FROM EARLIEST and studious in the midst of an active life. He was an enemy to superstition and priestly abuse, but playful in his satire, with a keen sense of the ludicrous, and the richest vein of comic narrative and delineation of character. He retained through life a strong love of the country, and of its inspiring and invigorating influences. No poet has dwelt more fondly on the charms of a spring or summer morning; and the month of May seems to have been always a carnival in his heart and fancy. His retirement at Woodstock, where he had indulged the poetical reveries of his youth, and where he was crowned with the latest treasures of his genius, was exactly such an old age as could have been desired for the venerable founder of our national poetry. period of their sojourn; and we have thus a hundred stories, lively, humorous, or tender, and full of characteristic painting in choice Italian. Chaucer seems to have copied this design, as well as part of the Florentine's freedom and licentiousness of detail; but he greatly improved upon the plan. There is something repulsive and unnatural in a party of ladies and gentlemen meeting to tell loose tales of successful love and licentious monks while the plague is desolating the country around them. The tales of Chaucer have a more pleasing origin. A company of pilgrims, consisting of twenty-nine 'sundry folk,' meet together in fellowship at the Tabard Inn, Southwark,* all being bent on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Thomas à Becket at Canterbury. These pilgrimages were scenes of much enjoyment, and even mirth; for, satisfied with thwarting the Evil One by the object of their mission, the devotees did not consider it necessary to preserve any religious The principal of Chaucer's minor poems are the Flower and Leaf, a spirited and graceful allegorical poem, with some fine description; and Troilus and Cresseide, partly translated, but enriched with many marks of his original genius. Sir Philip Sidney admired this pathetic poem, and it was long popular. Warton and every subsequent critic have quoted with just admiration the passage in which Cresseide makes an avowal of her love : And as the new-abashed nightingale, Opened her heart, and told him her intent. The strictness or restraint by the way. The poet him- The House of Fame, afterwards so richly paraphrased true feeling, passion, and excitement, which blind us to mere scholastic blemishes and defects. And when he rode men might his bridle hear * The house is supposed still to exist, or an inn built upon Tales set out upon their pilgrimage. The sign has been con- durable monument of Chaucer's genius. Boccaccio, only by heralds (Speght's Glossary) to the Talbot, a species of hound; and the following inscription is to be found on the spot: "This is the inn where Geoffrey Chaucer and nine-andtwenty pilgrims lodged on their journey to Canterbury in 1383," The inscription is truly observed by Mr Tyrrwhit to be modern, 14 A wanton friar is also of the party-full of sly and solemn mirth, and well beloved for his accommodating disposition Full sweetly heard he confession, We have a Pardoner from Rome, with some sacred relics (as part of the Virgin Mary's veil, and part of the sail of St Peter's ship), and who is also brimful of pardons come from Rome all hot.' In satirical contrast to these merry and interested churchmen, we have a poor parson of a town, 'rich in holy thought and work,' and a clerk of Oxford, who was skilled in logic Sounding in moral virtue was his speech, Yet, with all his learning, the clerk's coat was threadbare, and his horse was 'lean as is a rake.' Among the other dramatis persone are, a doctor of physic, a great astronomer and student, whose study was but little on the Bible; a purse-proud merchant; a sergeant of law, who was always busy, yet seemed busier than he was; and a jolly Franklin, or freeholder, who had been a lord of sessions, and was fond of good eating Withouten baked meat never was his house, It snowed in his house of meat and drink. This character is a fine picture of the wealthy rural Englishman, and it shows how much of enjoyment and hospitality was even then associated with this station of life. The Wife of Bath is another lively national portrait: she is shrewd and witty, has abundant means, and is always first with her offering at church. Among the humbler characters are, a stout carl' of a miller, a reve or bailiff, and a sompnour or church apparitor, who summoned offenders before the archdeacon's court, but whose fire-red face and licentious habits contrast curiously with the nature of his duties. A shipman, cook, haberdasher, &c., make up the goodly companythe whole forming such a genuine Hogarthian picture, that we may exclaim, in the eloquent language of Campbell, What an intimate scene of English life in the fourteenth