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are sometimes less ready to use with our equals, than among the poor."

A blush rose on Louisa's countenance. -"I will call on Caroline to-morrow, Sir," she said: "and endeavor to be as kind and helpful to her, as I ought to have been long since."

"Thank you, Louisa."—And Mr. Mason accompanied the words, with a slight bow, and a smile of approbation.

Many other topics of an interesting kind, filled up the social tea-hour. We then strolled for a while about the grounds; enjoyed some excellent music, on our return to the drawing room; were permitted to share the highly privileged season of family worship; and after partaking of a light and simple repast, separated, with souls refreshed, strengthened, and stirred up for the exercise of love to God and man.

How different from the effects produced by visiting, when its accompaniments are--beforehand, elaborate preparation :—at the time, display, excitement, excess:-afterwards, indisposition, envy, and discontent.

Such were my morning and evening visits, during my pleasant sojourn with my estimable friend. The agreeable and profitable remembrance is still present to my mind: and I can only pray for myself and my youthful readers, that in all our social intercourse with others, we may impart and receive advantage, especially spiritual good. May our Saviour himself draw near, and be with us; till like the disciples of old, our hearts burn, and our lips celebrate the wonders of redeeming love.

S. S. S.


WHEN popery and tyranny were pouring in upon us like a flood, and our liberties, both civil and religious, were going apace, God, in his mercy, raised us up a deliverer, the great and glorious King William. I have been much affected with reading the account, which a celebrated historian gives us, of the voyage of our deliverer and his army from Holland to England, God and Providence were remarkably to be seen in it from beginning to end. Soon after the fleet sailed out, they were taken with a storm at sea, which lasted a night and a day; by which they

were shattered and driven all back again. God would let them see, at their first setting out, that they could not proceed without his permission-they could do nothing without him. Thus he gave them notice to eye his providence; and at the same time, by a very watchful providence, guarded the fleet from any real harm ; so that not one ship was lost, and but one man. This delay gave time and opportunity for fitting out a strong fleet to oppose and hinder our deliverer's coming to our rescue; and so the danger of the expedition was now greater than before. But God is most seen in the Mount of Danger. At length the fleet, with our deliverer, sets out a second time; and now they have a fair wind to bring them over; and at the same time, it is directly against their enemies, so that they could not come out to meet them. The prince and his fleet are driven, by a strong wind in the night, quite beyond the place where they intended to land; which brought them into such imminent danger that the admiral declared all was lost. But on a sudden it calmed a little, and the wind turned to the south, and a soft and happy gale carried the whole fleet safe into Torbay, where a place was found, which they came to by mere accident, so convenient for landing the horse, that if the whole island round had been sounded, no properer place could be found for it. No sooner were they landed, but the wind turned about quite the contrary way, and blew another storm, from which their fleet was well sheltered; but their enemies' fleet, which was now got to sea, was quite shattered by it, and rendered unfit for any more service that year, and so we were masters of the sea without a blow.-Jennings.


AWAKENING providences loudly call for prayer, especially whilst God is holding his rod over us, and keeping our minds in a painful suspense. But, come what will, we can never meet it better than in a penitent, praying frame; not to say that this is the very best means to secure to us and ours, a singular preservation. Remarkable is the story which is related concerning an earthquake at Berne, in Switzerland, A. D. 1584, by the violence of which, a mountain was carried to a considerable distance, and covered a whole village that had ninety families in

it; one half-house only excepted, wherein the master of the house, with his wife and children were earnestly calling upon God. This story is related by Polanus, (Syntag. 841,) who was an inhabitant of those parts.


THE word Asylum is derived from the Greek, and signifies a place free from robbery or spoliation. This is the idea of an English home; for here, it has passed into a proverb that every man's house is his castle. The following quotation from Dr. Roden's account of Hanwell Asylum, beautifully illustrates these remarks.

"I have often wondered," said I, to an Italian gentleman, who was by my side on the eminence called Bello Sguardo, at Florence-"I have often wondered that no language of Europe possesses an equivalent for the English Home.'”

"Casa mia ?" said he.

