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herd to abscond, and employ themselves in fasten- the third shot. The rajah then said, that as he ing the noosed elephants to separate trees, where had given me permission (which was the first that they are detained from two to three weeks under the careful charge of the takers. If any of the captured show symptoms of violence, they are immediately punished most severely, by two of the large tame elephants, who belabor them unmercifully with their trunks. Two such thrashings effectually cure the most insubordinate, and at the expiration of six weeks, the once free and independent denizen of the forest has a keeper on his back, and becomes as quiet as if he had been in a state of subjection all his life.

had been granted to an English officer) to sport in his forests, I ought to endeavor to render an important service to Nepaul, and that I certainly should do so if I succeeded in destroying this elephant. I immediately undertook the trial, and promised to do my best; but, upon taking leave, the rajah said: "I am not quite in earnest about that elephant, and would rather you should not go near him; for, two years ago, I sent down a couple of guns, six-pounders, to destroy him, but the party, after firing two shots at, and missing, him, had to run for their lives, leaving the two sixpounders, which the elephant amused himself by upsetting." I told his highness that, as the elephant had already destroyed so many human beings, (native reports had stated upwards of one hundred, though I considered the number to have been greatly over-rated,) I had made up my mind to encounter this animal. The rajah hereupon appointed two native chiefs, named Sirdar Bowance Sing, and Sirdar Delhi Sing, the reputed Nimrods of Nepaul, to accompany me. These two chiefs assured the rajah, on taking leave, that if I should not be able to destroy the famous "Shikar Bassa Hattee," they would do so; and we shall presently see to what extent these two valiant Sirdars fulfilled their promises.

We took our departure the following day, the Sirdars taking with them at least twenty guns each, English and Hindostanee. I had my own usual battery of two double-barrelled rifles, one single rifle, carrying a 3-oz. ball, and three firstrate double guns. We opened our sporting cam

As Chittagong is celebrated for the beauty and size of its elephants, so is Nepaul celebrated for the hardiness and ugliness of her produce a fatal peculiarity extended to the Nepaulese themselves. The full-grown female elephants seldom exceed seven feet and a half in height, but the males of forty years old, at which age they are considered to be full grown, are fine fellows, averaging from nine to eleven feet. The elephant whose death I am about to describe was eleven feet four inches in stature. His head and tusks are now in possession of the Earl of Derby, at Knowlsey Park, near Liverpool; and, as his lordship's splendid collection there is open to the public, any one wishing to satisfy himself of the battering required by an Indian elephant before he bites the dust can inspect the specimen to which I refer. I can well remember that he fought me for two hours before I killed him, and I had not made his acquaintance (on foot) ten minutes before I repented of my past folly in confronting him, and would, if he had allowed me, have most readily beaten a most ignominious retreat, gladly leaving him even my favor-paign at Hitounda, the half-way house from ite guns to amuse himself. During my stay at Nepaul to the British territory. Many deer, Nepaul, I had upon various occasions been so for- eleven tigers, and seven rhinoceroses, fell to my tunate as to kill sundry rhinoceroses, tigers, and battery, the two Nepaul chiefs having shown a bears, with some ease, and during a visit of cere- most religious horror of coming in contact with mony to the Durbar, (court,) when Mr. Brian the last-named formidable animals. The Indian Hodgson was resident at Nepaul, to whom much rhinoceros is certainly an ugly customer, evincing credit is undoubtedly due for his persevering re- a great dislike to being disturbed in his muddy searches in zoology and ornithology, the rajah bath. Upon being compelled to move, he at once asked me, at an audience, if I thought I should makes off to another swamp, and, if interfered be able to kill a wild elephant. I answered in the with on his way, he invariably shows fight, and is affirmative, when he added: "But I wish you not then to be despised; for when he once takes to understand, that the one I allude to is a fearful up a position, he will dispute it to the last with shetan (devil): he has been musth for many years!" the most determined ferocity, neither giving nor I must here observe, that an elephant when musth receiving quarter. I was much amused, after killis mad, and while in that state is always avoided, ing my fifth rhinoceros, by being waited upon by and not driven away (as is generally but errone- the two chiefs in the afternoon, and after the usual ously supposed) by the rest of the herd, and is compliments, informed by them that they had thus consequently compelled to become a solitary, received orders from the Durbar, to the effect, that but very dangerous hermit. His highness added, the court was surprised, from their own sporting that his elephant-catching had been entirely put a qualifications, that they should allow an Englishman, stop to by the animal in question, and that no one in their own country, to kill so many rhinoceroses, dared to go into that part of the forest in which he without their having destroyed one; and, that if took up his quarters. I replied, that in elephant- they were either unwilling to attempt, or incapable shooting I had acquired but little practical expe- of achieving, such an enterprise, they were immerience, having at that time killed but one, an diately to return, to be replaced by other chiefs, unfortunate wretch, about fifteen years old, who, who would be more careful not to disgrace themeither from stupidity or fright, would not get out selves as they had done. My chiefs were evidently of my way, and that I had brought him down within a great state of alarm, so I told them, if they

