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mary is put under the care of twenty Directors, viz. the Lord Provoft of Edinburgh for the time; and, in his abfence, the Dean of Gild; the Prefident of the royal college of Phyficians for the time, and, in his abfence, the Vice-prefident; the Deacon-conveener of the Trades of Edinburgh for the time; four out of the royal college of Phyficians, whereof two of the Profeffors of Medicine in the univerfity, when there are fuch at the time; the Profeffor of Anatomy, if there be fuch at the time; and two of the corporation of Surgeons, or three of the faid corporation when there is no Profeffor of Anatomy; one of the Senators of the college of Juftice; one of the faculty of Advocates; one of the fociety of Clerks to the Signet; one of Minifters of the city of Edinburgh, and fix others out of the number of contributers to the Infirmary, under the controul of the corporation. They have begun to build a large houfe, according to a plan published, 206 foot long from eaft to weft, fronting north, of two wings extending north, 70 foot long each from the body, 4 ftoreys high, each 11 foot from floor to floor, 25 foot broad within the walls, but 54 foot in the center, which is to be 36 foot within the wall, for a convenient operationroom, where, from 2 to 300 ftudents and apprentices may conveniently fee any opemtion performed, without difturbing those who perform it. The whole college of Phyficians and cor poration of Surgeons have engaged to attend the patients, and to give their advice and medicines gratis. All ftudents (for a very fmall honorary to be applied towards the expence of the houfe) will be admitted not only to attend the Phyficians and Surgeons in their vifits, to fee their prefcriptions, to excerpt from a fair regifter (which will be kept in the house) of every patient's cafe and cure, all the cafes they think worth their notice; but also will have all the advantage of a regular education by the colleges in all the different branches of phyfick. Patients from all places are to be received, except incurables.

At a general anniversary meeting of the fociety for propagating Christian knowledge, the Most Hon. the Marquis of Lothian was unanimously re-r elected President, Mr. William Grant Secretary, James Davidfon Treasurer, James Nimmo Comptroller, David Spence Accomptant, Nicol Spence Clerk. r And, as a committee of Directors, Com miffioner George Drummond, Mr. Pa-trick Haldane, Mr. William Hall, Mr... Albert Monro, Thomas Dundas, Charles Hope, William Hog, Dr. John Riddel,Alexander Nisbet, George Cuningham, James Baillie, Meff. James and John Walkers and John Hepburn, and James. Donaldfon junior.

This fociety was erected into a cor poration by letters patent in the 1709, and maintain 113 fchools; at which there are about 4000 scholars, besides vast numbers who have been learned to read, and are now employed in business. They have fent four Miffionaries to America.

The eclipfe of the Moon, the 13th, at night, begun about 26 min. after 9, and ended about 16 min. after 12, apparent time. There was more than 7 digits eclipfed. From one to four next morning, wind W. S. W. we had the moft violent hurricane (with lightning) ever felt here, by which the streets and lanes of this city were covered with large ftones, tiles, flates, fign-pofts, and rubbish. The caftle fuffer'd extremely; huge ftones were carried to fome diftance, the leads rolled up or blown over the walls, most of the roofs either deftroy'd or much damag'd, particularly the chapel, arfenal, and magazine; a part of Enfign Kinloch's houfe was beat down, and the walls of the Storemafter's houfe fhatter'd; but nobody killed, only one Soldier and the Storemaster's fon were wounded. The cen tries were oblig'd to retire to the guardhoufe. The leads that cover'd the ftately buildings in the Parliament clofe were carried off theroof, one part of it, 1200 wt. was born up about half a mihute in the air, and carried to the middle of the area, and the rest thrown into Mr. Jolley's clofe.The Recple of St:


