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then shortly afterwards of this same routed enemy invited back as your coheir to receive, after the death of the Republic, the property of the Roman people; and of the consul-designate again surrounded where he had no walls to defend himself, but only streams and mountains. Who will attempt to give a picture of these events? Who will be bold enough to believe them? Let me be once pardoned for having made a mistake; let confession atone for an error. For I will speak frankly. Would to heaven, Antony, we had not driven you away as our despot, rather than have received this one! Not that any servitude is a thing to be wished, but because the condition of a slave is rendered less degrading by the rank of his master; while of two evils the greater is to be shunned, the less is to be chosen. He after all used to ask for what he desired to carry off, you wrench it from our hands. He sought to obtain a province when he was consul, you set your heart on one when a private citizen. He established courts and carried laws to protect the bad, you to destroy the best. He protected the Capitol from bloodshed and the incendiary fire of slaves, you wish to wipe out everything in blood and flame. If the man who granted provinces to Cassius and the Bruti, and those other guardians of the Roman name, acted as despot, what will he do who deprives them of life? If the man who ejected them from the city was a tyrant, what are we to call the man, who does not leave them even a place of exile? Therefore, if the buried ashes of our ancestors have any consciousness, if all sensation is not destroyed along with the body in one and the same fire, what will one of our people say who has most recently departed to that eternal home, when questioned as to the present fortunes of the Roman people? What kind of news will the famous men of old-the Africani, the Maximi, the Paulli, and the Scipionesreceive about their posterity? What will they hear about their country, which they adorned with spoils and triumphs? Will it be that there was a youth eighteen years old, whose grandfather was a money-changer, his father a touting witness,2 both in truth making a precarious livelihood, but one of them up to old age so that he could not deny it, the other from boyhood so that he could not but confess it: and that this youth was plundering the Republic? And that, too, though he had no provinces subdued and added to the empire, and no ancestral position to give him a claim to that overweening power? Though his good looks had gained him money by his shame and a noble name stained by unchastity? Though he had forced old

1 Suet. Aug. 4.

2 Apparently men who hang about the forum ready for a consideration to make depositions or act as formal guarantees, like the touts at Doctors' Commons described in Pickwick.

gladiators of Iulius, reduced by wounds and age-the starveling remainders of Cæsar's training school-to accept the wand of dismissal,' surrounded by whom he wrought general havoc, spared no one, lived for his own enjoyment, and held the Republic as his private possession, as though in marriage with a rich wife he had received it as a legacy? The two Decii will hear that those citizens are slaves, to secure whose supremacy over their enemies they devoted themselves for victory. Gaius Marius, who refused to have even a common soldier who was unchaste, will hear that we are the slaves of an immoral despot. Brutus will hear that the people, whom he first and afterwards his descendants liberated from tyrants, has been consigned to slavery as the price of shame. These reports, if by no one else, will be quickly carried down to them by myself. For as I shall be unable to escape your tyrannies while living, I have determined to fly from life and from them at the same time.

1 He seems to mean 66 to accept dismissal from the gladiatorial school and serve him as a bodyguard." Cp. vol. ii., p. 251.

2 Plutarch, Marius, 14.


(The references are to volume and page)

ABDERA, in Thrace (= "Bed-

lam," i. 302), ii. 227.
"Academia" in Cicero's Tusculan
villa, i. 6, 9, 12.

Academica, the, iii. 285, 288, 291;

dedicated to Varro, 304.
Academics, the, iii. 286; iv. 112.
Academy at Athens, the, ii. 146,
190; iii. 199, 274.

Academy, New, iii. 293, 305, 307.
Acastus, a slave of Cicero's, i.
385-386; ii. 199-202.

Accius, L., a poet, iii. 92, 96; iv.
100, 105.

Achaia, i. 145; iii. 29, 34, 37,

162, 208; iv. 69, 224.

Achilles, i. 230; ii. 319; iv. 236.
Achilles, a freedman of M. Brutus,

iv. 255.

Acilius Balbus, M' (Cos. B.C.

150), iii. 272.

Acilius Glabrio, M' (Cos. B.C. 67),

i. 199; ii. 135; iii. 213.
Acilius Glabrio, M', a legate of
Cæsar, iii. 349-354, 358-359, 361.
Acta publica, ii. 405-406.
Actium, in Acarnania, ii. 20; in
Corcyra, ii. 211, 215.
Acutilius, i. 2, 6, 11.
Acutius, Q., i. 304.
Adriatic, the, ii. 374.
Æbutius, iv. 106.

Eculanum, ii. 217; iv. 106.
Edui (or Hædui), i. 53, 340.
Ægina, iii. 210.

Ægypta, a slave, i. 385-386; ii.

306; iii. 238, 271.

Elia lex, i. 43, 97.

Ælius Pætus Catus, Sext., iv. 88.
Ælius Tubero, Q., i. 73, 280, 328;
iii. 297:

Ælius, M., iv. 91, 96.
Elius Lamia, L., i. 271; ii. 18;
iii. 214-215, 223, 326; iv. 95-
96, 285-286.

Ælius Ligur, P., ii. 9, 88; iv. 11.
Emilian tribe, i. 102.
Emilian road, iv. 212.
Æmilius Avianius, M., ii. 158; iii.
157, 163.

