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The woods are literally covered with the baggage, coats, haversacks, &c., of the enemy. Though almost naked, my command is ready to move forward. Your ob't servant,


Col. Fourteenth Indians Volunteers,
And Commanding Post.

Geo. S. Rose, Assistant Adjutant-General.


the whole force of the enemy take to their heels, throwing aside guns, clothing, and every thing that impeded their progress. In the mean time I had detailed a guard of ninety men, to be sent forward to relieve Capt. Coons, of the Fourteenth Indiana, who had been stationed as a picket on the path between Elk Water Camp and my own. This detail was from the Fourteenth Indiana, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Ohio, under Capt. Higgins, Lieuts. Green and Wood. They had proceeded about two miles from the point of first attack, when they met the Tennessee Brigade, gave them battle, and drove them back. Capt. Coons of the Fourteenth Indiana had met this same force earlier in the morning and undertook to resist them, and did Wounded-Privates, Juo. Kilgannon, Comso until driven back. He then came in their pany B, knee; George L. Daum, Company B, rear whilst they were engaged with the com- arm; Corporals Kline and Ewald, Company G, mand under Capt. Higgins, Company C, Twen-leg; Privates, Ed. Delian, Company G, leg; ty-fourth Ohio, Lieut. Green of the Fourteenth Mikes Mulville, Company G, hand. Indiana, and Lieut. Wood of the Twenty-fifth Missing-Privates Adolph Myer and John Ohio. Sims, Company G.

At this juncture, I was informed that the enemy were moving in my front above the hill east of my camp, where we have usually had a picket station, which point was occupied by Lieut. Junod, Company E, Fourteenth Indiana. The enemy surrounded Junod's command consisting of thirty-five men, with a force five hundred strong, and killed Lieut. Junod and one private; the others have all come into camp.

I soon found that Capts. Brooks and Williamson were driving the enemy to my right flank. I then despatched two companies-one from the Fourteenth Indiana, Co. A, Capt. Foote, and one from the Twenty-fourth Ohio, Capt. -, up Cheat River, to cut off the enemy's retreat. My captains met the enemy two miles above the bridge, scattering them and killing several; captured two prisoners, and retaking one of the wagoners taken early in the morning. The enemy's force on my right flank consisted of the Twenty-fifth Virginia, Col. Heck, Twenty-third, Thirty-first and Thirty-seventh, and also one battalion of Virginians under command of Col. Taliafero. The force which met Capt. Higgins and Lieuts. Green and Wood, consisted of the First Tennessee, Col. George Manny; the Seventh Tennessee, Col. R. Hadden, the Fourteenth Tennessee, Col. Forbes, mustering in all three thousand, commanded by Gen. Anderson.

The aggregate of the enemy's force was near fifty-five hundred; ours, which engaged and repulsed them, was less than three hundred.

We killed near one hundred of the enemy, and wounded a greater number, and have thirteen prisoners.

We recaptured all our teamsters and others whom the enemy had captured in the morning. We have lost a few noble fellows, killed, among whom is Lieut. Junod, Co. E, Fourteenth Indiana. I append a list of killed, wounded, and missing of my command.

General, I think my men have done wonders, and ask God to bless them.

First Lieut. August Junod, Company E. Privates, Geo. Winder, Company E; John Templeton, Company D; Andrew M. Arthur, Company D, accidentally.

TWENTY-FOURTH Oшо.- Wounded: Privates, Abram Thrapp, Company A; John Taylor, Company C; George Bebber, Company E George Carpenter, Company K. None killed o missing.

CAVALRY.-Killed: Farrier, II. C. Brity. Prisoner, Charles Worth.

net and Alfred F. Stump, Company E. Prisoner, TWENTY-FIFTH ОHIо.-Missing: Henry BurJohn Truxill, Company D. (Official)

Assistant Adjutant-General.

September 17, 1861.

