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be established. It was proposed in the first instance to work the whole system under the general supervision of a Committee of Privy Council for Scotch Education sitting in London and administering the Parliamentary grant. The bill on the whole was favourably received by the Scotch members, and after some detailed criticism on the composition of the proposed Board, and the concessions made to heritors presently rated for the support of schools, was committed for a second reading on the 27th.

13.-The Cunard Mediterranean steamer Morocco, with a cargo valued at 150,000l., sinks in the Mersey, after coming into collision with the new Greek steamer Wyoming.

14.-Replying to Lord Cairns' criticism of Mr. Gladstone's statement in the House of Commons, Earl Granville reports that it was well known Lord Palmerston did not attach great importance to the Black Sea clauses of the Treaty of Paris, but on the contrary thought there might be a demand for their modification within ten years or possibly less.

- Surrender of Belfort under a convention permitting the garrison to leave the fortress with all the honours of war. An armistice was concluded at the same time for the Côte d'Or, Jura, and Doubs.

15. Mr. Chambers' Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister Bill read a second time in the Commons by 125 to 84 votes.

In the Upper House of Convocation a motion submitted by the Bishop of Winchester, excluding Unitarians from the work of revising the Authorized Version of Scripture, was carried by a majority of 10 to 4. In the Lower House this resolution was so far modified as to preclude any expression of opinion on the point raised till a special committee appointed for the purpose had made their report.

Parliament of the Dominion of Canada opened, the Governor-General congratulating the House upon the auspicious circumstances of the country, and speaking in high terms of the gallant manner in which the Fenian invasion had been suppressed. Canada, it was urged, made no demand beyond what she was entitled to by treaty and the law of nations, nor had she sought to maintain the rights of her people in any other than a considerate, friendly spirit.

16. In the House of Lords the Duke of Somerset obtains the appointment of a committee to inquire into "the constitution of the Board of Admiralty with reference to recent changes, and to the practical working of the department."

Official intimation given that sealed letters may now be forwarded to Paris.

Recent negotiations between M. Jules Favre and Count Bismarck, at Versailles, result in the prolongation of the armistice for five days-to the 24th.

Proposal made in the Italian Chamber for attaching a condition to the Pope's Guaran

tee Bill for expelling the Jesuits out of Italian territory.

16.-Replying to a question submitted by Sir J. Hay, as to whether Mr. Odo Russell was instructed by her Majesty's Government to say that the Black Sea question was of a nature in its present state to compel us, with or without allies, to go to war with Russia, Mr. Gladstone said Mr. Russell had on this point spoken without authority; but he did not attach the slightest blame to Mr. Russell, "because it is perfectly well known that the duty of her Majesty's diplomatic agents requires them to express themselves in that mode in which they can best support and recommend the propositions of which they wish to procure acceptance." Mr. Odo Russell afterwards explained that the reasons inducing him to use such an argument were, that Great Britain was bound by the Treaty of 1856, that Prince Gortschakoff's note assumed the right of Russia to renounce either the whole or part, that France was otherwise engaged, and Austria unprepared.

Mr. Gladstone's motion for a grant of 30,000l. as a dowry to the Princess Louise carried by a majority of 350 to 1 (Professor Fawcett) and two tellers-Mr. Taylor and Sir C. Dilke.

17. Came on in the Court of Queen's Bench, the action raised by Mr. G. A. Sala against Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton, for libellous matter embodied in a work written by Mr. Hain Friswell, "Modern Men of Letters Honestly Criticized," and of which the defendants were the publishers. The article advanced a number of insinuations of an offensive nature against the private character of the plaintiff, mixed up with some indiscriminate laudation of his talents and capacities. On the second day of trial the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff damages, 500%.

