TRAINS "EVERY OTHER HOUR ON THE EVEN HOUR”— NEW YORK TO WASHINGTON. CONDENSED SCHEDULE ROYAL BLUE TRAINS OF THE B. & O. EAST AND WEST. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS FROM WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS FROM NEW YORK TO EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 1904. WESTWARD SUNDAY 5 HOUR No. 509 BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS TO ALL POINTS WEST AND SOUTHWEST. PM AM PM PM 6.18 8.35 8.16 10.55 8.2011.00 9.10 12.10 PM PM AM Through Pullman Sleepers to all points. N Connection east of Philadelphia is made with No. 509, "Royal Limited." 9.00M 5.35 PM 2.35 AM 10.35 PM 9.30 PM 7.55 AM 7.23 AM 12.30 PM 6.25 AM 8.30 8.00 PM 9.50 PM Lv 5.20 PM 9.10PM 7.40 A TRAINS "EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR" BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE. TRAINS "EVERY OTHER HOUR ON THE ODD HOUR"-WASHINGTON TO NEW YORK. THROUGH PULLMAN PALACE CAR SERVICE. UNEXCELLED DINING CAR SERVICE. OPERATED BY THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS OF THE BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. FINEST SERVICE IN THE WORLD. SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS. PARLOR COACHES. Between Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. EASTWARD. No. 512. Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Cars from St. Louis and Pittsburg to New York. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Philadelphia. No. 504. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Washington to New York. Dining Car, a la carte, Washington to Philadelphia. No. 526. Five Hour Train. Buffet Parlor Car Washington to New York. No. 522. Drawing Room Parlor Car Washington to New York. Dining Car, serves dinner table d'hote, Philadelphia to New York. No. 528. Parlor Car Washington to New York. Dining Car, a la carte, Baltimore to New York. No. 502. Drawing Room Parlor Car Washington to New York. Dining Car, a la carte, Washington to Philadelphia. No. 524. "Royal Limited." Five Hour Train. Exclusively Pullman Equipment. Buffet Smoking Car, Parlor and Observation Cars Washington to New York. Dining Car, table d'hote, Philadelphia to New York. fare other than regular Pullman charge. No extra No. 506. Drawing Room Parlor Car Washington to New York. Dining Car, table d'hote, Baltimore to New York. No. 546. Separate Pullman Sleeping Cars Washington and Baltimore to New York. WESTWARD. No. 505. Drawing Room Sleeping Car New York to Chicago. Observation Parlor Car Baltimore to Washington and Pittsburg. No. 517. Buffet Parlor Car New York to Washington. No. 501. Drawing Room Sleeping Car New York to Washington. Dining Car, a la carte, Philadelphia to Baltimore. No. 527. Five Hour Train. Parlor Car New York to Washington. Philadelphia. No. 507. Drawing Room Sleeping Car New York to Washington. Washington. Dining Car, a la carte, Philadelphia to No. 509. “Royal Limited." Exclusively Pullman Equipment. Buffet Smoking Car, Parlor and Observation Cars. Dining Car, table d'hote, New York to Washington. No extra fare other than regular Pullman charge. No. 503. Drawing Room Parlor Car New York to Washington. Dining Car, a la carte, New York to Baltimore. No. 511. Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Cars New York to Cincinnati and Pittsburg. No. 515. Separate Sleeping Cars New York to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburg, Wheeling, WESTWARD. No. 1. Drawing Room Sleeping Car New York to St. Louis. Observation Sleeping Car Baltimore to Cincinnati. Dining Cars serve all meals. Cafe Parlor Car Cincinnati to St. Louis. Cafe Parlor Car Cincinnati to Louisville. No. 7. Drawing Room Sleeping Car New York to Chicago via Grafton and Bellaire. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Baltimore to Columbus. Combination Buffet-Observation Parlor and Sleeping Car Washington to Wheeling. Dining Cars serve all meals. No. 9. Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Car Washington to Cleveland and Sleeping Car Baltimore to Pittsburg. No. 3. Drawing Room Sleeping Car New York to St. Louis. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car Washington to Parkersburg. Cafe Parlor Car Cincinnati to Louisville. Buffet serves supper; Dining Cars serve balance of meals. No. 11. "Pittsburg Limited." Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Car New York to Pittsburg. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Philadelphia to Pittsburg. Dining Car Connellsville to Pittsburg. No. 5. Drawing Room Sleeping Car New York to Chicago. Observation Parlor Car Baltimore to Pittsburg. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Chicago. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Cleveland to Chicago. Dining Cars serve dinner, supper and breakfast. No. 15. Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Chicago. Buffet Sleeping Car Wheeling to Chicago. No. 55. Drawing Room Sleeping Car New York to St. Louis. Parlor Car Baltimore to Wheeling. Dining Cars Martinsburg to Cumberland and Grafton to Cincinnati. EASTWARD. No. 2. Drawing Room Sleeping Car St. Louis to New York. Observation Sleeping Car Cincinnati to Washington. Dining Cars serve all meals. Cafe Parlor Car St. Louis to Cincinnati. Parlor Car Louisville to Cincinnati. Pamor Car Washington to New York. No. 4. Drawing Room Sleeping Car St. Louis to New York. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Parkersburg to Washington. Buffet-Observation Parlor and Sleeping Car Wheeling to Washington. Dining Cars serve all meals. No. 6. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Chicago to New York via Pittsburg. Observation Parlor Car Pittsburg to Washington. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Chicago to Pittsburg. Dining Cars serve all meals. No. 8 Drawing Room Sleeping Car Chicago to New York. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Columbus to Washington. Parlor Car Washington to New York. Dining Cars serve all meals except breakfast at Cumberland. No. 10. Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Baltimore. Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Car Cleveland to Washington. No. 12. "Duquesne Limited." Drawing Room Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Philadelphia. Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Car Pittsburg to New York. Drawing Room Sleeping Car St. Louis to New York. Dining Car Pittsburg to Connellsville. Dining Car Cincinnati to Grafton. No. 14. Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Car Chicago to Pittsburg. Drawing Room Sleeping Car Chicago to Cleveland. Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Car Chicago to Wheeling. No. 46. Parlor Car Wheeling to Baltimore. Parlor Car Pittsburg to Cumberland. THROUGH TICKETS, SLEEPING CAR ACCOMMODATIONS And Information in Detail Concerning Passenger Train Service on Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and AKRON, OHIO, Union Station, C. D. HONODLE, Ticket Agent. Howard Street, U. S. G. APLEY, Ticket Agent. BOSTON, 360 Washington Street, J. P. TAGGART, New England Passenger Agent; E. E. BAEKEY, Ticket Agent. BROOKLYN, N. Y., 343 Fulton Street, T. H. HENDRICKSON, Ticket Agent. BUFFALO, N. Y., 210 Ellicott Square, H. A. WELLS, Eastern Passenger Agent, B. & O. S.-W. BUTLER, PA., WM. TURNER, Ticket Agent. CANTON, OHIO, S. S. C. MCGREW, Ticket Agent. CHESTER, PA., J. B. WINTERS, Ticket Agent. CHICAGO, 244 Clark Street, Grand Pacific Hotel, W. W. PICKING, District Passenger Agent; H. W. MCKEWIN, City Ticket Agent. General Passenger Office, Merchants' Loan & Trust Building, C. G. LEMMON, Traveling Passenger Agent. Grand Central Station, Corner Harrison Street and 5th Avenue, F. J. EDDY, Ticket Agent. Auditorium Annex, 221 Michigan Avenue, F. E. SCOTT, Ticket Agent. CHILLICOTHE, OHIO, J. H. LARRABEE, Traveling Passenger Agent, B. & O. S.