Page images

map, 247 map; ceded to the United | Quincy (kwin'zi), Josiah, defends the sol
States, 244.

Portsmouth (pōrts'muth), N. H., settled,

72; location, 62 map.

Portugal (pōr'tū-gal), refuses to aid Co-
lumbus, 3; tries to prevent his voyage,
7; refuses to aid Magellan, 17.
Postrider, a, picture, 130; days of, in the
far West, 233.

Powder house near Boston, picture, 141.
Powhatan (pow-hå-tăn′), releases John
Smith, 46; sends representatives to
England with Pocahontas, 49.
President of the United States, how
chosen, 170; power of, 171; succession
in case of his death, settled, 236.
Princeton (prins' ton), location, 151 map;
battle of, 154.

Printing, in the colonies, 104, 130-132, 136.
Printz (prints), Governor, of New Sweden,
94, 95.

Providence (prov'i-dens), location, 62 map;
founded, 75.

Pure food laws, 247.

Puritans (pur'i-tanz), who they were, 52;
decide to found a colony in America,
61; have trouble with the king in Eng-
land, 62; found Boston, 62, 63; their
virtues and faults, 64; drive out Roger
Williams, 65; and the Quakers, 67, 68.
Putnam (put nåm), Israel (îz'rā-ĕl), hurries
to Boston, 142; at Bunker Hill, 145.

QUAKER (kwa'kêr) dress, picture, 67; por-
trait of a, 100.

Quakers, trouble with, in Massachusetts,

67; expelled, 68; buy New Jersey, 98;
their advanced ideas, 100; Penn gets
Pennsylvania for, 101; pay the Indians
for their land, 103; views on education
contrasted with those of the Puritans,

Quebec (kwē-běk'), Champlain's picture
of, 114; named by him, 115; location,
119 map; fortress of, picture, 126; at-
tacked by Wolfe, 126; captured by the
English, 127; Arnold's expedition to,


diers concerned in the Boston Massa-
cre, 137.

RAILROADS, introduction of, 191.
Raleigh (ra'li), Sir Walter, and Queen
Elizabeth, 26; birthplace of, 26; colo-
nies of, 29, 30; imprisoned by James I,
31; gives up his claim on Virginia, 42.
Randolph, Peyton, president of the first
Continental Congress, 140.

Region about Fort Duquesne, map, 124.
Region of Burgoyne's invasion, map, 158.
Reina Mercedes (Spanish, rā-ē ́nä mār-
tha'dās), wreck of the, picture, 244.
Revere, Paul, his ride, 141.
Revolutionary dance, picture, 160.
Revolutionary War, causes, 133–140; first
two years, 141-153; latter part of the


Rhode Island, beginnings of, at Provi-
dence, 75; on Rhode Island, 76; obtains
a charter, 76, 77.

Rice, picture of, 111; staple product of
South Carolina, 111.

Richmond (rich'mond), chosen capital of
the Confederacy, 210; McClellan's ad-
vance on, 216; location, 216 map; Grant's
advance on, 222, 223; Confederate cap-
itol in, picture, 223; captured by Grant,

Rio Grande (Spanish, rē ́ō grän'dā), quar

rel over boundary along, 201; campaigns
on, 202; location, 202 map.
Roanoke (rō-a-nōk') Island, first colony
on, 29; second, 29, 30; colony disap-
pears, 30; location, 43 map, 109 map;
search for colony required by the Lon-
don Company, 47.

Rolfe, John, marries Pocahontas, 48.
Roosevelt (rō'zė-vělt), Theodore, charac-
ter of, 243; leads the Rough Riders,
243; becomes president, 245.
Rough Riders, the, 243; picture of one,

[blocks in formation]

Saint Lawrence (la'rēns) River, explored
by Cartier, 21; valley of, claimed by
France, 24.

Saint Mary's, Md., location, 102 map;
first settlement in Maryland, 106.
Salem, Mass., founded, 61; location, 62
map; first meeting-house in, picture,

the Shenandoah Valley, 223; his ride,

Sherman (sher'mån), General, at Vicks-
burg, 220; his march to the sea, 224;
marches northward through the Caro-
linas, 226.

Sherman's route to the sea, map, 223.
Silkworm, picture of, 25.

Samoset, welcomes the English at Plym- Sitka (sit' kå), Alaska, picture, 231.

outh, 57.

San Francisco (frăn-sis'kō) in 1849, pic-
ture, 203.

San Salvador (sän säl-vä-dōr'), where Co-
lumbus landed, 9.

Santa Maria (Spanish, sän ́tä mä-rē ́ä), one
of Columbus's ships, 7; picture of, 8.
Santiago de Cuba (Spanish, sän-tē-ä'gō
dā kōo'bä), Spanish fleet at, 242; Amer-
ican troops sent there, 243; location,
243 map; battle of, 244.
Saratoga (săr-å-to'gå), location, 158 map;
Burgoyne's surrender at, 159.
Sassafras (sas'så-frăs), 33; picture, 32.
Savannah (så-văn'å), location, 109 map, 165
map, 211 map; founded, 112; in 1741,
picture, 112; taken by Sherman, 224.
Scalplock, the, 39.

