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not only to the injury of the
people of Virginia, but to the
oppression of the Southern
Slaveholding States:

Virginia's Ordinance of Secession.

has reaffirmed in substance the same policy, with almost equal unanimity; and whereas, the State of Virginia deeply sympathizes with the Southern States in the wrongs they have suffered and in the position they have assumed, and having made earn- "Now, therefore, we, the people of Virginia, do est efforts peaceably to compose the differences declare and ordain, that the ordinance adopted by which have severed the Union, and having failed in the people of this State in Convention on the twentythat attempt, through this unwarranted act on the fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thoupart of the President; and it is believed that the in- sand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the fluences which operate to produce this Proclama- | Constitution of the United States of America was tion against the Seceded States will be brought to ratified, and all acts of the General Assembly of this bear upon this Commonwealth, if she should exer- State ratifying or adopting amendments to said Concise her undoubted right to resume the powers stitution, are hereby repealed and abrogated; that granted by her people, and it is due to the honor of the union between the State of Virginia and the Virginia that an improper exercise of force against other States under the Constitution aforesaid, is her people should be repelled; therefore, I, John hereby dissolved, and that the State of Virginia is Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Vir- in the full possession and exercise of all the rights ginia, have thought proper to order all armed vol- of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free unteer regiments or companies within the State and independent State. And they do further deforthwith to hold themselves in readiness for imme- clare that said Constitution of the United States of diate orders, and upon the reception of this Procla- America is no longer binding on any of the citizens mation to report to the Adjutant General of the State their organization and numbers, and prepare themselves for efficient service. Such companies as are not armed and equipped will report that fact, that they may be properly supplied.

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of this State.

"This ordinance shall take effect and be an act of this day, when ratified by a majority of the votes of the people of this State, cast at a poll to be taken thereon, on the fourth Thursday in May next, in pursuance of a schedule hereafter to be enacted.

"Done in Convention in the city of Richmond, on the seventeenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and in the eighty-fifth year of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

"A true copy,

JNO. L. EUBANK, Secretary of Convention." Thus was consummated the long-labored. for withdrawal of the "Old Dominion" from the Union wherein it had for years shone as the first star, but in which it was rapidly paling, owing to the ascendancy of the more vigorous and equitably governed Free States. To say the act was an usurpation and an outrage upon the people is to repeat what a large majority of the resident population and

land-owners sooner or later asseverated what the action of the people of Western Virginia in forming a new Government proclaimed; but, it was a step which would have been taken two months previously, had it not been for the unflinching front presented by the Unionists, [see page 245, Vol. I,] who were, at the last hour, only overridden by a system of terrorism, which forever must stain Virginia "chivalry" with the stigma of dishonor.









The "First in the

"ON to Washington !" | shop and the plough, their nets and barges, soon became the rallying homes and kindred, inspired by the love of country, and the rights of mankind.”

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Massachusetts' Re


To place on record the story of the gathering in Massachusetts, will illustrate the spirit which animated her sons in embarking in the Union's defense; while the orders issued for the service, by the State Executive, show to mankind what energy and unflinching Will control that section of the Union, which it pleased certain Southern orators and writers to characterize as the abode of "mudsills" and "tinkers." We

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cry throughout the North. The mere intimation of the programme for seizing the Capital, filled all minds with a lively apprehension of the danger at hand, and hastened the movements of the military authorities of the several States. To Pennsylvania belongs the honor of having placed the first troops in Washington-six hundred reaching the Capital on the fourth day after the President's call. Massachusetts may, however, claim the credit for being "first in the field" with her regiments, as she was the first to suffer in the Union's cause. The readiness of the "Old Bay State" to meet the crisis is characteristic of the spirit of her people, and of the intelligence of her rulers. Foreseeing the coming conflict, a General Order was issued as early as January 16th (1861), for placing the militia on a footing for service. April 1st the Legislature passed an act appropriating twenty-five thousand dollars for equipments and cartridges for two thousand troops. Over three thousand new Springfield (rifle) muskets were distributed. When the hour came it found Massachusetts prepared. "Forewarned, forearmed!" 79 John street, New York; was there boxed seapparently was her motto. Adjutant-Gene-cretly and sent away to come back to subscribers

ral Schouler, in his Report for 1861, says: “For three months previous to the attack on Sumter our volunteer militia, in anticipation of some great traitorous movement in the South, had been drilling almost nightly in their several armories, so that when the summons came from the President, the 'fiery cross' was sent over the Commonwealth, and, in obedience to the call, men came forth as in the brave days of old, leaving the work

