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AT EASE IN ZION.-How often have we seen persons in a very short time after their public profession of Christ lose all the zeal and love of which they gave evidence while enquirers, and settle down in a kind of ease and self-security. With them the vineyard of Christ is not a place for work, but for repose; they give no evidence of the spirit by which Paul was actuated, and which, in the glowing utterances of his heart, he expressed to the Philippians. They rather give evidence of the spirit of self-sufficiency and of consequent indolence, charged by our Lord upon the church at Laodicea. With them, being in the church, is something like what a state of retirement from the toils of public life is to the man of business, the merchant, and the statesman. In relation

to things spiritual and eternal we look in vain for any indications of energetic thought and pursuit. Nothing, must be the answer returned to the enquiry, What do they more than others? It is true they attend the services of the sanctuary on the Lord's-day, contribute towards the support of the ministry, and maintain a respectable moral behaviour; but many who make no pretensions to personal religion do this. If all acted like them, the prayer-meeting would be unknown in our churches; the weekly gathering around the throne of grace is a work of faith in which they take no part; the poor and the afflicted are but rarely, if ever, cheered by their presence, and expressions of sympathy;-they have a name to live, but are fearfully dead to all those fine christian feelings which would make them social and useful. It being their determination to live at ease, they carefully shut out from their calculations, that in each of the millions perishing in sin, the spirit of a brother lies crushed beneath the power of the destroyer. They forget, though it is a truth proposed to us in a very emphatic way, that "he who converteth a sinner from the error of his ways, shall save a soul from death, and hide a multitude of sins." Hence, no Sabbath school teacher, or collector for missions, is cheered by their smile, and strengthened by their earnest and practical exhortation to go forward. If there be no additions to the church with which they are connected, even this gives them but little concern. Any effort to extend the sphere of christian operation is sure to be met coldly, if not opposed, by those at ease in Zion. And the existence of such persons in our churches is one of the most serious obstacles to success with which we have to contend. Very frequently they are to be found amongst the more respectable of our members, as to station and influence in the world, and, therefore, their example is all the more potent for mischief. They look upon themselves as 66 pillars," but in reality they are more like great Upas trees,, whose shadows are poisonous and fatal to spiritual life and activity; or, to use another figure, dead weights upon the struggling energies of the church-The Rev. E. Edwards, of Chard.

THE SAINT OF CALVARY-We know not by what name his eternal life is recorded in

the book of the Lamb, but we know by the promise of the dying Redeemer, that believing at the eleventh hour, he was numbered among the saints of God, and had his dwelling in Paradise. In the brief history of the Evangelist of his translation from death unto life, we have all the marks of a true conversion, and the memory of the thief on the cross is ever associated with the thought of a saved soul, and a house in glory. Convicted of sin in the hour of his agony, he acknowledged his sufferings to be all just, and reproving his companion in guilt for his bitter revilings, proclaimed as his opinion the greatness and purity of the Saviour's character, saying, "This man hath done nothing amiss." Then, beholding in Him the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, he at once appealed to Him for an interest in that salvation which he was now so richly sealing with his blood. The promise is given, and he who had grace to cast the whole hope of salvation on the crucified One, crying in agony and earnestness of spirit, "Lord, remember me," had faith to rest with undoubted trust in the promise, "To-day shalt thou be with me in Paradise." He knew in whom he had believed, and that He was able to accomplish all He had spoken; and he feared not, for Jesus had been revealed to him the hope of glory. Truly God's thoughts are not as our thoughts, nor his ways as our ways. the disciples known that one would go up with Christ from Calvary to heaven,-that the Saviour was about to take with him a companion to glory, they would have looked upon the beloved John with thoughts of farewell in their bosoms; but the poor thief on the cross was a mightier trophy of grace than he whose head had been pillowed upon the heart of Jesus. He who had shared in the suffering, should also share in the glory; the last called here, should be first with him there. The great sacrifice of atonement is impressed with the seal of salvation; God accepts the offering made for sin, and gives his token as a witness. If the thief had not been nailed to the cross, he would probably never have obtained salvation. Little did he think, as he ascended mount Calvary, that every step was leading him to Paradise; in the morning, perhaps, he was envying the released Barabbas; in the evening, singing with the redeemed in glory.



