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BI'SHOP'S WA'LTHAM, a town of Hampshire, several oxides, of which the teroxide (BiO3) is the about 10 miles east-north-east of Southampton. most important. It may be prepared by evaporating Pop. of parish (1861), 2267. Corn, leather, and malt the solution of the ternitrate of B. (BiO3,3N05) to form the chief trade of the town. It has been dryness, and then heating, when the nitric acid immemorially the property of the see of Winchester. (3ÑO) escapes, and leaves the teroxide of B. (BiO.) There are the remains of a bishop's castle, built in as a yellowish powder. | It is employed in the 1135 by Henry de Bloisking, King Stephen's brother, procelain manufacture as an agent for fixing the and which was reduced to ruins during the civil gilding, and for increasing the fusibility of fluxes, wars of the 17th c. A gang of Waltham Blacks,' at the same time neutralising the colours which or deer-stealers, infested the forest in this vicinity are often communicated by them. The ternitrate in the early part of the 18th c. The Black Act (q. v.) of B. is prepared by acting upon the metal B. with was passed in 1723, to put them down. a mixture of one part of commercial nitric acid and one part of water, and applying heat. The subnitrate or basic nitrate of B. receives the names of Pearl White, Pearl Powder, Blanc de Fard, Blanc d'Espagne, Majestery of B., and Perlweiss and Schminkweiss (German). It is used as a cosmetic, but is apt to become grey in tint, and even brown or black, when sulphuretted hydrogen, often evolved from sewers, cesspools, and drains, comes in contact

BISIGNA'NO, a town of Naples, in the province of Calabria Citra, is situated on the hill near the junction of the Mucone with the Crati, about 15 miles north of Cosenza. It has a cathedral, a castle, and a trade in silk, and gives the title of prince to the existing branch of the Sanseverino family. Pop. 5000.

BI'SLEY, a town of Gloucestershire, 11 miles south-east of Gloucester. Pop. of parish, 4692. The chief manufacture is coarse clothing. The church contains some interesting monuments, a cross-legged knight in armour, and an ancient stone font. There is also an ancient octagonal stonecross in the churchyard. The canal uniting the Severn and the Thames passes through the parish, the highest part being 370 feet above the sea level.

BIS'MUTH is a brittle metal of a crystalline texture, and of white colour tinged with a faint red hue. It is found native in Cornwall, Germany, France, and Sweden, where it occurs in veins or fissures passing through other rocks. The principal natural source is an impure metal; but it is likewise found in combination with oxygen, sulphur, and arsenic. The pure metal is generally obtained by heating the impure native B. in iron tubes in a furnace, when the metal volatilises, and the vapour, condensing into a liquid in a somewhat cool part of the tube, runs into a receiving-vessel, and is ultimately transferred to moulds, where it solidifies ultimately transferred to moulds, where it solidifies with a crystalline texture. B. is represented by the chemist by the symbol Bi; has the atomic weight or equivalent of 213, and has the specific gravity of 9783 to 9833 (water 1000). The metal B. is seldom employed by itself in the arts. The


with it.

The subnitrate of B., the only medicinal preparation formed from this metal, acts as a local irritant and caustic poison on animals. given in small doses, it acts locally as an astringent, On man, when diminishing secretion. On account of the frequent stomach, where there is no organic disease, but relief given by it in painful affections of the where sickness and vomiting take place, accompanied by cramp or nervous disorder, it is supposed to act on the nerves of this viscus as a sedative. It has also been denominated tonic and antispasmodic. Vogt says, that when used as a cosmetic, it has been known to produce a spasmodic trembling of the face, ending in paralysis.

animal of the same genus with the ox (q. v.), still BI'SON, a name given by the ancients to an called the B., or the European B. (Bos Bison of some naturalists, Bos Urus of others); also known as the Aurochs (Germ., wild animal, or wild ox). This animal at one time abounded in most parts of Europe, but is now found only in the forests of Moldavia, Wallachia, Lithuania, and Caucasus. Herds of bisons, carefully protected by the emperor of Russia, and believed to amount to about 800 in all, roam through the great forest of Bialowieza, in

