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Cornwallis, (Lord), his administrations in
India, 177, 178

Court of Chancery-see Chancery
Cradock, (J.), his second volume of me-
moirs, their trifling character, 423-his
account of the ascent of the Duke of
Orleans in a balloon, 429-visits the
coral manufactury at Marseilles, 430
Creation, Mosaic account of compatible
with the laws of physiology, 515
Cresy, (Mrs. Edward), her translations
of Milizias' lives of celebrated architects,

Crimea, the Italy of Russia, description
of, 122

Criticisms, dramatic, by Tieck, 457
Croly, (Rev. Mr.), his poetical" dirge,"
285-his poem of the Enchanted Cas-
tle, 286

Crusca, de la, dictionary of, controversy
respecting its authority, 480
Cumberland, Richard, his British theatre,
the cheapest and most complete col-
lection of plays ever given to the pub-
lic, 365

Cupola, celebrated octangular
Florence, 131

one in

Cuvier, Baron, charges of Dr. Desmoulins
against him, 505

[ocr errors]

Cylinder, description of large one to be
used in a newly projected mode of con-
veyance, 227, 229

Cymbeline, play of, remarks on its per-
formance, 458


Dagley, (R.), his Death's Doings cen-
sured, 305

Dandy, the derivation of, 111-account

of an antient one by Theophrastus,
Dantzic, one of the chief depots in the
north of Europe for the exportation of
corn, 2

Deaf and Dumb, a concise exposition of

the method of instructing them, by G.
Young, 105

Death, failure of the project for substi-
tuting labour and imprisonment for the
punishment of death in the United
States of America, 57

Death's Doings, a publication by R. Dag-
ley, 305

Debt, public, see Fundholder

Defensio Regia, by Salmasius, attracts
universal attention, order in council
against its introduction into England,
Democracy, the experiment of, tried
under most advantageous circumstances
in America, 48

Desmoulins, (Dr.), his natural history of

the human race-attack on Baron Cu
vier, 505-his errors and false conclu
sions, 514, 515

Dictionary, (Dr.) Jamieson's mechanica
one, examined, 234-see Jamieson
Diet, a treatise on, by Dr. Paris, 37
Dinner, French, a description of, 94-
improvements upon, ib.-habits of the
French at dinner, 95

Diocletian, edict of, fixing the prices of
provisions, 326

Dog, travels of the dog Keeper, in search
of his master, 223

Drama, reasons why good writers do not
attempt it, 371-see Acting Theatres,
also Tieck

Dramatic Criticisms by Tieck, 457
Dwarf, account of one, 346


Ebsambal, Temple of, account of it, 337
Education, thoughts on female, 329-
important suggestions respecting, 331
-see Deaf and Dumb
Elbing, one of the chief depots in the
north of Europe, for the exportation d
corn, 2

Elephant, instance of the intellectual fa
culties of one, 295

Elsevier, (Daniel), his letter declining to
publish Millin's Letters, and Treatise
on Theology, 271

England, her superior fertility owing
equally to her manufactures and agri-
culture, 12-expensiveness of compared
with that of foreign countries, 89, 90
Englishmen, their spirit of excursion un-
intelligible to foreigners, 89
Equity-see Chancery

Etiquette, points of in French manners,
not generally known, 95
Etymons of English words, by the late
John Thompson, 110
Evidence, mode of taking it in the Court
of Chancery, seriously defective-the
reason of the commissioners of Inquiry
for not proposing to alter it, stated,
251, 252
Exceptions, a proceeding in the Court of
Chancery, 247, 248


Fanatic, curious account of one in Russia,

Farmer-see Agriculturist

Faustus, Doctor, his conjectured identity

with the inventor of typography, 145
Federal system in America-able publica
tions in defence of, 516-see Federa
list-the security it affords to the rights
of the people, 522

Federalist, The, a collection of letters on
the constitution of the United States,
by Messrs Hamilton, Madison, and
Jay-object of the work, 516-it is a
masterly comment on the constitution,
518-perusal of it recommended to
Englishmen, 526-see America
Females, important suggestions for the
education of young, 331

Feudal system, the, relaxed in Poland, 8
Fiction, materials for an essay on German
works of, pointed out, 138
Food, animal, the nature of, 39
Four years in France; a narrative of an
English family's residence there during
that period; preceded by some account
of the author's conversion to the Catho-
lic faith, 87-character of the author,
88-the merit of his work as a family
picture, ib.

