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Our time is short. The joys of him who was "clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day," came to an end, and the poor beggar who was laid at his gate, covered with sores, and who desired to be fed with the crumbs which fell from his table, at last found relief from all his sufferings in death. But how changed was the picture! Under what different circumstances, and with what different prospects did they respectively await their final change? Wealth could not bribe, nor the most squalid misery, frighten the grim monster from his prey; and in that solemn hour, how little did the one esteem his large possessions, that he was about to leave, and the other lament his afflictions, now to terminate forever. For myself, I feel no concern, where, or when, or how I die, so that I can die in triumphs of a living faith, and fall asleep in the arms of my Redeemer.

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Happy, if with my latest breath

I may but gasp His name;

Preach him to all, and cry in death,
Behold, behold the Lamb."



I was married on Thursday evening last, to Mary Jane Lewis, daughter of the late Col. Andrew Lewis, of this county, and am now at her mother's. Mrs. Lewis is a sister of Charles A. Stuart, of Augusta, and your aunt Jane was several years since a pupil of Mr. Estabrook, in Staunton, and a school-mate of Elizabeth. I have not seen my dear little Mary for five weeks to-day, but I expect, the Lord permitting, to bring her down here in a few days. And I pray the Lord to enlighten your dark understanding, with the knowledge of divine truth, and to give you "repentance unto life that needeth not to be repented of.” Affectionately, your uncle,




in the Apocalypse says:

JOHN in his beautiful vision of the glorified "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Rev. 12: 11.

Mr. Baldwin having experienced full salvation in the blood of the Lamb, did not fail on all suitable occasions to add "the word of his testimony." He had the true martyr spirit of the gospel of Christ. His fidelity to his Master was a prominent feature in his religious charac"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." Philemon, 1: 6.


This was the rule by which Mr. Baldwin was governed. He confessed Christ before men


and acknowledged "EVERY GOOD



which was wrought in his heart by the Spirit of God. The following narration of his religious experience is deeply interesting:

"You know my mind has long been exercised on the subject of 'Sanctification,' and I have long been endeavoring to 'go on to perfection,' to attain the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. In December last while praying for sanctification, Heaven came down into my soul and I was lost in the ocean of God's love. But I did not yet feel the cleansing operation of the Holy Spirit; the healing and sanctifying application of the blood of Christ. I did not draw near in full assurance of faith, and I have since sought the blessing, but not with the right disposition of heart to receive it. The language of Christ is "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me." But I had been afraid to admit the heavenly visitant; I trembled at the thought of receiving so large a measure of

divine grace. Knowing that the candle was not lit to be hid, that every talent was given to be improved, and that which was spoken in the ear was to be proclaimed upon the house tops, I feared the more arduous duties and solemn responsibilities which would grow out of this unspeakable gift. Hence, though I heard the voice of Jesus, I did not fully open the door, nor had I felt as yet the necessity of being made 'every whit whole;' of having every root of bitterness destroyed, and every guilty stain washed away.

"Yesterday morning I arose under a strong conviction of my unfaithfulness and my exceeding vileness in the sight of a pure and holy God, and this feeling was increased while engaged in my secret devotion. Opening upon a portion of God's holy word I was forcibly reminded of past favors and blessings which I had received at His hands; the ease with which I yielded to many of my 'besetting sins;'-The Lord threatened to disown me before his people, to cause all my mirth and my solemn feast to

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