To the Reader. Hen it was told David after the defeat of Abfolom, that Ahimaaz the sonne of Zadok came running, the King said, He is a good man, and cometh with good tideings. I may truly say fo of these Sermons, and the reverend Author of them, He is a good man, and therefore we may be sure that he bringeth good tydings with him. He is a right Nathanael, a true Ifraelite, without guile, an able Preacher, a vigilant Governour, a faithfull friend, a bountifull distributer, to whom much of the Character of Aristotles magnanimous man doth exactly agree, φανερόμισο, φανερόφιλο, κλέγει, κὶ οράλει φανερῶς, παῤῥησιαςικές, ἀληθωτικός, who dares openly to love a friend, when others reject him, and openly to difprove the faults of those whom others feare and flatter. As is the man and his Communication, such is his doctrine, found, wholsome, savory, edifying, not meerly notionall and fuited onely to the fancy, but properly calculated for the Confcience and conversation, unto which the more any doctrine is fitted, the more it is according to the mind of the spirit of Chrift speaking in the Word, and to the direction of his Apostles, who used great plainnesse of speech, and such demonstration of the Spirit and power, as might manifest the truth to every mans confcience in the fight of God, who gave instruction unto others whom they had feparated to the work of the Gospell, to hold fast the wholsome forme of of found words, by found doctrine to Exhort and Convince gainsaiers, to shew in doctrine incorruptnesse, gravity, fincerity, found speech which cannot be condemned, to speak, to rebuke, to exhort with all Authority, to teach men to maintaine good workes for neceffary uses, to preach such things as are good and profitable unto men. Though I have not had opportunity to peruse all these Sermons, yet having been an hearer of many of these, and finding in those which I have read the fame even and serious spirit, and withall great variety of profitable matter, I may safely commend them to the Christian Reader as Sermons drawn according to these prescripts of the Apostle, and consequently very usefull unto publick edification, unto which all our studies, labours, and writings should be subservient. Apr. 4. 1660. Thine in our Common Lord EDWARD REYNOLDS The contents of the first Decad. SERM. I. 2. verf. 2. For I 1.Cor. COF C. The Text divided, p.3: and hand- 1 SERM. Er: 45. v. 5. And seekest thou great things for thy selfe? seek them not? Text devided, pag. 22. Severall forts of feekers, pag. 25. 26, 27, 28, 29,30. MAtth SER M. IV. Atth: 13. 45, 46. pag. 68. Again the Kingdome of Heaven is like unto a. Merchant man, seeking godly Pearles, who when hee had found one Pearle of great price, bee went and fold all that hee had & bought it. The Context opened, pag. 69.70. The Text divided, pag. 71.72. Twe Doctrines raised, pag. 73, Doct: 1. That every true Believer is a Merchant of goudly Pearles. Method propounded. 1. By illustrating the similitude in seven parti The Person seeking, P.31.32,33. Applic: Ufe 1. For expofition, pag. 34.35,36,37. Use 2 For direction in 4 Particulars, pag. 38. 39, 40, 41. Use 3 For exhortation in 4 Con-culars. pag. 73.74. 2. By applying fiderations, pag. 42. 43, 44, 45,46, | the properties of a Merchant in 6 par47,48. SERM.. III. PROV. 11. 30. Hee that winneth ticulars, p. Doct. 2. That every spirituall Merchant-venturer must sell all for the purchase of the pearle of price. p. 83. Method propounded. SERM. VI. ples, p. 83,84. 2 Provedby Pracepts rations, pag. 112. P. 84. Confirmed by 5. Reasons, p. 85, 86,87,88. 4 Applyed 1 for reproofe of ignorant, idle, covetous, profane per- fons, pag. 88, 89, 90. Use 2. For examination in 3 Queries, p. 90, 91. Use 3. For exhortation in 6 Particu-end, it shall speak and not lye : though lar duties, pag. 91, 92, 93. Use 4. 93, 94. it tarry, wait for it, because it will Surely come: it will not tarry, pag. 113. 114, 115. The Text divided and expounded, pag. 116, 117, 118. Doct. That in troublesome times when the vision is darke, and seemes to tarry, then in a peculiar manner, wee should wait upon God for the ac- complishment thereof, pag. 118. Method of handling the Doctrine. 1. What it is to wait? Anf: In Etrine is illustrated by examples, pag. 121, 122, 3. The doctrine demon- Method propounded. 1. By way of illustration, pag. 67, 98, 99. 2 The Doctrine confirmed by 4 Rea-Etrine applyed. 1. For Reproofe, pag. fons, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104. 130, 131. Use 2. For exhortation, 3 The Docirine applyed. 1 For reproof wherein 8 Propositions are commended, and Discovery of 6 forts of Persons pag. 132, 133, 134, 135. Use 3. for which will not suffer, pag. 104, 105. Direction in 6 Particulars, pag. pag. 106, 107.. Use 2 For Exami- 135, 136, 137, 138. Ufe 4. For nation in 6 Particular Notes of Try-Confolation, pag 138. Exhertation in 4 Preparatives, pag. 109, 110. Ufe - 4 For Direction in two cases. I When have wee a call to suffer. A. In three cafes, p. 110, |