Lithuania. The B. differs from all varieties of the common ox, in the arched line of the back, which rises in a sudden elevation behind the neck; the hump which is formed not consisting, however, of mere fat, but in great part of the very thick and strong muscles which support the large head. It is remarkable for strength in the fore-parts, and trees of five or six inches in diameter cannot withstand the thrusts of old bulls. It is capable of repelling all attacks of the wolf or bear, rushing upon, overthrowing, and then trampling an adversary. Its horns are short, tapering, very distant, spreading, a little curved inwards at the point. They are affixed not at the extremities of the most elevated a, example of native bismuth from Redruth, in Cornwall; salient line of the head, as in the ox, but considerb, crystal of bismuth.



alloys of B. are of considerable commercial importance. In combination with tin, B. forms an alloy possessing great sonorousness, and therefore suitable for bells. The alloy of 8 of B., 5 of lead, and 3 of tin, readily fuses at 202° F., and therefore melts in boiling water; and the alloy of 2 of B., 1 of lead, and of tin, at 200-75° F. Either of the latter alloys is entitled to the term fusible alloy, and when mixed with some mercury, becomes still more fusible, and may then be used in forming moulds for toiletsoaps, and in taking casts.

B. forms several compounds of service in the arts and in medicine; it combines with oxygen to form

ably in front of it. The figure of the forehead differs also from that of the ox in its greater breadth, aud in its convex profile. Another important anatomical difference is in the number of ribs, of which the B. has fourteen pair, whilst the ox has only thirteen; and the vertebræ of the tail are fewer, being only nineteen instead of twenty-one. The hair of the forehead is long and shaggy; that under the chin and on the breast forms a sort of beard; and in winter the neck, hump, and shoulders are covered with long woolly hair, of a dusky brown colour, intermingled with a short, soft, fawncoloured fur. This long hair is gradually cast in summer. The legs, back, and hinder-parts are covered with short dark-brown hair. The tail

terminates in a large tuft. The females are not so large as the males, nor do they exhibit the same shagginess of the fore-parts. The B. is the largest quadruped now existing in Europe, although within the historic period there appears to have existed along with it an ox exceeding it in size; and it appears to have been this ox, and not the B., which was called Urus (q. v.) by the ancients, although their Bonasus (or Bonassus) was probably the same with the bison.-The food of the B. consists of grass and brushwood, and the leaves and bark of young trees. Its cry is peculiar, resembling a groan or a grunt, more than the lowing of an ox. It does not attain its full stature till after its sixth year, and lives for about thirty or forty years. The period of gestation appears to be the same with that of the The B. has never been reduced to subjection by man, and the domestication even of individuals taken young, has been very partial. It generally shews a great aversion to the domestic ox. The common statement, however, that the B. calf invariably refuses to be suckled by the domestic cow, is contradicted on the excellent authority of the master of the imperial forests in the Russian government of Grodno.-The B. is generally very shy, and can only be approached from the leeward, its smell being very acute. It is easily provoked, and is not approached without danger. It runs very swiftly, although it cannot long continue its flight, galloping with its head very low, so that the hoofs are raised higher than the head.


There is no historical evidence that the B. ever existed in Britain; but remains of this, or of a very closely allied species, are found in pliocene freshwater beds in several parts of England, as well as on the continent of Europe. The size of these B. bones is, however, so great as of itself to cause a doubt of the identity of the species, and the horns are longer in proportion. The fossil B. has been called Bison priscus; Bison being by some naturalists separated as a genus from Bos, upon the ground chiefly of the osteological differences in the head.

