OR, A SPIRITUAL VIEW OF THE OCEAN AND MARITIME AFFAIRS: WITH REFLECTIONS ON The Battle of Trafalgar, AND OTHER EVENTS. BY THE AUTHOR OF THE RETROSPECT. &c. &c. &c. London: PUBLISHED BY J. NISBET, 15, CASTLE STREET, OXFORD STREET; 1818. 141. K. 143. PREFACE. AFTER the substance of some of the shorter Essays which compose this volume had been drawn up and printed in a little tract, for gratuitous or cheap circulation among the more serious part of our brave tars, under the title of "The Seaman's Spy-glass,” it was thought, that some further Essays might be added; which, together with anecdotes and reflections on actual events, which passed under the writer's notice, might, altogether, form a little book, not wholly uninteresting or unprofitable to some pious officers and intelligent maritime youths, as well as to a few non-nautical Christians on shore. Certainly, the Scriptures have authorized this mode of instruction. They have often thus compared and illustrated divine truths; and no one who attentively reads the Bible, and is acquainted with the sea and naval affairs, can for a moment doubt, whether these do not furnish many striking emblems and illustrations of the shortness and uncertainty of time-of the emptiness and vanity of all which this world calls great and good-of the privilege and importance of laying up a treasure in heaven, and of making the Creator and Judge of all the world our friend in time and in eternity. |