"TAKE NO THOUGHT FOR TO-MORROW." "If the most anxious and unhappy men of the world," says Dr. Chalmers, examined as to the ground of their disquietude, it would be found, in nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out of every thousand, that the provision of this day was not the ground of it. They carry forward their imaginations to a distant futurity, and fill it up with the spectres of melancholy and despair. What a world of unhappiness would be saved, if the things' of the day, its duties, employments, and services, were to occupy all our hearts; and as to to-morrow, how delightful to think that we have the sure warrant of God for believing, that

by committing its issue in quietness to him, when the future day comes the provisions of that day will come along with it. What I would like to press upon all who are beset with anxieties about the future days they are likely to live in this world is, that daily bread is one of the objects it is agreeable to the will of God that we should ask, for it is the very petition which the Son of God taught his disciples. We have a full warrant, then, for believing that we shall get it, and according to the faith of our prayer, so will it be done unto us."

A CANDID CONFESSION.-In a beautiful little town in Western New York, a delightful revival of religion took place in the winter of 1849-50, when some scores of sinners were turned from darkness to light,-from the power of Satan to God. In the solemn daily services of worship, the Congregational, Methodist, and Baptist ministers were actively engaged, and it was agreed among them that during the time conversions were going on, little should be said of denominational peculiarities. After a season, as less of conversion was witnessed, it was felt to be of importance to collect the lambs into the fold of the Great Shepherd and Bishop of souls. One of the Pædobaptist brethren proposed, that each of the ministers should preach on baptism and church fellowship, in the presence of his brethren. The plan was adopted, and the houses of worship were filled with attentive audiences, while the Congregational and Methodist brethren insisted on infant baptism as a scriptural rite and duty. It will be scarcely supposed that the audience or the interest would be less when the Baptist brother, with less of learning than his brethren, should have to meet and reply to the arguments and the learning which, for the


last two evenings, had been placed before many hundreds of the neighbourhood. No anxiety, however, was felt by those who knew our brother's extensive acquaintance with his bible, and with men. He entered on his duties with great composure and apparent ease, and occupied some forty minutes in a clear statement of scriptural truth on this subject. He then remarked, "I suppose that after the learned discourses to which we have listened on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, it will be expected that I should say something respecting infant baptism, a subject, I confess, somewhat out of the range of my studies. However," turning to his Methodist brother, who sat in the pulpit, and placing in his hands a New Testament, he added, "my brother understands it, and he will read some of the strongest passages on the subject, and I will offer some remarks on them." The Methodist brother seemed somewhat surprised, and at length said, that such a mode of discussion was rather difficult, and that he was not prepared. "Oh, my brother," said the Baptist, “I do not want you to discuss the matter; only to give us a few of the texts, the commands, or examples, on which you most generally depend." "Indeed," replied the worthy Methodist, "I cannot do that just now; for nothing strikes my mind as very pertinent." The Baptist then turned to his hearers and said, "It seems that our brother has nothing to say in defence of infant baptism, and knows no scripture to sustain it. I am sure I know of none; so that it appears there can be nothing said on the subject. We will therefore close the meeting." This was done, and by far the larger number of the converts were "baptized and added to the church."-American Paper.


