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them for their sins and wickedness. Some wept, and some were rude. The people here, as I was informed, were generally very wicked. After having had divers meetings, the packet in which we had taken our passage, being obliged to stay but ten days, we went off sooner than we otherwise should have done, and solemnly taking leave of those friends that were there, we went on board our vessel, in order for England, by God's permission. We got readily through the windward passage, which is between the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola; and divers times after we left Jamaica, we were chased by several ships, but they could not come up with us. One ship of twenty-eight guns gave us chase after a great storm, and was almost up with us before we could well make sail; they being eager of their prey, sent their hands aloft to let their reefs out of the topsails, in order to make more speed, and came running mightily towards us, and gained much upon us; we fearing to make sail by reason of the storm, and the sea running very high, and our masts being therefore in danger, we were some time in doubt whether we should escape or not: but whilst we were in this consternation, down came the French ship's three topmasts at once, so we escaped, and left her, and went rejoicing on our way, that we were thus delivered. This was one of the great and remarkable deliverances among the many I met with, by the good hand and providence of the Lord, my great and good master, whom I hope to serve all my days.

After having been at sea about six weeks, we began to look out for land, and in two or three days we sounded, and found ground at about ninety fathoms; after which we saw two French privateers, that gave us chase about four o'clock in the morning, and pursued us vigorously; but sailing better than they, we run them out of sight by eight o'clock the same morning, and in about two hours after we saw the land of Ireland; it being misty weather, with rain and wind, our master thought it best to lay by and forbear sailing, that coast being rocky and dangerous, by which means the two ships that gave us chase came up with us, and found

us not in sailing order, and were within gun-shot of us before we were aware of it. What to do now we could not tell, until they began to fire at us; but in this emergency and strait, our master resolved he would rather run the vessel on shore than they should have her, she being richly laden with indigo, silver, and gold, reckoned to the value of fifty thousand pounds. In this strait, we must either fall into the hands of the French, who were our enemies, or run among the rocks; and we thought it best to fall into the hands of the Almighty, and trust to his providence; so towards the rocks we went, which looked with a terrible aspect. The native Irish seeing us, they came down in great numbers, and ran on the rocks, and called to us, saying, "That if we came any nearer we should be dashed in pieces." Then our master ordered the anchor to be let go, which brought her up before she struck; and with much ado, he put his boat out into the sea, and put in all the passengers, in order to set them on shore, the waves running very high, so that it looked as if every wave would have swallowed us up; and it was a great favour of Providence that we got to land in safety. The privateers not daring to come so near the shore as we did, after firing at us, went away, and our master carried the ship into the harbour of Kinsale, in Ireland. Thus through many perils and dangers we were preserved, and got safe on the Irish shore, for which, and all other the mercies and favours of the Most High, my soul and spirit did give God glory and praise ! in this voyage we were about seven weeks at sea.

When I came from my home at Philadelphia, I did intend (the Lord permitting) to visit friends in Ireland, and being accidentally cast on shore there, I thought it my place first to go through that nation. I had been in Ireland about nine years before, and then being but young, and now being more grown in body, my old acquaintance and friends did not at first know me; but we were kindly and lovingly received by our friends and brethren in that nation, where there is a great and numerous people, that serve and worship the Father in spirit and in truth, and who have divers good and wholesome orders established amongst them, in the unity and fellowship of the gospel. In this nation we had many and large meetings after our landing, visiting friends' meetings along to the north, many, not of our society: coming to them, among whom we often had good service, to our and their satisfaction, as they often declared, Richard Gove being still with me. Friends from their national meeting, certified to our brethren in America, of our service and labour of love among them, after we had travelled several hundred miles, and visited friends' meetings generally, and some other places where it was not usual. While I was in Ireland, under a concern for the prosperity of truth and religion, I wrote an exhortation to the youth, and others, which was afterwards printed there..