Giles's was much affected by it; the leads of the Tron-church steeple were rolled up; the weather-cock and fpire of Magdalen chapel were carried away; the Canongate-church was much damag'd, and its fine portico levelled with the ground. The chimney of a houfe Todrick's wynd falling down, broke the roof and the next floor; by which Mr. Moubray's child and maid fell one ftorey, and were much hurt.-A maid of Sir Thomas Gordon's, in Lawn-market, leaving the house in defpair, and carrying a grandchild of that gentleman's, fell down and broke the child's thigh-bone.-A man was forely crush'd by the fall of a stone from a house.A large houfe at the back of the Camengate, belonging to Mrs. Hyres, was laid level with the ground, and the tiles were blown off the new play-houfe.-In this general panick, we were a arm'd by the fire-dram, the catastrophe being much more melancholy in the neighbourhood. The impetuofity of the wind fcatter'd the fires in fome chimnies, and fet the houses in flames: particularly Mr. Bryfon's Brewer at Summerhall, which redue'd it to afhes, with above 200 bolls of grain, &c. and fame low houfes at a confiderable diftance. The wind increased the flames, and the fire-engines could not be used. One Thomas Mackie, a Joiner, who gave the alarm to the family, was miferably fcorched. — Another broke out at Bangham, betwixt this city and Newhaven, in the house of Mrs. Angus, which foon reduced it to afhes, with feven ricks of corn, &c.-Alfo at Coltbridge;-at Green-end in the parish of Liberton ; — at Inverkeithing in the thire of Fife, and at Clackmannan; which did unspeakable damage to many of the poor inhabitants of thefe places. -Numbers of Gentlemen, Farmers, e are great fufferers. Many of their houfes are blown down; their corns carried away and promifcuoufly fcattered' in the fields and roads, or blown into Waters; trees torn up by the roots; fome people killed by the falling in of houses, and a great many cattle.The palaces of Hamilton and Dalkeith, the

abbay of Culrofs, the caftles of Stirling and Clackmannan, the houses of Hopeton, Aloa, Ernock, and Craigmiller, the falt-pans along the coast, and the lead-mill at Leith, are much damag'd; the house of Auchinbowie, and the new Church of Killearn are blown down.→→→→ At Darnhall and Prestonhall the whole planting was torn up;-at Yester about 1000 full-grown trees, at the Lord Elibank's feat 400,-at Edmonston 300,

and at Ernock 8 large firs, 16 foot round each, fuffered the fame fate. We have the like accounts from Glafgow, and feveral places in the country.

We have the following advices of the damage done the fhipping in several ports of this kingdom.

From Greenock, That the St. Andrew, John Brown, and Martha, James Gregory, were driven up betwixt Ardoch and Dumbarton, fix miles from Port-Glafgow, fo high that a long-boat cannot come to them at high water; and thought to be irrecoverable. Mally, Colin Dunlop, driven up to full feamark, in the bay of New-port, and lying upright; a little damaged. May, Alexander Stirling, at the full fea-mark, on her broadfide. Nelly, John Somervell, in the fame condition. Lizie, Andrew Crawfurd, overfet at the back of Newark-caftle. Sufanna, William Duncan, put afhore at the Garvel-point, a little be-eaft Crawford's dike, her bottom out. Agnes, William Bryfon, upon the Rigs, upright, and damaged. The Bark of George Orr at Inverkip put afhore at Garvel's house, eaft end of Crawford's dike; her bottom out. Princess Mary, Alexander Campbell, put afhore at eaft end of Crawford's dike; ftanding upright, but her upper works crufhed to pieces. Two barks in the fame place, ftanding upright, but much damaged. The Happy Union, put afhore at Mrs. Weir's door, and beat down a good deal of her house. Anne Galley, Hugh Crawford Master, after cutting her mafts, and springing a leak in Lamlafh road, drove from her cables, and ran afhore on the Troonpoint, betwixt Irvine and Air, and dashed to pieces next day; the erew

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faved, except one feryant. This fhip and cargo was valued at L. 2600 Sterl. and no infurance made.At PortGlasgow, The hands of the Amity, George Blair, finding themselves driving, let out the anchors, ftruck out the gun-ports, and funk her in the harbour. John Carnegy's gabart drove upon, and lies across the top of the new key. John Knox's gabart funk at the mouth of the harbour.- From Broomilaw, that one gabart is funk, and all the reft much thattered; and that the north coaft, between Rofeneth and Glasgow, is full of gabarts and small boats drove up among the corn lands.--From Maybole, that a vast quantity of brandy and rum was caft in along the coaft of Carrick; and that above 100 casks were carried to the custom-house at Air, and the like quantity found at Ballantire. Two boats putting into Dinure, loaded with brandy and rum, one of them was beat to pieces against the rocks, and in the other, two of the hands rifh'd. A great deal of wreck is daily feen, pieces of boards, fea-compaffes, &-From Gourock, that their barks and boats were driven afhore, and one or two boats loft. From Long-Annat, that a great number of cruives were loft,


From Cockenzie, that two fine fhips were dafhed to pieces in the harbour. -AtLoch-Leven in Fife, great fhoals of pearches and pikes were driven a great way into the fields; fo that the country people got horfe-loads of them, and fold them at one penny per hundred.

