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Lords, it was quafhed by a fudden prorogation of the parliament.

The generality of people being now in a hurry and confternation of mind upon the difcovery of the popish plot, and apprehenfions of a French invafion; he, left the minds of any of his friends the Quakers should be drawn from their wonted dependence upon God, to partake of the popular uneafinefs, writ an epiftle to them, directed, "To the Children of Light in this "Generation," which is inferted in this collec


And in the next years, the nation ftill continuing under fears of wicked defigns on foot for fubverting the Proteftant religion, and introducing Popery, he published a book entitled, "An Addrefs to Proteft"ants," wherein he fets forth the reigning evils of the times, and endeavours to excite men to repentance and amendment of life, as the best means to cure their fears, and prevent the impending dangers.

The fame year alfo he prefixed to the works of Samuel Fisher, then printing in folio, a teftimony concerning that author, who having been a minifter of the church of England, and afterwards a preacher among the Baptifts, at length joined in profeffion with the Quakers, and died a prifoner for his teftimony in the year 1665.

The rifing hopes of Papifts, and the juft fears of Proteftants, kept the nation ftill in a ferment; and writs being iffued for fummoning a new parliament, party ftruggles for power ran high, on which occafion our author dedicated to the freeholders and electors a fheet called "England's great Intereft in the Choice "of this New Parliament;" and foon after the parliament fitting, he prefented to them a book entitled, "One Project for the Good of England."

In this year 1680, died that excellent princefs Elizabeth of the Rhine, before mentioned, to whose real worth our author's religious gratitude dedicated

• 1679.

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a memorial, by tranfmitting to pofterity her exemplary character, in the fecond edition of his "No "Crofs, no Crown," printed anno 1682.

On the eighth of the eighth month this year alfo, departed this life his dear friend and father-in-law Ifaac Pennington; to whofe virtues he published a teftimony, and prefixed it to his works, that year printed in folio.

There being about this time fome difference in judgment among his friends the Quakers about establishing church difcipline, (a point not eafily fixed, fo as neither to fubject the confcience to an ecclefiaftical authority, nor yet to give an unlimited liberty of running into anarchy and confufion) he published a little book, called, Á Brief Examination of Liberty Spi


A fresh perfecution being now raised in the city of Bristol, where Sir John Knight, fheriff, John Hellier, attorney at law, and other their accomplices, put the penal laws in a rigorous execution, many of the people called Quakers there were fined and imprisoned. To whom William Penn wrote the following epiftle for their Christian confolation and encouragement, directed,

To the Friends of GoD in the City of Bristol.'

This fent to be read among them, when affembled to wait upon the Lord."

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My Beloved in the Lord!

Do herewith send amongst you the dear and tender 'falutation of my unfeigned love, that is held in the fellowship of the lafting Gospel of Peace, that ' has many years been preached and believed amongst you, befeeching the God and Father of this glorious day of the Son of Man, to increase and multiply his

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' convenient. Remember thy mother's example, when thy father's publick-fpiritedness had worfted his eftate (which is my cafe.) I know thou lovest plain things, and art averse to the pomps of the world; a nobility natural to thee. I write not as doubtful, but to quicken thee, for my fake, to be more vigilant herein; knowing that God will blefs thy care, and thy poor children and thee for it. My mind is wrapt up in a faying of thy father's, "I defire not "riches, but to owe nothing;" and truly that is wealth; and more than enough to live, is a fnare ⚫ attended with many forrows. I need not bid thee be humble, for thou art fo; nor meek and patient, for it is much of thy natural difpofition: but I pray thee be oft in retirement with the Lord, and guard against encroaching friendships. Keep them at arm's end; for it is giving away our power, aye, and felf C too, into the poffeffion of another; and that which might feem engaging in the beginning, may prove a yoke and burden too hard and heavy in the end. Wherefore keep dominion over thyfelf, and let thy children, good meetings, and friends, be the pleasure of thy life.

