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one in each building, the holder winning with it the first honors, there being none higher and none other so exclusive.

The award was to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company by the unanimous vote of the full Department Jury, and like great distinction was accorded by the full Superior Jury.

The grand prize, another gold medal, was the Baltimore & Ohio on its section as a whole, and denotive of the highest distinction in its class or group.

In conjunction with the grand prize, eighteen collaborators' medals were awarded, most of them gold, these going to those who had contributed to the striking educational value and general completeness of the Baltimore & Ohio section.

The Group Jury, followed by the endorsement of the Department Jury, and ratified by the Superior Jury, awarded a gold medal of honor to Major J. G. Pangborn, director of the exhibit, in recognition of the origination and completion of the great historical collection, and the scheme and perfection of its installation.

Additional to the foregoing, and distinctive of the honors awarded the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company in the Transportation Building, is the grand prize and gold medal in the group of "Engineering and Architecture" in the Department of Liberal Arts, this being on the model of the new Union Station at Washington, which is the central feature of the Baltimore & Ohio section in the Department of Transportation.

The "Sweepstakes," as it might be termed, in the fourteen acres of exhibits in the Department of Transportation, the grand prize in the railway group of the same building, another grand prize in the Department of Liberal Arts; and the medal of honor, four gold medals of the very highest class; and twenty-five other medals, most of them gold, is the company's Louisiana Purchase Exposition record. It is beyond paralleling, for it is topped by the special gold medal for "the best, the

most complete, and the most attractive installation," and there is but one such medal.


Chairman, J. W. Kendrick, United States.
First Vice-Chairman, Mr. Steinbiss, Germany.
Second Vice-Chairman, Henri de Grieges, France.
Secretary, Henry Bartlett, United States.
First Assistant Secretary, H. F. Ball, United

Second Assistant Secretary, M. Crizuka, Japan.


W. C. Arp, Supt. Motive Power, Vandalia, Terre Haute, Ind.

H. F. Ball, Supt. Motive Power, L. S. & M. S., Cleveland, O.

Henry Bartlett, Supt. Motive Power, Boston & Maine Ry., Boston.

W. G. Berg, Chief Engineer, Lehigh Valley R. R., New York City.

J. B. Berry, Chief Engineer, Union Pacific R. R., Omaha, Neb.

W. H. Brimson, Gen'l Supt. B. & O. S. W. R. R.,
Cincinnati, O.

F. E. Cuming, Great Britain (alternate).
Mataro Crizuka, Japan.

Theo. H. Curtis, Supt. Motive Power, L. & N.
R. R., Louisville, Ky.
Felix Gain, Belgium.

Wm. McC. Grafton, Signal Engineer, Penna.
R. R., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Henri de Grieges, France.

J. W. Kendrick, Vice President, Santa Fe R. R., Chicago, Ill.

T. A. Lawes, Danville, Ill.

Richard H. Phillips, C. E., Louisiana Purchase Expo., St. Louis, Mo.

W. H. V. Rosing, Ass't Supt. Motive Power, I. C. R. R., Chicago, Ill.

M. Serroys, Belgium.

C. Spruyt, Austria (alternate).
Mr. Steinbiss, Director of Railways, Germany.
Howard D. Taylor, Supt. Motive Power, Phila. &
Reading, Reading, Pa.

J. W. Thomas, Jr., Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Mgr.,
N. C. & St. L. R. R., Nashville, Tenn.

D. Van Alstyne, Supt. Motive Power, Nor. Pac.
R. R., St. Paul, Minn.

Baron Wolfgang von Ferstel, Austria.
B. A. Worthington, Assistant Director, M. & O.
(for Harriman Lines), Chicago, Ill.
John Murphy, Manager, Pittsburg Railways,
Pittsburg, Pa.

J. A. Trawick, Little Rock, Ark.
C. D. Wyman, Boston, Mass.



Chairman Group 72, Major J. W. Howard, Civil Engineer, New York. Vice Chairman 72, George J. Kellner, Paris, France.


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Bean, Dr. Tarleton H., Chief, Department of Forestry, Fish and Game, Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. Directory of the Department of Forestry, Fish and Game for the United States at the Paris Exposition, 1900. New York.

Bell, Nicholas M., Director, Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. St. Louis.

