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Will SELF CULTURE kindly advise me what the length is of the first Atlantic cable, and of any other essential facts in the construction of these agents of submarine communication between the Old and the New World?

The length of the Atlantic cable is 2,730 nautical miles. The breaking strain is 8 tons, 2 cwt., and it is capable of bearing its own weight in 12 miles depth of water. The cable consists of four layers of material. In the centre is a bundle of seven copper wires of medium size twisted together forming the conductor; this is encased in a thick coating of gutta-percha; around this is a group of fine strands of tarred hemp to protect the gutta-percha; to give still further protection to the insulating material, and strength to the cable, ten iron wires are twisted around the whole so as to make of it a rope about one inch thick. The weight of the insulated wire is 300 pounds per nautical mile.


Please tell me the approximate length of the Suez Canal, and how much is gained, in time or in mileage, over the old route from England to India by the Cape of Good Hope.

The Suez Canal, which connects the Mediterranean (from Port Said) and the Red Sea (from Suez), is nearly 100 miles long. According to Herodotus, a canal was constructed from the Red Sea to the Nile about 600 B. C., but it seems to have been unused, and was blocked up about 767 A. D. Napoleon I. conceived the idea of making a ship-canal across the Isthmus of Suez, and M. Ferdinand de Lesseps executed it in 1858-69. A canal was also constructed for bringing fresh water from the Nile, near Cairo. In 1875 the British Government bought from the Viceroy of Egypt his interest in the Canal, and now four-fifths of the tonnage passing through it is British. The voyage to India by it is nearly 5,000 miles shorter than the old route round the Cape. The Canal was opened in November, 1869. It starts at Port Said and ends at Suez, Ismailia being between the two. Its total length is 92 miles, and the tide is felt as far north as the Bitter Lakes. It cost close upon $100,000,000, and about 200,000 out of the original 400,000 shares were bought by Lord Beaconsfield for the English government.

Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.


Children *****


Mrs. Winslow's has been used


for over Fifty Years by Mil

Soothing Syrup tons of Moth

ers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain,
Cures Wind Colic, and is the best rem-
edy for Diarrhoea.

Sold by druggists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle.

Mrs. Winslow's***


old and well tried remedy, and for over Fifty Years has been used by millions of mothers for their children while CUTTING TEETH with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, allays all pain, cures wind colic, is very pleasant to the taste, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. by druggists in every part of the world. Price, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS a Bottle Be sure and ask for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP and take no other kind, as mothers will find it the Best Medicine to use during the teething period.


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Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.

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Dear Sirs I have received much benefit from the Common Sense Ear Drums. They are really wonderful; so easy of adjustment, without any unpleasant feeling in the ear. I can wear them night and day without any incon-, venience. I have recommended them to several, and my friends have noticed a marked improvement in my hearing. I consider they cannot be surpassed for simplicity. A child could fix them in the ear. I have been dull of hearing for the past twenty-four years through scarlatina.

Yours faithfully,

H. B. ROVSE, Chief Clerk P, O.

Drum in position

Hundreds of similar tributes are published in our little book mailed free.


Omces--376 Trust Bldg., Louisville Ky., 1122 Broadway, N.Y.


These Watches are Solid Silver, and at retail would cost upwards of $8.00 or $10.00, but to introduce our Catalogue we will send you this Watch Free if you take advantage of our marvellous offer. If you want one, write to us without delay. With your letter send us 48 cents in stamps, for which we will send you a Massive Curb Pattern Albert Chain and our offer. After you receive the beautiful Watch we shall expect you to show it to your friends and call their attention to this advertisement. The Watch is sent Free, by Registered Post, on your complying with our advertisement, and the marvellous offer which we will send. and it is Fully Warranted. Money returned if not more than satisfied. Address at once, SAFE WATCH CO., 9 Warren Street, New York

A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever.


