4 PUBLICLIBRARY ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. 1897.: T DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, to wit: District Clerk's Office. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the twenty-second day of January, A. D. 1817, and in the forty-first year of the independence of the United States of America, the Trustees of the Baptist Missionary Society of Massachusetts, of the said District, have deposited in this Office the Title of a Book, the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following, to wit: "The American Baptist Magazine, and Missionary Intelligencer. New Series. That they all may be One. JEsus. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. PAUL. In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned:" and also to an act entitled, "An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving and etching historical and other prints." JOHN W. DAVIS, { Clerk of the District of Massachusetts. 1.4. INTRODUCTION. HAVING consented, at the request of the Trustees of the "Baptist Missionary Society in Massachusetts," to continue our editorial labours, we improve this occasion to offer a few remarks in behalf of ourselves, and the Magazine. Sensible that we cannot command the time from other numerous duties, which ought to be devoted to a periodical publication of this nature, we could have wished to resign the work to men who had more leisure, and who were better qualified for the task. We are willing, however, to sustain the cares of this department, till such an opportunity is afforded. Indeed, we consider ourselves publickly pledged to support the American Baptist Magazine: and we have met with as much encouragement to redeem our pledge, as it was reasonable to expect. The cordial approbation expressed by our brethren, under whose direction the Magazine is published-the widely extended patronage it has received and our own conviction of its importance and utility to the Religious Public, induce us to persevere in our editorial duties. At a late meeting of the "Board," under whose patronage the Magazine is published, a Committee was appointed to examine the Agents' accounts, and to present a general view of the expenditure, and profits arising from the publication of the work. The persons to whom this duty was assigneu, made the following statement, which, on being accepted by the Board, was ordered to be inserted at the commencement of the present Number. "The Committee, appointed by the "Board of Trustees of the Baptist Missionary Society in Massachusetts," to examine into the state of the American Baptist Magazine, having attended to that service, submit the following REPORT. It appears from the Agents' accounts, that one hundred and thirty four thousand Magazines have been printed in the two years since the commencement of the New Series, and that the cost of the same, including all expenses, is, $7903,30 cts. That there is due from various persons for Magazines already sold $5772,29 Amounting in the whole to Deduct from this amount all expenses, as above, viz. There is left in favor of the $11507,58 }$7903,30 } $3604,28 There are also on hand unsold, 11,454 Magazines, many of which will yet be disposed of. From the above statement, it appears, that a balance of $3604,28 will remain to aid our Missionary funds, after paying all expenses of the work for two years. Your Committee would further remark, that at the commencement of the New Series, a considerable sum was necessary to put it in operation, before returns could be realized; the Agents were therefore authorized to draw on the Treasurer of the Society, $1000, which, however, was repaid in two months, from the proceeds of the work. From the above review, your Committee feel a high degree of satisfaction in perceiving that on the completion of the first Volume, the Missionary funds have not been in the least retrenched, but will eventually be much increased, and our means of Missionary operations much enlarged; while at the same time the Magazine is diffusing knowledge and information through many parts of our country. When in addition to the profits which will result from the work, we consider that the number circulated has increased from four, to eleven thousand, we believe that every friend of Zion must rejoice in the encouraging prospects which the work presents." JOSEPH GRAFTON, Committee. It is hoped the above “Report” will be highly satisfactory, and pleasing to our numerous readers. From it they will see, that if the Subscribers and Agents are punctual in making payment, a Should it dispose considerable profit will be realized annually. them to recommend the work to the perusal of their friends who have not become subscribers, we shall rejoice; because we think the cause of truth, and the cause of Missions, will be thereby promoted. It is probable some may object, that whatever funds may accrue, "for the benefit of missions," they will be so locally applied, as to be of no advantage to the section of country in which they live, and therefore can be no inducement for them to give circulation to the Magazine. A reference to facts will furnish the best answer to this objection. The Baptist Board in Massachusetts, disclaim all local partialities in the appointment of their Missionaries. The destitute situation of a place, not its geographical position, is that which alone is necessary to recommend it to their attention. Hence in the District of MaineVermont--Rhode-Island---Connecticut-New-York-Pennsylvania -Ohio-Virginia-and Louisiania, Missionaries have laboured, and in most of these States are still labouring, under the patronage of this Society. Nor have the "Board" restricted themselves in the appropriation of the profits resulting from the Magazine. Should the Foreign Mission need