is no longer a private and local, but a national one. Encouraged by this consideration, he made application to Lord John Russell, as secretary for the Home department, for assistance from the royal bounty to aid him in the accomplishment of this benevolent object. Restitution to the Church a sacred Duty; or, how can the Church be made to meet the Wants of the Nation? Fcap. 8vo. Burns. Practical Sermons. By the Rev. William M. Harte. Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Barbadoes. 12mo. Rivingtons. Observations on the Rev. Dr. Wiseman's Reply to Dr. Turton's Roman Catholic Doctrine of the Eucharist considered. By Thos. Turton, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge, and Dean of Peterborough. 8vo. Parker. We are happy to state that the application was transmitted to the lords of her Majesty's Treasury, and that Mr. Alston has just received the following letter, from which it will be seen that it has been most favourably entertained: Treasury Chambers, 11th Sept. 1830. Sir,-The lords commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury having received a communication from the Secretary of State for the Home Department, upon the subject of the steps taken by you connected with the printing of the Bible in raised type, for the use of the blind throughout the kingdom, their lordships have commanded me to express to you their great approbation of your philanthropic exertions for so meritorious an object; and they have been pleased to direct that an issue of 400l. be made to you from the royal bounty, for the purpose of assisting you in the prosecution of the work. I am, Sir, &c. John Alston, Esq., Glasgow. - Paisley Advertiser. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Presbyterian Rights Asserted. By a Pres- The History of the Prayer-Book of the Woman's Mission. 4th edit. Fcap. 8vo. Agathos, and other Sunday Stories. By a TO CORRESPONDENTS. G. J. PENNINGTON. Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism, as established by the consent of the Ancient Church, and contrasted with the Systems of Modern Schools. 2d edit. enlarged, Part I. Rivingtons. Episcopacy, Ordination, and Lay-Eldership, considered in Five Letters. By the Rev. A. Boyd, A.M., Curate of the Cathedral, Derry. Feap. 8vo. Seeley. The Life and Times of Archbp. Cranmer. 32mo. Wertheim. A Manual of Christian Antiquities. By the Rev. J. E. Riddle, M.A. 8vo. Parker. In reply to letters received respecting the non-originality of an article in the PART for October which professed to be original, the EDITORS can only state their unfeigned regret that the insertion was made. They were utterly ignorant of the source whence the article in question was taken. They have exercised the most scrupulous caution in the insertion of contributions to their pages; and they believe that they have never before been led into error. But, in justice to themselves, they must add, that as the article was not anonymous, they must be the more readily excused for having received it without suspicion. The EDITORS will feel obliged if the Secretaries of religious or benevolent Societies connected with the United Church of England and Ireland will transmit copies of their reports, or occasional papers, to 17 Portman Street, as soon as convenient after their publication. Many thanks to our kind friend "L. C. H." The account of the consecration of Openshaw Church came too late for insertion. Printed by Robson, Levey, and Franklyn, 46 St. Martin's Lane, London. |