Æmilius Lepidus Livianus, Mani-
lius or Manius (Cos. B.C. 77),
i. 199; ii. 265, 273, 287.
Æmilius Lepidus, M. (Cos. B.C.

46), his wife, ii. 145; prætor,
ii. 330, 336; consul, iii. 162;
master of the horse to Cæsar,
iii. 318, 349; see also iii. 327;
after Cæsar's death, iv. 5; his
inauguration as Pontifex Maxi-
mus, iv. 102, 151; his conduct
in Narbonensis and final junction
with Antony, iv. 183-184, 187,
192, 220-223, 229, 230-231, 237-
240, 257-262, 265, 268, 280-281,
283, 286, 292-293, 300, 312-315,

Emilius Paullus, L. (Cos. B.C.
50), i. 122, 219, 283; ii. 43,
83, 110, 113, 137, 168, 175; iii.
68; iv. 12-13, 264.
Æmilius Paullus Macedonicus, L.
(Cos. B.C. 182, 166), i. 262;
iii. 233.

Æmilius Philemo, M., a freedman
of Lepidus, i. 353.

Æmilius Scaurus, M. (Cos. B.C.

119, 107), i. 317.
Emilius Scaurus, M. (Edile B. C.
58), i. 279, 286-287, 290, 295,

297, 302-305, 335.
Enaria, island off the coast of
Campania, ii. 396.
Esculapius, ii. 404.

Esernia, in Samnium, ii. 296.
Esop, an actor, i. 132-133, 258,
260; his son, iii. 35.
Ætolia, ii. 86.

Afranius, L. (Cos. B. C. 60), i. 43,
53, 188, 204, 249; in Spain, as
Pompey's legate, ii. 254, 269,
279, 283, 384; his déath, iii.

Africa, i. 241, 313, 370; ii. 50,

316; iii. 19, 27, 30, 33-35, 70,
76, 115, 125, 218, 362; iv. 194-
195, 282, 289, 327; Africans,
i. 80; African beasts, ii. 50, 78.
Africani, the, iv. 332.
Africanus. See P. Cornelius Scipio.
Agamemnon, i. 51; iii. 328; iv.

Agesilaus, i. 129, 229.
Agusius, Tit., iii. 44, 152.
Ajax, iv. 236.

Alabanda, in Caria, ii. 93-94, 97.
Alauda, legion raised by Cæsar in
Gaul, iv. 146.

Alba Fucensis, ii. 274, 276, 320.
Alban Mount, i. 10.

Alban villa, (1) of Pompey, ii. 224,

227, 229; (2) of Curio, ii. 348.
Albanius, C., iii. 266.

Albinius, C., iii. 343.

Albinus. See Postumius Albinus.
Albius Casinas, T., iii. 300.
Albius Sabinus, i. 387; iii. 287;
iv. 41-42.
Alcibiades, ii. 142.

Aledius, iii. 86, 216, 218, 220.
Alexander the Great, i. 229, 230;
ii. 81, 87, 104; iii. 243.
Alexander of Ephesus, a poet, i.
120; cp. 115.

Alexander, Cicero's freedman, iii.

Alexandria, i. 89, 209, 210, 237,

288; ii. 329; iii. 17, 31, 34-
37, 41, 43, 55; iv. 191.
Alexion, agent of Atticus, ii. 215;
iii. 307: a physician, iv. 48,

Alexis, servant of Atticus, ii. 89,
214, 229; iii. 315; iv. 158.
Alfius Flavus, C., i. 299, 306.
Aliphera, in Peloponnese, ii. 150.
Allia, battle of the, ii. 319.
Allienus, Aul., i. 73; ii. 399; iii.
166; iv. 180, 232.

Allobroges, i. 30, 62, 125; iv.
231, 238, 303.
Alphæus, R., iii. 89.
Alpine tribes, iv. 145.
Alps, the, iv. 184, 222, 230, 237, 303.
Alsium, iii. 86, 333.

Alyzia, in Acarnania, ii. 207-208.
Amafinius, C., an Epicurean
philosopher, iii. 195.

Amaltheia and Amaltheium, i. 30,
44, 66, 94, 115.

Amanus, Mt., ii. 72, 81, 87, 89,
103-104, 115; iv. 279.
Ambracia, iv. 254.
Amianus, ii. 139.
Amphiaraus, iii. 122.
Ampia, iii. 128.

Ampius Balbus, T., i. 208; ii. 271,
386; iii. 126, 151.

Ampius Menander, T., iii. 151.
Amyntas, father of Philip, iii. 313.
Anagnia, i. 223; iii. 147; iv. 150.
Ancharius, Q., letter to, i. 261.
Anchialus, iii. 365.

Ancona, ii. 241, 253, 259.
Andricus, a slave of Cicero's, i.

Andromache, play by Ennius, i.

Andromenes, iii. 304, 306.
Andron, of Laodicea, iii. 149.
Andronicus, C., ii. 44.
Anicatus, i. 114.

Anicius, C., i. 202, 252; iii. 362.
Anicius, T., i. 299.

Aniensis, the tribe, ii, 76, 77.
Anneius, C., iv. 194.

Anneius, M., Cicero's legate, ii.
9, 94-95, 101, 104, 147.

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