The Upper House of Convocation engage in the discussion of a petition signed by 900 clergymen of the Church of England, protesting against the decisions of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, on the ground that it was a lay tribunal and unsuited for the decision of spiritual affairs. After a debate as to the terms of the petition, it was ordered to lie on the table. In the Lower House Dean Stanley defended his proceedings in the matter known as the "Westminster Communion." Nothing, he said, which the House might think fit to pass should prevent him from acting on the principle upon which he had acted when he was the celebrant in Henry the Seventh's Chapel; and, more, nothing which this House could pass could deprive him of his right as a clergyman to administer the Sacrament under other laws and other rules than the laws and rules of the Church of England. Nor would he allow himself to be brought down from the high position which his office gave him by any vote; and he quoted the words of American bishops as to the true catholicity of

the English Church, in its being unfenced about by declarations required in some sects, thanking God from the bottom of his heart that the English Church was thus free, that he had had the opportunity of showing this before the face of the world, and that he was able thus to follow Bishop Wilson's well-known acts.

17.-M. Thiers appointed Head of the Executive Power, and M. Grévy President of the Bordeaux National Assembly. A declaration laid on the table from the Deputies of the Lower and Upper Rhine, Meurthe, and Moselle affirmed that "Peace in consideration of a cession of territory will never be a durable peace, but merely a momentary truce, which As would soon be followed by another war.

to ourselves, inhabitants of Alsace and Lorraine, we are ready to resume fighting, and therefore we shall beforehand hold as null and void any offers, treaty, votes, or plébiscite which would have for effect to sever Alsace and Lorraine from France. We proclaim our right to remain united to French soil, and we formally engage to defend our honour." The discussion on the declaration was voted urgent, and the Committee to whom it was committed promised that it would be passed to the Deputies entrusted to negotiate with Prussia.


Mr. Cardwell introduces the army estimates, the amount proposed to be voted being 15,851,700/. or 2,886,700l. in excess of the preceding year. He took occasion to describe in detail the various features of army reform which the Government had resolved on introducing. "We propose (he said) to increase the Militia, to organize the Volunteers, to provide for compulsory service in cases emergency, to abolish purchase, to withdraw from lord-lieutenants the power they have now in regard to the auxiliary forces (retaining their recommendation for first commissions), to combine the whole under general officers, to appoint colonels on the staff in sufficient numbers to this army, to combine recruiting for the Line with that of the command of Reserves, to fuse together as we can the Regular and Reserve forces by appointing officers of the Regular army to positions in the Reserve, and by giving subalterns of Militia commissions in the Line. We propose to brigade them together, to find field artillery for all armies, to enable counties to get rid of the inconvenience of billets, to gain command of the railway communication of the country in case of emergency-in short, we propose to unite all the voluntary forces of the country into one defensive army, with power to supplement by compulsion in cases of emergency-all to be under the command of the general officers commanding in districts, subordinate to one Commander-in-Chief, who will act with the approval of the Secretary of State; and, therefore, the whole will be under the direction and supreme control of her Majesty's responsible Ministers."

18.-Rowell, the railway stoker concerned in the fatal collision at Citadel Station, Carlisle,

in July last, tried at the Cumberland Assizes, and acquitted, on the charge of manslaughter. (See July 11.)

18. Close of the Bavarian Diet, Prince Adalbert in the name of the King expressing a determination to remain loyally attached to the whole Fatherland.


The Danube, owing to an accumulation of ice, overflows its banks at Vienna and causes about 3,000 people to quit their dwellings.

19. In the National Assembly to-day M. Thiers read a speech, in which he stated that, though appalled at the painful task imposed upon him by the country, he accepted it with obedience, devotion, and love-sentiments of which France stood all the more in need, inasmuch as she was unfortunate-more unfortunate than at any former period of her history, But, he added, she is still great, young, rich, and full of resources, and will always remain a lasting monument of human energy. M. Thiers then announced that in selecting the following members of the Ministry he had been guided solely by the public esteem they enjoyed and their public character and capacities :-M. Dufaure-Minister of Justice; M. Jules Favre

-Minister of Foreign Affairs; M. PicardMinister of the Interior; M. Jules SimonMinister of Public Instruction; M. Lambrecht -Minister of Commerce; General Le FloMinister of War; Admiral Pothuan-Minister of Marine. M. Jules Favre said the Government has deemed it necessary to unite Parliamentary powers with those of the Executive, and proposes in consequence that, in order to facilitate the negotiations, the Assembly should appoint a committee of fifteen deputies to proceed at once to Paris, who will be in constant com. munication with the negotiators; the latter empowered to negotiate in the name of the country, and the commission to report to the Assembly. A deputation proceeded to Versailles to-night to ascertain the German terms of peace.

