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"No, Peter; you once said that you had looked at it, and asked the rent, but it appeared much too high for our means.

"I am going to try it at all events," the husband rejoined a little tartly, for he was not pleased with her vague allusion to the imprudence of which his conscience accused him of having been guilty. "There is nothing to be done now a days without a great show; and I think I have stayed in this dull street long enough."

"This shop has afforded us a comfortable maintenance for seven years, my dear," the wife quietly observed.

"The change will be for your benefit, Martha," Mr. Bradshaw interposed; "you will have the use of three or four additional rooms, and large ones, instead of these little pigeon-holes, so I don't see that you will have any reason to complain."

to the period at which the change took place, "I am convinced that my want of success here is wholly owing to the small capital I have, so I have been thinking of taking a partner into my concern."

"You must be cautious whom you trust, my dear Peter," Mrs. Bradshaw quietly remarked.

"Oh, I have taken care to be on the right side," her husband answered. "I have made a bargain which cannot be otherwise than for my benefit."

"Then you have already settled the affair!" cried the wife in surprise. "I thought you implied that you had it only in contemplation. Pray who may it be that you have made this arrangement with ?"

"With the son of my father's old friend, Smithson. The old man is anxious to associate his son with some steady man of busi"I am not complaining, Peter," she re-ness, and is willing to put a thousand pounds turned; "I am only fearful that you will into the concern, which will be an excellent find it difficult to meet the expenses from thing to stock my new shop, and will enable your profits; besides which, we must, you me to extend my connexion." know, have this house on our hands three years longer."

"I shall easily find a tenant," he carelessly replied; adding, "and I have taken the other for twenty-one years.

"Twenty-one years!" exclaimed the wife in astonishment and alarm; but seeing that the gathering storm was about to break, she dared not add more.

When some persons have done that which their consciences decide to be wrong, they not unfrequently have recourse to a fit of passion, as the only means of silencing the remonstrances of those who have most cause to complain; and to this refuge Mr. Bradshaw fled, knowing that he had no arguments to trust to. His wife being too gentle to resist, and too wise for strife, suffered it to have its vent without a word of retort. Thus it shortly subsided into a calm.

Another month found the family settled in their new abode; and the usual methods of advertising informed "Mr. Bradshaw's friends and the public that he had removed from. No. 7 Church Street, to 50 Market Street, where he hoped, by offering the best articles at a very moderate price, to merit their continued patronage and support;" but notwithstanding this announcement, the expected influx of customers did not follow, at least in proportion to the additional expenditure of the shopkeeper, and his spirits consequently fell.

"Martha, my dear," he one day said, addressing his wife a few weeks subsequent

"A thousand pounds, will I think, be a poor recompense for having a young man of George Smithson's habits as a partner in your business," Mrs. Bradshaw observed. "It is not often that I interfere in such matters," she pursued; "but if you take my advice, Peter, you will have nothing to do with him.'

"And why not, pray?" her husband sharply asked. "I have known the father these twenty years, and his character has always stood high for integrity."

"That may be; but it does not follow that the son will not bring you into trouble. You know he has caused his father a great deal of unhappiness by his imprudence and extravagance; and it appears to me to be like rushing into ruin with your eyes open to have any connection with him."

"You are too severe upon the young man, Martha," Mr. Bradshaw interposed, with an inflection of voice which indicated that his judgment was more than half convinced by her argument. "He has been a little extravagant in his youth; but now he has sowed his wild oats, his father hopes he will settle down into more steady habits."

"It is quite natural that the father should hope so; but not that you, my dear Peter, should depend on such slender foundations in a matter which may be so very serious. My own observation," she added, "has led me to remark that a disobedient, extravagant youth, seldom makes a steady, persevering man."