Col. N. Kimball, Commanding Post:
I have the honor to submit the following re-
port of the operations of my command at the
skirmishes which occurred four miles from
Camp on the 12th instant:-

My command was composed of ninety men, detailed thirty each from the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Ohio Infantry and the Fourteenth Indiana, accompanied by Lieutenant John T. Wood, Company II, Twenty-fifth Ohio, and Lieutenant_M. Green, Company B, Fourteenth Indiana. I was ordered to proceed with haste to the relief of Captain Coon, of the Fourteenth Indiana, who, on the morning of 11th instant, had been ordered to guard a pass, five miles northwest from Camp, leading from the main road to Elk River. Half a mile from Camp I found three wagons, whose horses and drivers had that morning been taken by rebels, who during the night had lain in large force near the Camp. Hastening on we were met by a cavalry soldier, leading a wounded horse, who stated that the enemy had collected at the entrance of the pass, had shot his horse, and that Captain Coon and party were doubtless cut off; sending a squad of men into the woods on both sides of the road, I proceeded cautiously within sight of the spot where the horse had been shot, when I sent Lieutenant Green with his men to


September 18, 1861.

Col. G. D. Wagner, Commanding Fifteenth
Regiment Indiana Volunteers:
SIR: In accordance with your order "to
proceed on the Manlia Turnpike until I met the
enemy, but not to bring on a general engage-
ment," I marched my command of two hundred
and eighty-five infantry and four dragoons, (the
latter designed to be used as messengers,) on
Sunday, the 8th September, at noon, out of
camp, under the guidance of Dr. Singer, a Union
Virginian, who, having formerly practised in
this and adjoining counties, was thoroughly
acquainted with all the localities.

deploy on the left of the road, and Lieutenant Wood with his men on the right, holding the detail of the Twenty-fourth on the right, near the road, in line, with the others as reserve to check any advance of the enemy on the road, ordering the whole line to move cautiously, covering themselves by trees. The right had proceeded about three rods in this manner, when it was saluted by a volley of at least one hundred guns, with no loss on our side. We returned the volley, and immediately advanced upon the ambush, receiving and returning a second volley. The rebels fled up from the right to the road, where Lieutenant Green came in sight of them and poured in a destructive fire. At this moment we saw a large body of men in utter confusion, pressing back upon The infantry consisted of portions of Company what seemed a larger force in line of battle, in B, Captain Wing, Third Ohio; Company A, spite of all efforts of officers to rally them. Captain Rice; Company C, Captain Comparet; Lieutenant Green, seeing so large a force, fell Company E, Captain Lamb; Company K, Capback upon the reserve, bringing in two wounded tain McCutcheon; and Company II, under Lieumen-private Leonard Daum, wounded in the tenant Werner, all of the Fifteenth Indiana arm, and private John Killgannon, both of Com- Volunteers. Lieutenant Driscoll of the Third pany B, Fourteenth Indiana. I directed the Ohio Volunteers, volunteered to lead a scouting line to be deployed again, but to make no ad- party, consisting of ten Indiana and ten Ohio vance, determining to hold the position until riflemen. Lieutenant Bedford, acting Captain the arrival of reinforcements. After waiting of our scouts, volunteered to accompany the half an hour, Maj. Harron of the Fourteenth expedition. The cavalry was taken from CapIndiana came up with two companies. He im-tain Bracken's Indiana company. Slept the first mediately sent forward a squad of men to reconnoitre; these returned bringing in two prisoners, who reported the force in our front to be General Anderson's brigade of Tennesseeans, numbering three thousand; that we had fallen upon the left wing of his line, and that his was one of three columns of rebel infantry, which during the night had collected at three points to attack the camp.

Learning these facts, Major Harron ordered me to draw in my men and post them as advance gaard two miles nearer Camp. This I did and held the place unmolested until morning, when I was relieved. From the most reliable information I can get, the rebels have lost in that engagement at least fifty killed, besides many wounded.

The actual skirmishing lasted about thirty minutes, but the whole time we held the ground was one hour.