Scene of Civil War near Washington and
Richmond, map, 216.

Schenectady (skē-něk ́tȧ-dí), location,
119 map; attacked by French and In-
dians, 119, 120.

Scott, General Winfield, his success in
Mexico, 202; commands at the begin-
ning of the Civil War, 210.

Sea of Darkness, old idea of, 1; six-
teenth century picture of, 1.

Seat of Revolutionary War in the South,
тар, 165.

Secession of Southern States, 206.
Seminole (sem ́i-nōl) War, 183, 184.
Separatists, who they were, 52.
Serapis (se-ra' pis), battle with the Bon
Homme Richard, 163; picture of, 164.
Shenandoah (shĕn-ån-dō'à) Valley, Gen-
eral Early in, 223; General Sheridan's
devastation of, 223.

Slavery, introduced into America, 51; in
the colonies, 129; effect of the cotton-
gin on, 173; questions on, begin to arise,
186; the Missouri Compromise, 187;
increasing antagonism to, 195, 196; con-
sidered in the admission of Texas, 199;
the compromise of 1850, 204; the Dred
Scott Decision, 205.

Slaves at work, picking cotton, picture,

173; declared contraband of war, 217.
Smith, Captain John, picture of, 44; early

career, 45; saved by Pocahontas, 46;
activity as governor of Virginia, 46, 47;
returns to England, 48; sails for Gorges
and is captured by the French, 71, 72.
South Carolina (kǎr-ō-li'nå), first settled
at Charleston, 109, 110; Huguenot em-
igration to, 110; laws of, 110; industries
of, 111; separated from North Carolina,


Spain, Columbus received in, 4; his re-
ception in, after his voyage, 10, 11;
sends out Magellan, 17; derives wealth
from Mexico and South America, 20;
her claims in North America, 24; her
armada defeated, 30; war of the United
States with, 242–244.

Spanish gentleman of the armada period,
picture, 31.

Spanish helmet, picture, 16.

Spanish treasure seeker, picture, 25.

Spanish treasure ships, picture, 29.
"Spoils system," introduced by Jackson,

Squanto (skwǎn'tō), aids the Pilgrims, 57;
kidnapping of, 70, 71.

"Squatter sovereignty," 205.
Squaw, picture of, 35; her duties, 35.
Sheridan (sher'ĭ-dån), Philip, devastates Stage, early American, picture, 132.

Stage-coach, picture of, 188.
Stamp Act, what it was, 134; passed, 135;
opposition of the colonies, 136; repealed,
136; stamp to be used under the, pic-
ture, 134.

Texas (těks'ås), frees herself from Mex-
ico, 198; seal of, picture, 198; admitted
to the Union, 199.

Thomas, General, the Rock of Chicka-
mauga, 221.

Stamp tax levied by the United States, Ticonderoga (ti-kon-dé-rō'gå), Fort, cap-
134, 248.

Standish, Miles, in the Pilgrims' exploring
party, 55; his sword, picture, 57; leads
the Pilgrim forces, 59; his army, picture,

"Star-Spangled Banner, The," written,

tured by Ethan Allen, 143; recaptured
by Burgoyne, 158; location, 158 map.
Tinder box, picture, 86.

Tippecanoe (tip-é-kå-nōō'), 197.

Tobacco, picture of, 28; culture of, begun
in Virginia by John Rolfe, 48; culture
of, in Maryland, 107.

Town meeting, begun at Plymouth, 59;
held in Boston, 66.

Transportation in 1825, 189.

Stark, Colonel John, beats Burgoyne's Toronto (tō-rõn'tō), burning of, 180.
men at Bennington, 158.
"Starving time" in Virginia, 48.
Stephenson (stē'vėn-son), George, inventor
of the steam locomotive, 191.
Steuben (stū ben or, German, stoi'ben),
Baron von, drills the American army,
161; portrait of, 161.
Stone axe, picture of, 35.
Stowe (sto), Mrs., 204.

Strand, the, now Whitehall Street, New
York, in 1673, picture, 95.
Stuyvesant (sti ve-sȧnt), Governor, last of
the Dutch governors of New Amster-
dam, 92; conquers New Sweden, 94, 95;
resolved to oppose the English, 95, 96;
tears up Nicolls's letter, picture, 96;
forced to yield, 97; his "Bowery
House," picture, 98.
Sugar-cane, picture, 236.

Sumter (sum'ter), Thomas, his guerrilla

warfare in South Carolina, 165.
Supreme Court, how made up, 171.
Swedes, settle in Delaware, 94; conquered
by the Dutch, 94, 95.

TARIFF, protective, 238; reciprocity in,
238; reduction of, 248.
Taylor, General Zachary, his success in
the Mexican War, 202; president, 203.
Tea, tax imposed on, in the colonies, 137;
sent to America, 138; the Boston Tea

party, 138.

