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Nor let our souls in error stray.
From sin and ill (forever join'd)
Deliver us, and all mankind.
For thine's the kingdom, glory, pow'r,
From age to age, forevermore."



Of which the Jubilee under the Law was a Figure.
AIL, glorious DAY ! from ancient times foretold /
Proclaim'd by types and prophecies of old!

TILLA Jay of Heav'n's eternal Jubilee,
Ordain'd of God to set poor captives free!
Great day, for which all other days were made !
Which God weil pleas'i foresaw, when he survey'd
Man by rebelnon, ruin'd, lost, undone,
Redeem'd, rest r'd by Jesus Chirst, his Son.
Thou day of Gou, p. efigur'd by the law,
And which the prophers at a distance saw:
The grandeur of thy sceres I would proclaim,
If God would touch my lips with heav'nly flame:
To me, O Ga, the learned's tongue impart;
Direct my fancy, and inspire my heart.
Fix'd by the Great Eternal's firm decree,
Thy date is wrapt in awful mystery :
So far remote that day, conceal'd from view
Its hidden periods, and its wonders too,
That men impiously traduce, blaspheme,
And count th' Important Day a tictious dreanı.
Assist me, Faith, Hope, Cherity, divine,
I prize your aid, let all your virtue shine,
Teach me that hidden period to explore,
When sin, and pain, and death shall be no more.
When Christ shall over all his foes prevail,
And spoil the powers of darkness, death and hell.
Then shali Creation own his sovereign sway,
And ev'ry creature willingly obey.

Each knee shall bow, and ev'ry tongue shall swear,
While heav'n and earth his right to reign declare.
To all mankind it shall be testified,

In that due time the Saviour for them died,
All things in him shall then reheaded be,
All own him Lord, and how the suppliant knee,
All reconcil'd to God, his love shall know,
Whether in heav'n above, or earth below.
The YEAR OF JUBILEE shall then become,
And all the Saviour purchas'd shall come homes


The Mediator shall no more complain,

That he hath labor'd, spoke, or died in vain;

The travail of his soul with joy shall see,

And satisfied eternally shall be.

The TRUMPET of the JUBILEE shall sound;

Jesus shall be with endless glory crown'd;

And through the great JEHOVAH'S wide domain,
Not one shall rise against his glorious reign;
But all from sin and death, and bondage free,

Shall praise his name to all eternity.
When all are thus obedient to his call,



Christ will resign, and God be ALL IN ALL.

Here stop my soul: no further seek to go;
What God reveals is quite enough to know.

E. W.

The Triumphs of Hell shall make way, and become the foundation for the Triumphs of Grace.

• And there shall be no more curse.

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Here is my hand-my heart-my all-
Enlist me, now inclin'd;
Receive me, if for me that call
Eternal Love design'd.

Stain'd as I am by sin unclean,
Heal, heal me thus defil'd-
Ah! will not Grace the more be seen?
LORD! am I not thy child ?

Let there be no more curse in me,
Begin my heaven below;
Eternal Love I long to see
Near-neaver-even now.

O'tis too much for flesh and blood!
Moses-thy type-declar'd:
O'tis enough that thou art good;
Return till I'm prepar'd.

Events are in thy hands alone;
Content-I'll wait resign'd.
Unbounded goodness fills thy throne
Reflect it through my mind!

So, as a river many a shore,
Enriches in its course;

And runs into the sea to pour
New tribute to its source.

Honor-if honor thou'lt bestow,
I'll render back as thine
Should Troubles fill my cup with woe,
Still Hope should not repine.

Each time thy servants to thine house
Repair, with them I'd meet :
Venture with them to pay my vows,
And share their heav'nly treat.
Nor would I feed on bread alone,
Though hallow'd bread I prize
Symbols most sacred can't atone,
Sublimer sense must rise,

Him must I see, and hear and taste,
And handle, and admire;

Love and enjoy-who, when embrac'd,

Leaves more and more desire.

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Soul of my soul!-Bone as my bone,

Endure me thus to call;

Rise thou and shine!- shine on thy throne,
Victorious over all.

Earth! hear your Sov'reign's gracious voice :
Hear, heaven!-Proclaim your King;
IMMANUEL reigns!-And thus, my choice!-
MESSIAH!-Thee I sing.


Page 36, line 29, for de, read he. p. 43, 1. 17, f. made believe, r. made to believe. p. 117, 1. 31, f. where unable to say were, r. were unable to say where.-p. 139, 1. 1, f. Yet, r. Ye. p. 161, 1. 30, f. whiles, r. while. p. 185, 1. 12. f. no, r. not-p. 280, 1. 14, f. reasons some, r. reasons why some-p. 297, 1. 19, f. he enlightens, r. he that enlightens. p. 315, 1. 10, f. triumph, r. likeness. p. 324, 1. 18, f. according their, r. according to their -p. 330, 1. 31, f. lies, r. lie. -p. 333, 1. 30, f. call, r. called.-p. 360, 1.27, f. cloth, r. clothe.

WHO ever purchases this Book, will do at the same time, two laudable deeds: He will not only furnish himself and family (if he has one) with a useful store of Divine Knowledge, and Moral Instruction; but he will also cast in his mite, to assist the EDITOR, who hath brought himself and family into disagreeable circumstances, by striving to be beneficial to mankind,

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