I wish to call the attention of the Colonel commanding this post to the general bravery and coolness of all the men under my command during the engagement. Particularly, I wish to notice the gallant conduct of Lieut. M. Green of Company B, Fourteenth Indiana, and Lieutenant John T. Wood of Company II, Twenty-fifth Ohio, whose steady coolness and daring example had great force in keeping the deployed line unbroken, and in causing so destructive a fire to be poured upon the enemy. I have the honor to be, Colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Capt. Co. C, Twenty-fourth Ohio Infantry,
Commanding Scout.

GEO. S. ROSE, Assistant Adj.-Gen.

night on our arms, with half the command awake at a time, with no fires and perfectly silent. After picketing wherever the cross roads pointed out by Dr. Dyer seemed to demand it, we proceeded at four o'clock P. M., on the 9th instant, toward the Confederate camp at Marshall's store, carefully scouring the laurel bushes. Immediately after the main body, with Captain Wing, in the advance guard, emerged from a dense thicket which lined each side of the road. Our scouts commenced firing, having come so close to the enemy, and so suddenly, that a hand-to-hand scuffle ensued between private Edwards of the Fifteenth Indians, and a Carolina secessionist, while another Fifteenth Indiana scout, Private J. F. Morris, surprised four dragoons at their breakfast, in a house, which proved to be on the farm of Henry Thomas, about three-fourths of a mile north of their camp.

In accordance with instructions previously given to my command, I ordered them to fire by sections, and countermarched to re-form and load in the rear. This was carried out in good order, and with such execution that, as prisoners afterward taken by Colonel Sullivan of the Thirteenth Indiana informed him, we killed fifteen, and wounded about as many more. An officer, who proved to be Major Murray of the Virginia troop, was shot, it is believed, by Lieutenant Bedford, with an En

field rifle.

Knowing that, although there were but three full companies in sight, the enemy was in strong force at a short distance, I considered it prudent, in accordance with your instructions, to retire the command, after all firing on

Richards has had his leg amputated. Private Hovey is slightly wounded; all of Co. D of my regiment. At this time you arrived on the ground and took command. Let me say that

the part of the enemy had ceased, forming for | hit by four balls. Both will recover, but some time as before, faced to the front, but afterward marching in common time, to our camp, eleven miles and a quarter, delaying on the rout long enough to dress the wounds of one of our men-private Frank Cooner of Com-officers and men all did their duty, and I must pany G. Third Ohio, who was wounded in two places, besides receiving a ball through his haversack; but is now doing well.

The force represented by the prisoners in camp near Marshall's store, amounts to eight thousand men; they also report that two pieces of artillery and two regiments of infantry were ordered out in pursuit, doubtless the same-a portion of which, next day, attacked the two companies of your regiment occupying the outposts on that road, viz.: Company D, Capt. Templeton, and Company F, under Lieut. Dean, who so successfully sustained themselves.

The above brief report of our skirmish is submitted with the hope that we carried out your instructions, in the manner you designed. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, RICHARD OWEN

Lieut.-Col. Fifteenth Indiana Volunteers. GEO. S. ROSE, Assistant Adjutant-General.


be allowed to commend to your notice Sergeant Thompson of Co. D, who had command of the first party engaged, as well as the men with him, who stood and fought until half of the party were shot down before they would fall back. I have the honor to be your most obedient servant, Col. G. D. WAGner.

GEO. S. ROSE, Ass't Adj't-General.

LETTER FROM AN INDIANA VOLUNTEER. CAMP CHEAT MOUNTAIN SUMMIT, Sept. 13, 4 o'clock P. M. Within the last thirty-six hours we have had stirring times on Cheat Mountain. But the Star-Spangled Banner still waves, and, indeed,

is more honored than ever before.

