profeffors, with all their towering hopes, and threatens, by its mighty influence, to injure the people of God. In this hazardous condition, the Son of man fhall be a hiding place, where those who refort to him fhall find an agreeable retreat, be fcreened from the rage of their malignant fpiritual enemies, and elude the subtle ftratagems of those who aim at their deftruction. The tempeft of noisy reproach, alarming diftrefs, uniting with the turbulence of a prefent evil world, and awful apprehenfions of the divine difpleafure, occafionally terrifies even good men, and excites painful commotions in their minds. When agitated by fuch a combination of evils, Jefus Christ shall be a covert to protect from the dreadful confequences, which may be apprehended to arife from fuch a portentuous ftorm, and to avert the tokens of God's anger. Under this fhelter, the triumphant exclamation is adopted, If God be for us, who fhall be against us?'-In a dry place, where the fervants of God are unhappily deprived of the word, and ordinances of divine inftitution; where they enjoy not intimate intercourfe with one another, nor thofe refreshing communications which proceed from the fountain of life; whilft their fouls thirst for God, and their flesh longeth for him in a thir fty land-In this unpleafant languifhing ftate, the King who reigns in righteoufnefs fhall be as rivers of waters; he fhall afford clear difcoveries of his allfufficient fulness, from whence he will convey rich abundance in conftant fucceflion, to supply all their neceffities, and to give them defirable refreshment. When feeble, defponding, and weary in their minds, through the burden of fin, and tired with inconveniences, perplexities, hardfhips, and labours-the man Chrift Jefus fhall be as the fhadow of a great rock, which is moft refreshing in a hot country, not only as it perfectly excludes the rays of the fun, but as it has in itself a natural coolnefs, which it communicates to every thing about it. All who have recourse to him he defends from the fiery darts of the evil one, the the fcorching heat of perfecution, and the wrath of the Almighty, which burneth as an oven. In him they shall find fecurity, fatisfaction, and comfort.Such is the fpiritual import of the prediction contained in this verse; and such is the fulfilment of it in the joyful experience of the faints. So exuberant is the kindness of God, that whatever be our traits and diftreffes, he hath opened channels by which plentiful ftreams inceffantly flow, to fupply all our wants, according to his riches in glory by Chrift Jefus. For the deititute, raiment is provided; to the thirsty, refreshment is promised; to the dif treffed, a fovereign remedy is offered; to the dejected, comfort is administered; for the poor in fpirit, true riches are laid up. If then any of you are troubled with strong temptations, with complicated afflictions, and are weary of your iniquities, repair, without delay, to the great Mediator, the man Christ Jefus; who is the glory of God, the ornament of creation, and the friend of finners: Take thelter in his providence, righteoufnefs, grace, and promises, which will prove a compleat covert from every evil, and which will yield you perpetual fafety and confolation. 3 And the eyes of them that fee fhall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear fhall hearken. Of the peculiar privileges to be enjoyed by the fubjects of the King who reigns in righteoufnefs; The first mentioned is fpirituai illumination, and diligent attention to divine truths. Worldly riches, honours and power, are not enumerated among the diftinguishing prerogatives whereby they were to be félicitated; but the perfection of their powers and faculties, and their regular exercise upon their proper objects, are placed at the head of the account.To interpret the words in the literal fenfe, as referring to mens bodily fight, and the prefervation of the organs of vifion beyond the ordinary period wherein wherein they begin to fail, would make them express what seems inconfiftent with truth, and the defign of the Spirit of prophecy. Who ever heard of the fubjects of any fovereign, whose eyes did not grow dim after they had attained to old age? The patriarchs, Ifaac and Ifrael, did not enjoy exemption from this prefage of approaching diffolution; and their posterity could not expect to poffefs more fignal benefits than their fathers. The eyes that see must therefore be explained, as denoting the eyes of the understanding, which have been opened to behold wondrous things out of God's law, and to perceive the beauty, the excellence, and glory of divine objects. Thefe enlightened eyes of the mind fhall not be dim. Inftead of becoming weak, and failing through long exertion and use, they fhall retain all the powers of accute fpiritual difcernment of which they were ever poffeffed. More is intended than what is expreffed. Their minds illuminated by the word and Spirit of