* Let us here refer to a special case. The leading organ of Southern Views and Pro-Slavery Polity was De Bow's Review. Its course, for the six years preceding 1860, was one of studied defamation of the North and its people. It prevaricated facts, falsified figures, misstated local and national issues, traduced character and motives, and, in short, devoted all the resources of a malignant mind, to develop the idea of Southern independ

ence. How will the reader be astonished to learn that the Review was printed by Northern presses, and supported almost wholly by Northern patrons! It was ostensibly published in Washington and New Orleans; but was composed, printed and bound at

from the South. Its circulation scarcely ever exceeded thirty-five hundred copies; yet, by representations of its "enormous Southern patronage," it was enabled to obtain a heavy advertising list.

From this source the politic De Bow pocketed from

ten to fifteen hundred dollars monthly-all contributed by that Northern capital and energy which his

Review only lived to defame. The moral turpitude and baseness of the Secession spirit had an active, living embodiment in the moral turpitude and baseness of De Bow's Review.

Massachusetts' Re


Massachusetts' Record.

will, therefore, quote from | ed to Stoneham, with orders for
the Adjutant-General's re- Captain Dike. He reported to
me at eight o'clock the next
morning, that he found Captain Dike at his house in
Stoneham, at two o'clock in the morning, and placed
your Excellency's orders in his hands; that he read
them, and said: 'Tell the Adjutant-General that I
shall be at the State House with my full company
by eleven o'clock to-day.' True to his word, he
reported at the time, and that afternoon, attached
to the Sixth, the company left for Washington.
Two days afterward, on the 19th of April, during
that gallant march through Baltimore, which is now
a matter of history, Captain Dike was shot down
while leading his company through the mob. Sev-
eral of his command were killed and wounded, and
he received a wound in the leg, which will render
him a cripple for life."

"The first call for troops was by a telegram from Senator Wilson, dated at Washington, April 15th, requesting twenty companies to be sent immediately to Washington, and there mustered into service. In the course of the day were received formal requisitions by telegraph from the Secretary of War and Adjutant-General of the United States, for two full regiments of the Massachusetts militia. In compliance therewith, Special Order No. 14 was issued on the same day, directing Colonel Jones, of the Sixth regiment, Colonel Packard, of the Fourth, Colonel Wardrop, of the Third, and Colonel Munroe, of the Eighth, to muster their respective commands on the Boston Common forthwith, 'in compliance with a requisition made by the President of the United States.' This order was sent by mail and by special messengers to the Colonels, who severally resided at Lowell, Quincy, New Bedford, and Lynn. The companies were scattered through

the cities and towns of Plymouth, Bristol, Norfolk, Essex, and Middlesex counties.

In obedience to orders, nearly every company in the above regiments arrived in Boston the next day. The first were three infantry companies from Marblehead, under Captains Martin, Phillips, and Boardman. They arrived at the Eastern depot at nine o'clock, A. M., and were welcomed by a large multitude of people, who cheered the gallant and devoted men as they marched to their quarters at Faneuil Hall, through rain and sleet, to the music of 'Yankee Doodle.' During the entire day the

troops arrived at Boston by the different railroad


The two regiments for Fortress Monroe departed by steamers on the evening of April 17th. The Sixth regiment left for Washington the same evening by railway, via New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. General Butler, with the Eighth, followed on the succeeding day.

The Sixth cut its way

through Baltimore; the Eighth opened the route to the Capital through Annapolis, in company with the New York Seventh, (National Guards.) The Third and Fourth reached Fortress Monroe April 20th--thus securing that stronghold from the conspirator's grasp. The Third embarked the it assisted in destroying the immense propsame day on the Pawnee, for Norfolk, where erty of that valuable Depot and Navy-yard— all of which was offered up on the shrine of revolution,- an offering which the country will be slow to believe was justified or

“A dispatch from Senator Wilson on this day (April 16th,) stated that Massachusetts was to furnish immediately four regiments, making one brigade, with one Brigadier-General. Brigadier-General Benjamin F. Butler, Third Brigade, Second Divi- | proper. sion, M. V. M., was ordered on the 17th to take command of the troops."

