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The St. Bride's Sunday-schools, London. ALTHOUGH an efficient Sunday-school, conducted by Christian teachers of various denominations had been carried on for many years in St. Bride's parish, it was not until the year 1833, that a school was opened in connection with the Established Church. The effort, however, proved so successful that in the years 1835, 1836, and 1837, three additional rooms were engaged for the accommodation of the scholars.

rooms, and apartments for the mistres of the day-school, in the rear.

We are informed that at the time when the new school-room was opened, that although there were frequently 230 scholars present, the old-established school, alluded to above, had their average attendance of scholars. We understand that many pleasing instances of succes have occurred, that several of those who were once teachers The disadvantages of having the are now clergymen; that others are children separated soon became appa- superintendents of Sunday-schools; that rent, but the crowded state of the many of the scholars from the senior neighbourhood presented an almost in-classes are actively engaged as teachers superable barrier to the erection of a in St. Bride's, and in other Day and commodious school-room. This diffi- Sunday-schools. The St. Bride's Sunculty having been overcome, the build-day-schools have long enjoyed the suing represented in our engraving was perintendentship of Mr. R. N. Collins, commenced, and opened in January, author of "The Teacher's Companion," 1841. The cost of the erection was a book which has received the almost little short of 4000l., but nearly one- unqualified approbation of all sections fourth part of this sum was expended of the public press-Nonconformist and in the purchase of the ground alone. Episcopalian-who all agree in awardThe room is used for a day-school during it a foremost place in our standard ing the week, and there are committee- practical Sabbath-school literature.


(Condensed from the Leeds Mercury.)

ON Friday, the 21st of April, the Third
Sunday-school Teachers' Conference for
Yorkshire and Lancashire was held in
Queen-street chapel, Leeds.

EDWARD BAINES, Jun., Esq., pressed his concurrence in the vie and admiration of the spirit, of t paper just read; and offered some val able statistical information.

Mr. JOSEPH KERSHAW, of Leed made some remarks, and was follow by

There were present delegates from numerous schools in Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Wakefield, Barnsley, Sheffield, Hull, York, Dewsbury, Otley, Burley, Howden, Beverley, Man- JAMES GALL, Esq., of Edinbur chester, Salford, Rochdale, Liverpool, who expressed his conviction that S Stockport, Stalybridge, Bury, Black-day-schools are producing a m burn, Preston, and many smaller places, deeper effect than many people seem to the number of 250, besides the Sun- to think. day-school Union Committees of London, Manchester, Salford, Rochdale, &c. The denominations represented at the Conference were- Episcopalian, Independent, Baptist, Wesleyan, Wesleyan Association, New Connexion, Primitive Methodist, Methodist, Lady Huntingdon's, and United Presbyterian.

On the platform we noticed G. W. Harrison, Esq., Wakefield; Rev. T. Scales, Edw. Baines, jun., Esq., Henry Rawson, Esq., Mr. J. Kershaw, Leeds; James Gall, Esq., Edinburgh; Rev. J. Peters, R. Needham, Esq., and James Miller, Esq., Manchester; F. Cuthbertson, Esq., and Charles Reed, Esq., London; I. O. Jones, Esq., and Mr. J. Baxter, Liverpool; and J. P. Clapham, Esq., of Burley Grange, &c., &c.

The interesting proceedings were preceded by a prayer-meeting on Thursday evening, in Ebenezer school-room, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Woodhouse.


The Rev. THOMAS SCALES moved, seconded by J. P. CLAPHAM, G. W. HARRISON, Esq., of Wakefield, was requested to preside.

The CHAIRMAN, after a few remarks, then called upon

Mr. JOHN CHARLES JONES, of Manchester, to read a paper on "The influence of Sunday-schools upon the Moral, Social, and Religious interests of the Community." The paper took a comprehensive view of the Sundayschool institution in this country.

Mr. WM. DAY, of Beverly, refer to the importance of visiting c dren.

Mr. CHAS. SWALLOW, of Manchest stated, that twenty years ago, duri any time of public excitement or r the Sunday-school youth were the f to join, from curiosity; now, at a me ing of the Chartists last week in 1 centre of Manchester, and near one the largest Sunday-schools in M chester, it was found, that notwi standing the meeting, the attendan at the school was quite up to average with the usual attendance, numbers being-in the morning, boys, 1086 girls; in the afternoon, boys, 1201 girls.

