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Murray was at the house of a black named Cudjoe, with whom he contracted an acquaintance during their trade. He recovered, and, the sloop being gone, he continued with his black friend till some other opportunity should offer of his getting home. In the mean time, a Dutch ship came into the road, and some of the blacks, coming on board her, were treacherously seized, and carried off as their slaves. The relations and friends, transported with sudden rage, ran into the house of Cudjoe, to take revenge by killing Murray. Cudjoe stopped them at the door, and demanded what they wanted. "The white men," said they, "have carried away our brothers and sons, and we will kill all white men. Give us the white man you have in your house, for we will kill him." "Nay," said Cudjoe: "the white men thatcarried away your relations are bad men; kill them when you can take them: but this white man is a good man, and you must not kill him." "But he is a white man," they cried, "and the white men are all bad men, and we will kill them all.” "Nay," says he; you must not kill a man who has done no harm, only for being white. This man is my friend; my house is his post; I am his soldier, and must fight for him: you must kill me before you can kill him. What good man will ever come again under my roof, if I let my floor be stained by a good man's blood? The negroes seeing his resolution, and being convinced by his discourse that they were wrong, went away ashamed. In a few days Murray ventured abroad again with his friend Cudjoe, when several of them took him by the hand, and told him'" they were glad they had

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innocent) man: their God would have bee very angry, and would have spoiled their fish ing."


THERE is nothing more characteristic of a true Christian than humility. "It is the first lesson that he learns in the school of Christ, and is the source of contentment and solid peace of mind. If he hear that any one has reviled him, he is ready to say with the philosopher, 'had he known me better, he would have said worse things of me than that.' The fiercest storms of adversity blow over him. Humility gives a pliancy to his mind, which saves it by yielding to the force it cannot resist, like the weak and bending reed that weathers out the tempest that fells the tall and sturdy oak."

Aristippus and schines having quarrelled Aristippus came to him, and said, "Eschines, shall we be friends? " Yes, Sir, said he, "with all my heart." "But remember," saith Aristippus, "that I, being older than you, do make the first motion." "Yes," said the other: "and therefore I conclude you are the worthiest man; for I began the strife, and you began the peace."

"Should any one," saith St. Augustine, "ask me concerning the Christian religion, and the people of it, I would answer, that the first, second and third things therein, and all, is humility."

Ignatius was so humble, that he disdained not to learn of any. Gregory the Great was

50 exemplary in his humility, that though he was born of noble parents, yet he had so little respect to his descent, that he would often say, with tears in his eyes, "That all glory was miserable, if the owner of it did not seek after the glory of God." King Agathocles would be served in earthen vessels, to remind him of his father, who was a poor potter. Wellegis, Archbishop of Mentz, being a wheelwright's 'son, hung wheels and wheelwright's tools about his bedchamber, and wrote under them in capital letters, " Wellegis, Wellegis, remember thy original."-" This is all I know," said a philosopher, "that I know nothing."

Bishop Usher was so humble, that in practical subjects he would apply himself to the capacity of the poorest and weakest Christian that came to him for information, and satisfaction of their doubts. He had high thoughts of others, and low thoughts of himself. Godly persons, however poor, had great power over him. He would visit them in their sickness, supply their wants, beg their prayers, and countenance their cause and persons.

It is recorded of the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, that he never thought any thing too mean but sin; he looked on nothing else as beneath his character. If he overtook a poor man or woman on the road with a burden too heavy for them, he did not fail to offer his assistance to bear part of it; and he would not easily take a denial. This, indeed, he has frequently done.

In the evening of the day Sir Eardley Wilmot kissed hands on being appointed chief jus

knowing and remembering. The elevation have met with in life, particularly this last in stance of it, has not been owing to any supe rior merit or abilities, but to my humility; t my not having set up myself above others, an to an uniform endeavour to pass through lif void of offence towards God and man." Thu humility is the way to honour.

Few, it is said, have exceeded Dr. Dod dridge in the exercise of humility, both wit relation to God and man. With respect to God, it was apparent in the deepest expressions of concern for the defects of his improvements and his services; and with regard to man, i was manifested in his condescension to the mean est persons, in his behaviour to his pupils, and in the patience with which he submitted to the words of reproof. He was even highly thankful to his friends for pointing out to him what they judged to be amiss in his conduct. In a letter to Dr. Wood, of Norwich, he thus ex

presses himself: " Pity me, and pray for me, as you do in the midst of so many hurries. O my poor, poor attempts of service!-they shame me continually. My prayers, my sermons, my lectures, my books (in hand), my letters, all daily shame me." Some have thought, that, though this was sincere, yet it was an excessive effusion. But to this it may be answered, that, instead of its being excessive, it is only a proof of his increasing knowledge, arising from light given to him; for, in proportion as we receive light and grace, so shall we be led to see the imperfection of every thing we do. It was this that influenced Job to say, "Behold I am vile;'

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Isaiah, "Lo, I am undone;" and Paul, that he was the least of saints.


IN what a deplorable state were the clergy in he tenth century! Both in the eastern and western provinces they were composed of a most vorthless set of men, shamefully illiterate and stupid. We may form some notion of the Grecian patriarchs from the single example of Theophylact. This exemplary prelate, who sold every ecclesiastical benefice as soon as it became vacant, had in his stable above two thousand unting horses, which he fed with pignuts, piscachios, dates, dried grapes, figs steeped in the most exquisite wines; to all which he added the richest perfumery. One Holy Thursday, as he was celebrating high mass, his groom brought him the joyful news that one of his favourite mares had foaled; upon which he threw down the liturgy, left the church, and ran in raptures to the stable, where having expressed his joy at that grand event, he returned to the altar to finish the divine service, which he had left interrupted during his absence.-I am afraid that we have too many hunting clergymen in our enlightened day.


IT is difficult to give credit to every thing that has been said on this head; it is evident

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