4thly, And now, my deareft, let me recommend to thy care my dear children; abundantly beloved of me, as the Lord's 'bleffings, and the fweet pledges of our mutual and endeared affection. Above all things endeavour to breed them up in the love of • virtue, and that holy plain way of it which we have lived in, that the world, in no part of it, get into my family. I had rather they were homely than finely bred, as to outward behaviour; yet I love sweetness mixed with gravity, and cheerfulness tempered with fobriety. Religion in the heart leads < into this true civility, teaching men and women to be mild and courteous in their behaviour; an accomplishment worthy indeed of praise.

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5thly, Next breed them up in a love one of another tell them, it is the charge I left behind me; and that it is the way to have the love and bleffing


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of God upon them: alfo what his portion is who hates, or calls his brother fool. Sometimes feparate them, but not long; and allow them to fend and give each other finall things, to endear one another with. Once more, I fay, tell them it was my coun→ fel, they fhould be tender and affectionate one to ' another. For their learning be liberal: fpare no coft; for by fuch parfimony all is loft that is faved; but let it be useful knowledge, fuch as is consistent with truth and godlinefs, not cherishing a vain con< verfation or idle mind; but ingenuity mixed with industry is good for the body and mind too. I re'commend the useful parts of mathematicks, as building houfes or fhips, measuring, furveying, dialling, navigation, &c. but agriculture is especially in my eye: let my children be hufbandmen and house' wives; it is induftrious, healthy, honeft, and of good example: like Abraham, and the holy ancients, ' who pleased God, and obtained a good report. This leads to confider the works of God and nature, of things that are good, and diverts the mind from being taken up with the vain arts and inventions of a luxurious world. It is commendable in the princes ' of Germany, and the nobles of that empire, that 'they have all their children inftructed in fome useful 'occupation. Rather keep an ingenious perfon in the houfe to teach them, than fend them to schools; 'too many evil impreffions being commonly received there. Be fure to obferve their genius, and do not 'cross it as to learning: let them not dwell too long on one thing, but let their change be agreeable, and ⚫ all their diverfions have fome little bodily labour in 'them. When grown big, have most care for them; ⚫ for then there are more fnares both within and with" out. When marriageable, fee that they have worthy perfons in their eye, of good life, and good fame for piety and understanding. I need no wealth but 'fufficiency; and be fure their love be dear, fervent, ' and mutual, that it may be happy for them. I chufe not they fhould be married to earthly cove

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• tous kindred; and of cities and towns of concourse beware; the world is apt to ftick clofe to those who have lived and got wealth there: a country life and eftate I like beft for my children. I prefer a decent • manfion of an hundred pounds per annum, before • ten thousand pounds in London, or fuch-like place, in a way of trade. In fine, my dear, endeavour to • breed them dutiful to the Lord, and his blessed light, truth, and grace in their hearts, who is their • Creator; and his fear will grow up with them. Teach a child (fays the wife man) the way thou wilt have him to walk, and when he is old he will not forget it. Next obedience to thee, their dear mother; and that not for wrath, but for confcience fake; liberal to the poor, pitiful to the miferable, humble and kind to all. And may my • God make thee a bleffing, and give thee comfort in our dear children; and in age, gather thee to the joy and bleffednefs of the juft (where no death fhall feparate us) for ever.

And now, my dear children, that are the gifts ⚫ and mercies of the God of your tender father; hear my counsel, and lay it up in your hearts; love it more than treafure, and follow it, and you fhall be bleffed here, and happy hereafter.

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In the first place, remember your Creator in the days of your youth. It was the glory of Ifrael in the 2d of Jeremiah: and how did God blefs Jofiah, • because he feared him in his youth! And fo he did Jacob, Jofeph, and Mofes. Oh! my dear children, • remember, and fear and ferve him who made you, and gave you to me and your dear mother: that you may live to him, and glorify him, in your gene


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To do this, in your youthful days feek after the Lord, that you may find him; remembering his great love in creating you; that you are not beasts, plants, or ftones; but that he has kept you, and given you his grace within, and fubftance without, and provided plentifully for you. This remember

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