"Oh, you always look on the dark side favored individual. This circumstance of the picture, Martha; you are always caused Mrs. Bradshaw considerable uneasiprognosticating evil. For my part, I like ness Unhappily for her own prospects, to hope the best." This speech was ac- she had no reason to alter the opinion she companied with one or two of those nervous had formed concerning the young man. movements which often attend unsound She foresaw that poverty and misery must arguments; but Mrs. Bradshaw, who was be the termination of the carcer he was really much concerned at the new step of pursuing, and she trembled lest her niece imprudence her husband was about to take, should be involved in the ruin he was bringthought it right to be more than usually ing upon himself, and she feared on them tenacious in maintaining her ground. All, also. She made several appeals to her however, was vain. "Pshaw-stuff!" mat- husband, begging him, as he valued the tered Mr. Bradshaw. It was all he could say, happiness of his brother's child, to warn for he had not even a lame leg to stand upon. her of the precipice on which she stood; Mr. Peter Bradshaw's once small and but he was deaf to her pleadings. "Carocomparatively unpretending concern now line is old enough to choose a husband for assumed the more substantial appella- herself, and I shan't interfere in the mattion of a firm, though it had really less ter," he on one occasion angrily returned. ground for so doing: and fresh placards "I would not, certainly, have any hand in and advertisements announced "that Messrs. making up the match, because people might Bradshaw and Smithson would now be say that I wanted to keep her money in my able to offer the public goods of superior own hands for the use of the firm; but she quality at a before unheard-of price." But shall, certainly, do as she pleases." The neither the plate-glass, the puffing, nor the wife had next recourse to arguments with partner, had the desired effect of enticing the young lady herself; but Miss Caroline fresh people to inspect the wares; and thought her own judgment superior in such many of those who had been regular cus- matters to that of her good aunt. Mrs. tomers at the late shop in Church Street Bradshaw then tried to delay a union which discontinued dealing, thinking that, in she could not prevent. She represented to order to make so much show, the articles her husband that if he withheld his consent must really be inferior. To add to Mr. for twelve months, he would by that time Bradshaw's distress, the house he had before see how the young man conducted himself occupied did not let, nor did it seem likely in the connection he had already formed to do so till the lease had expired, owing with the family, and thus have a better to its being in want of a thorough repair. opportunity of judging whether there was any prospect of happiness for his niece. Poor Mr. Bradshaw's prejudices concerning the superior judgment of his own sex came again into full play. He was angry at what he termed his wife's pertinacity in groundloss apprehensions, and persisted in saying he should let the young people follow their own course. The result was, that Miss Caroline Bradshaw became Mrs Smithson on the very day that she attained her majority.

Just at this period the attention of the family was called to an affair of a different nature. Mr. Bradshaw's eldest brother had died some years previously, and made him his executor, and also the guardian of his only daughter. The interest of the money was to be appropriated to the young lady's board and education till she became of age, when it was to be at her own disposal. Miss Caroline Bradshaw had been brought up at a boarding-school in the suburbs of London, and remained there after The young couple had arranged, though her education was deemed finished, till without the consent, or even the knowledge, within a few months of the expiration of of Mr. Bradshaw, to invest the greater part her minority, at which time it was proposed of the bride's fortune in establishing a busiby her uncle that she should take up her ness in London. The fact was, that Smithresidence in his house. As his fair ward son was not at all pleased with the subordihad, in addition to a pretty face, the at-nate position he held in the firm. He traction of fifteen hundred pounds, Mr. wanted to have the entire management; Bradshaw had, during those few months, and, above all, that the money should pass several overtures for her hand; but, to the through his hands, which Mr. Bradshaw dismay of the rival candidates, it was at had hitherto wisely prevented. A propolength discovered that Mr. George Smith-sal to spend the honeymoon in town did not son, who was amongst the number, was the awaken surprise or suspicion; but this was


the preparatory step for the plan being dering on insanity. His naturally weak put into execution. mind sank under an accumulated load of Three weeks after his niece's marriage, sufferings, which, in spite of his inordinate Mr. Bradshaw received a letter from his self-esteem, he could not but feel had been young partner, stating that he had just had brought on by his own want of prudent forethe offer of a dashing shop in Regent Street thought. He was really distressed beyond on very advantageous terms; that they measure at the contemplation of the misery wished, therefore, to take up their resi- in which it had involved his gentle wife and dence in London, instead of returning to innocent children; his niece's distress, too, B; and that, in the event of Mr. and consequent illness, gave additional Bradshaw approving of the arrangement, poignancy to the stroke. He could not but he and his beloved Caroline were quite feel that he had not fulfilled the part of a willing that the profits of the concern father or guardian towards her; and that should be equally shared with their dear her premature death, or the horrors of her uncle. All he desired was, he said, to future life, would be alike owing to this have the superintendence of the London fact. Mrs. Bradshaw was the only person business left wholly to himself. Mrs. Brad- capable of action, and she in this emershaw, with her customary penetration, per-gency displayed an energy of character ceived that this was likely to involve them which was little expected, but which could in still greater trouble. She foresaw that alone be of any avail in saving her family it would enable Smithson to make what use from a total wreck. Her kind and juhe pleased of his partner's name; and now dicious treatment of the unhappy young that he was removed from under their eye, wife restored her, in a short space of it was likely that he would become more time, to some measure of health; and her improvident and reckless than ever. She prudent counsel then induced her to make again ventured to expostulate with her hus- an effort for self-support, by means of the band, representing how much better it education which she had received. The would be to dissolve the firm at once, and task of soothing the irritated feelings, and thus save himself from absolute ruin. Had calming the perturbed spirit of her husthis advice come from any other quarter, it band, was less easy; yet this she in time is probable that Mr. Bradshaw would have had the happiness of accomplishing. She seen and acknowledged its wisdom. Indeed, did not, it must be told, do it by vaunting as it was, he had his misgivings; but the her superior judgment and forethought, fact of its being urged by his wife, and taxing him with being the cause of all was a sufficient reason why he should pursue the evils which had befallen them. She a contrary course. The result was, that at did not even vaguely allude to his folly, or the expiration of a few months, the names to her having foretold the event. She of Bradshaw and Smithson appeared in the merely endeavored to show him that, howGazette amongst the list of bankrupts; ever unprosperous his circumstances might and a very inconsiderable dividend had be, her affection was unchanged, and her they to offer, for Smithson had given bills desire to share his fortunes unabated. She upon the credit of the firm to a large bore his petulance with calmness, and his amount, having in the meantime launched only half-subdued pride with patience, tryout into expenses which a capital of five ing to soften the rigor of their present thousand, instead of fifteen hundred pounds, situation, and selecting opportunities for would scarcely justify. Nor was this all. offering wholesome advice, and forming juHe had, during his residence in London, dicious plans for the future. Though weakformed connections with several dissolute minded and imprudent in the extreme, young men, who, being like himself, in Bradshaw was not an unprincipled man. want of sufficient means to gratify their Notwithstanding the late unhappy affair, extravagant desires, occasionally had re- his character for integrity was not imcourse to fraudulent acts in order to supply peached. Mrs. Bradshaw, therefore, adthose means. This was discovered just at vised that they should return to their late the time his commercial affairs were finally residence in Church Street, which was still settled; and the consequence was, that he untenanted, and recommence business on a was obliged to fly the country, leaving his small scale, trusting to the generosity of unhappy wife in a most destitute and hope- their former customers for a renewal of less condition. their favors. She went on to say that she Poor Mr. Bradshaw was in a state bor-would cheerfully confine the household ex