After singing a hymn,

The CHAIRMAN called for the ne paper, which was read by

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Mr. E. HEBBLETHWAITE, of Sh field,-subject, The best Method conducting a Sabbath-school, as i spects the mode of Teaching, conveyi Religious Truth, and maintaining Or and Attention." It was a thorough practical, clear, and judicious pap evincing considerable experience, a a full acquaintance with the inters details of a well-conducted Sunday school; such as that of the Wicke Sheffield, undoubtedly is.

Mr. J. BAXTER, of the Liverpo Sunday-school Teachers' Institute, ha long been seeking for some plan of r taining elder scholars in connectic with our schools and places of worsh He was happy to say that he had a

cceeded. He was in the habit of eeting his elder scholars during the eek for the purpose of mutual instrucn. He was now engaged in meeting hteen or twenty youths for the study history; and he also had them freently occupied in the writing of ays, which generally did them much dit.

pray; not a form of words, but real prayer.

The Rev. R. BREWER, of Leeds, then read a valuable paper on "Sundayschool Teachers' and Senior Scholars' Institutes."

Mr. WM. HICKES regarded an institute of this kind as a good means for retaining a hold upon our senior scholars, and leading them to become useful and efficient teachers.

CHARLES REED, Esq., of London, pressed approval of the various plans, which had been suggested in the Mr. ROMNEY, of Manchester, did not er just read. He referred forcibly think there was the necessity for those the irregularity of attendance on the institutions which many persons imatof teachers, called alternate teach-gine, nor did he think they could be He found that in some schools sustained.

re were quarterly, monthly, and

Mr. NEEDHAM, of Manchester, renightly teachers. He then ex-plied, that no great expense need be ined a most valuable plan of Sun-incurred by these institutions, and adschool visitation, during the period vocated their establishment. bsence, and referred to the importof abandoning the injudicious ctice of taking the infant children the regular services of our chapels. longed to see a provision made by ing children's chapels. He also erred to the injustice and inefficiency the reward-system promotion. F. CUTHBERTSON, Esq., of London, lowed up preceding speakers on the portance of educating elder scholars; should not only be taught what to ch, but how to teach. One part of select class duties should be those a kind of Normal class. Mr. BIRD, of Manchester, thought at the mode of conveying religious Mr. MAKINSON, of Manchester, in reaths had not yet received that atten-suming the discussion, remarked, that which its merits demanded. He the want of superintendence of the en asked, Where are our children in children during the week was a great le evening? It is important that evil, and that the institute supplied a mething should be done to draw means of meeting them. lese young people, in the evening, ader some good influence.

The Conference adjourned for dinner, at one o'clock.


About two o'clock the Conference re

assembled. The Rev. J. PETERS, of Manchester, was requested to take the chair.

Mr. JAMES GALL approved highly the suggestion in the paper, "FolW nature," especially in one respect: ere is a great difference between comitting truth and committing words to lemory. In teaching God's word we hould take care to instil the principles f Divine truth, whether we use the xact words or no. There was another joint. Our Lord taught his disciples to pray. Every teacher should adopt some mode of teaching his pupils to

The CHAIRMAN expressed his gratification at being present at the Conference, and his sense of the importance of Sunday-schools to the welfare of the community. He was much impressed on looking round upon the mass of sanctified intelligence which appeared engaged in this work.

Mr. I. O. JONES, of Liverpool, considered that these institutes would be

advantageous both to the teachers and the scholars,-to teachers, in assisting them in the study and explanation of the Scriptures, and their duties generally; to the scholars, in providing them with suitable reading.

Mr. JENNINGS, of Halifax, and Mr. DICK, of Bradford, offered some observations, and

Mr. WIMPENNY, of Holmfirth, remarked that Sunday-school Institutes might be successful in large towns, but

remarkable contemporaneous events of profane history; and understand whatever is peculiar in the manners, customs, and opinions brought to view in the narrative. The classes should each have a leader, or moni tor, and should proceed as much as possible on the plan of mutual in struction, and should never leave a subject till they think they under stand it.



