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He had promised that when did he call the Church?

[A he should be taken to heaven, kingdom. Luke xxii. 29.] By the Father would send his what question, after our Lord's HOLY SPIRIT to comfort them. resurrection, did the Apos5. Repeat verse 5. tles shew that they did not

To what does our Lord here understand the nature of this compare the pouring out of the kingdom? What is the nature Holy Spirit? With what did of His kingdom? What kind John baptize? What were the did they expect? What did our Apostles to be baptized with? Lord say to Pilate on this subWhat does this mean? ject? [My kingdom is not of [Baptized with the Holy Ghost, this world.] How did he act means, to receive a plentiful when the people sought to make supply of his blessed gifts: him a king? Whom did Christ by these the Apostles were appoint over his spiritual kingconsecrated to God's service, dom? What kind of authority and also fitted for it. When was this fulfilled? [See chap. 2.]

6. Repeat verse 6.

were they to exercise? [The same which He himself exercised.] For what purpose was the Church instituted? [To be the channel What did the Apostles ask of through which the blessings of Christ, at their last meeting the christian covenant are to be with the him on the Mount of conveyed to man; and the ability Olives? What was the nature conferred, to fulfil the obligation of the Jewish government at of that covenant.] Who were the this time? members of this Church? The [The Jews were ruled by Pontius difference between the Apostles Pilate, set over them by TIBE- and Disciples? [The disciples RIUS CÆSAR, the Emperor of were the ordinary members of the Rome, who then governed a Church, the Apostles were its great part of the world,- ministers.] Thus, they were two and they wished and hoped classes, the Teachers and the for a king of their own. They Taught. Who, in the present day thought our SAVIOUR was to correspond to them? [The Clerbe their King, and to set them gy and Laity.] Who are the free from the Romans, and Laity? State in two words the make them a great people.]

7. Repeat verse 7.

duties of the Apostles? [To teach and to rule.] State the corres

Who has power alone over ponding duties of the Laity? the times and seasons?

8. Repeat verse 8.

[To learn and to obey.] Is this the duty of the Laity now? Will it always be so? Where was this

When our LORD had refused to satisfy the vain curiosity of first Church assembled? [In an

acles, and in patiently suffering for the truth's sake.] What were they to be? [Witnesses for CHRIST, of all they had seen him do, and heard him say.] In what places ? 9. Repeat verse 9.

the disciples, to what did he upper-chamber at Jerusalem.] turn their minds? How were they employed? How When were they to receive many Apostles were there? Their power? What use were they names? Were there not twelve to make of their power? Apostles at first? Who was the [They were to use it in convert- absent one? What had he done ing men to be Christians, by to Jesus? What did he receive preaching and working mir- for his work? From whom? What did he to himself? Why? By whom was his sin foretold? Where? [Psalm cix.] How does St. Peter describe his transgression? What does he call the money given to Jesus? [The reward of iniquity.] What was done with it? The name of the field? That is to say? What is the office of Judas called in the cix. Ps. ? [A Bishopric.] What does St. Peter call it in the first chapter of Acts? Was this apostleship to die away as the Apostles died? How does this appear? [First by promise, secondly by fact.] How by promise? [Lo, I am with you, &c.] How by fact? [The eleven proceeded to elect another to fill the place of Judas.] To what especial fact were the Apostles to bear witness? From whom was the selection to be made? [From

When Jesus had done speaking, what happened? How were the disciples occupied at the moment when Christ was taken up?

10. Repeat verse 10.

Who now stood by them?
[Two men-two angels in the
form of men.

11. What did they say?
[Ye men of Galilee. The Apos-
tles were all Galileans, and so
were those seventy disciples,
and the women who were there

Did not the angels know why those who, &c. see v. 21.] Did they stood gazing?

What more do the scriptures teach us about our Lord's ascension ?

our Lord keep to this rule when he chose the twelve? Prove it? [Luke xxii. 28.] Who proposed the election of the new [That he has gone to heaven, Apostle ? How did they prothere to appear in the presence ceed to elect him? [They chose of God for us: that he ever two, and then voted for one of liveth to make intercession them.] How did they try to sefor us-(Rom. viii. 31-34.) cure that the one elected should and that he will come again be the right one? [They prayed to receive all who love him to to God.] Who was elected? Du

the same glorious place. (Phil ring what period were these things iii. 20-21.] done? [Between Ascension and Pentecost.] The number of the

12. Repeat verse 12.

What did the Apostles do Apostles being thus completed, then? and the Church as it were orgaWhat mountain were they on? nized, did they immediately comWhere is it? mence preaching the gospel? [A Sabbath-day's journey among What did they wait for? What the Jews, was five furlongs, led them to expect the Holy or three-quarters of a mile. Ghost? When was this promise Probably taken from the near- given? [The last thing before est part of the encampment the Ascension.] What was our in the Wilderness to the Ark. Lord's expression as to the time (Josh. iii. 4. Num. xxxv. 4-5.) at which the Holy Ghost should Repeat the Collect for Ascen- come? ["Not many days hence."] sion Day? How many? [Ten.] How does this appear? [Pentecost was fifty days after the Passover. Our Lord rose on the fortieth day; ten days therefore intervened.]