We took ship in the North of Ireland, at a town call. ed Donaghadee, being accompanied with divers brethren, who brought us on our way after a godly sort. We got to Port-Patrick, in Scotland, after about five hours sail, in order to visit those few friends that were scattered about in that part of the nation. People in those parts looked very shy on us, and did not care to discourse with us on matters civil or religious, which I thought unreasonable. The first town or city we came to, in which we had a meeting, was Glasgow, (accounted the second city in North-Britain) where, in our meeting for the worship of the Almighty, we were shamefully treated by the people, who threw dirt, stones, coal, &c. amongst us, and by divers other actions unbecoming men, though heathens or infidels, much more people professing christianity; so that I was constrained to tell them, that though I had preached the gospel to many heathens, and to divers Jews, as also to Indians and Negroes, and had travelled in many countries and nations in the world, in several quarters thereof, and many thousands of miles, yet I must needs say, that I never met with the like incivilities, and such scurrilous treatment, no not in all my travels. I also told them, that I had preached the gospel of Christ among their brethren in New-England, and in Boston, where they formerly hanged the quakers, and

cruelly persecuted them for their religion, and yet they did not treat us so brutishly even there. And further I told them, that I lived in those parts of America, and what account I should have to carry home to their aforesaid brethren, of our treatment in Glasgow, the second city in Scotland. I desired them to consider of it, and be ashamed, if they had any shame. This a little abashed them for the present, but afterwards they were as bad as ever. There were at this meeting divers collegians, who were very rude. I asked if that was their way of treating strangers? and that I believed their teachers in the university did not allow of such ill manners, by which they scandalized themselves, their city and country. From this city we went to Hamilton and Gershore, where they were more civil. At Gershore a man of letters, and sober conversation, begged that I would pray to the Almighty, that he would establish him in the doctrine which he had heard that day. This being rare in those parts, therefore I thus minute it here. We went on towards the north of Scotland, to Aberdeen, and thereabouts, where there is a tender hearted people, among whom we had several large gatherings, and some that were not of us, expressed their satisfaction. In the north I met with a gentleman, who coming from a nobleman's house, joined me, and asked me, "If I knew Robert Barclay?" I said not personally, but by his writings I knew him well. He told me, "That he (Barclay) had not left his fellow in Scotland." We afterwards travelled southward, where there were but few friends, and small meetings; yet we may say, that the goodness, love, and presence of him, who said, where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them, was oftentimes witnessed to be with us, blessed be his holy name. Oh! that the children of men would praise him in thought, word, and deed, for he is worthy. So in great reverence and holy fear, we travelled along towards South-Britain, had several meetings at Edinburgh, and divers other places; also at Berwick upon Tweed, where there were many soldiers, who were very rude. The devil hath had many battles with us, ever since we were a people, in order to hinder us in our worship, but we generally came off with victory, as we did here also, through faith in his name, who hath loved us, and manifested himself to us. Those rude soldiers throwed their hats into the congregation, in order to disturb us, and hinder us in our service, but were at last ashamed and disappointed.

At this place my dear friend and fellow-traveller, Richard Gove, and I parted; I was for going by the east sea coast up to London, and he inclined towards Cumberland, after we had travelled about a year in the work of the ministry, in great love and true friendship, in which work we were true helpers one of another; and as we had laboured together in the work of Christ, so we parted in his love. Now from Berwick I travelled along to Newcastle; had one meeting by the way, and several good meetings at Newcastle, Sunderland, Shoten, and Durham, and several other places in the bishoprick of Durham. The winter coming on apace, it began to be bad travelling; and I being already much spent by it, designed to go speedily up to London; and taking some meetings in my way, as at Stockton, Whitby, Scarborogh, Burlington, Hull, and Brigg, and so on through Lincolnshire, where I went to visit a friend that was prisoner in the castle of Lincoln, because for conscience sake he could not pay an ungodly priest the tythes of his labour. From Lincoln I proceeded to Huntingdon, about which place we had several large meetings, so on to Baldock, where I met with my father and John Gopsil, who came from London to meet me, which was a joyful meeting, for I had not seen my father for about nine years. The love and tenderness between us, and the gladness in seeing each other again, cannot well be expressed, but I believe it was somewhat like Jacob and Joseph's meeting in Egypt; it was affecting and melting; blessed be the Almighty that gave me once more to see my tender and aged parent! So from Baldock we went to Hitching, and had a meeting there, as also at Hertford, from whence, with several friends, I went to Enfield, where I met with my dear and only brother George, and there were with us several of my relations, and divers others of our

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