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MOST Merciful Saviour! Who by Thy life and

atoning death didst reconcile man with God; the only hope of the despairing, and help of them that are warred against; the ready defence of all that fly to Thee, the refuge of all Thy People: Abhor not us, who by wicked works, words, and deeds, have rendered ourselves utterly vile in Thy sight: but kindly pity us, sinners, and prodigal children, and receive our prayers, though offered to Thee by polluted lips. Open unto us, O gracious Lord, Thy tender mercies; and passing by our numberless offences, turn us to repentance, and make us tried doers of Thy precepts. Be also present with us always in Thy merciful compassion both in this life, as a constant protector and aid, warding off every assault of our enemies, and leading us unto salvation; and in the time of our departure, caring for our helpless souls, and driving far from them all dark visions of fear and fright; and in the awful day of judgment, delivering us from everlasting punishment, and making us heirs of Thine unspeakable glory. This, O Lord, we ask through Thy mediation and intercession: to Whom, with the Father and the

Holy Ghost, be all honour, glory, and dominion. AMEN.


OST Gracious Lord, we humbly beseech Thee to


grant us hearts mindful of Thy past mercies toward this nation. Suffer us never to fall into unthankfulness and forgetfulness of Thy benefits publicly received. Be pleased to continue Thy fatherly guidance and direction of our ways. Dissipate the counsels of such as labour to stir up the hearts of this people against one another: let their malicious practices be for their own confusion; and grant Thou of Thy mercy that love, concord, and tranquillity may continue and increase among the inhabitants of this land, even until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ by Whose glorious Gospel Thou dost call us to unity, peace, and Christian harmony, the full perfection whereof we shall possess in Thy Kingdom: where all offences shall be removed, all iniquity suppressed, and Thy chosen ones fully endued with that perfect glory in which our Lord Jesus now reigneth; Unto Whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory evermore. AMEN,



NTERNAL God! Who of Thine infinite goodness


hast chosen unto Thyself a Church from the foundation of the world, we bless Thee for Thy fatherly love and care, in ruling, defending, and guiding Thy People in the knowledge of Thy blessed will. Give now, O Lord, unto us who are here gathered in Thy Name, such a measure of Thy Holy Spirit, that we may see and ask of Thee those things that shall be expedient for Thy glory and the safety of Thy flock. Impart Thy grace, that we may stedfastly agree in the unity of the true doctrine; preserve us from all error; and lead us into all purity of life, that we may not dishonour Thy holy Gospel. Remove from us all misapprehensions and vain desires; and grant that Thy holy Word may be the only guide and rule of all our consultations; that they may tend to the glory of Thy Name, the edification of Thy Church, and the discharge of our own conscience. Grant this, O Father! for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer To Whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and praise, now and ever. AMEN.

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ALMIGHTY, Eternal, Righteous God, and Mer

ciful Father, Thou who art Lord of life and death, and without whose will nothing is done in heaven, nor on earth: Although we are not worthy to call upon Thy Name, nor to hope that Thou wilt hear us, when we consider how we have hitherto employed our time: We beseech Thee, that Thou wilt be pleased of Thy mercy to look upon us in the face of Jesus Christ, who hath taken all our infirmities on Him. We acknowledge that we are utterly incapable of any good, and prone to all evil, wherefore we have justly merited this punishment, yea, have deserved much more. But, Lord, Thou knowest that we are Thy people, and Thou art our God: we have no other refuge than in Thy mercy, which Thou hast never withheld from any one who turned himself to Thee.

Therefore we

beseech Thee not to impute our sins unto us,

but ac

count the wisdom, righteousness, and holiness of Jesus Christ unto us, that we may in Him be able to stand before Thee. Deliver us for His sake from these sufferings, that the wicked may not think that Thou hast forsaken us. And if it be Thy pleasure longer thus to try us, give us strength and patience to bear

all suffering according to Thy will, and let all turn according to Thy wisdom to our profit. Rather chasten us here, than hereafter, to be lost with a sinful world. Grant that we may die to this world, and all earthly things, and that we may daily more and more be renewed after the image of Jesus Christ. Suffer us not by any means to be separated from Thy love; but draw us daily nearer and nearer unto Thee, that we may attain unto the end of our calling with joy; that we may die, rise again, and live with Christ in eternity. We also believe that Thou wilt hear us through Jesus Christ, who hath taught us to pray—Our Father, etc. Strengthen us also in the true Faith, which we believe in our hearts, and profess with our mouths-I believe in God, etc.

The Same.

TERNAL, Merciful God and Father, the eternal


salvation of the living, and the everlasting life of the dying; seeing that Thou hast death and life in Thy hand alone, and takest such care of us continually, that neither health nor sickness, nor any good or evil can befall us, nay, not a hair can fall from our head, without Thy will: and since Thou dost order all

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