Attempt to assassinate Señor Riaz Zorrilla, ex-President of the Cortes, while walking near Calle San Roque, Madrid.

20. In committee to-night on the University Tests Bill, Mr. Fawcett's motion to abolish the restrictions in favour of clerical headships and fellowships was rejected by 182 to 160 votes. The majority included several members of the Opposition, while the minority were mostly pledged supporters of Government In the course of a debate on Mr. Stephenson's amendment to remove from Clause 3 the ex ception in favour of Divinity Degrees, Mr. Gladstone explained that he was under promise to send up to the House of Lords a bill similar to last year's; so far as Mr. Fawcett's wish that the Government would ponder was concerned, all he could say was that Government had seriously pondered the matter, and their decision was irrevocable; but it was open for Mr. Fawcett to take any course he liked. If the House disapproved of the measure, some private member must take it up.

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The French mails forwarded to Paris by way of Calais for the first time since the investment of the city by German troops. Regular railway service was established with Belgium on the 23rd.

Wide currency being now given to a rumour that the Germans intended to make a triumphal march into Paris, General Trochu writes:-"Since the enemy so desires, let the government of the city be given over to him, and let him bear alone the odium and responsibilities of his violence. As a mute and solemn protest, let the gates remain closed, and let him open them with his artillery, to which Paris disarmed will make no reply; and let us leave the judgment of our cause to truth, justice, and history."

21. Mr. Trevelyan's motion for altering the tenure of the Commander-in-Chief's office, so as to enable the Secretary for War freely to avail himself of the best administrative talent and most recent military experience, rejected after debate by a majority of 201 to 83 votes.

22.-Versailles intelligence makes mention of a further extension of the armistice, to the 26th, a concession looked on in the City as confirmatory of rumours now current regarding an immediate and lasting peace. M. Thiers was received by the Emperor William this forenoon, and General Chanzy by the Crown Prince.

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23. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council give judgment in the appeal of the Rev. Mr. Purchas, known as the " Brighton Ritual case." Their lordships considered that Mr. Purchas had offended against ecclesiastical law by wearing the chasuble, alb, and tunicle during the Communion service; by using wine mixed with water and wafer bread in the administration of the Communion; and by standing with his back to the people, between the Communion table and the congregation, during the consecration prayer. The charges of wearing a cap called a biretta, and of using holy water, were not suiciently proved to enable their lordships to come to a decision ; and on these points, therefore, the appeal was disallowed. The appellant was condemned in costs in both courts.

Lord Hartington gives notice of his intention to move for a Secret Committee to inquire into the state of the counties of Westmeath, Meath, and King's County, the existence of unlawful combinations there, and the best means of suppressing them. The proposal gave rise to a sharp debate on the 27th, when Mr. Disraeli taunted the Premier with having recourse to a Committee of the kind proposed after being selected as the only man capable of dealing with the evils of Ireland, and backed by a majority which had legalized confiscation, consecrated sacrilege, and condoned high treason.

24. Mr. Grant-Duff submits to a thin House the Indian financial statement for the year 1870-71, showing an estimated revenue of 51,000,000l. and an expenditure of 50,000,000/

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Count Bernstorff presents his credentials as German Ambassador to the Queen at Buckingham Palace, and the Duc de Broglie as Ambassador for the Government of France, now recognised by nearly all the European Powers.

Mr. Disraeli introduces a debate on the Black Sea Treaty by calling attention to the "mysterious inconsistency" of the Government regarding that question, and charges the Premier with confounding his own private and unpopular views with the policy of the Govern ment of 1856, so far as to impute to departed statesmen of great eminence opinions which they did not hold, and contrary indeed to all their expressed convictions. Mr. Gladstone made an animated reply, imputing to his assailant artifice and ignorance, and explaining that the language said to have been used by Mr. Odo Russell recently at Versailles was in reality the language of Count Bismarck. As

far as the object of the Conference was concerned, it was intended, he said, "to receive, in a manner compatible with and conformable to public international law, the representations that Russia may have to make, to give to those representations a fair, candid, and friendly hearing, and to consider, renovate, and, if need be, fortify any of the other provisions of the Treaty of 1856, against which it may be found by the Conference any reasonable objection can be raised."