From Kinghorn, that a dreg-boat which had been hauled up from the feamark, was toffed in the air, and thrown to an incredible distance. From Burntifland, that the fhipping in that harbour were drove from their mooring, and fuffered confiderably. At Fisher-row, fome lives, and feveral fishing-boats, were loft. At Leith, feveral fhips broke loofe, and carried away the iron-rings to which they were faftned.

Five boats, fmuggling brandy, were caft afhore at Inverkip, near Greenock, and all the hands perish'd.

A boat was caft away near Banff, and eight perfons drowned.

The Crawford Galley, William Gregory Mafter, was caft away in Yarmouth Roads, but the crew happily got to land. She had loaded 1400 bolls of wheat at Dundee for Lifbon.

Alexander Thomson Smith at Aberlady, who for fome time feemed diforder'd in his fenfes, went into the road with a knife in his hand, and, without provocation or acquaintance, attack'd and murder'd one Forrester a land-labourer, by cutting his throat from ear to ear, and ripping up his chest. Defigning to perpetrate more barbarity, he made up to a Royal Gray Dragoon, who knock'd him down, and had him fecured. He was brought prifoner to Haddington jail, and has confeffed.

The fine new-built houfe of Alexander Grant of Delrachney, Efq; was burnt to the ground by accidental fire; whereby the whole furniture, plate, about L. 170 in cash, and a great many valuable papers, are confum'd.

Informations have been laid against the Comedians before the Magiftrates, the Juftices of the Peace, and the Lords of Seffion,

It being neceffary, in order to obtain the

laft advices of every month, to delay publication a few days in the month following, we prefume, that should we in conformity to exact chronological order, omit what occurred in this kingdom during thafe days of the new month, our Readers might think fuch occurrences too long deferred to another Magazine: Wherefore we fall, by way of POSTSCRIPT, conftantly give an account of what happens in Scotland, from the end of the month to the day of publication.

Proposals are published for building and endowing an hofpital or workhouse for employing the poor, and taking care of the orphans and foundlings of this city, as they have already done with fuccefs at Glasgow. The Lord Provost has fubfcribed L. 25, the Baillies, Dean of Gild and Treasurer, L. 10 each, and each member of the town-council and


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the conjunct Clerk-depute, L. 5. each. Several others have followed their good example.-The Directors are to be chofen thus: Nine by the Magiftrates and Town-council, whereof fix Merchants and three Craftímen; Twenty feven by the particular Kirk-feffions, whereof a Minifter, an Elder, and a Deacon, from every feffion; Two by the Lords of Seffion; One by the Barons of Exchequer, Three by the faculty of Advocates, Three by the Writers to the Signet, Two by the College of Phyficians, and Two by the Epifcopal Clergy. -Any man fubfcribing L. 50 Sterl. or upwards, toward the building, is intitled to be a Director during his life; and a woman fubfcribing that fum fhall have power to chufe a Director during her life; and any number of perfons contributing not below L. 5 Sterl. nor above L. 49 Sterl. may chufe annually One of every ten of their number to be a Director.-Any fociety or corporation fubfcribing L. 10 Sterl. yearly towards endowing the house, may chufe a Director.

An accidental flash of lightning fet fire to fome houses in Valley-field near Culrofs, and reduced five of them to alhes.

The presbytery of Edinburgh have agreed to the fettlement of Principal William Wifheart in the New Grayfriars Church.

CASUALTIES in January. Drowned 4. Killed by a fall, 1, Smother'd 10.

Bill of mortality for January. Buried, men 18, women 25, children 72. In all, 115. Increased this month, 27.