The orders detailed the Fourth and Third regiments to proceed to Fortress Monroe the Sixth and Eighth to Washington direct, the two latter under general command of General Butler. These incidents are added:

The passage South of the Massachusetts men created the most intense enthusiasm

along the route. It was a march between walls of human beings, waving kerchiefs and banners over them, and speeding them on their way with blessings. Baltimore was reached at noon on the 19th.

The Sixth

Captain Pratt, in command of the Worcester was closely followed by the Pennsylvania company, received his order to join the Sixth regiSeventh an unarmed regiment. Colonel ment late in the afternoon of the 16th, and he was Jones, of the Massachusetts Sixth, in his rein Boston with his full command early on the morning of the 17th. It was nine o'clock in the evening port of April 22d—after the arrival at Washof the 16th before your Excellency decided to at-ington-thus recounted the incidents of the tach the commands of Captains Sampson and Dike attack on his men, in the streets of Balti to the Sixth regiment. A messenger was dispatch- | more :

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rines, and two companies of regulars quartered near the city, were all upon which its safety had to depend for several days. A determined descent of the Baltimore rowdies, and of the Virginia forces already organized, would place the city in imminent peril of destruction or capture. Arlington Heights, on the West of the Potomac, and Georgetown Heights on the North, commanding the Capital completely, were open to the enemy, and so remained for many days. General Scott, Adjutant-General McDowell, and several able and trusty officers of the regular army, were on the alert, however, and never, for a moment, were unprepared for any emergency. To their vigilance and the prestige which attached to the General-in-Chief's presence, does the country owe the preservation of its National City in those days of alarm.

The Mob Triumphant.

loyal, but that they were all at the mercy of a set of vagabonds, led by the Secessionists of the city and by wild spirits who rushed in from Virginia-a reckless and terribly excited horde, numbering nearly twenty thousand men, all armed and eager for a fray.

The Mayor and Governor to the President

The Mayor and Gover-
nor, on the 19th, dispatched
messengers to Washington,
remitting the following letters:

SIR: This will be presented to you by the Hon. H. Lenox Bond, George W. Dobbin, and John C. Brune, Esqs., who will proceed to Washington by an express train, at my request, in order to explain fully the fearful condition of our affairs in this city. The people are exasperated to the Highest degree by the passage of troops, and the citizens are universally decided in the opinion that no more troops should be ordered to come.

"Under these circumstances, it is my solemn duty to inform you that it is not possible for more soldiers to pass through Baltimore, unless they Sght their way at every step.

"I therefore hope and trust, and most earnestly request, that no more troops be permitted or ordered by the Government to pass through the city. If

"The authorities of the city did their best to-day During the two days suc- to protect both strangers and citizens, and to preceeding the attack in Bal-vent a collision, but in vain; and but for their great timore, the mob hastened efforts a fearful slaughter would have occurred. to complete their work of "preventing the Northern hordes from crossing Maryland soil to subjugate the South," by destroying various railroad bridges and draws. Before the work of destruction was stayed, several important and valuable connecting structures were ruined, the telegraph wires were severed, they should attempt it, the responsibility for the and the vicinity of Baltimore became a pan-bloodshed will not rest upon me. demonium where the canaille reigned supreme. respect, your obedient servant, The Governor and the City authorities were alike powerless, for the moment, to stay the violence and terror, particularly as the Chief of Police and most of the Board of Police Commissioners were sympathizers with the


Immediately after the attack on the troops, the Governor and Mayor "advised" that no more troops should be brought forward by the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railway; and also soon “advised” that the troops then on the route, or at the President-street depot, be “returned to Philadelphia,”—requests with which the President of the road hastened to comply. The Baltimore and Ohio Railway was also “advised" not to allow troops to pass over the line of that great thoroughfare from the West and North, and gave its assent to the demand. All this was in deference to the mob. Not that the city and State authorities and railway managers were dis

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With great

“GEO. WM. BROWN, Mayor."

"I have been in Baltimore since Tuesday evening, and co-operated with Mayor Brown in his untiring efforts to allay and prevent the excitement, and suppress the fearful outbreak as indicated above, and I fully concur in all that is said by him in the above communication. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

"THOMAS HICKS, Governor of Maryland. "To his Excellency, President LINCOLN." To these communications the President responded:

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