[blocks in formation]

Removes Tan, Pimples,
Freckles, Moth-patches,
Rash and Skin diseases, and
every blemish on beauty,
and defies detection. On its
virtues it has stood the test
of 49 years; no other has,
and is so harmless we taste
it to be sure it is properly
made. Accept no counter-
feit of similar name. The
distinguished Dr.L.A.Sayre,
said to a lady of the hautton
(a patient): "As you ladies
will use them, I recommend
Gouraud's Cream' as the
least harmful of all the Skin
preparations." One bottle

will last six months, using it every day. Also Poudre Subtile

removes superfluous hair without injury to the skin.

FERD. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St., N. Y. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the U. S., Canada and Europe.

Beware of Base imitations. $1,000 Reward for arrest and proof of

any one selling the same.

[blocks in formation]

The South Sea Bubble was a wild financial speculation which arose in England at the beginning of the 18th century. It originated with the directors of a joint-stock company, which, in consideration of certain exclusive trading privileges in the South Seas, offered Government easier terms for the advance or negotiation of loans than could be obtained from the general public. In 1720 the company took over the National Debt (£31,000,000), receiving 5 per cent., and promising, in return for this socalled privilege, a premium in their own stock of £7,500,000. Then the directors held out promises to the public of paying 60 per cent. on their shares; but, of course, in a few months the crash came, and thousands were ruined. The then Chancellor of the Exchequer and others in high positions were implicated.

Kindly tell me who Sigurd or Siegfried was who figures as the hero in the Lay of the Nibelungs?

Sigurd, in modern mythology, was the hero of the Volsunga Saga, on which the "Nibelungenlied" is based. According to the Volsungs' legend, Sigurd (the Siegfried of the "Nibelungenlied") was a descendant of Odin, who obtained the golden treasure by slaying the dragon Fafius with his good sword Gram, after which he ate the monster's heart, and so acquired the power of understanding birds' songs. Then he rode through a volume of flame to Brenhyldr's house, plighted his troth to her, and rode off to the palace of Giuki the Niflung, where he was given a potion that made him forget Brenhyldr and marry Giuki's daughter. Giuki's son wishing to marry Brenhyldr, his mother made Sigurd rescue her through the flames, and then she was married to Gunnar. When she discovered the truth she tried to kill Sigurd, but her husband, Gunnar's half-brother, killed him, and she died of a broken heart.


Is there any proverb in the English language which contains all the letters of the alphabet?

The following proverb contains every letter of the English alphabet: "Keep ever brave, courageous, and on the alert, showing zeal with fidelity, mixed with prudence and sincerity, and you need never quail nor fear the judgment of any man."

Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.


"Crimped-Crust' Bread

A Regular

Mother's Bread,

APPETIZING, SATISFYING. Baked in shops costing thousands to equip open to your inspection. Delivered with clean white tissue enfolding its rich brown, crisp crust. The requirements of the most fas

tidious are complied

It's easy to get
the genuine. For 2
cents we send a
sample loaf and the
shop's address that
will serve you.

The Asbury-Paine Mfg. Co., Phila., Pa.


A growth of hair on the upper lip, also occasionally on the neck and arms, is the humiliation of many of my sex.

I suffered for years; tried, by actual count, eleven different advertised remedies, and submitted once to an electrical operation. Nothing was effective until I came across a preparation in a little hair-dressing shop in Paris, six years ago.

It removed the unsightly growth of hair, which had become thick and coarse on account of the frequent applications of advertised stuff, which removed the hair temporarily, but caused it to grow coarser than ever.

When I say that this certain Parisian preparation effected a permanent removal, I mean just as I say-permanent, for it has been six years since 1 first used it and there is no sign of a renewed growth yet.

I paid six hundred francs for the formula and have earned my living by selling this preparation ever since. I call it simply, "Helen Marko's Depilatory."

United States Health Reports (Vol.iv., No. 28, page 11) officially endorses as follows: "Upon analysis we find Helen Marko's preparation to contain such ingredients as will destroy follicle and otherwise permanently remove hair. Is harmless to skin." I employ no agents, and give each patron my personal attention. Write for particulars to

HELEN S. MARKO, Room 2038 C.,
Amer. Tract Society Bldg., N. Y. City, N. Y.

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