At half-past eight o'clock, on yesterday morning, (the 12th,) one of Bracken's cavalry, who had been sent to the foot of the mountain, returned, stating that he had found three of our wagons, which had started a short time before him, on the road some mile and a half distant, without drivers or horses; there also being found blood and other marks of violence. Immediately Col. Brigadier-General J. J. Reynolds : Kimball detailed detachments of companies B, DEAR SIR: On the 9th of the present month, C, and F, of the Fourteenth Indiana regiment, I ordered Capt. Templeton to take companies under Capts. Brooks and Williamson, and LieuD and F, and take possession of and hold the tenant Greene, to search out and punish the Point Mountain Pike, at its junction with the depredators. They had been gone but a few Huntersville Pike, supported by Major Chris-minutes when scattering shots were heard withtopher of the Sixth regiment Ohio, with one hundred men at Conrad's Mills, two miles in the rear. The first position was about eight miles in advance of my camp, and four miles from the enemy's encampment.

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in three-quarters of a mile of our camp. These were followed by a succession of sharp volleys. The ball had opened. They had found and assailed three thousand rebels, (not knowing their number at the time,) who had crept round the On the morning of the 11th, Capt. Temple-mountain and bivouacked the night before, near ton's pickets were attacked by the enemy's the road in our rear, within a few rods of our column advancing down the road; they fell back pickets. But notwithstanding their numbers, on the main force--the enemy still advancing they fled, scattering over the mountain in great in force. Capt. Templeton despatched a dra- confusion, and apparently completely demoral goon for reinforcements. I immediately sent ized, leaving behind them their blankets, clothes, the left wing of the Fifteenth Indiana, under haversacks, and many guns. These volleys were command of Major Wood, with orders to hold the signal for the "beat to arms." Then you the position; but soon after, a scout, who had should have seen the Hoosier and Buckeye boys been posted three miles east of Capt. Temple-fly to arms. The prolonged monotony and irkton, with instructions to report to me any some inactivity were broken. An opportunity movement of the enemy on the left flank, came was about to be given for them to uphold the on and reported a column of two thousand Stars and Stripes, and with them constitutional troops marching in this direction, with the evi-liberty-to do honor to their respective States, dent intention of cutting off Capt. Templeton and Major Christopher. I immediately sent orders for the entire force to fall back on the main force, which they did in good order, bringing off their wounded-having two men killed, one taken prisoner, and three wounded. Privates Kent and Butler killed, of Company F, Capt. White; F. Spooner of the same company was taken prisoner.

The wounded are Corporal Clark and private Richards-both seriously, Clark having been

their friends and themselves, and with a delight and a zest far beyond even that of guests going to a wedding feast, they all flew to their places and prepared for the expected action.

Under the efficient direction of Col. Kimball, who commands this post, (he being just returned from escorting the attacking companies to the scene of action, saying, with a smile and an air of almost supreme delight, “Our boys are peppering them good out there,") aided by Lieut.Col. Mahan and Major Harrow, Col. Ammen,

Lieut. Col. Gilbert and Major


being an object of commiseration when he came in, presented rather a ludicrous appearance, having lost his overcoat, and the right leg of his pants being torn to shreds from one extremity to the other, and having his under garment drawn over the same, but failing to cover more than half the breach. His left foot was shoeless, with its toes protruding through its stocking, and he as wet as a "drowned rat," from the bushes and the terrific and protracted rain storm of the previous night.

of the Twenty-fourth Ohio; Colonel Jones, with his Twenty-fifth Ohio, taking his position in the redoubt; Capt. Daum, of the German Artillery Company, and Lieut. Dalzelle, of the Bracken Rangers; all the forces were, in a few minutes, posted at all the approaches, and there they lay all day, as eager for the enemy as the crouched panther for his prey. Even the members of the bands, the teamsters, the sutlers, the commissary and quartermaster sergeants, and all the sick that could crawl, gathered up the Here I must make "honorable mention" of spare guns, forming a strong corps and present- little John Kelley. He is a little, hardy, sinewy ing quite a belligerent appearance. But no ene- boy of the age of about nine years, small of his my approached the camp, as we had reason age, and nearly always at the captain's heels. strongly to expect, from their having with such He was with him on this long tramp and in this labor come so far to do so, also from the unani-sanguinary struggle, and is reported to have mous testimony of twelve prisoners whom the looked over his gun (for he carries one) at Mr. boys during the day had taken, who also indi- | Secesh, and then coolly cut off his knapsack and cated their number above given; and further, carried it away Company E-the brave and that they had between us and Wagner, on our esteemed Capt. Willard's Crescent City Guards, flank, some six or seven miles distant, twenty-under First Lieut. Junod, the captain being offifive hundred more, of whom I have to speak presently. I could not help smiling, knowing our numbers, ability, and fortifications, when they told us they designed taking our position at the point of the bayonet!