Whereof have died,

Under 2 years old


Betwixt 2 and 5


5 and 10

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10 and 20


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Old age

Killed by a fall



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R. Hulfe,-Phyfician Extraordinary to his Majefty. Teflier,-one of his Majefty's Phyficians; and is to hold his being Phyfician to his Majesty's houshold. Brigadier General Campbell,-Groom

of the Bedchamber to his Majesty. David Bruce Writer in Edinburgh,

Agent for his Majesty's board of excile in Scotland. William Williams, Efq;- Auditor of the excife in Scotland. Robert Dickson,-Supervifor General of falt in Scotland. Thomas Gordon,-Profeffor of Huma

nity in the Old college of Aberdeen, Gideon Lockhart Writer in Lanerk,Principal Clerk to the Justice of Peace Court for that fhire.

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Admiral Haddock,- Commiffioner of the Navy at Plymouth.


[blocks in formation]

Dr. Matthias Mawfon, Bishop of Landaffe.


Mr. William Somervel of Dorater, Ad

vocate,to Mifs Gib.



The Dutchess of Marlborough, of a fon, and heir. He is ftil'd Marquis of Blandford.

The Lady of James Wauchop-Don of Edmonton, Efq;-of a daughter, and firft Child.


Sir Robert Cater, Knight, and Alder-
man of Cheap-Ward.
Sir Francis Clavering, Baronet.
Mr. Horne, an eminent banker, and
chief lamp-lighter to his Majefty, a
place of about L. 600 per annum.
Sir Thomas Lombe, Knt. Alderman for

Thomas Goodman, Efquire, one of the
King's phyficians.
William Greenwood, Efq; formerly an
eminent banker, and a director of the
S. S. Company.
Sir Roger Meredith, Knt.

William Lawson, L. L. D. and King's
Advocate for Nova Scotia.
The Lady Newton, relict of Sir Richard
Newton of that Ilk, Bart.
Thomas Pearce, Efq; Lieutenant-Gene-
ral of his Majefty's land-forces in

Mifs Wright, grand-daughter to Sir Nathan Wright, Knt. formerly keeper of the Great Seal.

Col. James Seymour, formerly an emi-
nent banker in Fleetstreet.
Matthew Norris, Efq; (fecond fon to
Sir John Norris, Knt. Admiral of the
Union Flag) late commander of the
Tartar Man of War.
Capt. Webster, of Handafyde's regi-
ment of foot.

Alexander Master of Garlies, at Aix la
Chapelle, in the 19th year of his age.
John Stewart, fon to James firft Earl
of Bute, at Rome.
William Mackenzie, Efq; Merchant at

Jofeph Gibfon Surgeon and Profeffor of
Midwifery, author of several tracts
in the Medical Effays.
James Gordon profeffor of Humanity in
the Old College of Aberdeen.
Mr. Aiton Miniiter at Kilconquhar in
Fife, fam'd for his Arcanum, which
effectually cured children of the con-
vulfion fits.

The Lady of Capt. Grant. She was first Lady Kinnaird, and afterwards married to the Earl of Aboyne. Thomas Dick, late Dean of Gild of Edinburgh.

The young and only fon of Principal Wisheart.

Mr. John Gilchrist Minister at Urquhart. Mr. John Muttar Minister at Tranent.



Hamas Kouli Kan, the present Sovereign of PERSIA, has lately fent an embassy to the Grand Seignior, and another to her Imperial Majefty of Ruffia. The propofals made to the PORTE were, "That "the Sultan fhould yield up to Thamas "Kouli Kan all that part of Diarbehir "which was formerly in the poffeffion "of Perfia; and also cede to him in "perpetuity, all the diftrict that has "been feparated from the Upper Ar"menia and joined to the Ottoman Empire: That the Grand Seignior fhall abfolutely renounce the alliance he lately entred into with the Great Mogul: That the Caravans of Perfia "hall have a right to come directly in"to the Ottoman dominions, and en

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joy the fame privileges they have in "thofe of Thamas Kouli Kan: And "that the new fortifications that have "been made at Bagdat, or Babylon, "fhall be demolished in prefence of a "Commiflary named by Thamas Kouli "Kan." These propofitions greatly offended the Grand Seignior, and occafioned the calling of a Grand Divan, all the members of which unanimously cried out, That the Perfian demands were injurious to the Grand Seignior; that his Highnefs muft renew the war against Perfia, he being able at the fame time to carry on that against the Chriftians with fufficient vigor. The Grand Vifier made a motion for committing the Ambaffadors to the Seven Towers, (the principal ftate prifon of the Turkifh Empire) but the Grand Seignior chofe only to put a guard of 150 Janifaries over them.


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