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Lord God, our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trefpaffes, as we forgive them, that trefpafs against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

Ch. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.

Lord God Son, the Savior of the world,


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*The petitions printed in Italics are prayed by the whole con

gregation, the reft by the Liturgus.


Our Lord Chrift Jefus,

Be gracious unto us!

O thou God and Father of the Church,

Preferve us in thy love!

Thou Searcher of the hearts, God Holy Ghoft,
Maintain thy temple in fanctification and honor!

C. Thou flaughter'd Lamb, our God and Lord,
To needy pray'rs thine ear afford,

And on us all have mercy!

From all coldness to thy merits and death,

From all error,

From all lofs of our glory in thee,

From unhappily becoming great,

From all felf-complacency,

From needlefs perplexity,

From confufions,

From misunderstanding and hypocrify,

From light-minded or dark fanaticifm,

From tumult and fedition,

From the murdering fpirit and devices of Satan,

From the deceitfulness of fin,

From all fin,

Preferve us, gracious Lord and God

With thy human birth,

With thy first blood-shedding,.

With thy meritorious tears,

With all the troubles of thy life,

With thy great poverty,

With thy having taken upon thee the form of a fervant,

With thy being defpifed and rejected,

With thy griefs and forrows, (Ifa. liii. 4.)

With thy temptations,

With all the perplexity and anguifh of thy foul,

With thy agony and bloody sweat,
With thy being bound, buffeted, and reviled,
With thy fcourgings and crown of thorns,
With thy ignominious crucifixion,
With thy facred wounds,

With thy precious blood,

With thy meritorious death,

With thy coming again to thy Church,

or our being call'd home to thee,

Comfort us, gracious Lord and God!

C. Moft holy Lord and God!
Holy Almighty God!

Holy and moft merciful Savior!

Thou eternal God!

Grant that we may never
Lofe the comforts from thy death!
Have mercy, O Lord!

With all the merits of thy life,

Blejs us, gracious Lord and God!

With thy childlike obedience,

With thy diligence at work,

With thy humility, meeknefs, and patience,

With thy watching and praying,

With thy dying words,

With thy reft in the grave,

With thy victorious returrection,

With the laft days of the Son of Man,

With thy glorious afcenfion,

With thy fitting at the right hand of God,
With thy powerfui interceffion,

With thy holy facraments,

With thy divine prefence, (Matt. xxviii. 20.)

Bless us, gracious Lord and God!


We poor finners pray,

Hear us, gracious Lord and God!

Rule and lead thy holy Christian Church;

Increase the knowledge of the mystery of Chrift, and diminish misapprehenfions;

Teach us how to receive those that are weak in the faith, but not to doubtful disputations; (Rom. xiv. 1.) Make the word of the cross univerfal among all thofe, who are called by thy name;

Unite all the children of God in one spirit, (John xi. 52.)

Abide their only fhepherd, high prieft, and Savior; Send faithful laborers into thy harvest;

Give fpirit and power to preach thy word;

Preferve unto us the word of reconciliation till the end of days,

And through the Holy Ghoft daily glorify the merits of thy life, fufferings, and death;

That we thy facraments and word, may to our end keep pure, O Lord!

Prevent or deftroy all defigns and schemes of Satan, Bruise him under our feet, (Rom. xvi. 20.) and defend us against his accufation;

For the fake of that peace which we have with thee, may we, as much as lieth in us, live peaceably with all men, (Rom. xii. 18. Heb. xii. 14.)

Grant us, to bless them that curfe us,
And to do good to them that hate us;

Have mercy upon our flanderers and perfecutors, and lay not that fin unto their charge; Hinder all fchifms and fcandals;

Put far from thy people ail feducers;

Bring back all that have erred, or have been feduced; Grant love and unity to all our congregations; Help us bleffedly to execute thy laft will; (John xvii.)


That we, as Chrift's members, be joined together in unity, and truly love each other.

Hear us, gracious Lord and God!

Thou light and confolation of all the Gentiles! Watch over thy meffengers both by land and sea; Accompany the word of their testimony, concerning thy blood, with spirit and fire;

Blefs our congregations gathered from among the Heathen,


Preferve them as the apple of thine eye!

From Satan's vile temptations,

Or lying accufations,

Preferve them, gracious Lord and God!

As thou haft vifited the Negroes, Greenlanders, Indians, and Efquimaux, fo vifit all other Heathen;

Hear us, gracious Lord and God!

Ch. O praife the Lord, all ye Heathen!

C. Praise him, all ye nations!

Deliver the people of Ifrael from their blindness, And bring all nations to the faving knowledge of


Hear us, gracious Lord and God!

Give to thy people tents to dwell in, and open doors to preach thy Gofpel,

And fet them to thy praife on earth:

Grant all overfeers, paftors, and minifters of the church, foundnefs of doctrine and holiness of life, and preferve them therein;

Sprinkle all the fervants of thy congregation with thy blood;

Help all elders to rule well;


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