penditure within the limits of their profits, ing anxiously after their luggage, some whatever they might be; and not only so, greeted by beloved and familiar faces, but proposed, if possible, laying aside some others seemingly lonely, and with little of portion of those profits for the purpose of worldly wealth to look after-when a smart paying at least a part of the debts they had rap on the shoulder, and a hearty "How themselves incurred. Bradshaw listened, do you do, my old friend?" from a voice the for the first time in his life, with something like complacency to this prudent counsel. He was too well satisfied with the plan to raise even an objection; and though his pride would not allow him to acknowledge it, he was really much pleased with the part she had taken in the whole matter. Mrs. Bradshaw, too unostentatious to feel any desire for commendation, was satisfied with accomplishing what she felt to be right, though she would certainly have been pleased with an expression of approbation, and she immediately set about the necessary preparations for removal.

tones of which were not unknown to him, aroused him from his contemplations, and he the next moment recognised the features of an old schoolmate. "Bradshaw, my dear fellow!" exclaimed the traveller, now bending to seize him by the hand, and shaking it with earnestness; "I'm glad to see you-glad to see you; on my word, this is an unexpected pleasure."

"It is so on my part as well as on yours, my good friend," our hero returned, surveying with a pleased expression the almost gigantic form of his quondam play-fellow.

"I lost sight of you when I settled in London," the traveller resumed; "but I've often thought of you. We used to be cronies at school, you know."

"Yes," Bradshaw rejoined, with a very undignified "he-he-he!" "You used to fight my battles, correct all my exercises, and work my sums, for I never had much taste for such things."

"No, nor ability neither," thought his auditor; but he loved his little protégé, from the very fact of his having always looked up to him as a protector and friend, and was really pleased with having met him again.

"Come home and take supper with me, and I'll introduce you to my good lady," Bradshaw continued. "I've been an unlucky wight, but I'm getting on pretty comfortably now. How has the world treated you?"

Bhad, for nearly a century, been one of those quiet country towns in which the only variations known are the deaths of the elder members of the families, and the younger ones springing up into their places the changes of the seasons and the alternations of day and night. The inhabitants had gone on for so many years in the same routine of events, that they looked upon anything which prognosticated advancement as an absolute evil. This state of things, however, had its day, and also its termination; for a railway was just at this period brought so near to the place, that it was deemed requisite to have a station there; and such a circumstance of course turned the heads of half the inhabitants, by exciting a desire for speculation. As in all other revolutions, the results were various to some it wrought evil, to others "Oh, I've managed at least to avoid good. In this instance, however, the pre- failure; but I'll accept of your kind invitaponderance was of the latter; and amongst tion when I've secured a bed at the inn, those individuals who benefited was Mr. and then we'll make mutual revelations." Peter Bradshaw. His small unpretending "Make our house your home for the shop by degrees assumed a more substan- night," exclaimed the draper: "we can tial and stylish appearance; and three years find you a bed; and I see," glancing at the subsequently to the period when we com-carpet-bag his friend held in his hand-"I menced our narrative, at which time his see you have your luggage with you. Let lease had expired, he was able to renew it us go home at once." on highly advantageous terms. The fact was whispered, and not without some ground, though he would not own its truth, that he on this occasion consulted his wife regarding the length of time it would be most prudent to extend it.

