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THE work embraces about one thousand authors, chronologically arranged and classed as Poets, Historians, Dramatists, Philosophers, Metaphysicians, Divines, etc., with choice selections from their writings, connected by a Biographical, Historical, and Critical Narrative; thus presenting a complete view of English Literature, from the earliest to the present time. Let the reader open where he will, he cannot fail to find matter for profit and delight. The selections are gems-infinite riches in a little room; in the language of another, "A WHOLE ENGLISH LIBRARY FUSED DOWN INTO ONE CHEAP Bоок!"

The AMERICAN edition of this valuable work is enriched by the addition of fine steel and mezzotint Engravings of the heads of SHAKSPEARE, ADDISON, BYRON; a full-length portrait of DR. JOHNSON, and a beautiful scenic representation of OLIVER GOLDSMITH and DR. JOHNSON. These important and elegant additions, together with superior paper and binding, render the AMERICAN superior to all other editions.


From W. H. Prescott, Author of "Ferdinand and Isabella." "The plan of the work is very judicious.... It will put the reader in the proper point of view for surveying the whole ground over which he is travelling.... Such readers cannot fail to profit largely by the labors of the critic who has the talent and taste to separate what is really beautiful and worthy of their study from what is superfluous."

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"This Cyclopædia is executed with great fidelity and tact. We know no work which we can recommend nore highly." - Neal's Saturday Gazette, Phila.

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The industry, learning, and ability of Mr. Chambers are securities for the excellence of the work, and we commend it to every man of taste and letters as worthy of his patronage." - New York Observer.

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Ten volumes, elegantly illustrated. Price, cloth, $10,00.

THE design of the MISCELLANY is to supply the increasing demand for useful, instructive, and entertaining readng, and to bring all the aids of literature to bear on the cultivation of the feelings and understanding of the peopleto impress correct views on important moral and social questions-to furnish an unobtrusive friend and guide, a lively fireside companion, as far as that object can be attained through the instrumentality of books.

This work is confidently commended to Teachers, School Committees, and all others interested in the formation of "School Libraries," as the very best work for this purpose. Its wide range of subjects, presented in the most popular style, makes it exceedingly interesting and instructive to all classes. The most flattering testimonials from distinguished school teachers and others, expressing an earnest desire to have it introduced into all school libraries, have been received by the publishers.

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It is an admirable compilation, containing interesting memoirs and historical sketches, which are useful, instructive, and entertaining. Every head of a family should supply himself with a copy for the benefit of his children." Corning Journal.

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"Our readers will bear us witness that we are not in the habit of 'puffing' indiscriminately the periodical and serial publications of the day; but so impressed are we, from such indications as have been afforded, and from the character of the editor and publishers of this Miscellany, that it will prove a most entertaining and useful work, and especially valuable to those who are forming their reading habits, and to parents who would cultivate a correct taste in their children, that we cannot refrain from thus, in advance, asking attention to it." - Palmyra Courier, N. Y.

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