But during the assault of the detachments of companies before named, the slaughter of rebels was terrible. They were stupid, or spell-bound, | or in some way mysteriously affected, so that they fired only an occasional shot, and that but poorly aimed, while our boys, and especially Lient. Greene, with his galiant twenty-five of the Old Post Guards, with a spirit and vim only exhibited by hoosier boys, (or buckeyes,) pursued them, strewing the pass and the mountains with their slain.

On the previous evening Capt. Coon, of Vincennes, with detachments from the different regiments, (sixty men in all,) had been sent some seven miles to the southeast, and to our rear, to picket a bridle path leading from a point on the pass three miles west of us, across to Wagner's camp. Early in the morning he found himself cut off by the twenty-five hundred rebels before mentioned, they being widely scattered over the mountains between here and the camp. Then and there he called up his command, and put the question: Shall we cut our way through to the camp, or die in the attempt? His question was answered by his heroic band in the affirmative, and then they took up their line of march, and for hours dealt out slaughter and death to the scattered ambushing foe, who closely contested their passage for several miles. At one time they shot seven secesh horses, whose riders they had laid low, to prevent their recapture by the enemy. At four o'clock P. M. he came into camp amid the congratulations and even tears of friends. A number of his corps had, however, become separated from their fellows, and did not get in till to-day, two of them being quite severely wounded. I believe there are now but three of them missing, one of them being of Bracken's Cavalry. Capt. C., while


cer of the day-on the previous evening had been picketed on the hill three miles in our advance. Early in the morning they were cut off and fired into by about five hundred of the enemy, and they fell into ambush; but not knowing that they were entirely cut off, and by such a force, George Weinder, of Evansville, started to head-quarters for reinforcements, but had gone but a few rods when a heavy volley from the roadside was poured upon him, and he fell dead. Then at the earnest solicitation of a private, who has performed some daring feats with the enemy, the lieutenant sallied forth to give them battle. But they had proceeded but a few paces in the road, when a galling fire from far superior numbers fell upon them, which they returned; but the esteemed Junod, at the head of his column, received a ball through the upper portion of the head, and fell dead upon the ground.

The remainder seeing themselves cut off and assailed by such odds, who were then charging on them, scattered into the almost impenetrable forest on the opposite side of the road, each one to take care of himself. One, however, who had the lock of his gun shot off, seeing that escape was out of the question, threw up his hands and fell on his face as if dead, and the enemy's forces retreated "double quick" over him and the dead, stepping on his back and limbs, taking his gun, and passing quickly away, uttering the most horrid imprecations concerning Yankees and abolitionists. Looking out of one eye slightly opened, he saw when they were gone, then arose and came to camp. One of the foemen, however, did turn aside to pursue Ira Duncan, of Evansville, cheering for Jeff. Davis. But he not being of the proper material either to run from or surrender to a single traitor, when his pursuer was within a few feet of him, turned round, and they both at the same moment raised their guns to their faces, but Mr. Secesh was too slow, and Ira went on his way unmolested. At this writing, all but five of

this company are in camp. Two are killed and three missing. Company A, Capt. Foote, at an early hour was sent to Cheat River bridge, to deploy up the river, taking their position one and a half miles up it trom the bridge. Lieut. Robert Catterson, with a small detachment, was sent up still further, and he again sent two men in advance, when they saw the rebels coming up with two of the twenty-five men who had been taken prisoners. The two advances selected each his man, and pulled trigger, one of them previously, as he said, "uttering a short prayer for his victim," whose chest was then burst open by his annihilating Minié ball; the other man's gun failing to discharge, they took the two living secesh prisoners, and recaptured the two Ohio boys. Indeed, I believe there were a few men of the Twenty-fourth Ohio who came up and rendered slight service at the conclusion of the action.

