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thus pursues a course of integrity, has SERM. always in his view the prospect of immoital rewards. That surely is the wisest direction of conduct, which is most amply recompensed at last. But what recompence can worldly wisdom bestow, comparable to what is promised by the gospel to them who, by patient continuance in welldoing, look for glory, honour, and immortality. The recompence indeed is distant, but the hope of it is present; and hope is one of the most powerful principles of human action. Let a man be firm in the belief that he is acting under the immediate protection of Heaven, and that through all eternity he shall be rewarded for what he now performs; and, as far as this belief is prevalent, his conduct will be steady and determined. Wherever religion directs him to hold his course, he will advance with intrepidity. He will submit to restraints without reluctance. He will meet dangers without fear. To every motive which reason suggests in favour of virtue, the hope of life eternal adds supernatural strength. Accordingly, in the behaviour of many holy men, under the most trying circumstances

SERM. circumstances of distress, we behold this XV. effect eminently exemplified. It appears, with much lustre, in the spirited and magnanimous sentiments of the Apostle Paul, when he had the prospect of death before him. Behold I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befal me there, save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth, that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me; neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I may finish my course with joy. I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day.

THUS I have endeavoured to show in what manner the integrity of the upright guides them; and what the advantages are of placing ourselves under its guidance. If it be the line of safety, or the line of honour, which we choose to pursue; if we consult


consult our present comfort, or look for- SERM. ward to future rewards; in all these respects the course which integrity points out is by far the most eligible.

It is a great recommendation of the guidance offered to us by integrity, that it is easily understood by all men. Plans of worldly policy are deep and intricate; and experience shows how often the ablest persons are mistaken in the measures which they adopt for carrying them on. But when men's intentions are fair and upright, it will be found, that a moderate share of understanding and attention is all that is requisite, for conducting themselves with safety and propriety. Providence never intended, that the art of living happily in this world should depend on that deep penetration, that acute sagacity, and those refinements of thought, which few possess. It has dealt more graciously with us; and made happiness to depend on uprightness of intention, much more than on extent of capacity. For the most part, the first sentiment which strikes a good man, concerning what he ought or ought not to do, is the soundest, and suggests the best and wisest counsel. When



SERM. When he hesitates, and begins to deliberate how far his duty, or his honour can be reconciled to what seems his interest, he is on the point of deviating into a dangerous path: At the same time, it is of great consequence, that he who seeks to surrender his conduct to the direction of integrity, should be well apprized of what true integrity requires. Let him guard against burdening conscience unnecessarily, lest a superstitious regard to trifles lead him to relax in matters of higher obligation. Let him avoid minute scrupulosity on the one hand. Let him keep at a distance from loose casuistry on the other. But when he is satisfied that his conscience has been well informed, let him, without wavering, adhere to its dictates in the whole of his condnct. This will prove the truest wisdom both for this world and the next. For he who walketh uprightly walketh surely. The path of the just is as the shining light: And it shall shine more and more unto the perfect day.



JOB ii. 10.

Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil.



NEW subjects of religious exhortation SERM. are more of general concern than those which respect the distresses incident to human life. For no society, no family, no person, can expect to be long exempted from them; and when we speak of the prosperous, we can only mean those who are more rarely subject to them than others. Now, under those distresses religion per


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