Biagi, Dr. Guido, Librarian of the Laurentian Library, Florence, Italy. Vice-Chairman, Department Jury, 1904.

Branchi, G., Commissioner-General for Italy. Consul General for Italy to the United States. Carlier, Jules, Commissioner-General for Belgium to the Exposition. Vice-Chairman of the Superior Council of Industry and Commerce, Belgium.

Coleman, Norman J., Ex-United States Secretary of Agriculture. Acting Chief, Department of Horticulture, Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. St. Louis.

Cooley, Edwin Gilbert, Vice-Chairman, Educa-
tion Department Jury, representing Austria.
Superintendent, Schools, Chicago.
Cowdery, E. G., Chairman, Liberal Arts, Depart-
ment Jury, Vice-President and General
Manager, Laclede Gas Light Co., St. Louis.
De Lima, Dr. J. C. Alves, Vice-Chairman,
Anthropology. Brazilian Delegate to the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Consul of
Brazil in the Dominion of Canada and New
Foundland. Residence Montreal.

De Szogyeny, George, L. L. D., Commissioner-
General for Hungary.

Dodge, Charles R., Chairman, Department Jury.
Member of Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900.
Director, Department of Agriculture for the
United States at Paris Exposition. Agricul-
tural and Forestry Expert. United States.
Drake, F. E., Chairman, Department Jury.
President, Lanyon Zinc Co. Director of
Electricity for the United States and Member
of Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900. St. Louis.
Froelich, E., Mechanical Engineer. Delegate of
the German Engineering Society. Germany.
Gerin Lajoie, Dr. Mederic T., Vice-Chairman,

Liberal Arts Department Jury. With the
University of Paris. Doctor-in-Chief of the
Company of Tramways of Eastern Paris.
Officer of the Academy. Knight of the
Legion of Honor. Commander de Bolivar
de Venezuela (with plate of Grand Officer)
Red Cross of Spain. Assistant Secretary
to the Medical Congress of Paris, 1900.
Member of the Medical Council Societe des
Gens de Letters, Paris, France.

Goldsborough, W. E., Chief, Department of
Electricity, Louisiana Purchase Exposition
Co. Professor, Purdue University, Purdue,

Gore, James H., Scientist. Professor, Columbia University, Washington, D. C. Commissioner-General for Siam. Member of Superior Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900. Commissioner-General for the United States to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Brussels and Liege Expositions.



Goto, Fusaji, Forestry Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. Japan.

Gross, R. G., Vice-President and General Manager, American Locomotive Co. President, Air Tool Co. President, United States Radiator Co. President, Merchants' National Bank, Dunkirk, N. Y.

Holmes, Dr. J. A., Chief, Department Mines and Metallurgy, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Member, United States Geological Survey. North Carolina.

Howard, Major J. W., C. E., Chairman,
Department Jury. Member of Jury, Paris
Exposition, 1900. New York.

Hulbert, Milan H., Chief, Department Manufac-
tures, Louisiana Purchase Exposition and
Paris Exposition, 1900. Member of Jury,
Paris Exposition. Manufacturer, New York.
Ives, Prof. Halsey C., Chief, Department of Art,
Louisiana Purchase Exposition and Colum-
bian Exposition, 1893. St. Louis.
Kester, M., President, French Section.
Lagerstedt, Dr. N. G. W., Royal Commissioner-
General for Sweden.


Long, Dr. J. H., Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Chicago.

Lyte, E. O., Millerville, Pa. Chairman, Department Jury of Education. President, Pennsylvania State Normal School. Ex-President, National Educational Association.

Mabilleau, I., Director of the Musee Social, Paris, France.

Mc Gee, Dr. W. J., Chief, Department of Anthropology, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Ex-President, International Geographical Society, Washington.

Martens, Willy, Vice-Chairman, Art Department Jury. Commissioner of Art for Holland. Holland.

Mattheef, P. M., Commissioner-General for Bulgaria.

Mills, Colonel Chas. F., Chief, Department of Live Stock, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Illinois.

Moore, Mrs. Phillip H., B. A., Trustee, Vassar College. President, Association of Collegiate Alumnae, representing the Board of Lady Managers, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. St. Louis.

Morrisseaux, Charles, M. E., Director-General of the Ministry of Industry and Labor, Belgium. Muthesius, Dr. H., Vice-Chairman, Manufactures Department Jury. Royal Councillor of Germany. Germany.