"No, that is by no means the sense of it." "Chez moi ?"

"Still less," said I.

"Dimora-stanza-in Spanish?"


"In German?"

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"No," I replied, "it is still hause, (house)—no-none are equivalent. All these expressions allude to the habitation, and not to the focus of feelings which constitute the English word, 'Home.'' 66 Besides," added I, when a man has several houses, as you have, one of them must be his favorite." At this moment, he caught, with the telescope I had lent him, a view of a little cottage, high up the Appenines, to which he resorted in hot weather, or when he wished to be free from interruption.

"Ha! Ecco il mio asilo," he cried.

"There's the word,” said I, “ that means the English home. Asylum is the word."

Heaven is the Christian's Asylum-the focus of his spiritual feelings. He is a stranger and a pilgrim, in the best of earthly homes for none of them realize the full force of a refuge beyond

the reach of the spoiler. It is only in our inheritance above, that we can feel perfectly secure there neither moth nor rust corrupteth; and thieves do not break through nor steal.


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WHEN We come to confess our sins, we some, and keep others quite out of sight. symptom, and justly accounted a further aggravation of sin. We desire a cure, but then to be willing to have our hurt healed slightly, (Jer. vi. 14,) shews that we are not quite out of love with our sins. We would have our comforts spared; and so it seems in this disposition, we would have our pleasing, gainful sins spared too. Such a repentance cannot be acceptable to God, which is reserved in its confession, and must be partial and imperfect in its reformation; and which will leave within us still the cause of God's displeasure.— Milner.


"Now then that's not your way," said a shrewd, goodtempered looking tradesman, as he stood at his shop-door, commanding the corner of a bye-street, to a lumpish countryman, who had just turned his horses' heads in the direction of the said street.

The poor countryman's face fell, and his eyes seemed starting from his head, as he asked, in a strong provincial accent,"How d'ye know where I'm a gooing?"

"You want to go to Bermondsey; don't you?" replied the good-tempered shopkeeper.

"Aye, sure, I do," rejoined he of the fallen countenance. "Then you must take the next turning and keep straight on," was the plain and practical rejoinder.

The horses were accordingly backed, and the countryman proceeded as directed, evidently immersed in one of the most perplexing problems that had ever crossed his brain. He had never been to Bermondsey in his life; and the owner's name upon the wagon he drove, showed only that he came from some secluded dell, far-off, amongst the green, wooded wilds of Surrey. How

then was it possible for any one to know his destination? And yet, this casual friend had found it out; and, better still, had put him in the way to do so.

I have a pretty good library at home, and my books can testify that they are often handled. I have a library out-of-doors, in the manifold works of God around me, and the movements, manners, and doings of my fellow creatures. And, wherever I am, I have a library within, in the powers and affections of the mind, and especially in that of memory, by which I treasure up the experience and knowledge of the study, and the outward world. So I thought over this little incident, and soon unriddled it: the wagon was piled with oak-bark, and the chief locale of the tanners for whom it was intended, being at Bermondsey, the tradesman naturally supposed that place to be its destination, especially as he had perhaps seen other freights of similar description pass his door, and had learned from actual enquiry whither they were tending.

Well, thought I, as I resumed my walk, here are many useful hints connected with this occurrence: let me see more exactly what they are.

1. Ignorance is impotence; said I, when I called to mind the blank amazement of the countryman. That fellow would have gone wrong, without instruction; and, even now, he looks on his informant as little better than a conjurer. Were I to tell him the most impudent untruths respecting the attainments of that tradesman, he would be utterly unarmed against them, and could, I dare say, be brought to make a pope of him-to kiss his toe, and to do him abject service as the delegate of some unearthly power. I thought of the triple crown, and at the same time, the triple sentence that will sooner or later cause it to totter, flashed across my mind


Educate the body: keep it under, and bring it into subjection. Educate the intellect; draw out and develope the surprising powers of the mind. Having first looked into its structure, dependencies, and capability, bring every faculty into vigorous exercise, and direct and cultivate it to the utmost, consistently with a due regard to its healthy expansion and permanent advance. But above all things, educate the soul—that

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