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THIS breakfast meeting, gathered together a goodly number;-officers, and committee, delegates, ministers, superintendents and teachers were there, and the opportunity for usefulness was great. If

we say we were disappointed, we shall not be misunderstood. We are jealous for the right use of such occasions, and it is this

error; how often will they need reminding that the Union has no immense resources, but rather that it is in debt. The report, which was thoroughly practical, was read by the worthy Secretary in thirtyfive minutes. We cannot speak so highly of all the speeches. Mr. Prest's was good,

and would have been very effective but for

its great length, and the unwise refer ence to a topic upon which Sunday-school

teachers have over and over again ex

pressed a strong opinion.

Mr. Bevan, and Mr. Weir, acquitted themselves nobly. Mr. Pottinger's was a first appearance, and though a Sundayschool teacher, he did not seem quite at

home. He would have done better in


feeling alone that prompts us to ask whether more could not have been done than was accomplished between half-past seven and eleven o'clock? Instead of delegates, who had an express mission, the chairman called upon London speakers, who were unprepared;-instead of discussing the West Riding of Yorkshire. the practical questions affecting the Green, ever ready to take up the glove, schools, and eliciting information as to the ran a side-tilt at Mr. Prest, and won a cheer, state of country Unions, the chief time while the meeting lost a speech. Mr. was spent in advertising the claims of vaBateman, the worthy and talented Editor rious Magazines,-a very important matof "The Bible-Class Magazine," did his ter in its way-but not the proper sequence best, but could not be heard. We rejoice to the admirable digest of business pre- to know that he has an audience of fifteen sented by Mr. Groser. thousand persons who listen to him in a We would venture to suggest, that wider sphere of usefulness. The collection

another time the breakfast should be earlier, the meal simpler and shorter, the

price lower, and the accommodation larger; that each delegate should be called upon by some prepared plan to speak for a given time, and to confine himself to practical matters. We should then have a fine specimen of the meeting we desire, and ample time for a real and useful Conference.

THE EVENING MEETING, As is generally the case, was the best of the month. No cause had so many supporters, or better advocates; all that was wanting was more pecuniary help. It is a singular thing that people will live in

was under £80. Surely the Committee would do well at once to appeal to the

public; they have a strong claim, and

must be supported by annual Subscriptions.

THE RAGGED SCHOOL UNION. sustained. The speeches were less sentiTHIS meeting was very cheering, and well mental, and took a higher tone than for merly; and the evident feeling of the friends of this institution is growing in favour of self-sustaining schools. Let it be ever so little, the poorest Englishman likes to pay, if he can, something; and after all, the greatest charity is to help men to help themselves.



HIS is the meridian of the seasons. The Anglo-Saxons called this month Sere month, from the dryness of the atmosphere; but more anciently weyd month, "because their beasts did then weyd in the meadows, that sto say, go to feed there; and hereof a meadow is also in the Teutonic called a weyd, and of weyd we yet retain our word wade, which we understand of going through watery places, such as meadows are wont to be."

About this time it is mid-winter in La Plata, South America.

The rebellion of Jack Cade, who, t will be remembered, in 1450, spoke hus of education: -"Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm, in erecting a grammar chool; and whereas before, our forefathers had no other books but the score and tally, thou hast caused printing to be used. Away with him! he has a familiar under his tongue, he speaks not o' God's name." Sir Thomas More is tried at the bar of his own court, 1535.

In 1764, the number of slaves imported into Jamaica by the French, was 10,223. Slavery is now abolished in the colonies by the Provisional Government.

King James visits the Lions' Tower, 1605. After being forced from their den by burning links, "then there was two racks of mutton thrown unto them, which they did presently eat; then there was a lusty cock alive cast unto them, which they presently killed, and sucked his blood. After this the king caused a live lamb to be easily let down unto them by a rope; and being come to the ground, the lamb lay upon his knees, and both the lions stood in their former places, and only beheld the lamb; but presently the lamb rose up and went unto the lions, who

very gently looked upon him, and smelled on him without sign of any further hurt." This was the amusement and sport of the British Solomon and his court.

5. Adam Smith born, 1723.-Dr. Sacheverell died, 1724.

The old law of wager of battle, in which personal combat was allowed, is abolished, 1819.