felt inclined to distinguish themselves I would soon | They both promised faithfully to support me, vowprocure them a favorable opportunity. They ing to stand by, even to their toe nails, (a favorite frankly confessed their incapability of profiting by Indian expression,) alleging that their honor was my offers, but earnestly implored me to save their at stake, and without some such finale, they dare hoormut (honor). To this I acceded, and the not show their faces at court again. I much next day intelligence was brought that there were doubted all these protestations, but thinking they four rhinoceroses within a mile of us. At their might possibly be seriously anxious to retrieve own request, I lent each of the chiefs one of my the disgrace which fell upon them in the rhinoguns, as they had a firm impression that they were ceros affair, I felt disposed to place confidence in endowed with some kind of jadoo (witchcraft). them, and agreed to their proposal. They then We soon arrived at the head-quarters of the ghin-informed me, they had been favored with a private dahs. They were rolling in the mud, in the midst and confidential communication from their deity, of a heavy swamp; and, finding themselves dis-│“Goruck,” who had signified his gracious intenturbed in the midst of their luxurious ablutions, tion of supporting us, and would even condescend they, as usual, got up, and made for another bath. to protect an unbelieving Feringee upon such an I immediately intercepted them, and provoked two occasion. I thanked them for Goruck's very kind of the party to hostilities, when down they came intentions, but inwardly trusted with much greater to the charge. The brute that rushed at me I confidence to a good ounce of lead well planted. killed within six yards of the elephant Megreath, The morning dawned splendidly; we were all on which I was mounted, and which stood to the in excellent spirits, and the two chiefs, in appearcharge like a rock. I fortunately hit the rhino-ance at least, were as brave as lions. were examining our guns and carefully arranging our ammunition, the savage Shikar Bassa elephant was marked down, having been discovered in his usual retreat. In order if possible to render Mr. Deity Goruck more wrathful, he had only the day before destroyed a Brahmin for firing a matchlock ball into his elephant's side; the Brahmin having been provoked to do so, by the elephant destroying and eating up two fields of rice for his own private amusement. I saw the poor priest's mangled remains close to his hut; not a vestige of humanity remained; so frightfully had the brute trampled on and kneaded his body that not a bone escaped uncrushed; legs, arms, and carcass, could only be compared to some disgusting, indescribable mass, well pounded and furnished with a skin covering. This exhibition excited my anger, and I vowed the destruction of the destroyer.

