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NOT to

OT to marry a young woman. Not to keep young company, unless they really defire it.

Not to be peevish, or morofe, or suspicious.

Not to fcorn prefent ways, or wits, or fashions, or men, or war, &c.

Not to be fond of children.

Not to tell the fame story over and over to the fame people.

Not to be covetous.

Not to neglect decency, or cleanliness, for fear of falling into naftiness.

Not to be over fevere with young people, but give allowances for their youthful follies and weakneffes.

Not to be influenced by, or give ear to knavish tattling fervants, or others.

Not to be too free of advice, nor trouble any but those who defire it.

To defire fome good friends to inform me which of these refolutions I break or neglect,

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neglect, and wherein; and reform accordingly.

Not to talk much, nor of myself.

Not to boast of my former beauty, or ftrength, or favour with ladies, &c.

Not to hearken to flatteries, nor conceive I can be beloved by a young woman; a cos qui hæreditatem captant, odiffe ac vitare. Not to be positive or opiniative.

Not to fet up for observing all these rules, for fear I fhould observe none.



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F either of the two men-fervants be drunk, he fhall pay an English crown out of his wages for the faid offence, by giving the Dean a receipt for so much wages received.

When the Dean is at home, no fervant fhall prefume to be abfent, without giving notice to the Dean, and asking leave; upon the forfeiture of fixpence for every half-hour that he is abfent, to be ftopt out of his or her board-wages.

When the Dean is abroad, no servant, except the woman, fhall prefume to leave the house for above one half-hour; after which, for every half-hour's abfence he fhall forfeit fixpence: And, if the other fervant goes out before the first returns, he fhall pay five fhillings out of his wages, as above.

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Whatever fervant fhall be taken in a manifest lie, shall forfeit one fhilling out of his or her board-wages.

When the Dean goes about the house, or out-houses, or garden, or to Naboth's Vineyard, whatever things he finds out of order, by neglect of any fervant under whose care it was, that fervant shall forfeit sixpence, and fee to get it mended as foon as poffible, or fuffer more forfeitures at the Dean's difcretion.

If two fervants be abroad together when the Dean is from home, and the fact be concealed from the Dean, the concealer fhall forfeit two crowns out of his or her wages, as above.

If, in waiting at table, the two fervants be out of the room together, without orders, the laft who went out fhall forfeit threepence out of his board-wages.

The woman may go out when the Dean is abroad for one hour, but no longer, under the fame penalty with the men: But provided the two men-fervants keep the houfe until she returns; otherwise, either of the fervants, who goes out before her return, fhall forfeit a crown out of his wages, as above.


Whatever other laws the Dean fhall think fit to make, at any time to come, for the government of his fervants, and forfeitures for neglect or difobedience, all the fervants fhall be bound to fubmit to.

Whatever other fervant, except the woman, fhall prefume to be drunk, the other two fervants fhall inform the Dean thereof, under pain of forfeiting two crowns out of his or her wages, befides the forfeiture of a crown from the faid fervant who was drunk.

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