The New Reform Bill is the first great domestic fact. Our general opinion of it may be briefly expressed. First, it is an excellent measure for strengthening the old whig or conservative whig party. Secondly, it leaves the working man but slightly better represented than before. Thirdly, it refuses the protection of the ballot to all. Yet, fourthly, there is too much worth having to permit us to refuse it. Our readers will therefore see that we cannot regard this bill as even an approach to finality. We would never refuse, indeed, the smallest concession from parties in power; but on the other hand, we would not represent an aggregation of expedients, ingeniously dove-tailed to maintain in power the parties who at present bandy the government of the country between them, as a patriotic and high principled one. Its best feature is, that it disfranchises 19 paltry boroughs, with less than 300 voters each, yet returning 29 members to Parlia ment; and takes one member each from 33 boroughs, with constituencies below 500,

which now return 2 members; making 62 vacant seats, to which the 4 seats now vacant being added, will make 66 in all. Of these, 46 are allotted in giving a third member to counties, and divisions of counties, containing a population of more than 100,000. The West-Riding of Yorkshire and South Lancashire are to be again subdivided. Nine are to be allotted in giving a third member to all the boroughs containing more than 100,000 inhabitants. Three to three new boroughs, containing above 20.000 inhabitants. One new metropolitan borough is to have 2, the Inns of Law, 2, London University, 1, and the Scotch Uuiversities, 3. This absorbs the 66. Wherever a third member is assigned, the voter is to vote for two only. This is in order to give large minorities a representation. The probable result will be, that the 46 county minorities will return as many whigs; the 9 manufacturing minorities as many tories.

As to the franchise, the old freemen are to die out, none being permitted to enrol after two years. The rate-paying clauses

are to be abolished,-one of the best concessions. The £10 householding suffrage is to be extended to the counties, including under that description all towns which are not represented,-an extension chiefly, we fear, of the numbers under landlord control. Several other franchises are to be common to boroughs and counties according to the residence of the voter. They are these. A salary, not wages,-a shabby distinction, we think,-of £100 per annum. A deposit, of not less than three years' standing, of £50 in the savings' bank. An annual dividend of £10 from the funds, or Bank or India stock,-franchises, probably, chiefly for gentlemen's livery servants. And a payment of forty shillings to the income tax, or in assessed taxes. To which may be added, graduation in any of the Universities. What should be the main new franchise in boroughs is raised from a £5 rating, which Lord John proposed last session, to £6. He assigns as a reason that the £5 would meet with too much opposition. Even this concession is unnecessarily restricted by requiring a two-years-and-ten-months' residence before voting. Not many, we fear, of the industrious classes will gain a vote by this franchise, yet it is nearly their only


Such is the bill. We are thankful for extinct pocket boroughs, and for abolished rate-paying clauses. Every extension of the suffrage we also hail; but we think the scheme of representing minorities a miserable substitute for the ballot. Lord John knows that even a whig-liberal, not to say a real liberal, has no chance in the counties; he therefore proposes, instead of emancipating liberal county voters from landlord thraldom, to give the minority who are free a member also. Henceforward we shall have a new class of representatives, some 55 minority members, whose style and title will be the Honourable Member for the Minority of, or the Minority Member

for The bill will, if proceeded with and carried, furnish a somewhat advanced position for more solid acquisitions, and we should think it suicidal policy for liberals not to uphold it firmly. Its greatest defect, and the one most likely to enable the opposition to throw it out or spoil it, is that there is nothing like the ballot, or even household suffrage, to enlist popular enthusiasm.

Some other important measures are also introduced or promised. Above all, we are thankful for the entire abolition of compulsory removal of the poor from the Union in which they may happen to fall into want; a measure which is to be followed by the equalizing of the poor rates of Unions in the course of ten years. This will almost, if not entirely, put a stop to the cruel, heartless system of close parishes, by which labourers are compelled to walk often from four to seven miles and back to their work, are thus separated from their families, and unhealthily crowded in the open parishes. The Ecclesiastical Courts are to be deprived of the lucrative part of their practice,

their matrimonial and testamentary jurisdiction; and something is to be done in Churchrates. Oxford and Cambridge are to be made little more serviceable to Churchmen; though they are not yet to be thrown open to Dissenters. We certainly know few young Dissenters who have learned anything good in those seats of bigotry. Young men from our ranks learn chiefly to be ashamed of Dissent. A bill has been again introduced to relieve the Jews, and require but one simple, unobjectionable oath from members of Parliament. Government also promises relief to all who scruple taking oaths at all. One measure is partially before Parliament, and under consideration of the Government, which, though little noticed, is of vast importance to the working classes-the law of partnership. They cannot now, without the greatest hazard, establish a joint-stock company with their small savings. In our judgment, there is nothing which it is more their interest to obtain than the legalization of what is termed Limited Liability Partnerships. It is most unrighteous that they should be shut up to savings' banks and the like. The sums already wasted in the strike, but for our oppressive law of partnership, might have erected several factories, owned by working men, as well as carried on by them.