Forget me-not, an annual publication, its
character, 284

Fortitude, instance of it, 472

Fouqué, (Baroness de la Motte), stories
from the German of, 526-her tale of
the Castle of Scharfenstein, 531
France, poetry of, difficulties attending
its composition, 466-success of fo-
reigners in, 467-narrative of four
years' residence in, 87

Frank, (Miss), her memoirs of the life and
writings of Lindley Murray--her esti-
mate of his character, 293

Fulton's Pronouncing Vocabulary, 105,

Fundholder, an ad valorem tax recom-
mended to be laid on the annual produce
of the funds, 315


Gallies, War, of the antients, Treatise on
by John Howell, 403
Gamba,(Chevalier), his travels into South-
ern Russia-his suspicions of British
commercial policy-labours to revive
Napoleon's continental system against
Great Britain, 447

Garrick, (David), anecdote of, 346
Garrence, or madder, grown in the neigh-
bourhood of Avignon, 96

Garum, the famous sauce of the Romans,
distilled from decayed fish, 41
Gas, natural lights produced from it at
Bakou, a port in the Caspian Sea, ap-
plied to superstitious purposes, 456
Gauchos, inhabitants of the Pampas, ae-
count of, 156

George 3d, anecdote of, 433

German, Stories from the, selected from
the works of Hoffman, de la Motte,
Fouqué, Pichler, Kruse and others, by
R. P. Gillies, 526

German Novelists, The, by Mr. Roscoe,
account of, 137-character of German
novels, 138

Germany, notes and reflections during a
ramble in merits of the work, 352,

Gillies, (R. P.), his version of German

Stories his merits as a translator, 526
Gilley, (Rev. Mr.), his paper on the Albi-
genses in the Amulet, objectionable for
its sectarian warmth, 275

Glory, what it has cost Great Britain,

Göthe, his Rifleman's comrade, 434-

his remarks on Manzoni's tragedy of
Camagnola, 484

Good, (Dr.), his book of nature, 70
Government, it cannot, by active interfer-
ence, enrich the people, 311

Grammar of the Portuguese language by
John Laycock, 105

Grammar, English, Lindley Murray's:
origin of, 300

Guebres, superstitions of, 456
Gypsies, Russian, account of, 120

[blocks in formation]

Hanging, why held honourable by the
Americans, 280

Haricot seeds, grown in the neighbour-
hood of Avignon, 96

Hastings, (Warren), his administration in
India, 174

Hastings (Marquis) of, his administration
in India, 180

Head (Captain), journey of, across the
Pampas, and among the Andes, 152-
his illiberal censures on manners, 153,
158, 162

Heman's, (Mrs), her poem called "a Bet-
ter Land," 397

Henderson, (E.), his Biblical Researches,
and Travels in Russia, 113, character
of that work, 114, 124-failure of his
biblical mission to Russia, 124
Hibbert, Robert, his hints to a young Ja-
maica sugar planter, 218

High Life below stairs, a farce, the tu-
mult it occasioned in the gallery, the
cause of making it a pay place, 348
Hoffman, select stories from the German
of, by R. P. Gillies, 526

[blocks in formation]

Jamieson, (Dr.), his mechanical dictionary

-its title ridiculed, 234-its preten-
sions examined, shewn not to be a new
work-not to be a dictionary of mecha-
nical science-and not to be a dicti-
onary of science of any sort, 238
Jay, (Mr.), a contributor to the American
work, the Federalist, 518

Ice, set of, in a westerly direction, re-

marked upon, 67, 68

Jellies and other glutinous matters, not
easy of digestion, 41-reason of this,
Jews, condition of in Poland, 7-in

Southern Russia, their eagerness to get
copies of the New Testament accounted
for, 116-their mode of multiplying the
copies of the Old Testament, 117
Improvement of towns, petitions respect-
ing, passed in 1825 and 1826, 27-de-
crease in those petitions not so great as
might have been expected, 128
Inconsistency, a defence of by Dr. Parr,

Indla, British, Malcolm's political history
of, 167

Ingush, a sect, curious description of,

Inns in Germany, account of, 357
Inquiry, result of, into the abuses in
Chancery-see Chancery
Intercourse, improvement in internal in-
tercourse extraordinary, in the last
seventy years, 225

[blocks in formation]

Labour, nations of whose staple commo-
dities labour has furnished the greater
portions, and nature the less, have the
advantage in the market, 208
La Bruyere, his translations of the cha-
racters of Theophrastus, 210
Ladies, French, no impropriety in their
receiving visitors in their bed rooms,
92, 93-see Females

Land, value of in Prussia, 5-course of
its cultivation, ib.