While we

ceros in the only vital part, just under the foot of the ear, which is not easily accomplished. The other animal selected my friend Sirdar Delhi Sing's elephant, which immediately turned tail and bolted, but the rhinoceros was too quick for him, came up to the elephant in a few strides, and with his tusks cut the fugitive so severely on the stern -nearly severing his tail-that he attempted to lie down under the pain. But the rhinoceros was again too quick for him, and bringing his horn into play, he introduced it under the elephant's flank; the horn tightened the skin, and then with his two frightful tusks he cut the poor animal so severely, that his entrails came rolling about his legs, as he fell, undergoing the dreadful assaults of his antagonist. The Sirdar now threw himself out of the howdah, and scrambled up a tree, (which was close at hand,) like a galvanized monkey. The other Sirdar was going across country, Of the birth and parentage of this famous outat Melton pace, on his elephant. Having disposed lawed wild elephant, for so many years the dread of my rhinoceros, I pushed up to the rescue, fear- and terror of all the Nepaul elephant catchers, I ing, indeed, the Sirdar had been killed. On ap-know little; but if a tenth part of the accusations proaching within twenty yards, the rhinoceros bestowed by the Nepaulese upon his ancestors be relinquished the fallen elephant, and turned to have true, he must have been a very low caste fellowa charge at me. I brought him on his knees the a compound of flatulent fowls and home-fed pigs. first shot, but he recovered, and fought me val- However, it is certain he was a most poweriantly; and, in consequence of my elephant being ful, well-grown beast, beautifully formed, head a little unsteady, it was not until the fifth shot that well set on and erect; and would have been altohe fell to rise no more. The poor mutilated ele-gether an invaluable animal, could he have been phant lived about two hours, and died in endeavor- persuaded to present himself at court, and conduct ing to rise. I should at once have put it out of himself properly. But he disdained such honors; its misery, had the mahout not assured me, that if he chose to remain lord paramount of the forest, he could be got to the tents he should be able to and defied all comers to dispute it with him. He recover it. From this account, it will be scen was supposed by the best judges to have been fifty that the rhinoceros is armed with much more for- years old, though triple that age in iniquity, and midable tusks than the boar. These are the having set two generations of Nepaulese at defiweapons he brings into such deadly operation, and ance, indulged himself in the recreation of destroynot the horn, as many persons are led to believe. ing any one who was fool enough to venture within Upon the day following this last event, whether his beat. Upon our arrival at a small deserted out of revenge, or from an anxious desire to stand village within three miles of the monster's headwell with their sovereign, the two chiefs cour-quarters, our camp having been pitched, I was visageously proposed that we should go at once to ited by the two Sirdars, accompanied by several destroy the Shikar Bassa, or famous wild elephant. villagers, who furnished me with most terrific ac

These elephants were so highly prized, that I pledged my word to the chiefs, that if either of them should get worsted in the attack, I would go to their rescue, and attack the wild elephant myself. This quieted their fears, at least so far as the animals were concerned.

