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approach, but proceeded to give him battle, and in one contest drove him out of Syria. This circumstance suspended the siege.

In the ninth year of Zedekiah's reign, the king of Babylon again besieged Jerusalem, with a large army, and for a year and a-half exerted all his strength to conquer it; but the city did not yield, though enfeebled by famine and pestilence.


In the eleventh year the siege went on vigorously; the Babylonians completed their works, having raised towe round the city so as to drive the invaded party from the wa The place, though a prey to plague and famine, was obstinately defended during the space of a year and a-half. But at length, want of provisions and forces compelled its surrender, and it was accordingly delivered, at midnight, to the officers of Nebuchadnezzar.

In the seventieth year of the captivity of the Jews, and the first of the reign of Cyrus, king of Persia, he issued his famous edict purporting that the God adored by the Israelites was the Eternal Being through whose bounty he enjoyed the regal dignity; and that he had found himself honorably mentioned by the prophets of ancient date, as the person who should cause Jerusalem to be rebuilt, and restore the Hebrews to their former state of grandeur and independency; he, therefore, gave orders for the release of the captives, with his permission to return to their own native country, to rebuild the city, and the house of the Lord.

The principal people of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, with the priests and Levites, immediately departed for Jerusalem and commenced the undertaking; but many of the Jews determined to remain in Babylon, rather than relinquish the possessions they had obtained in that city.

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The Jews who accepted the proposals of Cyrus for rebuilding the city and temple, applied themselves with the greatest industry to prepare the foundations thereof, but had made no considerable progress, when application was made, by some of the neighboring nations, requesting the princes and governors, who had the direction of the work, to prevent further proceedings. The most strenuous opposers of the intended structure were the Chuthites, who resided on the other side of the river, and whom Salmanezer, king of Assyria, had led to repeople Samaria, after he had expelled the Israelites.

During the year 3484, Joshua and Zerrubbabel, incited by Haggai and Zechariah, go on with the work by order of Darius.

In the course of the year 3489, the second temple was completed.

Charge to the Candidate.

"WORTHY COMPANION :--By the consent and assistance of the members of this Chapter, you are now exalted e sublime and honorable degree of Royal Arch Mason. The rites and mysteries developed in this degree, have been handed down through a chosen few, unchanged by time, and uncontrolled by prejudice; and we expect and trust, they will be regarded by you with the same veneration, and transmitted with the same scrupulous purity to your successors.

"No one can reflect on the ceremonies of gaining admission into this place, without being forcibly struck with the important lessons which they teach. Here we are necessarily led to contemplate, with gratitude and admiration, the sacred Source from whence all earthly comforts flow. Here we find additional inducements to continue steadfast and immoveable in the discharge of our respective duties; and here we are bound by the most solemn ties, to promote each other's welfare, and correct each other's failings, by advice, admonition, and reproof. As it is our earnest desire, and a duty we owe to our companions of this order, that the admission of every candidate into this Chapter, should be attended by the approbation of the most scrutinizing eye, we hope always to possess the satisfaction of finding none among us, but such as will promote, to the utmost of their power, the great end of our institution. By paying due attention to this determination, we expect you will never recommend any candidate to this Chapter, whose abilities, and

knowledge of the preceding degrees, you cannot freely vouch for, and whom you do not firmly and confidently believe, will fully conform to the principles of our order, and fulfil the obligations of a Royal Arch Mason. While such are our members, we may expect to be united in one object, without lukewarmness, inattention or neglect; but zeal, fidelity and affection, will be the distinguishing characteristics of our society; and that satisfaction, harmony and peace may be enjoyed at our meetings, which no other society can afford."


The chapter is closed with solemn ceremonies; and the following prayer is rehearsed, by the Most Excellent High Priest:

"By the Wisdom of the Supreme High Priest may we be directed; by his Strength may we be enabled, and by the Beauty of virtue may we be incited, to perform the obligations here enjoined on us; to keep inviolably the mysteries here unfolded to us; and invariably to practise all those duties out of the Chapter, which are inculcated in it."

Response." So mote it be. Amen."

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