of literary men, to whom these antique Oriental compositions presented numberless incidents, images, and sentiments, unknown before, and of the richest and most interesting kind.
Among other circumstances favourable to literature at this period, must be reckoned the encouragement given to it by Queen Elizabeth, who was herself very learned and addicted to poetical composition, and had the art of filling her court with men qualified to shine in almost every department of intellectual exertion. Her successors, James and Charles, resembled her in some of these respects, and during their reigns, the impulse which she had given to literature experienced rather an increase than a decline. There was, indeed, something in the policy, as well as in the personal character of all these sovereigns, which proved favourable to literature. The study of the belles lettres was in some measure identified with the courtly and arbitrary principles of the time, not perhaps so much from any enlightened spirit in those who supported such principles, as from a desire of opposing the puritans, and other malcontents, whose religious doctrines taught them to despise some departments of elegant literature, and utterly to condemn others. There can be no doubt that the drama, for instance, chiefly owed that encouragement which it received under Elizabeth and her successors, to a spirit of hostility to the puritans, who, not unjustly, repudiated it for its immorality. We must at the same time allow much to the influence which such a court as that of England, during these three reigns, was calculated to have among men of literary tendencies. Almost all the poets, and many of the other writers, were either courtiers themselves, or under the immediate protection of courtiers, and were constantly experiencing the smiles, and occasionally the solid benefactions, of royalty. Whatever, then, was refined, or gay, or sentimental, in this country and at this time, came with its full influence upon literature.
The works brought forth under these circumstances have been very aptly compared to the productions of a soil for the first time broken up, when 'all indigenous plants spring up at once with a rank and irrepressible fertility, and display whatever is peculiar and excellent in their nature, on a scale the most conspicuous and magnificent. The ability to write having been, as it were, suddenly created, the whole world of character, imagery, and sentiment, as well as of information and philosophy, lay ready for the use of those who possessed the gift, and was appropriated accordingly. As might be expected, where there was less rule of art than opulence of materials, the productions of these writers are often deficient in taste, and contain much that is totally aside from the purpose. To pursue the simile above quoted, the crops are not so clean as if they had been reared under systematic cultivation. On this account, the refined taste of the eighteenth century condemned most of the productions of the sixteenth and seventeenth to oblivion, and it is only of late that they have once more obtained their deserved reputation. After every proper deduction has been made, enough remains to fix this era as 'by far the mightiest in the history of English literature, or indeed of human intellect and capacity. There never was anything,' says the writer above quoted, 'like the sixty or seventy years that elapsed from the middle of Elizabeth's reign, to the period of the Restoration. In point of real force and originality of genius, neither the age of Pericles, nor the age of Augustus, nor the times of Leo X., nor of Louis XIV., can come at all into comparison; for in
that short period, we shall find the names of almost all the very great men that this nation has ever produced, the names of Shakspeare, and Bacon, and Spenser, and Sydney, and Hooker, and Taylor, and Barrow, and Raleigh, and Napier, and Hobbes, and many others; men, all of them, not merely of great talents and accomplishments, but of vast compass and reach of understanding, and of minds truly creative and original; not perfecting art by the delicacy of their taste, or digesting knowledge by the justness of their reasonings, but making vast and substantial additions to the materials upon which taste and reason must hereafter be employed, and enlarging to an incredible and unparalleled extent both the stores and the resources of the human faculties.'
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of Dorset and Lord High Treasurer of England, and who will again come before us in the character of a dramatic writer. In 1557, Sackville formed the design of a poem, entitled The Mirrour for Magistrates, of which he wrote only the 'Induction,' and one legend on the life of Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham. In imitation of Dante and some other of his predecessors, he lays the scene of his poem in the infernal regions, to which he descends under the guidance of an allegorical personage named SORROW. It was his object to make all the great persons of English history, from the Conquest downwards, pass here in review, and each tell his own story, as a warning to existing statesmen; but other dutics compelled the poet, after he had written what has been stated, to break off, and commit the completion of the work to two poets of inferior note, Richard Baldwyne and George Ferrers. The whole poem is one of a very remarkable kind for the age, and the part executed by Sackville exhibits in some parts a strength of description and a power of drawing allegorical characters, scarcely inferior to Spenser.