counts of his ferocity; and finding I was not easily stroy him. After a long consultation, it was dealarmed, they evidently became so on my account, cided that the operations should be commenced by and endeavored by every possible argument to dis- the two famous tame male elephants employed in suade me from the encounter. I observed that the taking expeditions. They were the finest their arguments were useless; after coming so far animals of the kind I have ever seen, both being to see the monster, I should not think of returning ten feet and a half at the shoulder, and in the until I had made his acquaintance. I then ap-highest condition. Their respective names were pealed to them as chiefs and sportsmen, inhab-" Arang Bahadoor," and "Motee Persaud," the itants of a nation notorious for its bravery, whether latter with only one tusk, but in other respects a it would not be considered most disgraceful cow- most powerful elephant, and noted for his courardice to retire now, without even firing a shot? age. This appeal had the desired effect, and they then agreed, saying, "We can but die once, and if our respective time for doing so has arrived, we had better submit to it with honor." I gave them to understand that I did not at all approve of the dying part of their address, as I had no great personal aversion to life; but on the contrary, I felt At eight o'clock in the morning of the 7th of confident, that well armed as we were, and sup- March, 1844, we started from the tents, and at the porting one another, we might, and ought to, con-expiration of an hour, we arrived at the place quer the monster. They then tried a pathetic where this monster was to be found. Never shall allusion to their wives and families, to which II forget the scene! Upon our coming within a rejoined, that I had no such incumbrances, and few yards of his position, Motee Persaud was leadshould matters come to the worst, a few yards of ing, when out rushed the wild elephant with a terblack crape would be no very heavy tax to a brace rific whistle, and immediately commenced a furious of anxious brothers in England. Finding further attack upon Motee. The meeting of these two persuasions of no avail, they requested I would mountains of flesh was really grand. Motee stood write a few lines to the resident, to state that they the shock well, but in ten minutes, it was quite had said and done all in their power to deter me evident the wild one was master; they crossed from my purpose, which I promised. I had in their tusks, and pushed at each other like infurimy establishment some old and well-tried Shi- ated rams. Upon Motee giving way a general karees, (beaters,) men often tried, who had wit- shout was raised by some three hundred voices. I nessed some startling occurrences during our inter- immediately got off my elephant, followed by my course with the animal kingdom. One of them, five gun carriers, and fired a three-ounce ball into dubbed Jack, was a low caste fellow, but when the wild one's flank; he gave a hideous roar, under the influence of arrack, he was very cour-eased his purchase on Motee Persaud, and retired ageous, and a firm believer in the transmigration to his quarters. A general scamper now took of souls. I sent for Jack, who appeared as usual place. Away went the chiefs and Taroos (the forwell impregnated, though his nervous system was mer had never dismounted) with Motee Persaud somewhat influenced by the sudden epidemic of at their heels, and after going about two miles at alarm, which had already attacked the natives of a a rattling pace, Motee was secured with some difhigher caste. Jack could sport a little English, ficulty and fastened to a tree. I now determined and after being duly informed as to what would be upon attacking the brute on foot, Jack and my required of him, he said, "By gar, captin, dis dam other attendants standing by me, though much job; dis elerfent de divil; kill captin sure enuf." disappointed that I had not joined in the general Upon my asking him if he was prepared to stand flight. The enemy soon showed symptoms of the by me, he vowed he would, simply remarking that humor he was in by tearing down branches of the by that time to-morrow, he should be a grazing trees, and dashing them in all directions; many of bullock, and hoped he should have a good master. them were thicker than my body. Shortly afterAt daylight the next morning I was up, and wards about twenty tame buffaloes, which were found some two hundred Taroos had come in during grazing in the neighborhood, and probably disturbed the night. These men live entirely in the jungles, by the Taroos' elephants, came galloping across and speak a most unintelligible patois. Their the plain near the monster's position. I saw him appearance is of the wildest description, with issuing from the forest, and in an instant he tramhardly a vestige of clothing upon their bodies, and pled one of the buffaloes to death, crushing every their long black hair plaited down to their waist; bone in his body; he then lifted another off the but when in pursuit of their avocations, they roll ground with the greatest ease, driving his tusks it round their heads like a turban, and with a through and through him, and throwing the carblack blanket, and their bodies well greased, their cass to some distance, quite dead. He once more toilet is made. These men, accustomed to almost retreated to his cover, and in a few minutes I addaily encounters with wild elephants, have little vanced to the attack. When within a hundred fear, but they all expressed the utmost dread of yards of him, out he came with that peculiarly this Shikar Bassa elephant, declaring their convic- shrill whistle, which must be heard from a wild tion of its being neither possible to take nor de- elephant to be appreciated. He made his appear

were appalling, and he ploughed up the ground with his feet to an extent that, if described, would appear an exaggeration to those who have not seen an elephant, particularly an enraged one, in the act of performing that operation. His small eye hung from its socket; I therefore determined to manœuvre on his blind side, and ply him well with lead. I had fought him for an hour and a half. Now a scorching sun and a fast, under such circumstances, are rather trying; indeed, I had almost had enough of it, and began devoutly to wish that the beast would either take to his heels, or allow me to take to mine. The beast, unfortunately, was in no such humor. It is a notorious fact, that when two wild elephants meet in a musth state, they never separate till one of them is destroyed. Their fight sometimes lasts a week, when the one which physically possesses the greatest capacity for fasting will destroy the other. Large male carcasses are thus frequently discovered by the elephant-catchers, and their tusks are turned to a profitable account.

