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of which will communicate the disease to those who have not been previously infected.

XIV. That, although it is difficult to determine precisely the number of exceptions to the practice, the Medical Council are fully convinced, that the failure of Vaccination, as a preventive of the Small pox, is a very rare


XV. That of the immense number who have been vaccinated in the army and navy, in different parts of the United Kingdom, and in every quarter of the globe, scarcely any instances of such failure have been reported to the Committee, but those which are said to have occurred in the Metropolis, or its vicinity.

XVI. That the Medical Council are fully assured, that in very many places, in which the Small-pox raged with great violence, the disease has been speedily and effectually arrested in its progress, and in some populous cities almost wholly exterminated, by the practice of Vaccination.

XVII. That the practice of inoculation for the Small-pox, on its first introduction into this country, was opposed and very much retarded, in consequence of misrepresentations

and arguments drawn from assumed facts, and of miscarriages arising from the want of correct information, similar to those now brought forward against Vaccination, so that nearly fifty years elapsed before Small-pox inoculation was fully established.

XVIII. That, by a reference to the bills of mortality, it will appear that, to the unfortunate neglect of Vaccination, and to the prejudices raised against it, we may, in a great measure, attribute the loss of nearly two thousand lives by the Small-pox, in this Metropolis alone, within the present year.

XIX. That the few instances of failure, either in the inoculation of the Cow-pox, or of the Small-pox, ought not to be considered as objections to either practice, but merely as deviations from the ordinary course of nature.

XX. That, from all the facts which they have been able to collect, it appears to the Medical Council, that the Cow-pox is generally mild and harmless in its effects; and no instance has come to their knowledge, in which there was reason to admit, that Vaccine Inoculation had, of itself, produced any new or dangerous disease, as has been ignorantly and unwarrantably asserted; but that the few cases,

which have been alleged against this opinion, may be fairly attributed to other causes.

XXI. That if a comparison be made between the effects of Vaccination, and those of inoculation for the Small-pox, it would be necessary to take into account the greater number of persons who have been vaccinated within a given time, it being probable, that within the last seven years, nearly as many persons have been inoculated for the Cow-pox, as were ever inoculated for the Small-pox, since the practice was introduced into this kingdom.

XXII. That many well-known cutaneous diseases, and some scrophulous complaints, have been represented as the effects of Vaccine Inoculation, when in fact they originated from other causes, and in many instances occurred long after Vaccination, but that such diseases are infinitely less frequent after Vaccination, than after either the natural or inoculated Small-pox.

Having stated these facts, and made these observations, the Medical Council cannot conclude their Report upon a subject so highly

important and interesting to all classes of the community, without making this solemn declaration:

That, in their opinion, founded on their own individual experience, and the information which they have been able to collect from that of others, mankind have already derived great and incalculable benefit from the discovery of Vaccination: and that it is their full belief, that the sanguine expectations of advantage and security, which have been formed from the inoculation of the Cow-pox, will be ultimately and completely fulfilled.

25th Nov. 1805.

No. XI.

Account of the management of Bees on Mount Hymettus, in Greece. By George Wheler, Esquire.

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"THE hives which they keep their bees in, are made of willows, or osiers, fashioned like our common dust baskets, wide at the top, and narrow at the bottom; and plaistered with clay, or loam, within and without.* They are set the wide end upwards. The tops being covered with broad flat sticks are also plaistered with clay at the top; and to secure them from the weather, they cover them with a tuft of straw, as we do. Along each of those sticks, the bees fasten their combs; so that a comb may be taken out whole, without the least bruising, and with the greatest ease imaginable. To increase them in spring-time, that is, in

This account is extracted from Wheler's Journey through Greece, page 412; and it is inserted here, for the information of those of our readers, who have adopted the plan of encouraging their cottagers to keep Bees, as an object of profit.

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