7. The Royal Exchange founded by Sir Thomas Gresham. His crest was a grasshopper.



The execution of Archbishop Scroop, 1405. Henry IV. commanded the Chief Justice Gascoigne to pronounce upon him the sentence of death, but that inflexible judge refused, on the plea, that the laws gave him no jurisdiction over the life of the prelate, and that he had a right to be tried by his peers.

The ninth day of the Jewish month, Thammuz, was an especial fast for the taking of Jerusalem, under Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, upon that day, B. C. 587. The seventy years of the captivity, according to the prediction of Jeremiah, begins, B. C. 606, when the temple was plundered, and Daniel, with his three companions, who escaped from the furnace, were led away to the Assyrian capital.

11. Dugald Stewart died, 1828.-Roger Bacon died, 1294.

14. The Roman Republic established.

Cicero has preserved the original laws of the Comitia, which subverted the tyranny and set up the commonwealth.

15. Martin Luther is excommunicated by a papal bull, 1520.

The famous decree, called the Confession of Augsburg, drawn up by Melancthon, was publicly read the same day, 1530.

Anson arrives at Spithead, 1744, after a voyage round the world, of three years and nine months. 21. Bishop Butler died, 1752.

Sabbath Evenings at Home.

(Continued from page 191.)

B. C. 1451.

Moses would die, and then the peop would be left again without any one t speak for them. But God is so mercifu to man that he is "ready to give u more than either we desire or deserve;

and now that the time of Moses' deat draws near, He commands him to te the people that a prophet shall be pr vided for them such as they have d sired, one who can plead with God fo them, and whose voice they shall r joice, and not be afraid to hear. Wh was such a prophet?

THE NINTH PROMISE OF A SAVIOUR AS A PROPHET. DEUTERONOMY XVIII. 15-19. P.-As the time approached when Moses was to be taken away from the people of Israel, and they would necessarily feel the loss of such a leader, he was commissioned of God to take this opportunity of comforting the people with a promise, which was not to be fulfilled completely until a much later day. This promise is to be found in Deut. xviii. 15-19: read the whole passage over, and then ask any ques-ing between us and God, and reconci tion on it you like.

C.-What is a prophet? P.-He is one who makes known the will of God to man. Sometimes he foretells distant events in this life, foreshowing what the Providence of God designs to bring about. Prophets were frequently sent of God to the people to warn them of their sins, or of his judgments if they did not repent.

C.-Is not this then a temporal promise, for the prophet would come in this life?

P.-If his office had been limited to this life, it would have been a temporal promise only, but much more than this is spoken of here; the prophet is promised of a different character from that which such persons generally were. For what is the circumstance that Moses reminds the people of, as having occurred at Horeb?

C.-They had been so terrified by the voice of God, that they besought him not to speak to them again, lest they should die, but to let Moses speak for him.

C.-Jesus Christ.

P.-Yes, he is our Mediator, plead

ing us sinners to his Father and ou Father, by his own precious bloo This, then, is a gracious promise of Saviour from God, and one upon whic the Jews had great reliance, as we se frequently alluded to in the gospel One of the questions asked of John the Baptist was, "Art thou that prophet? and he answered, "No," John i. 21 again the people said, "This is of truth, that prophet that should com into the world," John vi. 14; and again, "Of a truth this is the prophet, John vii. 40.

B. C. 1451.


P. We have already seen that Moses had promised the people of Israel a Saviour, first as an angel, and, secondly, as a prophet; we have now to consider a third type or figure, under P.-This is in the twentieth chapter which the same promise was repeated of Exodus, and the fifth of Deutero-to them. This you will find in Deut. nomy, and God says that in thus asking xxxii. 1-4, which you may, therefore, they have done well, "they have well read over. said all that they have spoken," Deut. v. 28. They, however, had asked only for Moses to speak with them. Now

C.-Whom does Moses mean when he calls upon the heaven and earth to hear him?

P. He means all created things, whether those that obey his laws in heaven, or men who should be his ministers on earth; and so he calls upon all his servants, in heaven and on earth, to hearken to what he has to say.

C. And what is meant by his docrine dropping as rain, and his speech @dew?

P-Rain and dew, the small rain and the showers, are the refreshings which God sends in different ways upon he earth we inhabit, and all that grows pon it; and Moses means that as by hese the tender herb and the grass re nourished, so those who will reeive the doctrine he teaches, shall be trengthened and refreshed by, the ruths taught to them. He then begins o praise God, and calls him by a cerain name; What is that name? C.-He is the Rock.