[Allegorical characters from the Mirrour for Magistrates.] And first, within the porch and jaws of hell, Sat deep Remorse of Conscience, all besprent With tears; and to herself oft would she tell Her wretchedness, and, cursing, never stent | To sob and sigh, but ever thus lament
With thoughtful care; as she that, all in vain, Would wear and waste continually in pain :
Her eyes unstedfast, rolling here and there, Whirl'd on each place, as place that vengeance So was her mind continually in fear, [brought, Tost and tormented with the tedious thought Of those detested crimes which she had wrought; With dreadful cheer, and looks thrown to the sky, Wishing for death, and yet she could not die. Next, saw we Dread, all trembling how he shook, With foot uncertain, profer'd here and there; Benumb'd with speech; and, with a ghastly look, Searched every place, all pale and dead for fear, His cap born up with staring of his hair; 'Stoin'd and amazed at his own shade for dread, And fearing greater dangers than was need. And, next, within the entry of this lake, Sat fell Revenge, gnashing her teeth for ire; Devising means how she may vengeance take; Never in rest, 'till she have her desire; But frets within so far forth with the fire Of wreaking flames, that now determines she To die by death, or 'veng'd by death to be. When fell Revenge, with bloody foul pretence, Had show'd herself, as next in order set, With trembling limbs we softly parted thence, Till in our eyes another sight we met; When fro my heart a sigh forthwith I fet, Ruing, alas, upon the woeful plight Of Misery, that next appear'd in sight: His face was lean, and some-deal pin'd away, And eke his hands consumed to the bone; But, what his body was, I cannot say, For on his carcase raiment had he none, Save clouts and patches pieced one by one; With staff in hand, and scrip on shoulders cast, His chief defence against the winter's blast:
His food, for most, was wild fruits of the tree, Unless sometime some crumbs fell to his share, Which in his wallet long, God wot, kept he, As on the which full daint'ly would he fare; His drink, the running stream, his cup, the bare Of his palm closed; his bed, the hard cold ground: To this poor life was Misery ybound.
Whose wretched state when we had well beheld, With tender ruth on him, and on his feers, In thoughtful cares forth then our pace we held; And, by and by, another shape appears Of greedy Care, still brushing up the briers; His knuckles knob'd, his flesh deep dinted in, With tawed hands, and hard ytanned skin: The morrow grey no sooner hath begun To spread his light e'en peeping in our eyes, But he is up, and to his work yrun; But let the night's black misty mantles rise, And with foul dark never so much disguise The fair bright day, yet ceaseth he no while, But hath his candles to prolong his toil.
By him lay heavy Sleep, the cousin of Death, Flat on the ground, and still as any stone, A very corpse, save yielding forth a breath; Small keep took he, whom fortune frowned on, Or whom she lifted up into the throne Of high renown, but, as a living death, So dead alive, of life he drew the breath:
The body's rest, the quiet of the heart, The travel's case, the still night's feer was he, And of our life in earth the better part; Riever of sight, and yet in whom we see Things oft that [tyde] and oft that never be; Without respect, esteem[ing] equally King Crœsus' pomp and Irus' poverty.
And next in order sad, Old-Age we found: His beard all hoar, his eyes hollow and blind; blind; With drooping cheer still poring on the ground, To rest, when that the sisters had untwin'd As on the place where nature him assign'd His vital thread, and ended with their knife The fleeting course of fast declining life:
There heard we him with broke and hollow plaint Rue with himself his end approaching fast, And all for nought his wretched mind torment With sweet remembrance of his pleasures past. And fresh delights of lusty youth forewaste; Recounting which, how would he sob and shriek, And to be young again of Jove beseek!
