J.H. 1825. "I agree with Mr. Gray, 'that any man living may make a book worth PRINTED BY RICHARD CRUTTWELL, ST. JAMES'S-STREET, BATH; AND SOLD BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, BROWN, AND GREEN, PATER 1825, BODE ADVERTISEMENT. If the following trifling Collection of Observations should encourage his youthful readers (to whom they are especially addressed) to ponder on what they read, and in order to impress them the more on their memories, to write down their Notices and recollected Observations on Men and Books, the Writer will feel amply remunerated for his pains and time. N.B. Aulus Gellius,* from whom he has taken the title to these volumes, very modestly informs his readers, that his essays were not written in Attica, and that he did not presume on his Attic wit. I have, gentle Reader; used the same caution in my titlepage, by translating Attica Attics or Garret. See Beloe's Preface to the Translation. |