How seldom can we visit a Sunday-school without hearing from som of the teachers such words as these: "It is so very discouraging." No I would ask such, whether they have well considered those words, an if they speak from the sincere feelings of their hearts? One general com plaint is, the boys are so unruly, and so lazy, that it really is "labot in vain!" Tell me, How do you know it is labour in vain? Perha you have not seen one particle of good resulting from all your effor up to the present time; but who can tell what will be the issue of ne Sunday's teaching? What bounds or limits shall we place to God almighty power? We should ever keep in mind that we are but instr ments; it is not in us to convert the soul of a human being: but he often has God chosen the weakest of such, as the channel for his gre designs? But dare we presume to say, No good has been done.” pose you have fastened one text of Scripture on a boy's mind, and then leaves the school, and you see no more of him, are you dissatisfie because you do not see the reward of your labour? Perhaps you ceas from your toils. Imagine yourself on your dying bed—a friend come in and asks you, "Do you remember such and such an one?" yes!" you say. Suppose they could relate to you, that a text which learned at the Sunday-school was, by the blessing of God, made usef to him in after years, what would be your first feeling—one of gratitudi or of self-reproach? Should we not be likely to hear such words & these: "Had I but known this some years back, I would not ha ceased; but now it is too late!" Do such think that God loves the the more because their labour has had a reward? God looks at the motive which actuates the conduct, not the results; it is our duty to work unceasingly in faith, with the glory of God as our aim.

Perhaps another may say, "I have one or two very interesting boys in my class, but as to the others it is most discouraging; for real they seem to think least of the Bible than any thing else they possess Did it ever occur to such that these demanded more of their time and love than the others. For what reasons were Sunday-schools established, and for whom? How disgusting is that sentimental way of talking about the children being so "good" and "respectful," that it is quite a pleasure to teach them! Is not the soul of a Sabbath-breaker as pre cious in the sight of God, as the soul of one of these "respectful ones?" But there is a much stronger reason-from how much sin will you keep society by reclaiming one of these "discouraging ones?"

Think of uniting your efforts with God and the Redeemer in so grand a work as this! and whilst you see the glory of God revealed in

such an one, will you not desire to keep self back, lest the view of saving love should be obstructed. Does this seem the time with uplifted eyes and inward satisfaction to exclaim, "I am the means?" Sunday-school teachers must have but two points in view-God, and the soul to be saved!

N. A. N.

R. W


writing on agriculture, observes, that the successful advancement f the rural art depends on two circumstances: the one, its improvement by iscovery or invention; the other, a more extensive practice of such improveents, when fully demonstrated. The former is effected by the contrivance of lore perfect machines and implements of husbandry, which facilitate the proress of labour; the introduction of new articles of profitable culture, and the lost advantageous method of treating those which have already been cultiated, though in a defective manner. The latter, namely, the practice, relates ot only to future improvements, but likewise to those which, though generally aown, have been either wholly neglected, or adopted only in particular places. It may not be irrelevant to apply the above remarks to the subject of Sundayhool teaching. Although this useful mode of teaching has in thousands of istances been successful in the great object in view-the conversion of the ul-it may be said to be labouring under a twofold disadvantage. That of xcellent plans being as yet but half digested; while such as are "generally aown and approved," have been adopted only in particular places.

If the soil of our earth is capable of yielding an increase greater than has rer yet been proved by ingenious and laborious man, may not the painstaking acher expect that the hearts of their precious charge would, under better culre be found to produce a more abundant harvest than they have ever venred to hope for. Where are greater returns to be met with than the thirty, xty, and hundred-fold of the Gospel seed!


EV. AND DEAR SIR,-I hope that you vill excuse the liberty that I have aken in thus addressing you; but havng received much benefit from your labours, I feel it my duty to acknowledge it, hoping that it will yield you some little encouragement amidst the many formidable trials and difficulties with which you have had to contend.

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prehensive views of those doctrines of which before I understood so little. I have also become more extensively acquainted with the history, biography, geography, and chronology of the Bible.



May more abundant success attend your ministry, and many hundreds be the crown of your rejoicing in the day of the Lord! and may we at last meet,

"Where seraphs gather immortality, On life's fair tree, fast by the throne of God!"

I remain,

Yours truly in Christ Jesus,

May 10, 1848.

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