But, an the cruel fates so fixed be
That time forepast cannot return again, This one request of Jove yet prayed he,- That, in such wither'd plight, and wretched pain, As eld, accompany'd with her loathsome train, Had brought him, all were it woe and grief He might a while yet linger forth his life, And not so soon descend into the pit; Where Death, when he the mortal corpse hath slain, With reckless hand in grave doth cover it: Thereafter never to enjoy again
The gladsome light, but, in the ground ylain, In depth of darkness waste and wear to nought, As he had ne'er into the world been brought:
But who had seen him sobbing how he stood Unto himself, and how he would bemoan His youth forepast as though it wrought him good To talk of youth, all were his youth foregone- He would have mused, and marvel'd much whereon This wretched Age should life desire so fain, And knows full well life doth but length his pain:
Crook-back'd he was, tooth-shaken, and blear-eyed ; Went on three feet, and sometime crept on four; With old lame bones, that rattled by his side; His scalp all pil'd, and he with eld forelore, His wither'd fist still knocking at death's door; Fumbling, and driveling, as he draws his breath; For brief, the shape and messenger of Death.
And fast by him pale Malady was placed : Sore sick in bed, her colour all foregone; Bereft of stomach, savour, and of taste, Ne could she brook no meat but broths alone; Her breath corrupt; her keepers every one Abhorring her; her sickness past recure, Detesting physic, and all physic's cure.
But, oh, the doleful sight that then we see! We turn'd our look, and on the other side A grisly shape of Famine mought we see: With greedy looks, and gaping mouth, that cried And roar'd for meat, as she should there have died; Her body thin and bare as any bone, Whereto was left nought but the case alone.
And that, alas, was gnawen every where, All full of holes; that I ne mought refrain From tears, to see how she her arms could tear, And with her teeth gnash on the bones in vain, When, all for nought, she fain would so sustain Her starven corpse, that rather seem'd a shade Than any substance of a creature made:
Great was her force, whom stone-wall could not stay: Her tearing nails snatching at all she saw; With gaping jaws, that by no means ymay Be satisfy'd from hunger of her maw, But eats herself as she that hath no law; Gnawing, alas, her carcase all in vain, Where you may count each sinew, bone, and vein.
latter, on her accession to the throne, rewarded him with many favours. He must have been a man of taste and refined feelings, as the following specimen of his poetry will suffice to show :
On her while we thus firmly fix'd our eyes, That bled for ruth of such a dreary sight, Lo, suddenly she shriek'd in so huge wise As made hell gates to shiver with the might; Wherewith, a dart we saw, how it did light Right on her breast, and, therewithal, pale Death Enthirling it, to rieve her of her breath:
And, by and by, a dumb dead corpse we saw, Heavy, and cold, the shape of Death aright, That daunts all earthly creatures to his law, Against whose force in vain it is to fight; Ne peers, ne princes, nor no mortal wight, No towns, ne realms, cities, ne strongest tower, But all, perforce, must yield unto his power:
His dart, anon, out of the corpse he took, And in his hand (a dreadful sight to see) With great triumph eftsoons the same he shook, That most of all my fears affrayed me; His body dight with nought but bones, pardy; The naked shape of man there saw I plain, All save the flesh, the sinew, and the vein.
Lastly, stood War, in glittering arms yclad, With visage grim, stern look, and blackly hued: In his right hand a naked sword he had, That to the hilts was all with blood imbrued; And in his left (that kings and kingdoms rued) Famine and fire he held, and therewithal
He razed towns and threw down towers and all:
Cities he sack'd, and realms (that whilom flower'd In honour, glory, and rule, above the rest) He overwhelm'd, and all their fame devour'd, Consum'd, destroy'd, wasted, and never ceas'd, 'Till he their wealth, their name, and all oppress'd: His face forehew'd with wounds; and by his side There hung his targe, with gashes deep and wide.
[Henry Duke of Buckingham in the Infernal Regions.] [The description of the Duke of Buckingham-the Bucking
ham, it must be recollected, of Richard III.-has been much admired, as an impersonation of extreme wretchedness.]
Sonnet made on Isabella Markham, when I first thought her fair, as she stood at the princess's window, in goodly attire, and talked to divers in the court-yard. 1564.