century do we enjoy in these tales, beyond what history displays by glimpses through the stormy atmosphere of her scenes, or the antiquary can discover by the cold light of his researches!' Chaucer's contemporaries and their successors were justly proud of this national work. Many copies existed in manuscript, and when the art of printing came to England, one of the first duties of Caxton's press was to issue an impression of those tales which first gave literary permanence and consistency to the language and poetry of England. All the pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales do not relate stories. Chaucer had not, like Boccaccio, finished his design; for he evidently intended to have given a second series on the return of the company from Canterbury, as well as an account of the transactions in the city when they reached the sacred shrine. The concluding supper at the Tabard, when the successful competitor was to be declared, would have afforded a rich display for the poet's peculiar humour. The parties who do not relate tales (as the poem has reached us) are the yeoman, the ploughman, and the five city mechanics. The squire's tale is the most chivalrous and romantic, and that of the clerk, containing the popular legend of Patient Grisilde, is deeply affecting for its pathos and simplicity. The 'Cock and the Fox,' related by the nun's priest, and 'January and May,' the merchant's tale, have some minute painting of natu ral objects and scenery, in Chaucer's clear and simple style. The tales of the miller and reve are coarse, but richly humorous. Dryden and Pope have honoured the Father of British verse by paraphrasing some of these popular productions, and stripping them equally of their antiquated style and the more gross of their expressions, but with the sacrifice of most that is characteristic in the elder bard. In a volume edited by Mr R. H. Horne, under the title of Chaucer Modernised, there are specimens of the poems altered with a much more tender regard to the original, and in some instances with considerable success; but the book by which ordinary readers of the present day, who are willing to take a little trouble, may best become acquainted with this great light of the fourteenth century, is one entitled the Riches of Chaucer, by C. C. Clarke (two volumes, 1835), in which the best pieces are given, with only the spelling modernised. An edition of the Canterbury Tales was published, with a learned commentary, by Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq. (5 vols. 1778). The verse of Chaucer is, almost without exception, in ten-syllabled couplets, the verse in which by far the largest portion of our poetry since that time has been written, and which, as Mr Southey has remarked, may be judged from that circumstance to be best adapted to the character of our speech. The accentuation, by a license since abandoned, is different in many instances from that of common speech: the poet, wherever it suits his conveniency, or his pleasure, makes accented syllables short, and short syllables emphatic. This has been not only a difficulty with ordinary readers, but a subject of perplexity amongst commentators; but the principle has latterly been concluded upon as of the simple kind here stated. Another peculiarity is the making silent e's at the end of words tell in the metre, as in French lyrical poetry to this day: for example Full well she sangé the service divine. Here 'sangé' is two syllables, while service furnishes an example of a transposed accent. In pursuance of the same principle, a monosyllabic noun, as beam, becomes the dissyllable beamés in the plural. When these peculiarities are carefully attended to, much of the difficulty of reading Chaucer, even in the original spelling, vanishes. In the extracts which follow, we present, first, a specimen in the original spelling; then various specimens in the reduced spelling adopted by Mr Clarke, but without his marks of accents and extra syllables, except in a few instances; and, finally, one specimen (the Good Parson), in which, by a few slight changes, the verse is accommodated to the present fashion. [Select characters from the Canterbury Pilgrimage.] A Knight ther was, and that a worthy man, That fro the time that he first began * * Though that he was worthy he was wise; And of his port, as meke as is a mayde: But, for to tellen you of his araie,- Of fustian he wered a gipont 1 A short cassock. 