ance with an enormous branch of a tree in his trunk, holding it well up over his head. His rush was splendid, and stopping at about sixty yards from me, he hesitated what to do; whisking the branch about, and kicking up the ground with his fore and hind feet with astonishing force, I certainly did not like his appearance, but it was now too late, so hostilities commenced. I first gave him the benefit of my old, well-tried double rifle, and discharged the right barrel as true as the branch he was holding to the centre of his forehead would allow me to direct it. The ball stung him sharply; he dropped the branch as if it had been a red hot poker; shook his enormous head, and roared violently. I now had a clear look at him; the hole made in his forehead by the ball annoyed him exceedingly; he turned up his trunk to examine the wound, sucked out the blood, and throwing it over his head and shoulders, appeared to experience considerable astonishment. I was not at all disposed to allow him much time for reflection, for fear he might prove too troublesome, and as he was standing still, I favored him with I was now greatly exhausted and blown, retreatthe left barrel, this time well planted just into the ing after every shot to a fresh tree, the elephant bump of his trunk, where it rises out of the head. invariably following me up. In a hurry I took As there was nothing to intercept my sight, this up a position behind a tree which I should not shot brought him upon his knees, in which position have selected had I not been so fatigued. My he remained just long enough to enable me to opponent being from his wounds slow in pursuit reload. On getting up he turned wildly about, enabled me to recover my wind, and while doing looking for me, and upon discovering my position, so it struck me I had occupied a bad position, the came down towards me at an awful pace. Antic- tree not being much thicker than my body. I ipating this movement, I had my three-ounce rifle immediately retreated to another tree a few yards prepared for his reception, and allowed him to come off, affording much better cover, and fortunate it within twenty yards, when I sent the ball again was I did so, for I had barely taken up my new into his forehead, which stopped him short; he ground when the elephant again commenced huntbegan to stagger and roll about as if drunk, turned ing me up, and when within four yards of the round three or four times, again felt over his bleed-tree I had just quitted, he stopped, and putting ing forehead, sucking out pints of blood with his trunk, and showering it over his head and body, which, originally black, had now been changed to a deep scarlet.

his trunk out, after clearing it and scenting for some minutes, made a terrific rush. But this was fortunately nearly his last. On coming up to the tree he made sure I was behind it, and encircling The fight up to this time had been carried on it with his trunk he endeavored to break it down. in the dry bed of the Raptee river, without a bush Failing in this, he half leaned, but in a very exbetween us, but with a dense jungle on either side, hausted state, against the tree, and after two more so finding him a much thicker-headed and more dis- efforts tore it up by the roots and cast it down. agreeable antagonist than I had inwardly bargained Evidently making sure that I was under it, he now for, I considered it prudent to retreat into the jun- knelt down and commenced driving his tusks into gle on my right, taking up my position behind a both sides of the tree, flattering himself that he large tree. Not many minutes had elapsed ere he was probing my carcass. I was only a few yards missed me, and rushing down to the spot where he from him during this operation. Having considhad last seen me, he began to hunt me out. El-erably revived, I determined upon acknowledging ephants possess a very keen sense of smell through his good intentions. Stepping from behind the the proboscis, but the blood was now streaming tree I had occupied whilst he was employed in through the interior of that organ, which sadly his humane undertaking, I fired four shots suc perplexed his endeavors to sniff me out. By hard cessively into his forehead, which, however, blowing he partially cleared the trunk, and discov-stunned him. On reviving, he stuck his tusks ering a clue to his opponent, came straight to the tree behind which I was concealed. I had no time to lose, I therefore treated him to a salute from the right and left barrels in rapid succession; the last shot, from his shaking his head at the first, glanced off the bone and scooped out his right eye, the pain of which drove him nearly mad. He spun himself round in intense agony; his roars

heavily into the ground, and remained motionless for some minutes. I began to hope he was dead, and retreated to another position to reload. My mouth was in a fearful state from thirst, my lips and tongue so cracked and parched, that they were bleeding profusely. The monster, to my disgust, again got up, but now very weak, and rolling about as if he had been indulging, ad lib

itum, in gin and leaden bitters. He staggered back with some difficulty, reached a tree, which he leant against. Jack now, for the first time during the encounter, spoke, or rather shouted, "By gar, captin, him going." I began to think so, and stepped out to within three yards of him. He made two very drunken attempts to come at me, and I plied him well with lead, so that he again reeled up against the tree. I retreated to reload, and had barely done so, when, to my great annoyance, I saw him moving again towards me, but now very feeble. He could hardly walk. I fired another shot at him, when he stopped, staggered, quietly drew his hind legs under him, then his fore, dropped his head heavily, and drove his tusks up to the roots in the ground, After waiting a quarter of an hour at least, during which time he never moved, we all agreed he was dead, and I proposed that Jack should go and ascertain the fact. To this Jack strongly objected. I then moved up and fired at the monster. The shot

and then remained motionless.

did not disturb him.

of great value, but which, of course, I was obliged, after wearing a few hours, to make over to the British Treasury in Nepaul, where all presents, according to the invariable custom at every British residency, are annually sold, and the proceeds placed to the credit of the Treasury.

