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world has ever seen. Christ was born in the south-west part of Asia, in a country called Syria, He is the Saviour of men. They who follow his precepts will be happy. Homer is called the prince of poets; he was a Grecian. Socrates was the wisest of the heathen philosophers. The government of the United States is that of a Republic. Charles has six apples, and Henry three: they both have


(5) Charles reads well, because he has studied his lesson.

The word Charles, being the name of a person, is a noun; but the word he, meaning the same person, and used instead of the word Charles, we call a pronoun; the syllable pro meaning for: that is—a pronoun is a word used for, or in the place of a noun.

My name is Henry; I go to school. Here I, standing for Henry, is a pronoun.

Edward, you must not speak wicked words. John said to Thomas, we must go to church. Children you must obey your parents. Mary and Eliza are wise and virtuous, for they read good books, instead of spending their time in idleness. The Bible is the best of books, because it is the word of God. Govern your passions, or they will govern you. A proof, that idle people do not enjoy themselves, is, that they wish time to fly faster than it does. These beggars are honest; we must, therefore,

give them something. Helen, I commend you for industry.

(6) Pronouns are frequently used when the nouns for which they stand are not expressed. I must write. Here I is used for the name of the person speaking. When you have nothing to say, you should say nothing. Here you is used for the name of the person addressed. He gave

me this book. Here he is used for the name of the person spoken of.

(7) When the pronoun stands for the name of the person speaking, it is said to be of the first person; when for the name of the person spoken to, it is said to be of the second person; and when for the name of the person or thing spoken of, it is said to be of the third person.




As, I told you that he had arrived.

Here is the first person, you the second, and he the third. The man who gives to the poor, shall be rewarded. The word who stands for the word man; it is, therefore, a pronoun. The book which I bought at this bookstore, gives a description of the French Revolution. The word which, signifying the same thing as book, is a pronoun. The horse that my father sold, was very gentle. Since the word that stands for the word horse, it is a pronoun. John presented me a book, and I accepted it of him. Here, me, I, it, and him, are all pro


Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue. You

should never vex those who have quick tempers. Columbus was a native of Genoa; but he was in the service of the king of Spain when he discovered America. The Indians once inhabited this country, but they did not cultivate the ground; they lived by hunting beasts in the woods and catching fish from the rivers.

And the Lord sent Nathan unto David, and he went unto him and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich and the other poor. The rich man had many flocks and herds; but the poor man had nothing save one little ewe lamb, which he had bought, and nourished up; and it grew up together with him, and with his children; it did eat of his own meal and drink of his own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him as a daughter. And there came a traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the way-faring man that was come unto him; but took the poor man's lamb and dressed it for the man that was come unto him. And David's anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, as the Lord liveth the man that had done this thing shall surely die; and he shall restore the lamb four fold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity. And Nathan said unto David, thou art the man.


(8) I say that tree is tall, it is beautiful, it is thrifty. Here, the word tree is the name of a thing, but it is evident that the words tall, beautiful, thrifty, are not the names of things, nor are they pronouns. They are used to describe the thing called tree, to point out some of the circumstances belonging to it, to define its appearance, and the rapidity of its growth. To these words, therefore, a different name is given, because they perform a different office. They are named adjectives.

A good

A sour apple. A large book. John wears a red hat, but Edwin a brown cap. name is better than great riches. A sweet apple is unlike a sweet orange. That man wears a black hat, a yellow vest, a blue coat and a white cravat. A small house filled with good furniture, is better than a large house unfurnished. Your house is spacious and convenient. Her form is elegant, her air graceful. The rapid current of a large river, the foaming cataract, the vivid flash of forked lightning, and the majestic rolling of the mighty ocean, are sublime objects. I purchased a beaver hat, two cloth coats, three leather caps, and four silver watches, for six hundred Spanish dollars.

Full many a gem, of purest ray serene,

The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear;
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.

The firmest friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly uni

ted in the fiercest flame. A little correct knowledge is better than a multitudinous mass of loose ideas and inaccurate facts. Men, whose daily occupation is the most useful to society, are often treated with the greatest neglect. A good disposition is a great good to the possessor. A woman, virtuous, benevolent, and affectionate, will ever have worthy admirers. I am fond of female society, because it is beneficial to the feelings, and improving to the manners. This man stole my horse and your saddle. That person possesses great riches; this man is poor. His books he gave to my brother. He is wise who provides against the evil day. Envy and jealousy are ferocious and busy in proportion as their sphere of action is narrow. man to his farm, another to his merchandise. This man pursues one object, that man another.


Give me a newspaper. Give me that newspaper; give me the newspaper; give me this newspaper. This moon that rose last night, round as my shield. I am what I am. Early in the morning Cyrus made a sacrifice, during which time his army took some refreshment. Which thing I also did in Jerusalem. What did you say? What is the difference between a chestnut horse and a horse chesnut. Some of the American rivers are larger and more rapid than any of the eastern rivers. Each day brings a person nearer the grave. Every person is accoun

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