"But are you sure that my stay will not be deemed an intrusion by Mrs. Bradshaw?" the traveller hesitatingly interposed; adding, "it is not, I know, always agreeable to ladies to perform the rites of hospitality for a stranger, without any previous intimation of a visit."

"Mrs. Bradshaw never thinks of oppos

Mr. Bradshaw was one evening strolling, business hours being over, in the precincts of the railway station, amusing himself by ing anything I do or say," the little man watching the passengers alight-some look-pompously returned.


"I wouldn't allow it; and, to do her justice," he pursued, she never showed any inclination to dispute my authority. All the complaint I can make of her is, that she is a little too forward with her advice sometimes. But that has nothing to do with the present matter; she'll make you welcome, I promise you. I never yet knew her look black upon a guest, let me invite him when I would."

"You seem, my good friend, to have been lucky in your choice of a wife at all events," the traveller observed; "and your description of your home is so inviting, that I cannot resist the very strong inclination I have to avail myself of your kind offer." "That's just what I wanted you to do. I'm not 2 man for unmeaning compliments," cried Bradshaw; and as he spoke, he with some difficulty linked his arm within that of his companion, and bustled towards his dwelling. "Are you married, Rawlins?" he abruptly asked after a brief pause.

"Oh yes, I've been married these seven years."

"Then I shrewdly guess that you have been foolish enough to let your wife get the upper hand: is it so ?"

You're quite mistaken there, my friend. My idea of happiness in married life is for man and wife to go hand in hand, and to have no upper hand in the matter." "Oh-oh! that is your opinion, is it? Well, I can't say it is mine. I could never live with a woman who did not allow me to be master."

"Nor I, my friend; but then I would, at the same time, allow her to be mistress." "Then you are under female rule, after all, Rawlins?"

"Not a bit of it; but I am under female influence."


failure in the hearing of his wife.
shrewd reader may possibly give a broad
guess for what reason, but it was unac-
knowledged even to himself. Rawlins, at
the request of his host, related his story
first; but as it was void of interest, except-
ing to those who had a personal regard for
him, we will not tire the reader with the

"My narrative is, you see, very barren of incident," he observed as he concluded. "I have had no hairbreadth escapes; no sudden reverses; no accounts of being dragged to a prison either for my own or any one else's debts; and now, shall I tell you what has been the key to my prosperity?"

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Why, you've been a fortunate fellow, that's all; you always were so; you never got into the scrapes that I did when you were a boy."

"Fortune has had nothing to do with it, my friend," Rawlins exclaimed. "The secret of my success is this---I made choice of a good partner; and"

"Ah, you were lucky there at all events," Bradshaw interposed. "My partner has been my ruin."

Rawlins looked up in astonishment. "What, that quiet, gentle-looking woman?" he remarked. "Why, I thought".

"She! No, I don't mean her: I mean the partner I took into my concern."

Rawlins laughed heartily at his own blunder. I beg Mrs. Bradshaw's pardon a thousand times," he said; "but my good fellow, I was alluding to my wife when I spoke of my partner. I have had no other partner, I have needed none."

"I took a young man into my business because he brought in a thousand pounds, but he turned out a sad rogue."

66 Ah, I had no such inducement," Raw lins interposed. "I selected a partner with good sense and good principles; that was of more value than a thousand pounds; and the secret of my success, my friend, is my having made use of these qualifications, and placed unbounded confidence in her."

The friends had by this time reached the door of the house, and the cheerful smile which sat upon Mrs. Bradshaw's countenance, when told by her husband that he had brought home a guest for the night, The little draper looked somewhat disand the alacrity with which she set about concerted, and glanced quickly round to obthe necessary preparations for his accommo- serve if Mrs. Bradshaw were within hearing. dation, clearly indicated that the draper's "Pshaw!" he pettishly exclaimed; statements were perfectly correct. The ab-"you've been a fortunate fellow, that's the sence of the lady gave the gentlemen an ex-upshot of the matter."

cellent opportunity for unrestrained confi- "I tell you once more, my good friend, dence. Rawlins would not have hesitated that fortune had nothing to do with it; but to tell his tale if Mrs. Bradshaw had been we won't get into a dispute. Let me hear present, but poor Mr. Bradshaw never your story; I fancy it has more interest could allude to the circumstances of his late than mine."

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