This afternoon the remains of Junod and Weinder were carried in by their companions in peril, they refusing to permit the ambulance, which accompanied them, to carry them. They were buried with decency and honor. So also was John Templeton, of Company D, whom the enemy shot through the ear, stunning him, and taking him prisoner, and afterward bayoneting him through the head, it appears, because he proved an incumbrance to them.

sell, Sproston, Blake, and Midshipman Steece, respectively, assisted by Captain_Reynolds, of the marines, Assistant-Surgeon Kennedy, Assistant-Engineer White, Gunner Horton, and Midshipmen Forrest and Higginson, The whole force detailed consisted of about one hundred men, officers, sailors, and marines. The object of the expedition was the destruction of a schooner which lay off the Pensacola Navy Yard, supposed to be fitting out as a privateer, and the spiking of a gun, in battery, at the southeast end of the yard.

The movements of the schooner had been assiduously watched for several days and nights, and I deemed it so morally certain that she was intended for a privateer that I determined the attempt should be made to destroy her, even in face of the fearful odds which would have to be encountered. Lieutenant Russell had charge of the expedition, and, with Lieutenant Blake, was to attack the vessel, while Lieutenant Sproston and Midshipman Steece spiked the guns.

The attack was made on the morning of the 14th instant, at half-past three o'clock. The schooner, named the Judal, was found moored to the wharf, under the protection of a battery and field-piece, and to be armed with a pivot and four broadside guns. Her crew were on her, and prepared to receive our forces, pour

Communication is open again with head-quar-ing in a volley of musketry as the boat neared ters at Wagner's, we being reinforced this afternoon by the Thirteenth Indiana and Third Ohio. The enemy seems driven from our rear.

Wagner was attacked yesterday morning also, but repulsed them by a few rounds. Soon after the attack in our rear, there appeared on the hill, three miles east of us, quite a force, and continuing there nearly ever since, wondering, doubtless, why they cannot see their forces in camp, so that they can rush to the onslaught.

A glorious victory! We have, (that is, our regiment,) at this writing, but three killed and five missing, and not half a dozen wounded. All our regiments have not lost more than twelve. The enemy's loss we cannot exactly determine, though it cannot be less than one hundred, twelve of them being prisoners. Our men, actually engaged, did not amount to more than one hundred and fifty.


-Cincinnati Gazette, Sept. 23.

Doc. 49.


SEPTEMBER 13, 1861.


the vessel. A desperate resistance was made from the decks of the schooner, but her men were driven off on to the wharf by our boarders, where they rallied and were joined by the guard, and kept up a continued fire upon our men.

In the mean time the vessel was set on fire in several places. That which finally consumed her was lighted in the cabin by Assistant-Engineer White, and a coal heaver, Patrick Driscoll, who went as a volunteer. She burned to the water's edge, and has since, while burning, been set free from her moorings, and has drifted down opposite Fort Barrancas, where she sunk.

Of the party assigned to the spiking of the gun, only Lieutenant Sproston and gunner Horton were able, after considerable search, to find it, the party becoming separated in the darkness. No opposition was made to their landing; Midshipman Steece, with his command, had gone to the aid of those on the schooner, where he performed valuable service. Very fortunately, only one man was found in charge of the gun, and he immediately levelled his piece at Lieutenant Sproston, but was shot down by gunner Horton before he could obtain certain aim. Both pieces exploded simultaneously. The gun, which was found to be a ten-inch columbiad, was immediately spiked, and, bringing off its tompion, these two officers returned to their boat.

UNITED STATES FLAGSHIP COLORADO, OFF FORT PICKENS, September 15, 1861. SIR: I have the honor to inform you that a boat expedition was fitted out from this ship The work proposed having thus been well on the night of the 13th instant, consisting of and thoroughly done in the short space of fifthe first launch, and first, second, and third cut-teen minutes, and the whole force of the enemy ters, under the commands of Lieutenant Rus- in the yard-reported by deserters as over one

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