God, far from decaying in capacity and vigour, fhall continue accurately to diftinguish truth from error, good from evil; to prove what is the good and perfect will of God; to turn away from things odious, and to contemplate with pleasure the things that are truly excellent. The celeftial light which they behold fhall never dazzle or weaken their eyes; the path of the juft fhall be as the shining light, that with increafing fplendor fhineth more and more unto the perfect day. And the ears of them that hear fhall hearken. The perfons here spoken of are defcribed, not from the agreeable state of the outward organs of hearing, which receive the impreffions made upon them by external founds. This prediction, like the former, must be understood in a figurative fenfe, reprefenting the peculiar happiness of those men whofe hearts the Lord hath opened to attend to things which belong to their peace. The Lord hath opened their ears, and they are not rebellious, but folicitous to obey his voice. Such people fhall hearken, they fhall fhall eagerly listen to the inftructions of wifdom, they fhall receive them with pleasure and gratitude; they fhall clearly underftand them; they fhall cordially believe, and chearfully obey them. I fuppofe that the expreffion must be taken here in its full import. When people requeft that God may hear their prayers, they defire that he would be attentive to them, that he would gracioufly regard and grant their petitions. In like manner, when God by 'his fervant foretels that his people fhall hearken to his word, he declares that they fhall be intenfely employed in the vigorous exercife of their active powers, in attending with an obedient ear and willing hearts, to obferve his truths and ways.-Earneftly intreat, brethren, that Almighty God may accomplish this prophecy to you, by giving you just perceptions of the comparative worth of natural, moral, and fpiritual objects; that your fenfes may be exercised to difcern both good and evil-That you may be enabled to difcover the difference betwixt true grace and its counterfeit; betwixt truth and error; betwixt things more and lefs valuable ; betwixt things called indifferent, and thofe that are truly excellent-That he may difpel your ignorance and prejudices; remove your impenitence and unbelief; fubdue your pride and paffions, and difpofe you to attend diligently to the things fpoken that accompany falvation, and fo feal your inftruction, that you may ever keep his holy word. 4 The heart alfo of the rafh fhall underftand knowledge; and the tongue of the ftammerers fhall be ready to fpeak plainly. Other important benefits are here predicted to be conferred on the fubjects of the King who reigns in righteoufnefs; by which a thorough change is produced in their temper and practice. That God may magnify himfelf and difplay his glory, he is pleafed, in many inftances, to convert those who feem VOL. III. E leaft leaft adapted to execute the purposes he hath in view. We may fuppofe the aged, the great, and the learned, are the moft proper inftruments to perfect his praife; whereas he pitches upon babes and fucklings, who, to human appearance, feem not in any way fitted for this fervice. The rafh, the haf ty, and inconfiderate, who commonly poffefs little discretion and judgment, and speak unadvisedly of the truths and difpenfations of God, are not likely to attain understanding and knowledge; but according to this prediction, the event shall prove the reverse of what might be expected. The character of the rash, originates in a thoughtless, hafty natural temper, which discovers itself efpecially in young people; and being early contracted, is confirmed by bad habits, which are not easily corrected. In confequence of its pernicious influence, precipitate judgments are formed and expreffed, not only concerning human affairs, but with refpect to the divine conduct, and the operations of the providence and Spirit of God; a very small part of which come under our cognizance. Though in great meafure unacquainted with the order, the connection, and design established by infinite wisdom, they rashly adopt fentiments highly injurious to the great Lord of all, which they inconfiderately endeavour to diffeminate and fupport. Of fuch it is foretold, their heart shall understand knowledge. Those who of all other men, were most 'unlikely to attain diftinct acquaintance with important fubjects, which require to be investigated with much care and ferious attention, fhall be fo intirely changed, as to form a fober, deliberate, wife judg ment, of those interesting topics, of which they formerly had very fuperficial, erroneous ideas. With coolnefs and compofure, they fhall inquire into the causes, the nature, and the effects of those difpenfations of providence and grace, of which, without hefitation, they formerly pronounced a rafh and wrong judgment. Nor were they merely to acquire fome degree of confufed acquaintance with momen tous |