Nuncio, Albino R., Engineer, CommissionerGeneral for Mexico. Chief of the Bureau of Exposition and Industries.

Ockerson, Colonel J. A., Chief, Department of
Liberal Arts, Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Member of the Mississippi River Commission,
Member Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900.
Parker, Geo. W., Chairman, Manufactures De-
partment Jury. Director, Louisiana Purchase
Exposition Co. Railway Official. St. Louis.
Powelson, F. W., Professor, Harvard University.
Reid, Walter F., Governor of the National Phy-
sical Laboratory, Great Britain. Chairman,
London Section Society of Chemical Industry.
Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry. Fellow
of the Chemical Society, etc.

Rogers, Howard J., Chief, Department of Education, Louisiana Purchase Exposition and Paris Exposition, 1900. Director of International Congress. Deputy Commissioner of Education for New York State. Albany.

Shapleigh, A. L., Director, Louisaina Purchase Exposition Co. Chairman, Physical Culture Department. Treasurer, Norvell-Shapleigh Hardware Co. St. Louis.

Shugio, H., Vice-Chairman, Art Department Jury. Government Expert of the Local Government of Hiro Shimaken. Imperial Japanese Commissioner to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and Fine Art Commissioner. Japan.

Smith, Willard A., Chief, Department of Transportation, Louisiana Purchase Exposition and Paris Expositon, 1900, and Columbian Exposition, 1893. Editor and proprietor of the Railway Engineering and Review. Chicago. Steinbiss, Carl, Royal Railroad Director. Ger


Stevens, Walter B., Secretary, Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

Von Stibral, Adalbert R., Commissioner-General for Austria. Councillor of the Ministry of Commerce.

Sullivan, James E., Chief, Department of Phy

sical Culture. Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Secretary, A. A. U. of the United States. Chairman of the World's Fair Athletic Championship, Chicago, 1893. Assistant Director of Athletics for the United States, Paris Exposition, 1900. Athletic Director, Pan-American Exposition. New York. Taft, Prof. L. R., Agriculture College, Michigan. Taylor, Frederic W., Chief, Department of Agri

culture, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, PanAmerican Exposition, Omaha Exposition, etc. Tejima, Seiichi, Commissioner-General for Japan. President, Higher Technical Institute of Tokio. Tolman, William H., Chairman, Department Jury. Secretary, American Institute Social Service. Member of the Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900. New York.

Watson, Colonel Chas. N., R. E., C. B., C. N. G., Commissioner-General for Great Britain. Secretary, Royal Commission.

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HE United States government has a variety of sources of income; but the oddest, and, indeed, the most

novel wealth-producing factor in possession of any nation on the globe is found in the sentiment which impels a considerable portion of the American people to contribute to what is known as Uncle Sam's Conscience Fund," says Waldon Fawcett in the Chicago RecordHerald.



This Conscience Fund" is a repository of hoarded riches in the treasury department at Washington into which a golden stream is constantly pouring, but from which no money is ever withdrawn. It is made up wholly of contributions from persons who send sums to the government for the purpose of reimbursing Uncle Sam for money or its equivalent which has at some previous time been wrongfully taken or improperly withheld from the government by these persons, whose consciences later compel them to make restitution.

Of course the money received in this peculiar manner is not depended upon to keep in motion the wheels of any portion of the machinery of government. It is well that it is not, for the receipts fluctuate greatly in volume. To be sure, the gov

ernment revenue received from other sources, such as duties, taxes, postage, licenses, etc., is not always uniform, but there are manifest no such pronounced "booms" and periods of depression as are likely to succeed one another in the business of the Conscience Fund."


That these sops to troublesome consciences come into Uncle Sam's moneychest by fits and starts is by no means strange, when it is remembered that the government has no law or compulsion to make its delinquents pay. In most instances it does not even know of the existence of the indebtedness, and so it must simply wait until the debtor is ready and able to pay up.

It is noticeable that after the receipt of one or more large contributions to the mysterious fund is chronicled in the newspapers there is almost certain to be a flood of donations. Some of them come from persons who had thus only just learned how they might quietly set things right with Uncle Sam. Seasons of general prosperity also stimulate the business of the science Fund." At such times people who are doing well financially seize the opportunity to settle arrears with the govern



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