The Liberation of Religion Society has held a very efficient soirée in London, at which £500 was raised towards the £1000 which London is to subscribe of the £5000 wanted to prosecute the object with vigour. Mr. John Bright attended and spoke. We hear that C. J. Foster, LL. D., of the London University, has been appointed salaried Chairman of the Committee appointed for watching the Ecclesiastical proceedings of Parliament.


As to the War, all questions regarding it remain, at the time we write, very much in the same position as when our last number was issued. Negociations have indeed ceased, and the representatives of the respective Governments have returned home; but no formal declaration of war has ensued, both parties seem desirous of throwing the responsibility of that on the opposite party. Meantime, the long-looked for blue books have at last appeared, and discussions, founded on them, have taken place in both Houses of Parliament. impression, on the whole, is, that though the Government have been doubtless less decided than was desirable, and though a tone more firm and uncompromising might have prevented things getting to their present position,-still ministers have been led to act as they have by a most praiseworthy anxiety to avoid if possible the horrors of war. If war occur-and it seems inevitable-the responsibility is all thrown on him whose lust of dominion has provoked it. Preparations are now being made with vigour; so that there can be little doubt of the result. One thing is sure, that no love for peace in the abstract-and no one loves it more than ourselves-ought to induce any one to withhold the heartiest


support from a Government which is about to prosecute one of the most righteous wars in modern history.


On Tuesday, the 14th of February, the church at Bloomsbury Chapel assembled at its annual social gathering. The reports

on the various branches of christian enterprise undertaken by the church, missionary, educational, visiterial, and eleemosynary, were all practical in their character, and deeply instructive. The unavoidable references to the unexampled progress of the church, rendered devout gratitude the burthen of the evening. The occasion was made the more interesting by the presentation by an artist (a member of the church, and a portrait painter of much promise) to the church, of a portrait of their able, energetic, and great-hearted pastor. This was appropriately done on behalf of Mr. Dixie, the painter, by his brother artist, and brother in fellowship, Mr. Lance. The gift was acknowledged by Mr. Peto, and was succeeded by a hymn of praise, the poetry of which was also an offering by one of the members. Upwards of four hundred persons are here united in the service of the Lord; more than half of these were able to be present in the enjoyments of this evening of sanctified one-another-ship, and left with hearty thanks for the past, and high resolves for the future. The whole organization at Bloomsbury Chapel, including its beautiful building, was a problem propounded, but a very few years ago, by one man, great in faith as in works-S. M. Peto, Esq, M.P.; the problem so propounded, God has taken up and solved, to the admiration and thankfulness of all beholders.



On Wednesday, January 18th, a new Baptist Chapel and School Room opened in Drake Street, Rochdale. Sermons were preached by the Revs. W. Brock, of London, and H. S. Brown, of Liverpool. On the following Lord's-day, sermons were preached by the Revs. C. M. Birrell, of Liverpool, and E. C. Lewis, of Rochdale. All the services were well attended, the preaching very good. The collections amounted to about £120. This is a town missionary movement, and we hope the divine blessing will always rest upon it and similar undertakings. Should any generous souls be disposed to assist in removing the debt still remaining, their aid will be estimated at its full value, and thankfully accepted. The premises have been erected at a cost, inclusive of ground, of £2100.


