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And, O ye Fountains, Meadows, Hills, and Groves,

Think not of any severing of our loves!

Yet, in my heart of hearts, I feel your might;

I only have relinquished one delight

To live beneath your more habitual sway.


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On angling-The lakes of Auvergne-Angling laws in France-Eng-
lish streams, and English fishing regulations-Trout in Auvergne
-Paucity of anglers-Curiosity respecting flies and fly-fishing-
Guide-book maker-Excursion to the Lac de Guéry-Net-fishing-
Interview with the fishermen-Their ignorance of fly-fishing-Row

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The Roches Tuillière et Sanadoire-M. Lecocq's description of them-
French sentimentality-Excursion to the Gorge de Chaudefour-
Plateau valley of Chambon-The gorge-Extraordinary needles-
Precipices of the Puy Ferrand-Desire to scale them-Nature of the
pass over the Puy Ferrand-Start alone to cross it-Dense forest
-Awkward position-Steep ascent-Black precipices-Horrors of
solitude-Dangerous position-The 'Mauvais Pas'-Attain the Col
-Excessive fatigue-Desirableness of taking a guide - Roche
Cuzeau-Grandeur of the mountain top-Fossil bones-Downward
journey-Arrive at the baths

Want of enterprise among the visitors at Mont Dore-An adventurous
lady-Madame B: her love of admiration-The small foot-
Vanity rebuked-M. Polignac-Climate of Mont Dore-The Post-
mistress-Hints to tourists-Emeute-The tyranny of power-
Return to Clermont-Petite route-Randanne-Count de Mont-
losier - His philanthropy - Arrive at Clermont - Fair Quack
doctors-Quack dentist-Journey to Le Puy-Wretched diligence
-Issoire-Brioude-Arrive at Le Puy.



Plutarch's definition of a friend-The luxury of a wash-Le Puy-Its

origin-The cathedral-Nôtre Dame de Le Puy-Relic of papyrus

-Numerous holy relics-Museum-Roman remains-Fossil bones

-Lace manufacture

- Market-place-

Picturesque head-dress

Rocher de St. Michel-Curious chapel-Geological theory of the
Valley of Le Puy-Castle of Polignac-Puit de l'Oracle-Mask of
Apollo-Cardinal Polignac-Les Orgues d'Espailly-Their powerful
magnetic properties-Temple of Diana-Table-d'hôte-Royalist
landlord-Travelling difficulties-Extortionate voituriers


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