Land, proprietors of in Prussia, repre-

sented to be in great distress, 6
Landon, (Miss), her serenade, 306
Landschaft, or states, their valuation of

certain estates in Prussia, and scheme
for borrowing money upon them,-6
their appeal to the king of Prussia
against the English corn laws, ib.
Language, character of several European
languages, 473-controversy respecting
Italian, 480-the English, its derivation
110-see Good-Grammar

Lavapie, the St. Giles's of Madrid, des-
cribed, 34-adventures of Sandoval
there, 34, 35, 36

Law, the jargon of its language, one rea-
son why the amendments in jurispru-
dence have not kept pace with other
improvements, 241

Lawrence, (Dr.), his opinions that the
different races of men are only varieties
of the same species, well founded,


Laws, Corn-see Corn

Lawyer, the Cabinet, a useful, but inac-
curate publication, 332
Laycock, (John), his grammar of the Por-
tuguese language, 105

Leake, (Colonel), his publication of a
curious edict of Diocletian's for fixing
the prices of provisions, 326
Leisure Hours, by Moritz Arndt, 476
Lemon, (Robert), deputy keeper of the
state papers-his industrious and ac-
curate searches respecting Milton's his-
tory, 259

Lesghis, robbers, account of, 452, 453
List of petitions and private bills in par-
liament, and proceedings thereupon,
session 1826, 27-compared with that
of 1825, 27

Lives of celebrated architects, 129-see
Bateman, Biographical Sketches, Klop-
stock, Murray, North

Llanos, (Mr.), his Sandoval, or the Free-
mason, a Spanish tale, 30
Longobards, some account of, 486-the
fall of, 487, 488

Lope, (de Vega), notice of—his labours

in verse-character of his writings,

Lover, tragical adventure of one, 472
Lungs, the, give off eleven ounces of car-
bon, and twenty of water, as it is esti-
mated, during the twenty-four hours,

[blocks in formation]

Magnetic needle, discoveries concerning
its variations and change of intensity,
63-the influence of the local attrac-
tion corrected by Mr. Barlow's plate,

Man, natural history of, by Dr. Desmou-
lins, 505-see also Good-Physiology
Mangles (Capt.)-see Irby
Manzoni, works of, 480

Marriage, mode of negociating it amongst
the Moravians, 299

Marvell (Andrew), associated with Mil-
ton in the office of Latin Secretary-
letter of Milton to Bradshaw in his
favour, 269

Mary, sister of Lazarus, beautiful poetical
picture of her death, 496

Masters, in Chancery, their duties, 243
Materialism, the medical profession prope
to, 84, 85, 86-see Bateman
Maury (Don Juan Maria), his poetry of
Spain, 466

May, the first of, a German story, 536
Mechanical, (Dr.) Jamieson's dictionary

of mechanical science, examined, 234
Memoirs of J. Cradock, vol. 2d, 428
Mendoza, description of, 159
Messiah, Klopstock's, poem of, the new

English translation of, by a lady, 493
Milizia (Francesco), his lives of cele-
brated architects, in Italian, translated
into English, 125-account of his life,

Miller (William), his


sketches of British characters recently
deceased, &c., 112

Millhouse (Robert), his song of the Pa-

triot, sonnets and songs, 108, 109, 110
Milton (John), some account of the life
and writings of, by the Rev. H. J. Todd,
estimate of the character of, 258-dis-
coveries in State Paper Office relating
to, 259
Mine, description of one, 358-mines
South American, (Captain) Head's
account of one, 165-remarks on spe-
culations in, 165, 166

Mitford (Miss Mary R.), her story of
the "Chalk Pit," 283-her story of
"Grace Neville," 287-her "Sketches
of Rural Character," her style and
manner, 316, 318-extracts, 324-her
story of" the Queen of the Meadow,"
Monasteries, remarks on their overthrow,

Money, value of Roman, explained, 327
Monopoly, in corn trade, injurious, 203-
in the drama, 374.