Whence comes my love? Oh heart, disclose; It was from cheeks that shamed the rose, From lips that spoil the ruby's praise, From eyes that mock the diamond's blaze : Whence comes my woe? as freely own; Ah me! 'twas from a heart like stone.
The blushing cheek speaks modest mind, The lips befitting words most kind, The eye does tempt to love's desire, And seems to say 'tis Cupid's fire; Yet all so fair but speak my moan, Sith nought doth say the heart of stone.
Why thus, my love, so kind bespeak Sweet eye, sweet lip, sweet blushing cheek- Yet not a heart to save my pain; Oh Venus, take thy gifts again! Make not so fair to cause our moan, Or make a heart that's like our own.
SIR PHILIP SIDNEY (1554-1586) takes his rank in English literary history rather as a prose writer than as a poet. His poetry, indeed, has long been laid aside on account of the cold and affected style in which he wrote. It has been justly remarked, that, 'if he had looked into his own noble heart, and written directly from that, instead of from his somewhat too metaphysico-philosophical head, his poetry would have been excellent.' Yet in some pieces he has fortunately failed in extinguishing the natural sentiment which inspired him. The following are admired specimens of his sonnets :
Then first came Henry Duke of Buckingham, His cloak of black all piled, and quite forlorn, Wringing his hands, and Fortune oft doth blame, Which of a duke had made him now her scorn; With ghastly looks, as one in manner lorn,
[Sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney.]
Because I oft in dark abstracted guise Seem most alone in greatest company,
Oft spread his arms, stretched hands he joins as fast, With dearth of words, or answers quite awry
With rueful cheer, and vapoured eyes upcast.
His cloak he rent, his manly breast he beat; His hair all torn, about the place it lain: My heart so molt to see his grief so great, As feelingly, methought, it dropped away : His eyes they whirled about withouten stay: With stormy sighs the place did so complain, As if his heart at each had burst in twain.
Thrice he began to tell his doleful tale, And thrice the sighs did swallow up his voice; At each of which he shrieked so withal, As though the heavens ryved with the noise; Till at the last, recovering of his voice, Supping the tears that all his breast berained, On cruel Fortune weeping thus he plained.
Some pleasing amatory verses (exhibiting a remarkable polish for the time in which they were written) by JOHN HARRINGTON (1534-1582) have been published in the Nuge Antique. This poet was imprisoned in the Tower by Queen Mary for holding correspondence with Elizabeth, and the
To them that would make speech of speech arise, They deem, and of their doom the rumour flies, That poison foul of bubbling Pride doth lie So in my swelling breast, that only I Fawn on myself, and others do despise. Yet Pride, I think, doth not my soul possess, Which looks too oft in his unflattering glass: But one worse fault Ambition I confess, That makes me oft my best friends overpass, Unseen, unheard, while thought to highest place Bends all his powers, even unto Stella's grace.
With how sad steps, O Moon! thou climb'st the skies, How silently, and with how wan a face! What may it be, that even in heavenly place That busy Archer his sharp arrows tries? Sure, if that long with love acquainted eyes Can judge of love, thou feel'st a lover's case; I read it in thy looks, thy languish'd grace To me that feel the like thy state descries. Then, even of fellowship, O Moon, tell me, Is constant love deem'd there but want of wit! Are beauties there as proud as here they be? Do they above love to be lov'd, and yet Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess ? Do they call virtue there ungratefulness?
Come, Sleep, O Sleep, the certain knot of peace, The baiting place of wit, the balm of woe, The poor man's wealth, the prisoner's release, The indifferent judge between the high and low. With shield of proof shield me from out the preasel Of those fierce darts, Despair at me doth throw; O make in me those civil wars to cease:
I will good tribute pay, if thou do so. Take thou of me smooth pillows, sweetest bed; A chamber, deaf to noise, and blind to light; A rosy garland, and a weary head. And if these things, as being thine by right, Move not thy heavy grace, thou shalt in me Livelier than elsewhere Stella's image see.