3. v. Speaking of the things, &c. There is no doubt but Jesus revealed to his chosen servants, on these solemn occasions, every necessary instruction for the establishment and regulation of His church, and the propagation of his heavenly doctrines.

6. v. Wilt thou at this this time, &c. Early prejudices may make even good men mistaken in their opinions. After all our LORD had said to his disciples, about his heavenly kingdom, their expectations of a Messiah to rule like other kings had till now hindered them from understanding him.

7. v. It is not for you, &c. This should teach us to repress all vain curiosity about the will and dispensation of God, let us seek day by day to know and to do our particular duty, and GOD will then provide for all times and all seasons. Read 1 Thess. v. 1-11. Job xiv. 14.

8 v. The uttermost parts of the earth. How thankful should we be, that the witness or testimony of the Apostles has spread over so much of the earth, and that the light of the Gospel has shined even unto us. This should make us revere the memory of those holy men who were the honoured and faithful instruments in preaching the Gospel.

11 v. Ye men of Galilee.

They spoke in this manner, to remind them, that since Jesus was gone to prepare a place for them in heaven, they should not spend their time in gazing after him, but diligently apply themselves to their duty, that they might be ready to meet him when he shall come again at the last day. This should teach us not to spend our time in grieving after our departed friends, but to try to live in such a manner that we may be sure to meet them in heaven where our Saviour is.

[blocks in formation]

Not many days after this, Amphibalus was traced to his re


"Amphibalus," said Alban, "I can conceal you no longer; but I can assist your escape. Change garments with me; before the mistake is discovered, you will have time to get out of danger; save yourself for the sake of those who, like me, may have cause to bless your ministry."

Alban hastily arrayed Amphibalus in his own habit, and throwing over himself the hair cassock of the Priest, was seized by the officers, and carried before the governor. His disguise was soon penetrated; but Amphibalus had already left the house, and Alban was scourged and threatened in vain: he would give no information.

"Alban," said the 66 governor, were it to shield an old comrade that you were thus obstinate, I could almost forgive you, for the sake of the motive; but to persist in suffering for a Christian!"

"Noble governor," answered Alban, "for him especially I am bound to suffer, since to him I owe more than life can repay: I am a Christian." "A Christian!" was the general exclamation, and those who had pressed round in friendly endeavours to extract from him the secret, which they thought only kept out of a sense of honour not to betray a guest, shrank back at the ominous sound. "A Christian!" repeated the governor; nay, if you avow yourself a Christian, you may even take the place of him you conceal: lead him to the altar."


The alternative of burning incense, or of death, was offered. "I have renounced idolatry," said Alban, "God forgive me for the length of time I ignorantly practised it.

It was to a beautiful spot just without side the town, that Alban was conducted for execution. A large concourse followed, for he was much loved and respected, and many a poor man felt that he

was about to lose his kindest benefactor; he mounted the platform; the block was set ready, and the executioner stood beside


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'My friends, said Alban, “. 'you are doubtless surprised at my situation; in the countenances of not a few I read sorrow at seeing me so placed; but I call upon you rather to rejoice. I, as you all know, worshipped the deities of the Romans; I bowed down before idols of wood and stone, of silver and gold; but my spirit revolted at the idea, and I said, 'How can they, who cannot help themselves, help me?' I consulted the unlearned; he made use of reason when he cultivated his land, or followed his trade but I spoke to him of the impotence of his gods, and he said, 'let the learned see to that.' I turned to the learned-to many I appealed in vain; they were too deeply engaged, each in his favourite subject, to spare a thought upon that. At last one answered, 'We worship not the images, but those they represent. Then I sought to find who those were: I opened the page of the poet, prepared to reverence these rulers of the world; I closed it in disgust, and I cried, 'Better to adore the senseless block with the multitude.' I gazed upon the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and I could have knelt to them; but I saw the sun still walking his daily path, and the moon her stated orbit: nightly the stars, ranged in the same order, beamed upon me from the same quarter of the heavens, and I felt that some superior hand had placed them there. I examined the earth, the inanimate stone, the living but unconscious plant; I traced still onwards, till from the worm I arrived at man, and man stood pre-eminent and alone. Did he make the world? Did he call forth this beautiful universe, and give the first impulse to creation? is a God!' I exclaimed, and my soul bowed before Him. "Thus far the light of reason and of nature led me; thus far has it lead many before me, and will lead all who seek its guidBut I was not yet satisfied; I longed to know God more perfectly to know how to please Him. Then came the Christian; he taught me how God made man in his own Image, but he by transgression fell; thus were the wickedness and misery of the world accounted for. He told me how the Son of God came down from heaven, and by His death redeemed us from the eternal punishment we had incurred; and I rejoiced, for the offended God, before whom I had trembled, was become a reconciled Father. O how beautiful then did all creation appear! Methought the sun shone with still brighter beams, for my own heart was glowing with gratitude and love. The gladsome lark



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