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In fome months the Deanery of Derry fell vacant, and it was the Earl of Berkley's turn to dispose of it. Yet things were so ordered, that the Secretary having received a bribe, the Deanery was difpofed of to another, and Mr. Swift was put off with fome other church-livings not worth above a third part of that rich Deanery; and at this prefent not a fixth. The excufe pretended was his being too young, although he were then thirty years old.




N the name of GOD, Amen. I JONATHAN SWIFT,


Doctor in Divinity, and Dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, Dublin, being at this present of found mind, although weak in body, do here make my laft will and teftament, hereby revoking all my former wills.

Imprimis. 1 bequeath my foul to God, (in humble hopes of his mercy through Jefus Chrift) and my body to the earth. And I defire that my body may be buried in the great ifle of the faid Cathedral, on the fouth fide, under the pillar next to the monument of Primate Narciffus Marfa, three days after my decease, as privately as poffible, and at twelve o'clock at night: and, that a black marble of feet fquare, and seven feet from the ground, fixed to the wall, may be erected, with the following infcription in large letters, deeply cut, and ftrongly gilded. HIC DEPOSITUM EST CORPUS JONATHAN SWIFT, S. T. D. HUJUS ECCLESIÆ CATHEDRALIS DECANI, UBI SÆVA INDIGNATIO ULTERIUS COR LACERARE NEQUIT. ABI VIATOR, ET IMITARE, SI POTERIS, STRENUUM PRO VIRILI LIBERTATIS VINDICATOREM. OBIIT ANNO (1745) MENSIS (OCTOBRIS) DIE (19) ÆTATIS ANNO (78).

Item: I give and bequeath to my executors, all my worldly fubstance, of what nature or kind foever (excepting fuch part thereof as is herein after particularly devised) for the following ufes and purposes, that is to say, to the intent that they, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, his executors, or adminiftrators, as foon as conveniently may. be after my death, fhall turn it all into


ready money, and lay out the fame in purchafing lands of inheritance in fee-fimple, fituate in any provitice of Ireland, except Connaught, but as near to the city of Dublin, as conveniently can be found, and not incum= bered with, or fubject to any leafes for lives renewable, or any terms for years longer than thirty-one: and I defire that a yearly annuity of twenty pounds fterling, out of the annual profits of fuch lands, when purchased, and out of the yearly income of my faid fortune, devised to my executors, as aforefaid, until fuch purchase fhall be made, fhall be paid to Rebecca Dingley of the city of Dublin, fpinster, during her life, by two equal halfyearly payments, on the feasts of All Saints, and St. Philip and St. Jacob, the first payment to be made on fuch of the faid feafts as fhall happen next after my death. And that the refidue of the yearly profits of the faid lands, when purchased, and until fuch purchafe be made, the refidue of the yearly income and interest of my said fortune devised as aforefaid, to my executors, fhall be laid out in purchafing a piece of land, fituate near Dr. Steevens's hofpital, or if it cannot be there had, fomewhere in or near the city of Dublin, large enough for the purposes herein after mentioned, and in building thereon an hofpital large enough for the reception of as many Idiots and Lunaticks as the annual income of the faid lands and worldly fubftance fhall be fufficient to maintain and, I defire that the faid hofpital may be called St. Patrick's Hofpital, and may be built in fuch a manner, that another building may be added unto it, in cafe the endowment thereof fhall be enlarged; fo that the. additional building may make the whole edifice regular and complete. And my further will and defire is, that when the said hospital shall be built, the whole yearly income of the faid lands and eftate, fhall, for ever after, be laid out in providing victuals, cloathings, medicines, at


tendance, and all other neceffaries for fuch Idiots and Lunaticks, as fhall be received into the fame; and in repairing and enlarging the building, from time to time, as there may be occafion. And, if a fufficient number of Idiots and Lunaticks cannot readily be found, I defire that Incurables may be taken into the faid hofpital to supply such deficiency: but, that no perfon fhall be admitted into it, that labours under any infectious disease: and, that all such Idiots, Lunaticks, and Incurables, as fhall be received into the faid hofpital, fhall constantly live and refide therein, as well in the night as in the day; and that the falaries of agents, receivers, officers, fervants, and attendants, to be employed in the business of the faid hofpital, fhall not in the whole exceed one fifth part of the clear yearly income, or revenue thereof. And, I farther defire that my executors, the furvivors or furvivor of them, or the heirs of fuch, fhall not have power to demife any part of the faid lands fo to be purchafed as aforefaid, but with confent of the Lord Primate, the Lord High Chancellor, the Lord Archbishop of Dublin, the Dean of Chrift-Church, the Dean of St. Patrick's, the Phyfician to the State, and the Surgeongeneral, all for the time being, or the greater part of them, under their hands in writing; and that no leafes of any part of the faid lands, fhall ever be made other than leafes for years not exceeding thirty-one, in poffeffion, and not in reverfion or remainder, and not difpunishable of wafte, whereon fhall be referved the best and most improved rents, that can reasonably and moderately, without racking the tenants, be gotten for the same, without fine. Provided always, and it is my will and earnest defire, that no lease of any part of the faid lands, fo to be purchased as aforefaid, fhall ever be made to, or in truft for any perfon any way concerned in the execution of this truft, or to, or in trust for any person any I i way

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way related or allied, either by confanguinity or affinity, to any of the perfons who fhall at that time be concerned in the execution of this truft: and, that if any leafes fhall happen to be made contrary to my intention above expreffed, the fame fhall be utterly void and of no effect. And, I farther defire until the charter herein after mentioned be obtained, my executors, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fhall not act in the execution of this truft, but with the confent and approbation of the said seven additional truftees, or the greater part of them, under their hands in writing, and fhall, with fuch confent and approbation as aforefaid, have power from time to time, to make rules, orders, and regulations, for the government and direction of the faid hofpital. And, I make it my request to my faid executors, that they may in convenient time, apply to his Majetty for a charter to incorporate them, or fuch of them as fhall be then living, and the said additional truftees, for the better management and conduct of this charity, with a power to purchase lands; and to fupply by election, fuch vacancies happening in the corporation, as fhall not be fupplied by fucceffion, and such other powers as may be thought expedient for the due execution of this truft, according to my intention herein before expreffed. And, when fuch charter fhall be obtained, I defire that my executors, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, or the heirs of fuch furvivor, may convey to the use of fuch corporation, in fee fimple, for the purposes aforefaid, all fuch lands and tenements, as fhall be purchased in manner above-mentioned. Provided always, and it is my will and intention, that my executors, until the faid charter, and afterwards the corporation, to be hereby incorporated, fhall out of the yearly profits of the faid lands when purchafed, and out of the yearly income of my faid fortune deviled to my executors as afore

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