FEEDING THE TIGER.-A magnificent dinner has been given to Haynau, the woman-whipper, at Vienna. The correspondent of the Times speaks of that man of iron," as being seated next to the Servian patriarch, a man of silver-" silvery beard and hair." In such case a most unseemly juxtapo sition of the metals. This Haynau, we read, was vehemently applauded by the small white hands of the fine ladies of Vienna. Innocent things! Did they reflect upon their sister-woman, scourged by the orders of the barbarian who, it is to be feared, was really born of woman-and fed at woman's breast? At Kuseburg, according to a letter from an Englishman, dated at Widdin, Sept. 11-this much-applauded Haynau, baulked of his prey, in the escape of Bem and others, "ordered the lady of the house, who had treated them with courtesy, to be flogged. And she was afterwards dragged barefoot by the robbers as far as Hatseg." But the atrocity was not at its full. "Her husband, maddened by this outrage, blew out his brains with a pistol!" Wives of Vienna, another round of applause-another flourish of your snow-white kerchiefs, in honor of the man-monster of iron," whose breast," continues the Times' correspondent, "down to his waist, was covered with stars"-ay, most malignant stars--with blood, and fire, and pestilence, in every baleful ray. We would rather do knee-worship to the spots of a panther than even at a public feeding tolerate the stars of Haynau.Punch.

We now moved out, as I was convinced he was gone, and going some distance round we came up in his rear. I again proposed that Jack should go and pull his tail to ascertain if he was dead or merely feigning; Jack demurred, however, at this. I promised, however, to stand by him and protect him. He then declared that he, Jack, had been dead himself, at least six times during the encounter; and that if I wanted to kill him outright, I had better shoot him at once. After some trouble, I persuaded him to follow me, and on going within five yards of the elephant's rear, I took a clot of earth and threw it at him. I then again proposed that, to make all safe, Jack should THE SHIPPING INTEREST.-The time has not yet pull his tail. Jack continued his opposition, but come for deciding how the last change in the navias I knew there was no danger, and only wished gation laws is to operate. In Liverpool complaints to get a gallop out of him after the excited state north of England, and in Scotland, neither the shipare uttered, more distressingly than ever. In the he had been in for some hours, I urged his obedi- builder nor the ship-owner appears to be suffering. ence. Jack now became desperate, going side- On the condition of the seamen themselves, like ways towards the elephant's tail, and when within wise, the new order of things seems to effect little pulling distance, turning his head away, laying change. Good men are readily hired, though not hold of it-giving it a pull, and then bolting as at reduced wages; and bad men we can well spare, if he had a Congreve in his trowsers. After this whether they betake themselves to the other side of the Atlantic, or seek employment in the seaports feat, Jack never stopped until he had placed two of continental Europe. It must not, however, be hundred yards between himself and the dead ele- assumed from all this, that the abandonment of a phant, when he gallantly faced about, and finding policy which for two hundred years kept England he was not pursued, came back as fast as he at the head of the maritime nations was a wise act. could, entering immediately on his return into the Europe is still prostrate from the effects of the madpedigree of the deceased elephant, and favoringness which fell upon her in 1848. America has its mother and sisters with numerous epithets unfit for ears polite.

Thus died the savage Shikar Bassa elephant, for ten years the terror of that part of the Nepaul Forest, and for six months his carcass, despite the zeal and energy of vultures and jackals, afforded the villagers olfactory testimony that his remains were exceedingly disagreeable.

For killing this elephant I was presented in open Durbar, by the rajah and heir apparent, with a handsome Khillut, or dress of honor, which was

which we offer to her; but she is getting rapidly not had time sufficiently to improve the advantages a-head. She bids fair ere long to monopolize the steam communication between the eastern and western hemispheres, and her mercantile marine cannot fail to enlarge itself in proportion. On the whole, therefore, we are constrained still to look back upon the great measure of the bygone session with astonishment. It seems to have been one of the most history makes mention; and we shall be glad to gratuitous sacrifices to abstract principle of which find that the future does not bring with it grounds for a sadder feeling.-Fraser.

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