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Son of God Himself to abide in us, and us in Him; now in our greatest extremities to have a pledge of Christ's abode in us, and of our abode in Him, what more comfortable ?

From hence it was that the Holy Sacrament was wont to be administered to faithful people in danger of death, that they might be constant in the confession of Christ, and able to withstand the temptations of the devil; to strengthen them in taking the cup of affliction by taking the cup of salvation. 2. Consider that it also profiteth in attaining the health of the body, seeing it is so available to the salvation of the soul. For if at the only touch of Christ's garment many received health, what cannot Christ Himself do, entering into the soul of the sick?

3. Consider that Christ, knowing what His Apostles should need, and what we should all need, strength against afflictions; yea, foreseeing our conflict to come, ordained this most Holy Sacrament for the spiritual help of our souls. We must, therefore, think that by how much greater necessity we labour, by so much this Sacrament doth exercise more effectually wholesome effects, seeing it is proper unto the Lord to help more readily then when greatest necessity doth require help.

4. Consider that here the distressed either in body or mind may apply unto himself in particular the merits of Christ's Passion, and raise up himself by a comfortable participation of this Holy Mystery, and say, Thou hast good cause to rejoice, O my soul, that the Lord of Majesty cometh unto thee, that He may comfort thee departing this world, and be thy assistant help against the assaults of Satan, who endeavoureth to draw thee away from the reward of life; continue only a good will for all, though thou art faint and feeble, though thine enemies be many and mighty, yet having received Divine strength, thou shalt say, I can do all things in Him that strengthened me.

Cast all thy hopes on Jesus and thou shalt neither be overcome of them nor put to shame. Thou knowest well that the body of a certain dead man was restored to life by the only touch of the body of Elisha ". If the bones of a dead prophet had so great virtue that they restored one from death to life, and the thieves, amazed by the miracle of the thing, durst do no evil; what will not the living and glorious Body of Jesus do, entering into thee? I doubt not but it will increase greater might in thee, seeing He is God omnipotent and Lord of all, and the

u 2 Kings xiii. 21.

devil shall be overcome and confounded at His


O good God, teach me how I ought to give thanks unto my loving Lord, who seeing me in time of need beset with infernal lions, doth send me food, not by the Prophet Habakkuk, or by an heavenly angel, but Himself cometh to be my food, that, fainting, I receive comfort.

Consider, O my soul, this unspeakable mercy. Thou knowest thou wast loved of thy Redeemer, in His greatest extremities, when He, departing out of this life to the Father, did then institute this Holy Sacrament for thy welfare. Thou seest also He loveth thee in thy extremities; it remaineth that thou crying out with the Prophet David, say, "Lord, what is man, that Thou art so mindful of him?" or with the Apostle, "If I live, I live unto the Lord; if I die, I die unto the Lord : whether I live or die, I am the Lord's "."

* Psalm viii. 4.

Romans xiv. 8.



HE who will do the thing which he ought to do

concerning this Sacrament, and that which the dignity of such a mystery doth require, must set out a certain space of time to himself, wherein he may perform those things which pertain to the preparation thereunto.

He shall do very well, if as Moses commanded the people, that before they were to receive the Law, they should prepare themselves. So also he who is now about to receive the law of life, should at least make some preparation unto the receiving of the same.

The Holy Scriptures do testify, that the maids of King Ahasuerus coming only into his sight but once, six months prepared themselves with oil of myrrh, and other six months with certain sweet odours.

If these did do this, that they might find favour with an earthly man, what preparation think we is

Esther ii. 12.

required of us, that we may find favour in the sight of the King of kings?

One of the chiefest praises of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for which the Angel did commend her, he sheweth when he saith, "Thou hast found favour with God ;" and ought it to seem a hard and troublesome thing unto us, to do, for so great glory and dignity, that which these women have done for such vanity? With what face, I pray, will we refuse labour, yea, although all the powers and strength of our souls and bodies were to be employed, that we may but at last come into the grace and favour of God? specially, when we hear that these miserable maids spent their whole life, that they might come into the favour of one mortal man; but because this is a hard thing for us to do, let us prepare ourselves (as the shortness of time will permit) in doing all that which in us lieth. But if you shall ask me what that is, I answer in a word, a lifting up of the soul to God.

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