Monti, an Italian writer, notice of, 481,

Moon, distorted appearances of the, ob-
served by Captain Parry and his asso-
ciates, 64

Moore (Ann), the fasting woman of Tut-
bury, her singular case, 73, 74
Moravians, account of a settlement of, in
Pennsylvania, 298

Mortgages, deemed an ordinary appen-
dage to a Polish estate, 9
Murray(Lindley), life and writings of, by
Miss Frank, 293


Napoleon Bonaparte, odes to, 491, 492
-his son, some particulars relating to,

Nature, the book of, by (Dr.) Good, 70
Navigation, petitions respecting in 1825
and 1826, 27

Needle, magnetic-see Magnetic
Negro, character of, described, 218
Nice, a description of, 101-its terrace
lined with orange trees, 102-its port,
pier, cathedral, &c., ib.
Nixon's English Parser, 106
Nobility, cheapness of in Poland, 9,—see

Normans, singular petition of, sung to
the late king of France, on his restora-
tion, 92

North (Sir Dudley), his character, 12, 13
North (Right Hon. Francis), his cha-
racter, 12, 13

North (the Hon. and Rev. John, his cha-
rácter, 12, 13

North (the Hon. Roger), his character-

his lives of his three brothers, 12, 13,

North-west passage, journal of a third
voyage for the discovery of, by Captain
Parry, 59

Novelists, German-see German
Nubians, account of, 339
Number-books, description of, a bad class
of, 235, 236, 237

Oils, difficult to be digested, 41

O'Keefe, recollections of the life of, by
himself, 343

Orleans, Duke of, his ascent in a balloon,

Orkney islands-see Shetland isles


Palladio, some acconnt of, 135
Palmyra, its present state calculated to
disappoint curiosity, 342

Pampas, journey across the, 152-ac-
count of, and their inhabitants, 154,

Parhelia, observed in the polar regio

Paris (Dr.) his treatise on diet, 37-

Parr (Dr.), his aphorisms, opinions,

flections, and a sketch of his life, 10%
Parry (Captain), his third voyage to t
Polar seas, 60

Pearl divers, Indian, abstain from eve
alimentary stimulus previous to the
descent into the ocean, 39
Peasantry of the Prussian provinces, the
degraded condition, 4-of Poland, 8-
paucity of their numbers, ib.-thei
food, ib.-their love of whiskey, ib.
Penitentiaries, character and effects of i
the United States, 57-failure of th
scheme for substituting labour and in
prisonment for death, ib.

People, all power derived from, the pri
ciple of the American as of the Britis
Constitution, 519

Peter's (St.) Church at Rome, historic
facts relating to, 133

Petitions, private, list of for the Sessi
1826, 26-see List

Physiology, laws of, compatible with tl
Mosaic account of the Creation, 515-
see also Good Man
Pichler, story from the German of,
R. P. Gillies, 526
Pilgrim, account of one, 355
Pisa, description of, 197
Planter, Hints to the Young Jamai
Sugar Planter, 218
Poetry, Anglo-Saxon Illustrations of,
J. J. Conybeare-opportunities a
industry of the author, 183-Sax
mode of writing poetry-specimens
Anglo-Saxon poetry, 184, 185, 188-
French, difficulties of composition
466 Spanish, its brilliant period, 4
-Italian, controversy respecting, 48
Poets of Spain, historical notice of, 46
468-Lope de Vega, Villegas, 46
469-specimens from the latter, 469
Italian, 482-of France, 467
Poland, provinces of, declining in ag

culture, 7-Jacob's account of, in
agricultural point of view, 41
Polonius, character of, remarks on, 404
novel view of, 465

Poor laws, their evil tendency, 334
Popes, the part taken by in the fall

the Longobards, and the establishme
of Charlemagne's empire, 487, 490
Powell (Richard), Milton's father-in-la
his misfortunes and death, 260
Powell (Mrs.), widow of Richard, a

mother-in-law of Milton, her petiti
for the restoration of her husband's p
perty, 261-she petitions for her thir
and is opposed by Milton, 263
Prompter, the, a poem, its merits, 366

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