-W. CINCINNATI, OHIO, B. & O. S.-W., 430 Walnut Street (Traction Bldg.), J. B. SCOTT, District Passenger Agent; C. H. WISEMAN, City Ticket Agent; J. E. BUCHANAN, Passenger Agent. Central Union Station, E. REISING, Station Passenger Agent; WM. BROWN, Depot Ticket Agent. CITY OF MEXICO, MEX., D. BANKHARDT, Agente General, B. & O. S.-W., Apartado 2010. CLEVELAND, OHIO, 241 Superior Street, M. G. CARREL, Division Passenger Agent; G. W. SQUIGGINS, Traveling Passenger Agent; F. E. GIBSON, Ticket Agent. South Water Street Station, A. N. DIETZ, Ticket Agent. COLUMBUS, OHIO, No. 8 North High Street, D. S. WILDER, Division Passenger Agent; W. W. TAMAGE, Ticket Agent. Union Depot, E. PAGELS, Ticket Agent. CONNELLSVILLE, PA., J. T. LANE, Traveling Passenger Agent; H. L. DOUGLAS, Ticket Agent. COVINGTON, KY., Fourth and Scott Streets, G. M. ABBOTT, Ticket Agent. DALLAS, TEXAS, J. P. ROGERMAN, Traveling Passenger Agent, B. & O. S.-W. DENVER, COLO., S. M. SHATTUC, Traveling Passenger Agent, B. & O. S.-W. HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA., O. E. DUDROW, Traveling Passenger Agent. KANSAS CITY, MO., Box 264, A. C. GOODRICH, Traveling Passenger Agent, B. & O. S.-W. LORAIN, OHIO, C. A. MELIN, Ticket Agent. LOUISVILLE, KY., B. & O. S.-W., 4th and Main Sts., R. S. BROWN, District Passenger Agent; J. G. ELGIN, City Passenger Agent: MARIETTA, OHIO, G. M. PAYNE, Depot Ticket Agent; M. F. NOLL, City Ticket Agent, First National Bank Building. NEWARK, N. J., E. E. HENDRICKSON, Ticket Agent. NEWARK, OHIO, F. P. COPPER, Traveling Passenger Agent; F. C. BARTHOLOMEW, Ticket Agent. NEW CASTLE, PA., R. L. TURNER, Ticket Agent. NEW YORK, 434 Broadway, LYMAN MCCARTY, Assistant General Passenger Agent; E. D. AINSLIE, Ticket Agent. 1300 Broadway, NORFOLK, VA., 10 Granby Street, Atlantic Hotel, ARTHUR G. LEWIS, Southern Passenger Agent; I. L. SPERRY, Ticket Agent. 3962 Market Street, UNION TRANSFER Co., Ticket Agents. 609 South 3d Street and 1146 North 2d Street, M. ROSENBAUM, Ticket Agent. Station, Cor. 24th and Chestnut Streets, W. W. BAEKEY, Ticket Agent. PITTSBURG, 315 Park Building, E. D. SMITH, Assistant General Passenger Agent; GEO. A. ORR, Traveling Passenger Agent. Cor. 5th Avenue and Wood Street, E. D. STEINMAN, City Ticket Agent. 506 Smithfield Street, J. V. MCCORMICK, Ticket Agent. Station, Cor. Smithfield and Water Streets, S. J. HUTCHISON, Ticket Agent. SANDUSKY, OHIO, T. B. TUCKER, Ticket Agent. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Room 1, Hobart Building, PETER HARVEY, Pacific Coast Agent. SPRINGFIELD, ILL., N. J. NEER, Division Passenger Agent, B. & O. S.-W. ST. LOUIS, B. & O. S.-W., 6th and Olive Streets, F. D. GILDERSLEEVE, Assistant General Passenger Agent; H. C. STEVENSON, City Passenger Agent; L. L. HORNING, City Ticket Agent; F. W. AMICK, Station Passenger Agent; L. G. PAUL, Traveling Passenger Agent. ST. PAUL, MINN., R. C. HAASE, Traveling Passenger Agent. TIFFIN, OHIO, A. J. BELL, Ticket Agent. VINCENNES, IND., W. P. TOWNSEND, Division Passenger Agent, B. & O. S.-W. WASHINGTON, D. C., 707 15th Street, N. W. Cor. New York Avenue, S. B. HEGE, District Passenger Agent; H. R. Howser, Ticket Agent. 619 Pennsylvania Avenue, W. V. FISKE, Ticket Agent. Station, New Jersey Avenue and C Street, S. E. EASTBURN, Ticket Agent. WHEELING, W. VA., B. & O. Station, T. C. BURKE, Traveling Passenger Agent; A. L. IRWIN, Station Ticket Agent. WILMINGTON, DEL., Delaware Avenue Station, J. E. HITCH, Ticket Agent. 801 Market Street, W. FULTON, Ticket Agent: EUROPEAN AGENTS, BALTIMORE EXPORT & IMPORT CO., Limited, 23, 24 and 25 Billiter Street, London, E. C.; 21 Water In addition to offices and depots named above, tickets over the B. & O. may be obtained at C. W. BASSETT, General Passenger Agent, B. N. AUSTIN, General Passenger Agent, D. B. MARTIN, Manager Passenger Traffic, |