On Thursday, February 2nd, the foundation-stone of a new Baptist chapel was laid, by Mr. Horton. The steward of the borough, Edward St. Aubyn, Esq, the mayor, John Clouter, Esq., together with a large number of ministers and friends were present on the occasion. Mr. Horton, having laid the stone, under the direction of the architect, Alfred Norman, Esq., delivered

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On Saturday evening, February 11th, the members of the Baptist church meeting at Ebenezer chapel, Hebden- Bridge, and a few other friends, took tea together in the school-room, to commemorate the completion of the twentieth year of the pastorate of the Rev. John Crook, and to present to him a token of their esteem for his character, and gratitude for his pastoral labours among them. A purse containing sixty sovereigns was presented to him by Mr. Thomas Marsland, senior deacon, and the oldest member of the church; and highly appropriate and edifying addresses were given by the Revs. Peter Scott, of Brearley; T. Vasey, of Wainsgate; and Mr. John Spencer, of Halifax. At the time of Mr. Crook's settlement at Hebden-Bridge, the church consisted of one hundred and eight members; it numbers at present one hundred and forty-nine, of whom one hundred and fifteen have been baptized by him.


The Rev. J. Upton, formerly of Accrington College, and several years pastor of the Baptist church, Aylsham, Norfolk, has accepted the cordial and unanimous invitation to the pastorate of the Baptist church here. He enters on his new sphere with encouraging prospects of success.


The Rev. Francis Britcliffe, of Horton College, Bradford, has received and accepted the cordial and unanimous invitation of the Baptist church, Heywood, to the pastorate. He entered upon his labours on January 29th.


The Rev. W. P. Grant, till recently minister of the Independent church, Crunnock, has, we understand, become the pastor of the Baptist church, Cupar-Fife. Mr. Grant was baptized a few weeks since, in East Regent Street Chapel, Glasgow, by Mr. Allen, agent of the Scottish AntiState-Church Association.


The Rev. R. Johnstone, of Glasgow, formerly of Beverley, has just entered upon the pastorate of the Baptist church in this place.


The Rev. J. Malcolm, of the Baptist Academy, Edinburgh, has entered upon the duties of a preacher of the gospel in this important town.


"Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone."-Eph. ii. 20.

APRIL, 1854.



It was at the close of a Sabbath day, which had been to Jesus one of active usefulness, that a crowd of the lowest class of Jewish society, attracted by his kindness and earnestness, gathered around him. As was his custom, he addressed them with great tenderness. He had come to seek and save the lost. Near at hand were some of the proud and envious masters in Israel. Perhaps they had been watching him all day, and still remembered the miracle he had performed in the morning, and the way in which he had reproved their self-righteousness and pride. Supposing that now they had found some fresh plea for their malice, they construed his condescension and mercy into a grave offence, and, murmuring, said, "This man receiveth sinners."

The statement, dear reader, thus uttered by malignant lips, is one of the most precious in the Bible. Is it an awakened sinner, needing encouragement to come to Christ, that reads this paper? Do you want to find some cases in which the truth of this statement is verified? We shall make it our business, then, to present you with two or three instances, illustrating the way in which Jesus received sinners when he was on earth; and two or three, illustrating the way in which he receives them, now he has ascended to heaven. May the Holy Spirit bless you while you read them, and lead you to the Saviour!

During one of his early visits to Capernaum, Jesus saw a collector of taxes sitting at the place where he received tribute; and though he belonged to the despised class, he said to him, "Follow me." And the man rose up, and became his disciple. But the Saviour's grace ended not here. Matthew having prepared a feast, to which he invited his old associates-persons who were of his own rank and character-Jesus shared in the entertainment, and blessed the guests with his presence and love.

Six months after this, he was on another visit to the same town, and was reclining at dinner in the house of a Pharisee, when a woman of stained reputation came in, and, standing over him weeping, began to wash his feet with her tears, and wipe them with the hair of her head. And then, in the fulness of her heart, she kissed them, and anointed them with ointment. The host's notions of propriety were all shocked; his prejudices were wounded; and, with some bitterness, he said within himself, "This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him; for she is a sinner." Well VOL. VIII.


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