.4.1825 IN THE CANADAS: INCLUDING A Tour through Part OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IN THE YEAR 1823. BY EDWARD ALLEN TALBOT, ESQ., OF THE TALBOT SETTLEMENT, UPPER CANADA. Bold rise the mountains, rich the gardens glow, MOORE. IN TWO VOLUMES, VOL. I. LONDON: FRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, BROWN AND GREEN. 1824. ΤΟ JOSHUA DANCER, ESQ., SHINRONE, KING'S COUNTY. MY DEAR SIR, ALLOW me to dedicate to you these Volumes, as a slight tribute of esteem for your private character, and of gratitude for the many favours which you have conferred upon me. They relate principally to a country about which you are not wholly uninterested; and if, in your moments of leisure, you derive either information or amusement from their perusal, however they may be received by the world, I shall not regret the circumstance of having committed them to the press. I am unconscious how far, or whether at all, my sentiments, on some important subjects discussed in the following pages, may co-incide with yours; but I console myself with the reflection, that, though you should be unable to subscribe to every article in my political creed, you will not on that account think |