P.-And to what did Moses refer when he said that God was the Rock?

C.-I do not exactly know, unless was to the rock from which the water ame in the desert.

P.-That is it. As the rock had on that occasion been the means, under God, of supplying their extreme necessity in the wilderness, so would God be to them on every occasion a rock fruitful of help and blessing to them in the time of trouble.

C. But how is it here promised that our Saviour was to be our Rock?

P.-St. Paul in his first epistle to the Corinthians, chap. x. ver. 4, tells us that the children of Israel "did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them; and that Rock was Christ? "

C.-Oh! then, that at once tells us that the Rock meant Christ?

P.-Certainly it does so; and our Saviour himself on one occasion speaking to his apostles, called himself the Rock; for when he had asked them whom they believed him the Son of man to be, and Peter, speaking for them all, said in reply, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." He told them that this confession they had made was the rock upon which he would build his church, so that the gates of hell, that is, the strength of hell, should not prevail against it; Matth. xvi. 18. Thus we are enabled to understand other passages of the Scripture as speaking of our Saviour in the same way, as in the Psalms, "I will love thee, O Lord, my strength, the Lord is my rock and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower," Ps. xviii. 1, 2. And since all these things are spoken of our Saviour and of God, therefore it is evident that he is God!



upon the place, that they who pass may in future be the better able to avoid it.

WHERE a ship strikes upon a rock, or | duty bound, we will strive to set a buoy
the sounding-line tells of shallows, men
sometimes place a buoy, which floats
upon the surface of the water; and
when the passing sailor sees the painted
log rising and falling with every swell
of the tide, he knows that danger is
near, and he is warned, and keeps off.
We think we know a spot on which
more than one or two have received
damage, if not shipwreck; and, as in

A Sabbath-school teacher, whom we know. well, and whose labours in the great cause have, we believe, been blessed, brought one morning to the school a number of catechisms for distribution to his class. One or two of his scholars said they had catechisms, all the others said they had none. Those

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who had, the teacher passed over; those who had not, he gladly supplied. So far well-but mark the consequences.

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'Mamma," said a little girl, when she went home that evening, "if I had told a lie to-day, I would have got a catechism."

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"I think that strange, Eliza," said her mother; surely the Sabbathschool is no place for lies; and if you could be so wicked, I know your teacher is too good to reward you for it."

"Indeed I am telling nothing but the truth; and if I had told a lie in the school, I would have had a nice new catechism home with me to-day."

"Let us hear the whole story," said her mother.

"You know, dear mamma, I went to the school this morning with neighbours Jane and Sarah. They told me along the way how their mother had bought each of them a new catechism on last market-day; and they said, if I once saw how pretty their books were, I would not look at my own old one any more. Our teacher asked us all when we went in, if we had any catechisms, and each of those who said they had not, received one from him as a present. Jane, after all she told me, by the way, denied that she had any, and got a new one. Sarah did the same. When it came to my turn to be asked, I told the truth, that I had one at home. So you see, mamma, I must be doing with this old catechism; but, had I told a lie, I would have got a new one."

said her mother: "you did as you ought to have done, and I am better pleased with your conduct than if you brought home twenty catechisms won by a lie. The reason you got no book was, not because you told the truth, but because your teacher thought that you had no need of a second. His reason for giving Jane and Sarah their catechisms was, because he believed they had none. So you see your teacher is not to blame. However you will not suffer by telling the truth for the next time I go to town I will buy you a new catechism, and a new Bible besides. And now, do you re member reading anything about lian in the word of God?"

"Not at present," said Eliza, “but as I was reading something lately! think I could find it. O yes! Here i is: Rev. xxi. 8, All liars shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone." "

"Remember that, dear Eliza, and never be a liar."

This conversation came to the knowledge of the teacher; and although he had acted with the purest motives, and as many judicious teachers would have done under the same circumstances, he felt that in this expression of his kindness there was a temptation to commit sin, and determined that in future he would run the risk of giving a present to one who would not need it, rather than give what might appear to his scholars a reward for a lie. We would have all sabbath-school teachers to

"Do not repent of what you did," make the same determination.

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