Having this day my horse, my hand, my lance Guided so well, that I obtain'd the prize, Both by the judgment of the English eyes, And of some sent from that sweet enemy France; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance; Townfolks my strength; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight which from good use doth rise; Some lucky wits impute it but to chance; Others, because of both sides I do take
My blood from them who did excel in this, Think nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry! the true cause is, Stella look'd on, and from her heavenly face Sent forth the beams which made so fair my race.
In martial sports I had my cunning tried, And yet to break more staves did me address; While with the people's shouts, I must confess, Youth, luck, and praise, even fill'd my veins with
When Cupid, having me (his slave) descried In Mars's livery, prancing in the press,
What now, Sir Fool,' said he, 'I would no less. Look here, I say. I look'd, and Stella spied, Who hard by made a window send forth light. My heart then quaked, then dazzled were mine eyes; One hand forgot to rule, th' other to fight; Nor trumpet's sound I heard, nor friendly cries; My foe came on, and beat the air for me,
Till that her blush taught me my shame to see.
Of all the kings that ever here did reign, Edward named Fourth as first in praise I name; Not for his fair outside, nor well-lined brain, Although less gifts imp feathers oft on Fame: Nor that he could, young-wise, wise-valiant, frame His sire's revenge, join'd with a kingdom's gain, And, gain'd by Mars, could yet mad Mars so tame, That Balance weigh'd what Sword did late obtain: Nor that he made the Flower-de-luce so fraid, Though strongly hedg'd of bloody Lion's paws, That witty Lewis to him a tribute paid. Nor this, nor that, nor any such small cause- But only for this worthy knight durst prove To lose his crown, rather than fail his love.
O happy Thames, that didst my Stella bear! I saw thee with full many a smiling line I'pon thy cheerful face joy's livery wear, While those fair planets on thy streams did shine. The boat for joy could not to dance forbear; While wanton winds, with beauties so divine Ravish'd, staid not, till in her golden hair They did themselves (O sweetest prison) twine: And fain those Œol's youth there would their stay Have made; but, forced by Nature still to fly, First did with puffing kiss those locks display. She, so dishevell'd, blush'd. From window I, With sight thereof, cried out, O fair disgrace; Let Honour's self to thee grant highest place.'
SIR WALTER RALEIGH, to whose merits as a prose writer justice is done in the sequel, deserves to be ranked amongst the minor poets of Elizabeth's reign. TIMOTHY KENDAL is only known for having published, in 1577, a volume entitled Hours of Epigrams. NICHOLAS BRETON (1555-1624) wrote some pastoral poems, and a volume called the Works of a Young Wit. HENRY CONSTABLE was a popular writer of sonnets, though strangely conceited and unnatural in his style. In most of the works of these inferior poets, happy thoughts and imagery may be found, mixed up with affectations, forced analogies, and conceits. It is worthy of remark, that this was the age when collections of fugitive and miscellaneous poems first became common. Several volumes of this kind, published in the reign of Elizabeth, contain poetry of high merit, without any author's
The Country's Recreations.
[From a poem by Raleigh, bearing the above title, the following verses are extracted.]
Heart-tearing cares and quiv'ring fears, Anxious sighs, untimely tears,
Fly to fond worldling's sports; Where strained sardonic smiles are glozing still, And Grief is forced to laugh against her will Where mirth's but mummery, And sorrows only real be.
Fly from our country pastimes, fly,
Sad troop of human misery ! Come, serene looks,
Clear as the crystal brooks,
Or the pure azur'd heaven that smiles to see
The rich attendance of our poverty. Peace and a secure mind,
Which all men seek, we only find.
Abused mortals, did you know
Where joy, heart's ease, and comforts grow, You'd scorn proud towers, And seek them in these bowers;
Where winds perhaps our woods may sometimes shake, But blustering care could never tempest make, Nor murmurs e'er come nigh us,
Saving of fountains that glide by us.
Now next, my gallant youths, farewell; My lads that oft have cheered my heart! My grief of mind no tongue can tell, To think that I must from you part. I now must leave you all, alas, And live with some old lobcock ass! And now farewell thou gallant lute, With instruments of music's sounds! Recorder, citern, harp, and flute,
And heavenly descants on sweet grounds. I now must leave you all, indeed, And make some music on a reed!