Telegraph, invented, 199; picture of a
sounder, 199.

Traveling, in America before the Revolu-
tion, 132; in 1825, 189.
Treasury Building, Washington, picture
of, 234.

Trent affair, the, 212.

Trenton (tren'ton), N.J., location, 151 map;
battle of, 152.

Turks, cut off trade with the East, 3;
John Smith and the, 45.

Tyler (tī'lėr), John, made vice-president.
197; becomes president, 198.
Union Pacific Railroad finished, 232.
Union soldier, picture, 210.

Union soldiers sharing their rations with
Confederates after Lee's surrender, pic-
ture, 227.

United States, declared free, 149; finan-
cial troubles after the Revolution, 169;
Hamilton's suggestions for the payment
of debts of, 171; trouble with France,
173; suppresses Barbary pirates, 174;
buys Louisiana, 275; War of 1812, 176-
181; westward growth, 183-196; troubles
over slavery, 197-207; the Civil War,
208-228; recent events in, 229-250.
United States and its possessions, the, map,


VALLEY FORGE, location, 151 map; win-
ter at, 160.

Van Buren (văn bū ́rēn), Martin, events | Watling's (wot'lingz) Island, Columbus's
during his presidency, 194–196.

Vera Cruz (vě ́rä krōoz), 202; location,
202 map; held by United States, 249.
Vespucius (věs-pū'shus), Americus (a-
měr'i-kus),sails along South America,15.
Vicksburg (viks bûrg), location, 211 map;
capture of,.220.
Vincennes (vin-senz'), captured by the
Americans, 162.

Virginia, derivation of name, 28; granted
to Raleigh, 28, 29; taken over by the
London and Plymouth companies, 42;
colonists sent to, 43; "starving time
in, 48; culture of tobacco begun, 48;
women sent to, 49; House of Burgesses,
50; slavery introduced, 51; Bacon's re-
bellion, 51; patriotic uprising, 135, 139.
Virginia Indian, picture of, 46.

WALL STREET, why so named, 92.
Wampum (wam'păm), 39; picture of, 40.
War dance, picture of an Indian warrior's,


War of 1812, causes of, 176; events of,
177-181; close of, 181.

Warship's gun-deck, picture, 176.
Washington (wosh'ing-ton), George, sent
to Fort Duquesne with a message, 123;
his experience with Braddock, 124;
made commander-in-chief of the Conti-
nental Army, 143, 144; takes command
of the army in Cambridge, 145; his
cares, 146; urged to attack Boston, 147;
drives the British from Boston, 148;
refuses to receive a letter not addressed
to the commander-in-chief, 150; driven
from New York, 151; crossing the Del-
aware, picture, 152; beats the Hessians
at Trenton, 152; eludes Cornwallis at
Princeton, 154; winters at Morristown,
154; portrait of, 155; accepts no salary,
156; the "American Fabius," 157; con-
spiracy against, 160; at the surrender of
Cornwallis, 167; resigning commission,
picture, 169; elected president, 171;
inauguration of, picture, 171; dies, 174.
Washington, city of, burned by the Brit-
ish, 180; location, 216 map.

supposed landing-place, 9, 10; location,
9 мар.

Weapons the Indians used, 38.
Webster, Daniel, opposes nullification,
193; making his famous speech, picture,
193; votes for the compromise of 1850,

West Indies, map, 243.

Wethersfield (wĕth'êrz-fēld), Conn., found-
ed, 79; location, 80 map.
White, Peregrine, 56.

Whitehall Street, New York, in 1673, pic-
ture, 95.

White House, picture, 229.
Whitney, Eli, invents the cotton-gin, 172,


'Wigwam Church," 106.
Wilderness, battle of, 222.
Willamette River, 201.

Williams, Roger, driven out of Massachu-
setts, 65; flees from Salem, 74; founds
Providence, 75; statue of, picture, 76;
character of, 77; prevents Canonicus
from joining the Pequots, 80.

Wilson, Woodrow, presidency of, 247-250.
Windsor (win'zor), Conn., founded, 79;
location, 80 map.

Winthrop (win'throp), John, comes to New
England, 62, 63; arrival of his colony in
Boston, picture, 63; his character, 64;
cup given by, to the first church, pic-
ture, 64; warns Roger Williams, 65, 74;
goes to New York with Richard Nicolls,

Witchcraft delusion in Massachusetts, 69.
Wolfe (woolf), General, commands Eng-

lish forces at Quebec, 126; killed, 127.
Wolpi, pueblo of, picture, 34.
Wool spinning wheel, picture, 87.
Writs of Assistance, 134.

YALE COLLEGE, founded, 82; house where
it was founded, picture, 82.
York, Duke of, obtains New York, 97;
gives New Jersey to Berkeley and Car-
teret, 97.
Yorktown, Va., location, 165 map; cap-
ture of Cornwallis at, 167.

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