15 For he was late ycome fro his viage, And wente for to don his pilgrimage. With him, ther was his sone, a yonge Squier, Embrouded was he, as it were a mede A Yeman hadde he; and servantes no mo A not-hed3 hadde he with a broun visage, Ther was also a Nonne, a Prioresse, With rosted flesh, and milk, and wastel brede. Ful semely hire wimple ypinched was; red; But sikerly she hadde a fayre forehed. Ful fetise was hire cloke, as I was ware. Another Nonne also with hire hadde she, The reule of Seint Maure and of Seint Beneit, * I saw his sleves purfiled at the hond With gris, and that the finest of the lond, And, for to fasten his hood, under his chinne He hadde, of gold ywrought, a curious pinne,A love-knotte in the greter ende ther was. His hed was balled, and shone as any glas, And eke his face, as it hadde ben anoint. He was a lord ful fat and in good point. His eyen stepe, and rolling in his hed, That stemed as a furneis of a led; His bootes souple, his hors in gret estat ; Now certainly he was a fayre prelat. He was not pale as a forpined gost. A fat swan loved he best of any rost. His palfrey was as broun as is a bery. A Marchant was ther with a forked berd, In mottelee, and highe on hors he sat, And on his hed a Flaundrish bever hat, His bootes clapsed fayre and fetisly, His resons spake he ful solempnely, Souning alway the encrese of his winning. He wold the see were kept, for any thing, Betwixen Middleburgh and Orewell. Wel coud he in eschanges sheldes selle. This worthy man ful wel his wit besette; Ther wiste no wight that he was in dette, So stedfastly didde he in his governance, With his bargeines, and with his chevisance.10 Forsothe he was a worthy man withalle. But soth to sayn, I no't how men him calle. 1 On an expedition. Neatly. 3 A head like a bullock's. Called. 8 Smallest spot. 11 To imitate. 9 Rose. In the night-time. 4 Armour for the arm. 10 Took pains. 7 Her pleasure. 12 Worthy. 1 Rod. 5 Neat. Smartly, adv. 3 Straight. 4 Of low staturc 6 Hunting. 9 French crowns. money. 7 A hard rider. 8 Fur. 10 An agreement for borrowing A Clerk ther was of Oxenforde also, His brede, his ale, was alway after on; At sessions ther was he lord and sire; An Haberdasher, and a Carpenter, A Webbe, a Deyer, and a Tapiser, Were alle yclothed in os livere Of a solempne and grete fraternite. Ful freshe and newe hir gere ypiked was; Hir knives were ychaped not with bras, But all with silver wrought full clene and wel, Hir girdeles and hir pouches, every del. Wel semed eche of hem a fayre burgeis, To sitten in a gild halle, on the deis. Everich, for the wisdom that he can, Was shapelich for to ben an alderman. For catel hadden they ynough, and rent. And, eke, hir wives wolde it wel assent, And elles certainly they were to blame, It is full fayre to ben ycleped MadameAnd for to gon to vigiles all before, And have a mantel reallich ybore. * A good Wif was ther of beside Bathe; Hire coverchiefs weren ful fine of ground, Ther was also a Reve and a Millere, The Miller was a stout carl for the nones, The Reve was a slendre colerike man; 1 A knot in a tree. 4 Dairy. A man of jollity. • Cattle. 1 Secret contrivances. 2 Ther n'as bailif, ne herde, ne other hine, A Sompnour was ther with us in that place, Ne ointement, that wolde clense or bite, That him might helpen of his whelkes white, Ne of the knobbes sitting on his chekes. Wel loved he garlike, onions, and lekes, And for to drinke strong win as rede as blood; Than wold he speke and crie as he were wood; And when that he wel dronken had the win, Than wold he speken no word but Latin. A fewe termes coude he, two or three, That he had lerned out of som decree; No wonder is, he herd it all the day: And eke ye knowen wel how that a jay Can clepen watte as well as can the pope: But who so wolde in other thing him gropeThan hadde he spent all his philosophie; Ay Questio quid juris? wolde he crie. He was a gentil harlot, and a kind; And knew hir conseil and was of hir rede. With him there rode a gentil Pardonere • The sign of an alehouse. Give and lend Dishevele, sauf his cappe, he rode all bare. But of his craft, fro Berwike unto Ware, But trewely to tellen atte last, [Description of a Poor Country Widow.] A poore widow, somedeal stoop'n in age, Was whilom dwelling in a narwé cottage Beside a grove standing in a dale. This widow, which I tell you of my Tale, Since thilke day that she was last a wife, In patience led a full simple life, For little was her cattle and her rent; By husbandry of such as God her sent, She found herself and eke her daughters two. Three large sowes had she, and no mo, Three kine, and eke a sheep that highte5 Mall : Full sooty was her bower and eke her hall, In which she ate many a slender meal; Of poignant sauce ne knew she never a deal ; 6 No dainty morsel passed through her throat; Her diet was accordant to her cote :7 Repletion ne made her never sick; Attempers diet was all her physic, And exercise, and heartes suffisance: The goute let her nothing for to dance, Ne apoplexy shente 10 not her head; No wine ne drank she neither white nor red; Her board was served most with white and black, Milk and brown bread, in which she found no lack, Seindell bacon, and sometime an egg or tway, For she was as it were a manner dey.12 |