About 300,000 Indians are supposed to subsist almost entirely on the flesh of the B. The spear and the bow and arrow are still much employed by them in hunting it, although many of them also use firearms. They frequently pursue it on horseback; but the hunter, whether on horseback or on foot, has often much difficulty in getting within shot, on account of its keenness of scent, and the speed with which it runs. The chase of the B. is also very dangerous, as it is apt to turn upon an adversary, and even a fleet horse cannot always escape it. Great numbers, however, are sometimes killed when the hunters can succeed in throwing the herds that are scattered over the plains into confusion, so that they run wildly, without heeding whither. Another expedient of the Indians is to set fire to the grass of the prairies around them, when they retire in great consternation to the centre, and are easily killed. A sort of pound or enclosure is sometimes made, with a long avenue leading to it, and an embankment of snow, such that when the animals have descended over it they cannot return, and by this means great numbers are often captured and killed. Livingstone describes a similar expedient as in use for killing wild animals in South Africa. Sometimes, also, the Indians contrive to throw them into consternation, and to make them run towards a precipice, over which many of the foremost are driven by the crowds which throng up behind.

The American B. is very similar to the European. In general, it is of rather smaller size, but this does not appear to be always the case, and it is said sometimes to attain a weight of 2000 lbs. Its limbs and tail are shorter, and the tail consists of fewer vertebræ. The horns are shorter and more blunt. The fore-parts are still more shaggy, and retain more of their shagginess in summer. The ground upon which many naturalists have rested their chief confidence of specific difference has been, however, the presence of an additional pair of ribs, the


The American B. (Bos Americanus of some naturalists, B. Bison of others) is interesting as the only species of the ox family indigenous to America, except the Musk Ox (q. v.) of the subarctic regions. It is commonly called Buffalo by the Anglo-Americans, although it is very different from the Buffaloes (q. v.) of the old world. It is found in vast numbers in the great prairies between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains; it occurs as far north as the vicinity of Great Marten Lake, in lat. 63° or 64°; extensive level and marshy tracts there affording it suitable food, although it is nowhere else to be met with in so high a latitude. Its southern limit appears to be in New Mexico. It is comparatively rare to the west of the Rocky Mountains, and appears to have been rare to the east of the Appalachiaus, even on the first settlement of Europeans. Within the present century, however, it was found in the western parts of the State of New York, and in large numbers in that of Ohio; but it has now disappeared from the whole region east of the Mississippi, and it is necessary to advance about one hundred miles to the westward of that river before considerable numbers are anywhere to be found. In the western prairies, enormous herds still congregate; great plains are sometimes spotted and darkened with them as far as the eye can reach; 'countless thousands' are described as coming to refresh themselves in stagnant pools; and their paths are said to be, in some parts of the wilderness, as frequent and almost as conspicuous as the roads in the most populous parts of the United States.

American Bison.

American B. being said to have fifteen pair; but Mr. Vasey has recently ascertained that, like the European B., it has only fourteen. The more gregarious habit may perhaps be accounted for, like that of the American beaver, by difference of circumstances.

The wolf is quite unable to contend with the B., but many wolves often hang around the herds, to devour calves which may stray, or aged animals which have become too weak to keep up with the rest. These have sometimes been seen assailed by whole packs of wolves, and dealing death to many of their assailants, before they were compelled to The yield to numbers and hungry pertinacity. only American animal that is singly capable of overcoming the B. is the grisly bear. See BEAR.

The flesh of the B. is very good, and differs from

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that of the ox in having a sort of venison flavour. | much employed in medicine, both internally and The hump, in particular, is esteemed a delicacy.- externally, in hemorrhages and many other comPemmican (q. v.), so much the food of fur-hunters plaints. B. is a native of meadows in Europe, and and northern voyageurs, is made of the flesh and fat

of the bison.--The tallow forms an important article of trade. One bull sometimes yields 150 lbs. The skins are much used by the Indians for blankets, and when tanned, as coverings for their lodges and beds. A blanket of B.'s skin is not unfrequently sold for three or four pounds sterling in Canada, to be used as a travelling cloak or wrapper. The Mandan Indians make canoes of B. skins spread upon wicker-work frames. These canoes have the round form of the Welsh coracle (q. v.). The long hair or fleece is spun and woven into cloth; and some of it which has been brought to England has been made into very fine cloth; stockings, gloves, &c., are also knitted of it. A male B. yields from six to eight pounds of this long hair.

