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with His Word. Be watchful unto prayer.


youthful snares, that would lead you away from Him.

Thus devoting yourselves to God from youth, you will be so accustomed to His service, that His yoke will seem to you easy, and His burden light, and your joy will be found in doing His blessed will. God on His part will bless you; He will give you His peace, that passeth all understanding. The eye of the Lord will be upon you, and His ears will be open to your prayers; the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse you from all sin. Be fearful of nothing; because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. His strength will be made perfect in your weakness; you will be able to do all things through Christ who strengtheneth you. In the hour of death, you will be sustained by the hope of a joyful resurrection, and having here below your fruit unto holiness, you shall have the end everlasting life.


Then the Minister, addressing the whole congregation, says:

ND you, Brethren, who now witness the entrance

of these baptized persons upon a connection yet more close and intimate with yourselves, let your af

fection toward them, and your earnest solicitude for

their welfare, be henceforth redoubled. And let us all with one accord, as members of one Body, unite in fervent prayer, that God may pour down His grace upon us, and guide by His Holy Spirit into His per

fect way.



The Candidates kneeling.

LORD our God, who hast chosen to Thyself a

Church on earth, and who hast promised to preserve it unto the end of the world, and finally raise it unto Thy glory: Look down in Thy goodness upon these baptized persons now prostrate before Thee, who have been solemnly admitted to the full communion and fellowship of Thy Church. Thou hadst already called them, by the promises of Thy Covenant, which are made unto us and unto our children; and granted them the seal of this privilege of Christian birth, in the ordinance of Baptism. But since the weakness of their infancy prevented the personal and voluntary dedication of themselves, they come now to confirm the vows of obedience that were taken for them, to consecrate themselves entirely to Thy service, and to beseech Thee that Thou wilt graciously regard them

as Thy children. They have been taught, O God, to know Thee, their Father, Saviour, and Sanctifier. They are persuaded that there is salvation in none other, and they desire to have part in the benefits of the sacrifice of Christ, and His efficacious intercession. Accept, O Lord, these purposes of their hearts, and receive them into the communion of Thy Son. May they love Thy truth, and ever seek to know it more thoroughly, and to profess it more consistently, unto the end of their lives. May they withstand all evil, renounce the world, its vanities and delusions, and live as the heirs and citizens of heaven. May the Sacrament of which they shall partake be accompanied with a fresh outpouring of Thy grace upon them. Take possession of their hearts by Thy Holy Spirit; and at last receive them with us into Thy heavenly habitations, through our Great Redeemer and Advocate, Jesus Christ Thy Son. AMEN.

Our Father, etc.


HE blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the


Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and

remain with you always. AMEN.




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