their aid, the Board will esteem it a privilege to present a free-will offering from the "fruits" of this work. While they are attached to Domestic, they also esteem it an honour to avow themselves the steady and ardent friends of Foreign Mis sions. In these sentiments, we, as Editors, unreservedly coincide. The time has arrived when Christians cannot view with indifference the condition of the heathen world. We are therefore determined not only to use our influence in the pages of this work, to promote the prosperity of Missions in our own country, but also to excite the commiseration of our readers, for those " who are sitting in darkness and the shadow of death." In this place we would advert to another Publication, entitled the "Latter Day Luminary," edited by a Committee of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions for the United States, and issued quarterly. Its object is, to diffuse Religious and Missionary Intelligence, more especially through the vast extent of country lying west of the Alleghany mountains. It needs not our praise, or we should cheerfully say it is conducted with ability and piety. If it should contribute to the increase of the Missionary funds, it will give us great pleasure to see the "Luminary" shed its salutary and animating rays through all the regions of the West; and become the instrument of directing the attention of christians in that part of the country to the awful condition of millions who are groping in darkness at noon-day, and living without hope and without God in the world. Aware that a diversity of taste must exist where the class of readers is large, it will be our aim to gratify this diversity as far as is consistent with truth, and the general design of the work. Our pages will be enriched with Memoirs of good men. Original biography, if interesting, will always be preferred. When this is not at hand, we shall endeavour to perpetuate the memory of those "righteous dead," who were eminent in their day for piety, talents, and usefulness. The practical tendency of this species of writing is universally acknowledged. The writers of the New Testament were persuaded that example was more powerful than precept; hence the frequent recurrence, in their epistles, to the eminent worthies who had preceded them; and especially to the Son of God, who "left us an example that we should follow his steps." Perhaps it would be difficult to say how many Missionaries have imbibed their first impressions in favor of the work in which they are engaged, by reading the Memoirs of Samuel Pearce, and other similar productions. The same effects in relation to other branches of the christian temper and conduct, have attended a perusal of the lives of good men. Essays, on practical, experimental, and doctrinal subjects, may be expected to occupy a place in the Magazine. Reviews will occasionally be inserted. Missionary Intelligence will form a prominent part in our work; and although from the nature of things it may be expected that we should give a more minute detail of the operations of our own Missionaries, both at home and abroad; yet we shall endeavour to record all facts which are of general interest, to whatever denomination of Christians they may relate. If the Heathen are converted, if a nation change their gods, if the cross is tri umphant, we will record the triumph, and call upon our readers to rejoice with us, whether the instruments in effecting this moral revolution were Baptists or not. Here we will stand on the broad ground of Christianity, and cordially congratulate our fellow christians on the success of their labours. Revivals of Religion in our own land, will not pass unnoticed. If the conversion of one sinner occasions joy in the presence of the angels of God, it may be hoped that the intelligence this Magazine will convey, will occasion joy in the presence of the saints on earth. The erection of places for public worship, the ordination of ministers, and other events connected with the state of Zion, will be constantly announced. Such Obituaries will be inserted, as are likely to excite a general interest. It will give us pleasure to convey our readers to "the chamber where the good man meets his fate," that there they may learn, under the most impressive circumstances, the vanity of the world, the unchanging faithfulness of God, and the excellence of that religion which supports the soul, when all earthly comforts fail. Poetry will not be excluded, when we are favoured with such as breathes a spirit of piety, united with a correct taste. As often as our means will justify, we shall adorn our work with well executed Portraits. We tender our sincere thanks to those of our friends who by writing for the Magazine, have contributed toward its support. We earnestly solicit the continuance of their aid, and we hope that others who are able to furnish suitable materials, will exert themselves for this purpose. We beg such to consider that by furnishing an interesting article for the Magazine, they may become the means of consolation and instruction to thousands. The paper which they send for insertion in our work may prove a source of comfort to the poor cottager, it may gladden the widow's heart, or guide the steps of the neglected orphan. It is not too much to expect that such communications may be the means of arresting the sinner in his career of folly-of reclaiming the wandering professor-or of inducing the pious to combine together for some important object, which shall have a happy influence on succeeding generations. How much evil may thus be prevented! How much good may thus be achieved! May these reflections be duly weighed by such of our brethren as are able to supply us with valuable matter for the Magazine. Boston, Jan. 1819. THOMAS BALDWIN, Editors. |