The few attempts which have been made to domesticate the American B., have been so far successful, that they afford encouragement to further experiments. The size and strength of the animal make it probable that, if domesticated, it would be of great use.

BISSA'GOS or BIJU'GA ISLANDS, a group of small volcanic islands, about 20 in all, off the west coast of Africa, lat. 10° 2′-11° 42′ N., and long. 15°-17° W., opposite the mouth of the Rio Grande. The islands are enclosed by a reef, and with a few exceptions, are thickly wooded. Many of them appear to be densely peopled by a savage, thievish, negro race, who cultivate maize, bananas, and palms, and feed cattle and goats, which constitute their chief wealth. There are several fine ports. On one of the islands, Bulama, the British formed a settlement in 1792, but were obliged to abandon it the following year, on account of its unhealthiness. Bassao, one of the group, on which there is a Portuguese settlement, has a population of 8000. It carries on a large trade in slaves, nearly all its European inhabitants being engaged in the traffic. It has also a trade in rice, wax, hides, &c., and imports annually about £20,000 worth of British manufactured goods.

BISSEN, WILHEM, a distinguished Danish sculptor of the present time, was born near Schleswig in 1798, and studied his art for ten years in Rome, under the guidance of his countryman, Thorwaldsen. Returning home, he executed a number of excellent works (a bust of Oersted, Atalante hunting, &c.). In 1841, he returned to Rome, being commissioned by the government to make 18 statues larger than life. Along with these he produced a Venus, and a charming piece, Cupid sharpening his Arrow.' Being recalled to Copenhagen, he was commissioned to execute a frieze of several hundred feet long for the great hall of the palace, representing the development of the human race according to the Greek mythology. Thorwaldsen, in his will, appointed B. to complete his unfinished works and have charge of his museum. In 1850 he was made director of the Academy of Arts, Copenhagen. At the Paris Exhibition in 1855, he was the only sculptor who represented Danish art.

BI'STORT (Polygonum Bistorta), a perennial plant, 1-13 ft. high, with a simple stem, ovate subcordate and wavy leaves, the radical leaves tapering into a long footstalk, and one dense terminal cylindrical spiked raceme of flesh-coloured flowers. The root is about the thickness of the little-finger, blackish brown externally, reddish within, and tortuous (whence the name bistort). The whole plant is astringent, containing much tannin; the root is one of the strongest vegetable astringents, and is


Bistort (Polygonum Bistorta).

is found in Britain, but is by no means common. See Polygonum.

BI'STRE, or BI'STER, a pigment of a brown colour, prepared from the soot of wood, especially beech. It is used in water colours after the manner of Indian ink.

BI'STRITZ, a fortified town of Transylvania, beautifully situated on the Bistritz River, in a fine valley about 50 miles north-east of Klausenburg. In its vicinity are the remains of an ancient castle, once the residence of the illustrious Hunyads. It has several large cattle-fairs, but the extensive general trade it once carried on is now entirely gone. Forming, as it does, the last strong position in the north-east of Transylvania, it was repeatedly during 1848-1849 the scene of hot strife between the Hungarian and Austrian generals. Pop. 6500.

-B. is also the name of a river which, rising in East Hungary, flows south-east through Bukowina and Moldavia, and joins the Sereth near Baku, after a course of 110 miles, and is called the Golden B., on account of the auriferous character of its sands.

BIT, or BITT, in ship-building, is a frame composed chiefly of two short but strong vertical timbers, fixed into or upon the deck in the fore-part of the vessel. Its main purpose is for fastening the cable when the ship rides at anchor, and for leading' the principal ropes of the rigging. To 'bit the cable,' is to fasten it round the bit. Various kinds are called riding bits,' 'Elliott's bits,' 'Carrickbits,' 'paul-bits,' 'jeer-bits,' 'top-sail-sheet-bits,' &c, Having to resist great strains, the bits are strongly bolted to the beams that support the deck.

BITCHE, a town of France, in the department of the Moselle, in a wild and wooded pass of

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