And now, you stately stamping steeds, And gallant geldings fair, adieu! My heavy heart for sorrow bleeds,
To think that I must part with you: And on a strawen pannel sit, And ride some country carting tit! And now farewell both spear and shield, Caliver pistol, arquebuss, See, see, what sighs my heart doth yield To think that I must leave you thus;
And lay aside my rapier blade, And take in hand a ditching spade!
And you farewell, all gallant games, Primero, and Imperial, Wherewith I us'd, with courtly dames, To pass away the time withal: I now must learn some country plays For ale and cakes on holidays!
And now farewell each dainty dish, With sundry sorts of sugar'd wine! Farewell, I say, fine flesh and fish,
To please this dainty mouth of mine! I now, alas, must leave all these, And make good cheer with bread and cheese! And now, all orders due, farewell! My table laid when it was noon;
My heavy heart it irks to tell
My dainty dinners all are done: With leeks and onions, whig and whey, I must content me as I may.
And farewell all gay garments now, With jewels rich, of rare device! Like Robin Hood, I wot not how, I must go range in woodman's wise; Clad in a coat of green, or grey, And glad to get it if I may. What shall I say, but bid adieu
To every dream of sweet delight, In place where pleasure never grew, In dungeon deep of foul despite, I must, ah me! wretch as I may, Go sing the song of welaway!
[Sonnet by Constable.] [From his Diana: 1594.]
To live in hell, and heaven to behold, To welcome life, and die a living death, To sweat with heat, and yet be freezing cold, To grasp at stars, and lie the earth beneath, To tread a maze that never shall have end, To burn in sighs, and starve in daily tears, To climb a hill, and never to descend, Giants to kill, and quake at childish fears, To pine for food, and watch th' Hesperian tree, To thirst for drink, and nectar still to draw, To live accurs'd, whom men hold blest to be, And weep those wrongs, which never creature saw; If this be love, if love in these be founded, My heart is love, for these in it are grounded.
CHRISTOPHER MARLOW, so highly eminent as a dramatic writer, would probably have been overlooked in the department of miscellaneous poetry, but for his beautiful piece, rendered familiar by its being transferred into Walton's 'Angler'-The Passionate Shepherd to his Love. JOSHUA SYLVESTER, who died in 1618, at the age of 55, and who was the author of a large volume of poems of very unequal merit, claims notice as the now generally received author of an impressive piece, long ascribed to Raleigh-The Soul's Errand. Another fugitive poem of great beauty, but in a different style, and which has often been attributed to Shakspeare, is now given to RICHARD BARNFIELD, author of several poetical volumes published between 1594 and 1598. These three remarkable poems are here subjoined :
The Passionate Shepherd to his Love.
COME live with me, and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That vallies, groves, and hills and fields, Woods or steepy mountains yields.
And we will sit upon the rocks, Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of roses, And a thousand fragrant posies; A cap of flowers and a kirtle, Embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle: A gown made of the finest wool, Which from our pretty lambs we pull; Fair lined slippers for the cold, With buckles of the purest gold:
A belt of straw and ivy buds, With coral clasps and amber studs; And if these pleasures may thee move, Come live with me, and be my love.
The shepherd swains shall dance and sing, For thy delight, each May-morning : If these delights thy mind may move Then live with me, and be my love.
[The Nymph's Reply to the Passionate Shepherd. By Raleigh.]
If all the world and love were young, And truth in every shepherd's tongue, These pretty pleasures might me move To live with thee, and be thy love.
Time drives the flocks from field to fold, When rivers rage and rocks grow cold; And Philomel becometh dumb, The rest complain of cares to come.
The flowers do fade, and wanton fields To wayward winter reckoning yields; A honey tongue a heart of gall, Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.
Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses, Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies, Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten, In folly ripe, in reason rotten.
Thy belt of straw and ivy buds, Thy coral clasps and amber studs; All these in me no means can move To come to thee and be thy love.
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