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306. 2. Second coming, 307.
3. Destruction of Jerusalem,
307. Cæsar's effort to prevent
the burning of the Temple, 308.

of the mind, 309. II. Manner
of refining, 310. Process of re-
fining gold, 310. III. Certainty
of the work of the Redeemer,311.
We must be put into the furnace,
312. The Refiner been there him-
self, 313. Beautiful incident of
the visit of a lady to a refiner,313.
RESURRECTION. Resurrection of
Lazarus, 315, 50. Jesus the first
that rose to die no more, 317.
A pledge of our resurrection,
317, 123. Beautiful extract, 317.
Grand description, 317. Great
value of the resurrection, 318.
Beautiful illustration drawn from
the domestic circle, 318.
Hardie's celebrated description,


ROCK. Opinion of the ancient Jews
concerning Horeb, 323. Ani-
mating description of the scene
in the desert, 323. From Jesus
flow the waters of everlasting
life for a world, 324. This Rock
will ever stand firm as the throne
of the universe, 325.

Jesus not both the Creator and
son of David, 326. In what
sense Jesus is both the Root and
Offspring of David, 327. A
striking proof that Jesus was
the true Messiah, 327.

would have received Jesus if he
had declared himself to be only
the Saviour of them, 329. I. The
nature of salvation, 329. II.
The extent of salvation, 330.
1. Teachings of Jesus, 330. 2.
Character, 331. III. The cer-
tainty of salvation, 332. If Je-
sus save not the world, then can-
not wear in eternity this title,


SERVANT. I. Came to reveal the
Father's will, 335. II. His emi-
nent qualifications, 336. Excel-
lent remark of Bishop Pearce.

III. His faithfulness, 337. Moral
truth: the way to greatness is
first to become a servant, 338.

SHEPHERD. Beautiful allusions of
Bible, 340. Ancient manner of
keeping sheep, 340. Parallel
between the unfaithful shepherd
and the good shepherd, 341.
Mankind belong to Christ as his
sheep, 341. He will bring home
the last wanderer, 343.

SHILOH. Bishop Newton's view, 345.
Translation of the Vulgar Latin;
of the LXX, 345; of Onkelos,
346. Interesting circumstances
connected with the passage, 346.
An objection noticed, 347. The
rejection of Shiloh by the Jews
proves him to be the Messiah,
348, 265.

SoN. Professor Stuart's illustrations
of the word, 350. Jesus distin-
guished himself as the Son
of Man, 351. Reasons, 351.
Scene in Gethsemane, 352, 82,
252. His errand, 354. Apostle,
in speaking of the subjection of
all things, excepts only God him-
self, 355, 333.

STAR. Beauty of title, 356.


trations: The weary traveller,
the mariner, the watcher, 356.
Beautiful extract from Beattie,
357. Jesus revealed the truth
that afflictions will cease for-
ever, 357.

SUN. Beauty of; his immensity and
greatness, 360. Jesus far more
beautiful. As the one is design-
ed for all, so is the other, 361.
Address to Jesus, 361.

TEACHER. Excellence of, 362.


knowledge of God, 362, 386; of
the human heart, 363. His ori-
ginality, 364, 396. Rosseau's
admirable confession, 365. Prac-
tised the duties he recommended,

TRUTH. Man had searched every-

where for truth before the com-
ing of Jesus, 366. Beautiful ex-
tract from Fox, 366. Jesus was
the TRUTH, 367. Views of the
Stoics, Peripatetics, and Epicu-

reans, 368. Views of Socrates,
368. Jesus revealed a future

life, 369, 127, 317, 386. Eloquent
description of truth, 369. Will
ultimately conquer, 370.

VINE. Beauty of emblems employed
by Jesus, 371. Probably in the
Temple when the comparison
was inade, 372. Beautiful des-
cription of the vine there. Apt-
ness of his words, 372. Subject
presented under three views: I.
The Vine signifies doctrine, 373.
Shall enjoy it hereafter, 374. II.
The husbandman is God, 374.
Planted for the world, 375. III.
The disciples were the branches,
376. 1. They must abide in him,
377. 2. If not, they would be
cast forth, 377. 3. If remained,
they would be purged, 378.
Beauty of parables of Jesus,
379, 364.

WAY. Description of the Last Sup-
per, 380. Baseness of treachery,

380. Jesus the Way by his ex-

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