24.-Anniversary of the French Revolution of 1848 celebrated in Paris by a demonstration at the graves of citizens shot in the Place de la Bastile.

25.-Anxious discussion of terms of peace at Versailles, the conference to-day being protracted over a period of fully eight hours. It is now given out as one result of the negotiations that Paris is to be occupied for a brief period by Germans.


26.-Treaty of peace between Germany and France concluded at Versailles, the preliminary conditions, after much patient negotiation, being signed this (Sunday) afternoon by the high contracting parties. The Emperor William, "with a deeply-moved heart and with gratitude to God," telegraphed the result at once to Berlin, while the French Executive gave instruction to all the Prefects, and recommended them to inform military commanders of the fact. The negotiations were conducted with the utmost secrecy, and removed altogether from any influence likely to be exercised by neutrals either for advice or guarantee. most serious discussion took place regarding the surrender of Metz, which the French negotiators opposed till they saw that continued resistance imperilled the cause of peace, and might probably end in a renewal of hostilities at the termination of the armistice at midnight. The only modification the Germans were understood to have made in the original severity of their terms was the restitution of the fortress of Belfort commanding the passes in the Vosges, conceded, it was said, as an equivalent for permitting the German army to march through Paris. The major conditions of the Treaty were the cession of Alsace and German Lorraine, and the payment of a war indemnity of five milliards of franks (200,000,000/.)-demands it was thought as great as Europe would allow, and not unlikely to create a permanent feeling of hatred between the two countries. The boundary of the new frontier was described as commencing at the north-west portion of the Canton of Cattenom, towards the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, tending southward to Rezonville, south-eastward to St. Marie, and again southward to the Swiss frontier by way of St. Maurice, Giromaguy, and Delle. The payment, it was stipulated, of one milliard of

francs was to take place during 1871, and the remainder within three years from the ratification of the present preliminaries. The 3rd Article provided for the gradual withdrawal of the German troops from France in proportion as the indemmity was paid or financial guarantees given. By a Convention subjoined to the Treaty it was provided that “the part of the city of Paris in the interior of the enceinte comprehended between the Seine, the Rue du Faubourg St. Honoré, and the Avenue des Ternes, shall be occupied by German troops, the number of which shall not exceed 30,000 men. The mode of occupation, and the dispositions for the lodging of the German troops, in this part of the city, shall be regulated by an understanding between two officers of the two armies; and access to that quarter shall be interdicted to the French troops, and to the armed National Guard, while the occupation lasts." The last conference over, M. Thiers and his friends returned to Paris, where a delegation and Council were summoned to receive their report preparatory to submitting it for ratification to the National Assembly.

27.-Deputies of the Extreme Left meet a Bordeaux, to protest against any peace based upon the cession of territory.

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28.-Debate in the National Assembly at Bordeaux on the terms of the Treaty of Peace. In the afternoon, amid the most profound silence, M. Thiers said: "We have accepted a painful mission, and, after having used all possible endeavours, we come with regret to submit to your approval a bill for which we ask urgency. Art. 1. The National Assembly, forced by necessity, is not responsible, and adopts the preliminaries of peace signed at Versailles on the 26th of February.' At this point M. Thiers was so overpowered by his feelings, that he had to descend from the tribune and leave the hall while the details of the treaty were read by M. Barthélemy St. Hilaire. At the conclusion of the debate, M. Thiers made an animated appeal to the Deputies to share the responsibility already incurred, and not to refrain from voting. Next day, when the victorious Germans entered Paris in triumph, the terms of the treaty were ratified by 546 votes to 107. At the same sitting a formal proposal was submitted, amid enthusiastic cheers, for the deposition of Napoleon III. as the person "responsible for all our misfortunes, the ruin, the invasion, and the dismemberment of France." The ex-Emperor was permitted to leave Wilhelmshöhe on the 19th March, and on the 20th arrived at Dover, where he received a welcome reception, and was met by the Empress Eugénie and the Prince Imperial, with various members of the late Court, who accompanied him to Chislehurst.


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